суббота, 15 августа 2009 г.

The Sacred Bible: The Prophecy of Ezekiel

The Sacred Bible: The Prophecy of Ezekiel

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

[Ezechiel 1]
[Ezekiel 1]

{1:1} Et factum est in trigesimo anno, in quarto, in quinta mensis, cum essem in medio captivorum iuxta fluvium Chobar, aperti sunt cæli, et vidi visiones Dei.
{1:1} And it happened that, in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on the fifth of the month, when I was in the midst of the captives beside the river Chebar, the heavens were opened, and I saw the visions of God.

{1:2} In quinta mensis, ipse est annus quintus transmigrationis regis Ioachin,
{1:2} On the fifth of the month, the same is the fifth year of the transmigration of king Joachin,

{1:3} factum est verbum Domini ad Ezechielem filium Buzi sacerdotem in terra Chaldæorum, secus flumen Chobar: et facta est super eum ibi manus Domini.
{1:3} the word of the Lord came to Ezekiel, a priest, the son of Buzi, in the land of the Chaldeans, next to the river Chebar. And the hand of the Lord was over him there.

{1:4} Et vidi, et ecce ventus turbinis veniebat ab Aquilone: et nubes magna, et ignis involvens, et splendor in circuitu eius: et de medio eius quasi species electri, id est, de medio ignis:
{1:4} And I saw, and behold, a whirlwind arrived from the north. And a great cloud, wrapped in fire and brightness, was all around it. And from its midst, that is, from the midst of the fire, there was something with the appearance of amber.

{1:5} et in medio eius similitudo quattuor animalium: et hic aspectus eorum, similitudo hominis in eis.
{1:5} And in its midst, there was the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance: the likeness of a man was in them.

{1:6} Quattuor facies uni, et quattuor pennæ uni.
{1:6} Each one had four faces, and each one had four wings.

{1:7} Pedes eorum pedes recti, et planta pedis eorum quasi planta pedis vituli, et scintillæ quasi aspectus æris candentis.
{1:7} Their feet were straight feet, and the sole of their foot was like the sole of the foot of a calf, and they sparkled with the appearance of glowing brass.

{1:8} Et manus hominis sub pennis eorum in quattuor partibus: et facies, et pennas per quattuor partes habebant.
{1:8} And they had the hands of a man under their wings on the four sides. And they had faces with the wings on the four sides.

{1:9} Iunctæque erant pennæ eorum alterius ad alterum. Non revertebantur cum incederent: sed unumquodque ante faciem suam gradiebatur.
{1:9} And their wings were joined to one another. They did not turn as they went. Instead, each one advanced before his face.

{1:10} Similitudo autem vultus eorum: facies hominis, et facies leonis a dextris ipsorum quattuor: facies autem bovis, a sinistris ipsorum quattuor, et facies aquilæ desuper ipsorum quattuor.
{1:10} But as for the likeness of their face, there was the face of a man, and the face of a lion on the right of each of the four, then the face of an ox on the left of each of the four, and the face of an eagle above each of the four.

{1:11} Facies eorum, et pennæ eorum extentæ desuper: duæ pennæ singulorum iungebantur, et duæ tegebant corpora eorum:
{1:11} Their faces and their wings were extended above: two wings of each one were joined together, and two covered their bodies.

{1:12} et unumquodque eorum coram facie sua ambulabat: ubi erat impetus spiritus, illuc gradiebantur, nec revertebantur cum ambularent.
{1:12} And each one of them advanced before his face. Wherever the impetus of the spirit was to go, there they went. And they did not turn as they advanced.

{1:13} Et similitudo animalium, aspectus eorum quasi carbonum ignis ardentium, et quasi aspectus lampadarum. Hæc erat visio discurrens in medio animalium, splendor ignis, et de igne fulgur egrediens.
{1:13} And as for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like that of burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps. This was the vision dashing in the midst of the living creatures, a bright fire, with lightning going forth from the fire.

{1:14} Et animalia ibant, et revertebantur in similitudinem fulguris coruscantis.
{1:14} And the living creatures went and returned like flashes of lightning.

{1:15} Cumque aspicerem animalia, apparuit rota una super terram iuxta animalia, habens quattuor facies.
{1:15} And as I beheld the living creatures, there appeared above the earth, next to the living creatures, one wheel having four faces.

{1:16} Et aspectus rotarum, et opus earum, quasi visio maris: et una similitudo ipsarum quattuor: et aspectus earum et opera, quasi sit rota in medio rotæ.
{1:16} And the appearance of the wheels and their work was like the appearance of the sea. And each of the four were similar to one another. And their appearance and work was like a wheel in the center of a wheel.

{1:17} Per quattuor partes earum euntes ibant: et non revertebantur cum ambularent.
{1:17} Going forth, they went by means of their four parts. And they did not turn as they went.

~ The wheels were turning, but the whole did not turn to the right or to the left, since it had a face in each of four directions.

{1:18} Statura quoque erat rotis, et altitudo, et horribilis aspectus: et totum corpus oculis plenum in circuitu ipsarum quattuor.
{1:18} Also, the size and height and appearance of the wheels was dreadful. And the entire body was full of eyes all around each of the four.

{1:19} Cumque ambularent animalia, ambulabant pariter et rotæ iuxta ea: et cum elevarentur animalia de terra, elevabantur simul et rotæ.
{1:19} And when the living creatures advanced, the wheels advanced together with them. And when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels, too, were lifted up at the same time.

{1:20} Quocumque ibat spiritus, illuc eunte spiritu, et rotæ pariter elevabantur, sequentes eum. Spiritus enim vitæ erat in rotis.
{1:20} Wherever the spirit went, as the spirit was going forth to that place, the wheels, too, were lifted up together, so as to follow them. For the spirit of life was in the wheels.

{1:21} Cum euntibus ibant, et cum stantibus stabant: et cum elevatis a terra, pariter elevabantur et rotæ, sequentes ea: quia spiritus vitæ erat in rotis.
{1:21} When going forth, they went forth, and when standing still, they stood still. And when they were lifted up from the earth, the wheels, too, were lifted up together, so as to follow them. For the spirit of life was in the wheels.

{1:22} Et similitudo super capita animalium firmamenti, quasi aspectus crystalli horribilis, et extenti super capita eorum desuper.
{1:22} And above the heads of the living creatures was the likeness of a firmament: similar to crystal, but dreadful to behold, and extending over their heads from above.

{1:23} Sub firmamento autem pennæ eorum rectæ alterius ad alterum: unumquodque duabus alis velabat corpus suum, et alterum similiter velabatur.
{1:23} And their wings were straight under the firmament, one toward the other. One of them was covered by two wings on his body, and the other was covered similarly.

{1:24} Et audiebam sonum alarum, quasi sonum aquarum multarum, quasi sonum sublimis Dei: cum ambularent quasi sonus erat multitudinis ut sonus castrorum. Cumque starent, demittebantur pennæ eorum.
{1:24} And I heard the sound of their wings, like the sound of many waters, like the sound of the sublime God. When they walked, it was like the sound of a multitude, like the sound of an army. And when they stood still, their wings were let down.

{1:25} Nam cum fieret vox super firmamentum, quod erat super caput eorum, stabant, et submittebant alas suas.
{1:25} For when a voice came from above the firmament, which was over their heads, they stood still, and they put down their wings.

{1:26} Et super firmamentum, quod erat imminens capiti eorum, quasi aspectus lapidis sapphiri similitudo throni: et super similitudinem throni similitudo quasi aspectus hominis desuper.
{1:26} And above the firmament, which was suspended over their heads, there was the likeness of a throne, with the appearance of the sapphire stone. And over the likeness of the throne, there was a likeness with the appearance of a man above it.

{1:27} Et vidi quasi speciem electri, velut aspectum ignis, intrinsecus eius per circuitum: a lumbis eius et desuper, et a lumbis eius usque deorsum, vidi quasi speciem ignis splendentis in circuitu:
{1:27} And I saw something with the appearance of amber, with the likeness of fire within it and all around it. And from his waist and upward, and from his waist downward, I saw something with the appearance of fire shining all around.

{1:28} Velut aspectum arcus cum fuerit in nube in die pluviæ. Hic erat aspectus splendoris per gyrum.
{1:28} There was the appearance of the rainbow, as when it is in a cloud on a rainy day. This was the appearance of the splendor on every side.

[Ezechiel 2]
[Ezekiel 2]

{2:1} Hæc visio similitudinis gloriæ Domini. Et vidi, et cecidi in faciem meam, et audivi vocem loquentis. Et dixit ad me: Fili hominis sta super pedes tuos, et loquar tecum.
{2:1} This was the vision of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. And I saw, and I fell on my face, and I heard the voice of someone speaking. And he said to me: “Son of man, stand on your feet, and I will speak with you.”

{2:2} Et ingressus est in me Spiritus postquam locutus est mihi, et statuit me supra pedes meos: et audivi loquentem ad me,
{2:2} And after this was spoken to me, the Spirit entered into me, and he set me on my feet. And I heard him speaking to me,

{2:3} et dicentem: Fili hominis, mitto ego te ad filios Israel, ad gentes apostatrices, quæ recesserunt a me: ipsi et patres eorum prævaricati sunt pactum meum usque ad diem hanc.
{2:3} and saying: “Son of man, I am sending you to the sons of Israel, to an apostate nation, which has withdrawn from me. They and their fathers have betrayed my covenant, even to this day.

{2:4} Et filii dura facie, et indomabili corde sunt, ad quos ego mitto te: et dices ad eos: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus:
{2:4} And those to whom I am sending you are sons with a hard face and an unyielding heart. And you shall say to them: ‘Thus says the Lord God.’

{2:5} Si forte vel ipsi audiant, et si forte quiescant, quoniam domus exasperans est: et scient quia propheta fuerit in medio eorum.
{2:5} Perhaps it may be that they will hear, and perhaps they may be quieted. For they are a provoking house. And they shall know that there has been a prophet in their midst.

{2:6} Tu ergo fili hominis ne timeas eos, neque sermones eorum metuas: quoniam increduli, et subversores sunt tecum, et cum scorpionibus habitas. Verba eorum ne timeas, et vultus eorum ne formides: quia domus exasperans est.
{2:6} But as for you, son of man, you should not fear them, and you should not dread their words. For you are among unbelievers and subversives, and you are living with scorpions. You should not fear their words, and you should not dread their faces. For they are a provoking house.

{2:7} Loqueris ergo verba mea ad eos, si forte audiant, et quiescant: quoniam irritatores sunt.
{2:7} Therefore, you shall speak my words to them, so that perhaps they may hear and be quieted. For they are provoking.

{2:8} Tu autem fili hominis audi quæcumque loquor ad te: et noli esse exasperans sicut domus exasperatrix est: aperi os tuum et comede quæcumque ego do tibi.
{2:8} But as for you, son of man, listen to all that I say to you. And do not choose to be provoking, as that house is a provoker. Open your mouth, and eat whatever I give to you.”

{2:9} Et vidi, et ecce manus missa ad me, in qua erat involutus liber: et expandit illum coram me, qui erat scriptus intus, et foris: et scriptæ erant in eo lamentationes, et carmen, et væ.
{2:9} And I looked, and behold: a hand was put forth toward me; there was a scroll rolled up in it. And he spread it out before me, and there was writing on the inside and on the outside. And there were written in it lamentations, and verses, and woes.

[Ezechiel 3]
[Ezekiel 3]

{3:1} Et dixit ad me: Fili hominis quodcumque inveneris comede: comede volumen istud, et vadens loquere ad filios Israel.
{3:1} And he said to me: “Son of man, eat whatever you will find; eat this scroll, and, going forth, speak to the sons of Israel.”

{3:2} Et aperui os meum, et cibavit me volumine illo:
{3:2} And I opened my mouth, and he fed me that scroll.

{3:3} et dixit ad me: Fili hominis venter tuus comedet, et viscera tua complebuntur volumine isto, quod ego do tibi. Et comedi illud: et factum est in ore meo sicut mel dulce.
{3:3} And he said to me: “Son of man, your stomach shall eat, and your interior shall be filled with this scroll, which I am giving to you.” And I ate it, and in my mouth it became as sweet as honey.

{3:4} Et dixit ad me: Fili hominis vade ad domum Israel, et loqueris verba mea ad eos.
{3:4} And he said to me: “Son of man, go to the house of Israel, and you shall speak my words to them.

{3:5} Non enim ad populum profundi sermonis, et ignotæ linguæ tu mitteris ad domum Israel:
{3:5} For you will be sent, not to a people of profound words or of an unknown language, but to the house of Israel,

{3:6} neque ad populos multos profundi sermonis, et ignotæ linguæ, quorum non possis audire sermones: et si ad illos mittereris, ipsi audirent te.
{3:6} and not to many peoples of profound words or of an unknown language, whose words you would not be able to understand. But if you were sent to them, they would listen to you.

{3:7} Domus autem Israel nolunt audire te: quia nolunt audire me. Omnis quippe domus Israel attrita fronte est, et duro corde.
{3:7} Yet the house of Israel is not willing to listen to you. For they are not willing to listen to me. Certainly, the entire house of Israel has a brazen forehead and a hardened heart.

{3:8} Ecce dedi faciem tuam valentiorem faciebus eorum, et frontem tuam duriorem frontibus eorum.
{3:8} Behold, I have made your face stronger than their faces, and your forehead harder than their foreheads.

{3:9} Ut adamantem, et ut silicem dedi faciem tuam: ne timeas eos, neque metuas a facie eorum: quia domus exasperans est.
{3:9} I have made your face like hardened iron and like flint. You should not fear them, and you should not have dread before their face. For they are a provoking house.”

{3:10} Et dixit ad me: Fili hominis omnes sermones meos, quos ego loquor ad te, assume in corde tuo, et auribus tuis audi:
{3:10} And he said to me: “Son of man, listen with your ears, and take into your heart, all my words, which I am speaking to you.

{3:11} Et vade ingredere ad transmigrationem, ad filios populi tui, et loqueris ad eos, et dices eis: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: si forte audiant, et quiescant.
{3:11} And go forth and enter to those of the transmigration, to the sons of your people. And you shall speak to them. And you shall say to them: ‘Thus says the Lord God.’ Perhaps it may be that they will listen and be quieted.”

{3:12} Et assumpsit me Spiritus, et audivi post me vocem commotionis magnæ: Benedicta gloria Domini de loco suo,
{3:12} And the Spirit took me up, and I heard behind me the voice of a great commotion, saying, “Blessed is the glory of the Lord from his place,”

{3:13} et vocem alarum animalium percutientium alteram ad alteram, et vocem rotarum sequentium animalia, et vocem commotionis magnæ.
{3:13} and the voice of the wings of the living creatures striking against one another, and the voice of the wheels following the living creatures, and the voice of a great commotion.

{3:14} Spiritus quoque levavit me, et assumpsit me: et abii amarus in indignatione spiritus mei: manus enim Domini erat mecum, confortans me.
{3:14} Then the Spirit lifted me and took me away. And I went forth in bitterness, with the indignation of my spirit. For the hand of the Lord was with me, strengthening me.

{3:15} Et veni ad transmigrationem, ad acervum novarum frugum, ad eos, qui habitabant iuxta flumen Chobar, et sedi ubi illi sedebant: et mansi ibi septem diebus mœrens in medio eorum.
{3:15} And I went to those of the transmigration, to the stockpile of new crops, to those who were living beside the river Chebar. And I sat where they were sitting. And I remained there for seven days, while mourning in their midst.

{3:16} Cum autem pertransissent septem dies, factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
{3:16} Then, when seven days had passed, the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{3:17} Fili hominis speculatorem dedi te domui Israel: et audies de ore meo verbum, et annunciabis eis ex me.
{3:17} “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel. And so, you shall listen to the word from my mouth, and you shall announce it to them from me.

{3:18} Si dicente me ad impium: Morte morieris: non annunciaveris ei, neque locutus fueris ut avertatur a via sua impia, et vivat: ipse impius in iniquitate sua morietur, sanguinem autem eius de manu tua requiram.
{3:18} If, when I say to the impious man, ‘You shall certainly die,’ you do not announce it to him, and you do not speak so that he may turn aside from his impious way and live, then the same impious man will die in his iniquity. But I will attribute his blood to your hand.

~ This is an example of a sin of omission.

{3:19} Si autem tu annunciaveris impio, et ille non fuerit conversus ab impietate sua, et a via sua impia: ipse quidem in iniquitate sua morietur, tu autem animam tuam liberasti.
{3:19} But if you announce it to the impious man, and he is not converted from his impiety and from his impious way, then indeed he will die in his iniquity. But you will have delivered your own soul.

{3:20} Sed et si conversus iustus a iustitia sua fuerit, et fecerit iniquitatem: ponam offendiculum coram eo, ipse morietur, quia non annunciasti ei: in peccato suo morietur, et non erunt in memoria iustitiæ eius, quas fecit: sanguinem vero eius de manu tua requiram.
{3:20} Moreover, if the just man turns aside from his justice and commits iniquity, I will place a stumbling block before him. He shall die, because you have not announced to him. He shall die in his sin, and his justices that he did shall not be remembered. Yet truly, I will attribute his blood to your hand.

{3:21} Si autem tu annunciaveris iusto ut non peccet iustus, et ille non peccaverit: vivens vivet, quia annunciasti ei, et tu animam tuam liberasti.
{3:21} But if you announce to the just man, so that the just man may not sin, and he does not sin, then he shall certainly live, because you have announced to him. And you will have delivered your own soul.”

{3:22} Et facta est super me manus Domini, et dixit ad me: Surgens egredere in campum, et ibi loquar tecum.
{3:22} And the hand of the Lord was over me. And he said to me: “Rise up, and go out to the plain, and there I will speak with you.”

{3:23} Et surgens egressus sum in campum: et ecce ibi gloria Domini stabat quasi gloria, quam vidi iuxta fluvium Chobar: et cecidi in faciem meam.
{3:23} And I rose up, and I went out to the plain. And behold, the glory of the Lord was standing there, like the glory that I saw beside the river Chebar. And I fell upon my face.

{3:24} Et ingressus est in me Spiritus, et statuit me super pedes meos: et locutus est mihi, et dixit ad me: Ingredere, et includere in medio domus tuæ.
{3:24} And the Spirit entered into me, and set me upon my feet. And he spoke to me, and he said to me: “Enter and enclose yourself in the midst of your house.

{3:25} Et tu fili hominis, ecce data sunt super te vincula, et ligabunt te in eis: et non egredieris de medio eorum.
{3:25} And as for you, son of man, behold: they shall put chains upon you and bind you with them. And you shall not go out from their midst.

{3:26} Et linguam tuam adhærere faciam palato tuo, et eris mutus, nec quasi vir obiurgans: quia domus exasperans est.
{3:26} And I will cause your tongue to adhere to the roof of your mouth. And you will be mute, not like a man who reproaches. For they are a provoking house.

{3:27} Cum autem locutus fuero tibi, aperiam os tuum, et dices ad eos: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Qui audit, audiat: et qui quiescit, quiescat: quia domus exasperans est.
{3:27} But when I will speak to you, I will open your mouth, and you shall say to them: ‘Thus says the Lord God.’ Whoever is listening, let him hear. And whoever is quieted, let him be quieted. For they are a provoking house.”

[Ezechiel 4]
[Ezekiel 4]

{4:1} Et tu fili hominis, sume tibi laterem, et pones eum coram te: et describes in eo civitatem Ierusalem.
{4:1} “And as for you, son of man, take up for yourself a tablet, and you shall set it before you. And you shall draw upon it the city of Jerusalem.

{4:2} Et ordinabis adversus eam obsidionem, et ædificabis munitiones, et comportabis aggerem, et dabis contra eam castra, et pones arietes in gyro.
{4:2} And you shall set up a blockade against it, and you shall build fortifications, and you shall put together a rampart, and you shall encamp opposite it, and you shall place battering rams around it.

{4:3} Et tu sume tibi sartaginem ferream, et pones eam in murum ferreum inter te, et inter civitatem: et obfirmabis faciem tuam ad eam, et erit in obsidionem, et circumdabis eam: signum est domui Israel.
{4:3} And you shall take up for yourself an iron frying pan, and place it as an iron wall between you and the city. And harden your face against it, and it shall be under a siege, and you shall surround it. This is a sign to the house of Israel.

{4:4} Et tu dormies super latus tuum sinistrum, et pones iniquitates domus Israel super eo numero dierum, quibus dormies super illud, et assumes iniquitatem eorum.
{4:4} And you shall sleep on your left side. And you shall place the iniquities of the house of Israel on it by the number of days that you will sleep on it. And you shall take upon yourself their iniquity.

{4:5} Ego autem dedi tibi annos iniquitatis eorum, numero dierum trecentos et nonaginta dies: et portabis iniquitatem domus Israel.
{4:5} For I have given to you the years of their iniquity, by the number of the days: three hundred and ninety days. And you shall bear the iniquity of the house of Israel.

~ Three hundred and ninety years is the exact length of time from the end of the first part of the tribulation, in early 2040 A.D. to the beginning of the Antichrist’s rise to world domination in 2430 A.D.

{4:6} Et cum compleveris hæc, dormies super latus tuum dexterum secundo: et assumes iniquitatem domus Iuda quadraginta diebus. Diem pro anno, diem, inquam, pro anno dedi tibi.
{4:6} And when you will have completed this, you shall sleep a second time, on your right side, and you shall assume the iniquity of the house of Judah for forty days: one day for each year; one day, I say, for each year, have I given to you.

~ The Forty Years is from the Jubilee year of 2000 A.D. to the end of the first part of the tribulation in early 2040. The year 2000 is also the beginning of the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary (in the messages to Fr. Gobbi). So from 2000 to 2040 is the Forty Years; then from 2040 to 2430 is the 390 years. Then the Antichrist rises to world domination (2430/2431), and he reigns for nearly seven years, from 2431 to 2437. And then Jesus Christ returns in 2437 A.D. This entire time period, from 2000 to 2437 A.D., is like a siege of the Christian Faith (represented by the figures of Israel and Judah and Jerusalem).

{4:7} Et ad obsidionem Ierusalem convertes faciem tuam, et brachium tuum erit extentum: et prophetabis adversus eam.
{4:7} And you shall turn your face toward the siege of Jerusalem, and your arm shall be extended. And you shall prophesy against it.

{4:8} Ecce circumdedi te vinculis: et non te convertes a latere tuo in latus aliud, donec compleas dies obsidionis tuæ.
{4:8} Behold, I have surrounded you with chains. And you shall not turn yourself from one side to the other side, until you have completed the days of your siege.

{4:9} Et tu sume tibi frumentum, et hordeum, et fabam, et lentem, et milium, et viciam: et mittes ea in vas unum, et facies tibi panes numero dierum, quibus dormies super latus tuum: trecentis et nonaginta diebus comedes illud.
{4:9} And you shall take for yourself wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentils, and millet, and vetch. And you shall set them in one vessel, and you shall make for yourself bread by the number of days that you will sleep upon your side: three hundred and ninety days shall you shall eat from it.

{4:10} Cibus autem tuus, quo vesceris, erit in pondere viginti stateres in die: a tempore usque ad tempus comedes illud.
{4:10} But your food, which you will eat, shall be in weight twenty staters a day. You shall eat it from time to time.

~ A stater weighed about a half ounce; Ezekiel was to eat it ‘from time to time,’ i.e. he was to divide each day’s food allotment into two meals.

{4:11} Et aquam in mensura bibes, sextam partem hin: a tempore usque ad tempus bibes illud.
{4:11} And you shall drink water by measure, one sixth part of a hin. You shall drink it from time to time.

{4:12} Et quasi subcinericium hordeaceum comedes illud: et stercore, quod egreditur de homine, operies illud in oculis eorum.
{4:12} And you shall eat it like barley bread baked under ashes. And you shall cover it, in their sight, with the dung that goes out of a man.”

{4:13} Et dixit Dominus: Sic comedent filii Israel panem suum pollutum inter Gentes, ad quas eiiciam eos.
{4:13} And the Lord said: “So shall the sons of Israel eat their bread, polluted among the Gentiles, to whom I will cast them out.”

{4:14} Et dixi: A, a, a, Domine Deus, ecce anima mea non est polluta, et morticinum, et laceratum a bestiis non comedi ab infantia mea usque nunc, et non est ingressa in os meum omnis caro immunda.
{4:14} And I said: “Alas, alas, alas, O Lord God! Behold, my soul has not been polluted, and from my infancy even until now, I have not eaten anything that has died of itself, nor that which has been torn up by beasts, and no unclean flesh at all has entered into my mouth.”

{4:15} Et dixit ad me: Ecce dedi tibi fimum boum pro stercoribus humanis: et facies panem tuum in eo.
{4:15} And he said to me: “Behold, I have given to you cow manure in place of human dung, and you shall make your bread with it.”

{4:16} Et dixit ad me: Fili hominis: Ecce ego conteram baculum panis in Ierusalem: et comedent panem in pondere, et in solicitudine: et aquam in mensura, et in angustia bibent:
{4:16} And he said to me: “Son of man, behold: I will crush the staff of bread in Jerusalem. And they will eat bread by weight and with anxiety. And they will drink water by measure and with anguish.

{4:17} Ut deficientibus pane et aqua, corruat unusquisque ad fratrem suum: et contabescant in iniquitatibus suis.
{4:17} So then, when bread and water fail, each one may fall against his brother. And they shall waste away in their iniquities.”

[Ezechiel 5]
[Ezekiel 5]

{5:1} Et tu fili hominis sume tibi gladium acutum, radentem pilos: et assumes eum, et duces per caput tuum, et per barbam tuam: et assumes tibi stateram ponderis, et divides eos.
{5:1} “And as for you, son of man, obtain for yourself a sharp knife for shaving hair, and you shall take it and draw it across your head and across your beard. And you shall obtain for yourself a balance for weighing, and you shall divide the hair.

{5:2} Tertiam partem igni combures in medio civitatis, iuxta completionem dierum obsidionis: et assumes tertiam partem, et concides gladio in circuitu eius: tertiam vero aliam disperges in ventum, et gladium nudabo post eos.
{5:2} A third part you shall burn with fire in the midst of the city, according to the completion of the days of the siege. And you shall take a third part, and you shall cut it with the knife all around. Yet truly, the other third, you shall scatter to the wind, for I will unsheathe the sword after them.

{5:3} Et sumes inde parvum numerum: et ligabis eos in summitate pallii tui.
{5:3} And you shall take from there a small number. And you shall bind them in the end of your cloak.

{5:4} Et ex eis rursum tolles, et proiicies eos in medio ignis, et combures eos igni: et ex eo egredietur ignis in omnem domum Israel.
{5:4} And again, you shall take from them, and you shall throw them into the midst of the fire, and you shall burn them with fire. And from it, there shall go forth a fire to the entire house of Israel.”

{5:5} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ista est Ierusalem, in medio Gentium posui eam, et in circuitu eius terras.
{5:5} Thus says the Lord God: “This is Jerusalem. I have placed her in the midst of the Gentiles and of the lands all around her.

{5:6} Et contempsit iudicia mea, ut plus esset impia quam Gentes: et præcepta mea ultra quam terræ, quæ in circuitu eius sunt. Iudicia enim mea proiecerunt, et in præceptis meis non ambulaverunt.
{5:6} And she has despised my judgments, so as to be more impious than the Gentiles, and my precepts, more so than the lands that are all around her. For they have cast aside my judgments, and they have not walked in my precepts.”

{5:7} Idcirco hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Quia superastis Gentes, quæ in circuitu vestro sunt, et in præceptis meis non ambulastis, et iudicia mea non fecistis, et iuxta iudicia Gentium, quæ in circuitu vestro sunt, non estis operati;
{5:7} For this reason, thus says the Lord God: “Since you have surpassed the Gentiles who are all around you, and have not walked in my precepts, and have not accomplished my judgments, and have not even acted in accord with the judgments of the Gentiles who are all around you:

{5:8} Ideo hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego ad te, et ipse ego faciam in medio tui iudicia in oculis Gentium.
{5:8} therefore, thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am against you, and I myself will accomplish judgments in your midst, in the sight of the Gentiles.

{5:9} Et faciam in te quod non feci, et quibus similia ultra non faciam propter omnes abominationes tuas.
{5:9} And I will do in you what I have not done before, and the likes of which I will not do again, because of all your abominations.

{5:10} Ideo patres comedent filios in medio tui, et filii comedent patres suos, et faciam in te iudicia, et ventilabo universas reliquias tuas in omnem ventum.
{5:10} Therefore, the fathers shall consume the sons in your midst, and the sons shall consume their fathers. And I will execute judgments in you, and I will winnow your entire remnant in every wind.

{5:11} Idcirco vivo ego, dicit Dominus Deus: Nisi pro eo quod sanctum meum violasti in omnibus offensionibus tuis, et in cunctis abominationibus tuis: ego quoque confringam, et non parcet oculus meus, et non miserebor.
{5:11} Therefore, as I myself live says the Lord God, because you have violated my sanctuary with all your offenses and with all your abominations, I also will break into pieces, and my eye will not be lenient, and I will not take pity.

{5:12} Tertia pars tui peste morietur, et fame consumetur in medio tui: et tertia pars tui in gladio cadet in circuitu tuo: tertiam vero partem tuam in omnem ventum dispergam, et gladium evaginabo post eos.
{5:12} One third part of you will die by pestilence or be consumed by famine in your midst. And one third part of you will fall by the sword all around you. Yet truly, one third part of you I will scatter to every wind, and I will unsheathe the sword after them.

{5:13} Et complebo furorem meum, et requiescere faciam indignationem meam in eis, et consolabor: et scient quia ego Dominus locutus sum in zelo meo, cum implevero indignationem meam in eis.
{5:13} And I will fulfill my fury, and I will cause my indignation to rest upon them, and I will be consoled. And they shall know that I, the Lord, have spoken in my zeal, when I will have fulfilled my indignation in them.

{5:14} Et dabo te in desertum, et in opprobrium Gentibus, quæ in circuitu tuo sunt, in conspectu omnis prætereuntis.
{5:14} And I will make you desolate, and a disgrace among the Gentiles, who are all around you, in the sight of all who pass by.

{5:15} Et eris opprobrium, et blasphemia, exemplum, et stupor in Gentibus, quæ in circuitu tuo sunt, cum fecero in te iudicia in furore, et in indignatione, et in increpationibus iræ.
{5:15} And you shall be a disgrace and a blasphemy, an example and an astonishment, among the Gentiles, who are all around you, when I will have executed judgments in you, in fury and in indignation and with rebukes of wrath.

{5:16} Ego Dominus locutus sum: Quando misero sagittas famis pessimas in eos: quæ erunt mortiferæ, et quas mittam ut disperdam vos: et famem congregabo super vos, et conteram in vobis baculum panis.
{5:16} I, the Lord, have spoken. At that time, I will send among them the most grievous arrows of famine, which shall bring death, and which I will send so that I may destroy you. And I will gather a famine over you, and I will crush the staff of bread among you.

{5:17} Et immittam in vos famem, et bestias pessimas usque ad internecionem: et pestilentia, et sanguis transibunt per te, et gladium inducam super te. Ego Dominus locutus sum.
{5:17} And I will send among you famine and very harmful beasts, even unto utter ruin. And pestilence and blood shall pass through you. And I will bring the sword over you. I, the Lord, have spoken.”

[Ezechiel 6]
[Ezekiel 6]

{6:1} Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
{6:1} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{6:2} Fili hominis pone faciem tuam ad montes Israel, et prophetabis ad eos,
{6:2} “Son of man, set your face toward the mountains of Israel, and you shall prophesy against them,

{6:3} et dices: Montes Israel audite verbum Domini Dei: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus montibus, et collibus, rupibus, et vallibus: Ecce ego inducam super vos gladium, et disperdam excelsa vestra,
{6:3} and you shall say: O mountains of Israel, listen to the word of the Lord God! Thus says the Lord God to the mountains and hills and cliffs and valleys: Behold, I will lead over you the sword. And I will destroy your exalted places.

{6:4} et demoliar aras vestras, et confringentur simulachra vestra: et deiiciam interfectos vestros ante idola vestra.
{6:4} And I will demolish your altars. And your graven images will be broken apart. And I will throw down your slain before your idols.

{6:5} Et dabo cadavera filiorum Israel ante faciem simulachrorum vestrorum: et dispergam ossa vestra circum aras vestras.
{6:5} And I will lay the dead bodies of the sons of Israel before the face of your idols. And I will scatter your bones around your altars.

{6:6} In omnibus habitationibus vestris, urbes desertæ erunt, et excelsa demolientur, et dissipabuntur: et interibunt aræ vestræ, et confringentur: et cessabunt idola vestra, et conterentur delubra vestra, et delebuntur opera vestra.
{6:6} In all of your habitations, the cities will be made desolate, and the exalted places will be torn down and scattered. And your altars will be broken and destroyed. And your idols will cease to exist. And your shrines will be crushed. And your works will be wiped away.

{6:7} Et cadet interfectus in medio vestri: et scietis quia ego sum Dominus.
{6:7} And the slain will fall in your midst. And you shall know that I am the Lord.

{6:8} Et relinquam in vobis eos, qui fugerint gladium in Gentibus, cum dispersero vos in terris.
{6:8} And I will leave among you those who will escape the sword among the Gentiles, when I will have dispersed you upon the earth.

{6:9} Et recordabuntur mei liberati vestri in Gentibus, ad quas captivi ducti sunt: quia contrivi cor eorum fornicans, et recedens a me; et oculos eorum fornicantes post idola sua: et displicebunt sibimet super malis quæ fecerunt in universis abominationibus suis.
{6:9} And your liberated shall remember me among the nations to which they were led away as captives. For I have crushed their heart, which fornicated and withdrew from me, and their eyes, which fornicated after their idols. And they will be displeased with themselves over the evils that they have done by all their abominations.

{6:10} Et scient quia ego Dominus non frustra locutus sum ut facerem eis malum hoc.
{6:10} And they shall know that I, the Lord, have not spoken in vain, that I would do this evil to them.”

{6:11} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Percute manum tuam, et allide pedem tuum, et dic: Heu! ad omnes abominationes malorum domus Israel: quia gladio, fame, et peste ruituri sunt.
{6:11} Thus says the Lord God: “Strike with your hand, and stomp with your foot, and say: ‘Alas, to all the abominations of the evils of the house of Israel!’ For they will fall by the sword, by famine, and by pestilence.

{6:12} Qui longe est, peste morietur: qui autem prope, gladio corruet: et qui relictus fuerit, et obsessus, fame morietur: et complebo indignationem meam in eis.
{6:12} Whoever is far away will die of pestilence. But whoever is near will fall by the sword. And whoever remains and is besieged will die by famine. And I will fulfill my indignation among them.

{6:13} Et scietis quia ego Dominus, cum fuerint interfecti vestri in medio idolorum vestrorum in circuitu ararum vestrarum, in omni colle excelso, et in cunctis summitatibus montium, et subtus omne lignum nemorosum, et subtus universam quercum frondosam, locum ubi accenderunt thura redolentia universis idolis suis.
{6:13} And you shall know that I am the Lord, when your slain will be in the midst of your idols, all around your altars, on every exalted hill, and on the summits of all the mountains, and under every dense tree, and under every leafy oak: the places where they burned sweet-smelling incense to all their idols.

{6:14} Et extendam manum meam super eos: et faciam terram desolatam, et destitutam a deserto Deblatha in omnibus habitationibus eorum: et scient quia ego Dominus.
{6:14} And I will extend my hand over them. And I will make the earth desolate and destitute: from the desert of Riblah to all their dwelling places. And they shall know that I am the Lord.”

[Ezechiel 7]
[Ezekiel 7]

{7:1} Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
{7:1} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{7:2} Et tu fili hominis, hæc dicit Dominus Deus terræ Israel: Finis venit, venit finis super quattuor plagas terræ.
{7:2} “And as for you, son of man: Thus says the Lord God to the land of Israel: The end is coming, the end is coming, over the four regions of the earth.

{7:3} Nunc finis super te, et immittam furorem meum in te: et iudicabo te iuxta vias tuas: et ponam contra te omnes abominationes tuas.
{7:3} Now the end is over you, and I will send my fury upon you. And I will judge you according to your ways. And I will place all your abominations before you.

{7:4} Et non parcet oculus meus super te, et non miserebor: sed vias tuas ponam super te, et abominationes tuæ in medio tui erunt: et scietis quia ego Dominus.
{7:4} And my eye will not be lenient over you, and I will not take pity. Instead, I will set your ways upon you, and your abominations will be in your midst. And you shall know that I am the Lord.”

{7:5} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Afflictio una, afflictio ecce venit.
{7:5} Thus says the Lord God: “One affliction, behold, one affliction is approaching.

{7:6} Finis venit, venit finis, evigilavit adversum te: ecce venit.
{7:6} The end is coming, the end is coming. It has been vigilant against you. Behold, it is approaching.

{7:7} Venit contritio super te, qui habitas in terra: venit tempus, prope est dies occisionis, et non gloriæ montium.
{7:7} Destruction is coming over you, who live upon the earth. The time is approaching, the day of slaughter is near, and it is not of the glory of the mountains.

{7:8} Nunc de propinquo effundam iram meam super te, et complebo furorem meum in te: et iudicabo te iuxta vias tuas, et imponam tibi omnia scelera tua:
{7:8} Now, very soon, I will pour out my wrath upon you, and I will fulfill my fury in you. And I will judge you according to your ways, and I will set upon you all your crimes.

{7:9} Et non parcet oculus meus, nec miserebor, sed vias tuas imponam tibi, et abominationes tuæ in medio tui erunt: et scietis quia ego sum Dominus percutiens.
{7:9} And my eye will not be lenient, nor will I take pity. Instead, I will place your ways upon you, and your abominations will be in your midst. And you shall know that I am the Lord, who is striking.

{7:10} Ecce dies, ecce venit: egressa est contritio, floruit virga, germinavit superbia:
{7:10} Behold, the day! Behold, it approaches! Destruction has gone forth, the rod has blossomed, arrogance has germinated.

{7:11} Iniquitas surrexit in virga impietatis: non ex eis, et non ex populo, neque ex sonitu eorum: et non erit requies in eis.
{7:11} Iniquity has risen up into a rod of impiety. There shall be nothing left of them, and of their people, and of the sound of them. And there shall be no rest for them.

{7:12} Venit tempus, appropinquavit dies: qui emit, non lætetur: et qui vendit, non lugeat: quia ira super omnem populum eius.
{7:12} The time is approaching; the day is very near. Whoever buys should not rejoice. And whoever sells should not mourn. For wrath is over all of their people.

{7:13} Quia qui vendit, ad id, quod vendidit, non revertetur, et adhuc in viventibus vita eorum. Visio enim ad omnem multitudinem eius non regredietur: et vir in iniquitate vitæ suæ non confortabitur.
{7:13} For whoever sells will not return to what he has sold, but as yet their life will be among the living. For the vision concerning their entire multitude will not turn back. And man will not be strengthened in the iniquity of his life.

{7:14} Canite tuba, præparentur omnes, et non est qui vadat ad prælium: ira enim mea super universum populum eius.
{7:14} Sound the trumpet! Let everyone be prepared! And yet there is no one who may go to battle. For my wrath is over all their people.

{7:15} Gladium foris: et pestis, et fames intrinsecus: qui in agro est, gladio morietur: et qui in civitate, pestilentia, et fame devorabuntur.
{7:15} The sword is outside, and the pestilence and the famine are inside. Whoever is in the field will die by the sword. And whoever is in the city will be devoured by the pestilence and the famine.

{7:16} Et salvabuntur qui fugerint ex eis: et erunt in montibus quasi columbæ convallium omnes trepidi, unusquisque in iniquitate sua.
{7:16} And those who flee from among them will be saved. And they will be among the mountains, like doves in steep valleys, with everyone of them trembling, each one because of his iniquity.

{7:17} Omnes manus dissolventur, et omnia genua fluent aquis.
{7:17} All hands will be weakened, and all knees will flow with water.

{7:18} Et accingent se ciliciis, et operiet eos formido, et in omni facie confusio, et in universis capitibus eorum calvitium.
{7:18} And they will wrap themselves with haircloth, and dread will cover them. And shame will be upon every face, and baldness will be upon all of their heads.

{7:19} Argentum eorum foras proiicietur, et aurum eorum in sterquilinium erit. Argentum eorum, et aurum eorum non valebit liberare eos in die furoris Domini. Animam suam non saturabunt, et ventres eorum non implebuntur: quia scandalum iniquitatis eorum factum est.
{7:19} Their silver will be thrown away, and their gold will be like a dunghill. Their silver and their gold will have no power to free them in the day of the fury of the Lord. They will not satisfy their soul, and their bellies will not be filled, because of the scandal of their iniquity.

{7:20} Et ornamentum monilium suorum in superbiam posuerunt, et imagines abominationum suarum, et simulachrorum fecerunt ex eo: propter hoc dedi eis illud in immunditiam:
{7:20} And they have set arrogance as the ornament of their necklaces, and they have made images of their abominations and graven idols. Because of this, I have let it be an uncleanness for them.

{7:21} et dabo illud in manus alienorum ad diripiendum, et impiis terræ in prædam, et contaminabunt illud.
{7:21} And I will give it into the hands of foreigners as a spoil, and to the impious of the earth as a prey, and they will defile it.

{7:22} Et avertam faciem meam ab eis, et violabunt arcanum meum: et introibunt in illud emissarii, et contaminabunt illud.
{7:22} And I will avert my face from them, and they will violate my place of mystery. And untamed persons will enter into it, and they will defile it.

{7:23} Fac conclusionem: quoniam terra plena est iudicio sanguinum, et civitas plena iniquitate.
{7:23} Cause it to be closed. For the land has been filled with the judgment of blood, and the city is full of iniquity.

{7:24} Et adducam pessimos de Gentibus, et possidebunt domos eorum. Et quiescere faciam superbiam potentium, et possidebunt sanctuaria eorum.
{7:24} And I will lead in the most sinful among the Gentiles, and they will possess their houses. And I will cause the arrogance of the powerful to be quieted. And they will possess their sanctuaries.

{7:25} Angustia superveniente, requirent pacem, et non erit.
{7:25} When anguish overwhelms them, they will seek peace, and there will be none.

{7:26} Conturbatio super conturbationem veniet, et auditus super auditum: et quærent visionem de propheta, et lex peribit a sacerdote, et consilium a senioribus.
{7:26} Disturbance will follow after disturbance, and rumor after rumor. And they will seek the vision of the prophet, and the law will perish from the priest, and counsel will perish from the elders.

{7:27} Rex lugebit, et princeps induetur mœrore, et manus populi terræ conturbabuntur. Secundum viam eorum faciam eis, et secundum iudicia eorum iudicabo eos: et scient quia ego Dominus.
{7:27} The king will mourn, and the prince will be clothed with grief, and the hands of the people of the earth will be greatly disturbed. I will act toward them in accord with their own way, and I will judge them in accord with their own judgments. And they shall know that I am the Lord.”

[Ezechiel 8]
[Ezekiel 8]

{8:1} Et factum est in anno sexto, in sexto mense, in quinta mensis: ego sedebam in domo mea, et senes Iuda sedebant coram me, et cecidit ibi super me manus Domini Dei.
{8:1} And it happened that, in the sixth year, in the sixth month, on the fifth of the month, I was sitting in my house, and the elders of Judah were sitting before me, and the hand of the Lord God fell upon me there.

{8:2} Et vidi, et ecce similitudo quasi aspectus ignis: ab aspectu lumborum eius, et deorsum, ignis: et a lumbis eius, et sursum, quasi aspectus splendoris, ut visio electri.
{8:2} And I saw, and behold, there was an image with the appearance of fire. From the appearance of his waist, and downward, there was fire. And from his waist, and upward, there was the appearance of splendor, like the sight of amber.

~ The word ‘electri’ can refer to amber, or to an alloy of gold and silver (which has roughly the same color as amber). The word ‘lumbis’ does not literally refer to the loins. It refers to the lower back, but is used to refer to the waistline, and also sometimes to the loins.

{8:3} Et emissa similitudo manus apprehendit me in cincinno capitis mei: et elevavit me Spiritus inter terram, et cælum: et adduxit me in Ierusalem in visione Dei, iuxta ostium interius, quod respiciebat ad Aquilonem, ubi erat statutum idolum zeli ad provocandam æmulationem.
{8:3} And as the image of a hand went out, it took hold of me by a lock of my head. And the Spirit lifted me up between earth and heaven. And he brought me into Jerusalem, within a vision of God, next to the inner gate that looked toward the north, where there was stationed an idol of rivalry, so as to provoke an envious emulation.

{8:4} Et ecce ibi gloria Dei Israel secundum visionem, quam videram in campo.
{8:4} And behold, the glory of the God of Israel was there, in accord with the vision that I had seen in the plain.

{8:5} Et dixit ad me: Fili hominis, leva oculos tuos ad viam Aquilonis. Et levavi oculos meos ad viam Aquilonis: et ecce ab Aquilone portæ altaris idolum zeli in ipso introitu.
{8:5} And he said to me: “Son of man, lift up your eyes to the way of the north.” And I lifted up my eyes to the way of the north. And behold, from the north of the gate of the altar was the idol of rivalry, at the same entrance.

{8:6} Et dixit ad me: Fili hominis, putasne, vides tu quid isti faciunt, abominationes magnas, quas domus Israel facit hic, ut procul recedam a sanctuario meo? Et adhuc conversus videbis abominationes maiores.
{8:6} And he said to me: “Son of man, you see what these ones are doing, the great abominations that the house of Israel is committing here. Do you not think, then, that I should withdraw far away from my own sanctuary? But if you turn again, you will see even greater abominations.”

{8:7} Et introduxit me ad ostium atrii: et vidi, et ecce foramen unum in pariete.
{8:7} And he led me in by the door of the atrium. And I saw, and behold, there was an opening in the wall.

{8:8} Et dixit ad me: Fili hominis fode parietem. Et cum fodissem parietem, apparuit ostium unum.
{8:8} And he said to me: “Son of man, dig in the wall.” And when I had dug in the wall, there appeared one door.

{8:9} Et dixit ad me: Ingredere, et vide abominationes pessimas, quas isti faciunt hic.
{8:9} And he said to me: “Enter and see the most wicked abominations which they are committing here.”

{8:10} Et ingressus vidi, et ecce omnis similitudo reptilium, et animalium, abominatio, et universa idola domus Israel depicta erant in pariete in circuitu per totum.
{8:10} And entering, I saw, and behold, every kind of image of reptiles and animals, the abominations, and all of the idols of the house of Israel were depicted on the wall all around, throughout the entire place.

{8:11} Et septuaginta viri de senioribus domus Israel, et Iezonias filius Saphan stabat in medio eorum, stantium ante picturas: et unusquisque habebat thuribulum in manu sua: et vapor nebulæ de thure consurgebat.
{8:11} And there were seventy men out of the elders of the house of Israel, with Jaazaniah, the son of Shaphan, standing in their midst, and they stood before the pictures. And each one had a censer in his hand. And a cloud of smoke rose up from the incense.

{8:12} Et dixit ad me: Certe vides fili hominis quæ seniores domus Israel faciunt in tenebris, unusquisque in abscondito cubiculi sui: dicunt enim: Non videt Dominus nos, dereliquit Dominus terram.
{8:12} And he said to me: “Certainly, son of man, you see what the elders of the house of Israel are doing in the darkness, each one while hidden in his chamber. For they say: ‘The Lord does not see us. The Lord has forsaken the earth.’ ”

{8:13} Et dixit ad me: Adhuc conversus videbis abominationes maiores, quas isti faciunt.
{8:13} And he said to me: “If you turn again, you will see even greater abominations, which these ones are committing.”

{8:14} Et introduxit me per ostium portæ domus Domini, quod respiciebat ad Aquilonem: et ecce ibi mulieres sedebant plangentes Adonidem.
{8:14} And he led me in through the door of the gate of the Lord’s house, which looked toward the north. And behold, women were sitting there, mourning for Adonis.

{8:15} Et dixit ad me: Certe vidisti fili hominis: adhuc conversus videbis abominationes maiores his.
{8:15} And he said to me: “Certainly, son of man, you have seen. But if you turn again, you will see even greater abominations than these.”

{8:16} Et introduxit me in atrium domus Domini interius: et ecce in ostio templi Domini inter vestibulum et altare, quasi viginti quinque viri dorsa habentes contra templum Domini, et facies ad Orientem: et adorabant ad ortum Solis.
{8:16} And he led me into the inner atrium of the house of the Lord. And behold, at the door of the temple of the Lord, between the vestibule and the altar, there were about twenty-five men with their backs toward the temple of the Lord, and their faces toward the east. And they were adoring toward the rising of the Sun.

{8:17} Et dixit ad me: Certe vidisti fili hominis: numquid leve est hoc domui Iuda ut facerent abominationes istas, quas fecerunt hic: quia replentes terram iniquitate conversi sunt ad irritandum me? Et ecce applicant ramum ad nares suas.
{8:17} And he said to me: “Certainly, son of man, you have seen. Can this be so trivial to the house of Judah, when they commit these abominations, just as they have committed here, that, having filled the earth with iniquity, they now turn to provoke me? And behold, they are applying a branch to their nose.

{8:18} Ergo et ego faciam in furore: non parcet oculus meus, nec miserebor: et cum clamaverint ad aures meas voce magna, non exaudiam eos.
{8:18} Therefore, I also will act toward them in my fury. My eye will not be lenient, nor will I take pity. And when they will have cried out to my ears with a loud voice, I will not heed them.”

[Ezechiel 9]
[Ezekiel 9]

{9:1} Et clamavit in auribus meis voce magna, dicens: Appropinquaverunt visitationes urbis, et unusquisque vas interfectionis habet in manu sua.
{9:1} And he cried out in my ears with a loud voice, saying: “The visitations of the city have drawn near, and each one has equipment for killing in his hand.”

{9:2} Et ecce sex viri veniebant de via portæ superioris, quæ respicit ad Aquilonem: et uniuscuiusque vas interitus in manu eius: vir quoque unus in medio eorum vestitus erat lineis, et atramentarium scriptoris ad renes eius: et ingressi sunt, et steterunt iuxta altare æreum:
{9:2} And behold, six men were approaching from the way of the upper gate, which looks to the north. And each one had equipment for killing in his hand. Also, one man in their midst was clothed with linen, and an instrument for writing was at his waist. And they entered and stood beside the bronze altar.

{9:3} Et gloria Domini Israel assumpta est de cherub, quæ erat super eum ad limen domus: et vocavit virum, qui indutus erat lineis, et atramentarium scriptoris habebat in lumbis suis.
{9:3} And the glory of the Lord of Israel was taken up, from the cherub upon which he was, to the threshold of the house. And he called out to the man who was clothed with linen and had an instrument for writing at his waist.

{9:4} Et dixit Dominus ad eum: Transi per mediam civitatem in medio Ierusalem: et signa Thau super frontes virorum gementium, et dolentium super cunctis abominationibus, quæ fiunt in medio eius.
{9:4} And the Lord said to him: “Cross through the middle of the city, in the center of Jerusalem, and seal a Tau upon the foreheads of the grieving men, who are mourning over all the abominations which are being committed in its midst.”

~ This sealing of foreheads over those Jews who remained faithful is a foreshadowing of the Seal (Rev 7:3; 14:1) given by God to assist the faithful during the first and second parts of the tribulation.

{9:5} Et illis dixit, audiente me: Transite per civitatem sequentes eum, et percutite: non parcat oculus vester, neque misereamini.
{9:5} And he said to the others, in my hearing: “Cross through the city after him, and strike! Your eye shall not be lenient, and you shall not take pity.

{9:6} Senem, adolescentulum, et virginem, parvulum, et mulieres interficite usque ad internecionem: omnem autem, super quem videritis Thau, ne occidatis, et a sanctuario meo incipite. Cœperunt ergo a viris senioribus, qui erant ante faciem domus.
{9:6} Kill, even to utter destruction, old men, young men, and virgins, little ones, and women. But all upon whom see the Tau, you shall not kill. And begin from my sanctuary.” Therefore, they began with the men among the elders, who were before the face of the house.

{9:7} Et dixit ad eos: Contaminate domum, et implete atria interfectis: egredimini. Et egressi sunt, et percutiebant eos, qui erant in civitate.
{9:7} And he said to them: “Defile the house, and fill its courts with the slain! Go forth!” And they went forth and struck down those who were in the city.

{9:8} Et cæde completa, remansi ego: ruique super faciem meam, et clamans aio: Heu, heu, heu Domine Deus: ergone disperdes omnes reliquias Israel, effundens furorem tuum super Ierusalem?
{9:8} And when the slaughter was completed, I remained. And I fell upon my face, and crying out, I said: “Alas, alas, alas, O Lord God! Will you now destroy the entire remnant of Israel, by pouring out your fury upon Jerusalem?”

{9:9} Et dixit ad me: Iniquitas domus Israel, et Iuda, magna est nimis valde, et repleta est terra sanguinibus, et civitas repleta est aversione: dixerunt enim: Dereliquit Dominus terram, et Dominus non videt.
{9:9} And he said to me: “The iniquity of the house of Israel, and of Judah, is vast and exceedingly great, and the land has been filled with blood, and the city has been filled with what is abhorrent. For they have said: ‘The Lord has forsaken the earth,’ and, ‘The Lord does not see.’

~ The expression “magna est nimis valde” is so strong in the Latin that it is difficult to express in English.

{9:10} Igitur et meus non parcet oculus, neque miserebor: viam eorum super caput eorum reddam.
{9:10} Therefore, my eye will not be lenient, and I will not take pity. I will repay their own way upon their head.”

{9:11} Et ecce vir, qui erat indutus lineis, qui habebat atramentarium in dorso suo, respondit verbum, dicens: Feci sicut præcepisti mihi.
{9:11} And behold, the man who was clothed with linen, who had a writing instrument at his back, responded a word, saying: “I have done just as you instructed me.”

[Ezechiel 10]
[Ezekiel 10]

{10:1} Et vidi, et ecce in firmamento, quod erat super caput cherubim, quasi lapis sapphirus, quasi species similitudinis solii, apparuit super ea.
{10:1} And I saw, and behold, in the firmament that was over the heads of the cherubim, there appeared above them something like the sapphire stone, with the sight of the likeness of a throne.

{10:2} Et dixit ad virum, qui indutus erat lineis, et ait: Ingredere in medio rotarum, quæ sunt subtus cherubim, et imple manum tuam prunis ignis, quæ sunt inter cherubim, et effunde super civitatem. Ingressusque est in conspectu meo:
{10:2} And he spoke to the man who was clothed with linen, and he said: “Enter, between the wheels that are under the cherubim, and fill your hand with the coals of fire that are between the cherubim, and pour them upon the city.” And he entered, in my sight.

{10:3} cherubim autem stabant a dextris domus cum ingrederetur vir, et nubes implevit atrium interius.
{10:3} Now the cherubim were standing before the right side of the house, when the man entered. And a cloud filled the inner court.

{10:4} Et elevata est gloria Domini desuper cherub ad limen domus: et repleta est domus nube, et atrium repletum est splendore gloriæ Domini.
{10:4} And the glory of the Lord was lifted up, from above the cherubim, to the threshold of the house. And the house was filled with the cloud. And the court was filled with the splendor of the glory of the Lord.

{10:5} Et sonitus alarum cherubim audiebatur usque ad atrium exterius, quasi vox Dei omnipotentis loquentis.
{10:5} And the sound of the wings of the cherubim was heard even in the outer court, like the voice of Almighty God speaking.

{10:6} Cumque præcepisset viro, qui indutus erat lineis, dicens: Sume ignem de medio rotarum, quæ sunt inter cherubim: ingressus ille stetit iuxta rotam.
{10:6} And when he had instructed the man who was clothed with linen, saying, “Take fire from the midst of the wheels that are between the cherubim,” he entered and stood next to the wheel.

{10:7} Et extendit cherub manum de medio cherubim ad ignem, qui erat inter cherubim: et sumpsit, et dedit in manus eius, qui indutus erat lineis: qui accipiens egressus est.
{10:7} And one cherub extended his hand, from the midst of the cherubim, to the fire that was between the cherubim. And he took and gave it into the hands of the one who was clothed with linen, and he accepted it and went forth.

{10:8} Et apparuit in cherubim similitudo manus hominis subtus pennas eorum.
{10:8} And there appeared amid the cherubim the likeness of the hand of a man, under their wings.

{10:9} Et vidi, et ecce quattuor rotæ iuxta cherubim: rota una iuxta cherub unum, et rota alia iuxta cherub unum: species autem rotarum erat quasi visio lapidis chrysolithi.
{10:9} And I saw, and behold, there were four wheels beside the cherubim. One wheel was next to one cherub, and another wheel was next to another cherub. And the appearance of the wheels was like the sight of the chrysolite stone.

{10:10} Et aspectus earum similitudo una quattuor: quasi sit rota in medio rotæ.
{10:10} And in their appearance, each one of the four were similar, as if a wheel were in the midst of a wheel.

{10:11} Cumque ambularent, in quattuor partes gradiebantur: et non revertebantur ambulantes, sed ad locum, ad quem ire declinabat quæ prima erat, sequebantur et ceteræ, nec convertebantur.
{10:11} And when they went, they advanced in four parts. And they did not turn as they went. Instead, to the place to which they were inclined to go at first, the rest also followed, and they did not turn back.

{10:12} Et omne corpus earum, et colla, et manus, et pennæ, et circuli plena erant oculis, in circuitu quattuor rotarum.
{10:12} And their entire body, with their necks and their hands and their wings and the circles, were full of eyes all around the four wheels.

{10:13} Et rotas istas vocavit volubiles, audiente me.
{10:13} And in my hearing, he called these wheels: “constantly changing.”

{10:14} Quattuor autem facies habebat unum: facies una, facies cherub: et facies secunda, facies hominis: et in tertio facies leonis: et in quarto facies aquilæ.
{10:14} Now each one had four faces. One face was the face of a cherub, and the second face was the face of a man, and in the third was the face of a lion, and in the fourth was the face of an eagle.

{10:15} Et elevata sunt cherubim: ipsum est animal, quod videram iuxta fluvium Chobar.
{10:15} And the cherubim were lifted up. This is the living creature, which I had seen beside the river Chebar.

{10:16} Cumque ambularent cherubim, ibant pariter et rotæ iuxta ea: et cum elevarent cherubim alas suas ut exaltarentur de terra, non residebant rotæ, sed et ipsæ iuxta erant.
{10:16} And when the cherubim advanced, the wheels also went beside them. And when the cherubim lifted up their wings in order to be raised up from the earth, the wheels did not remain behind, but they also were beside them.

{10:17} Stantibus illis, stabant: et cum elevatis elevabantur: spiritus enim vitæ erat in eis.
{10:17} When they were standing, these stood still. And when they were lifted up, these were lifted up. For the spirit of life was in them.

{10:18} Et egressa est gloria Domini a limine templi: et stetit super cherubim.
{10:18} And the glory of the Lord went forth from the threshold of the temple, and stood above the cherubim.

{10:19} Et elevantia cherubim alas suas, exaltata sunt a terra coram me: et illis egredientibus, rotæ quoque subsecutæ sunt: et stetit in introitu portæ domus Domini orientalis: et gloria Dei Israel erat super ea.
{10:19} And the cherubim, lifting up their wings, were raised up from the earth in my sight. And as they went away, the wheels also followed. And it stood at the entrance to the east gate of the house of the Lord. And the glory of the God of Israel was over them.

{10:20} Ipsum est animal quod vidi subter Deum Israel iuxta fluvium Chobar: et intellexi quia cherubim essent.
{10:20} This is the living creature, which I saw under the God of Israel beside the river Chebar. And I understood that they were cherubim.

{10:21} Quattuor vultus uni, et quattuor alæ uni: et similitudo manus hominis sub alis eorum.
{10:21} Each one had four faces, and each one had four wings. And the likeness of the hand of a man was under their wings.

{10:22} Et similitudo vultuum eorum, ipsi vultus quos videram iuxta fluvium Chobar, et intuitus eorum, et impetus singulorum ante faciem suam ingredi.
{10:22} And, concerning the appearance of their faces, these were the same faces that I had seen beside the river Chebar, and the gaze and force of each one of them was to go before his face.

[Ezechiel 11]
[Ezekiel 11]

{11:1} Et elevavit me Spiritus, et introduxit me ad portam domus Domini orientalem, quæ respicit ad solis ortum: et ecce in introitu portæ viginti quinque viri: et vidi in medio eorum Iezoniam filium Azur, et Pheltiam filium Banaiæ, principes populi.
{11:1} And the Spirit lifted me up, and he brought me to the east gate of the house of the Lord, which looks toward the rising of the sun. And behold, at the entrance to the gate were twenty-five men. And I saw, in their midst, Jaazaniah, the son of Azzur, and Pelatiah, the son of Benaiah, leaders of the people.

{11:2} Dixitque ad me: Fili hominis, hi sunt viri, qui cogitant iniquitatem, et tractant consilium pessimum in urbe ista,
{11:2} And he said to me: “Son of man, these are men who devise iniquity. And they offer a wicked counsel in this city,

{11:3} dicentes: Nonne dudum ædificatæ sunt domus? Hæc est lebes, nos autem carnes.
{11:3} saying: ‘Was it so long ago that houses were being built? This city is a cooking pot, and we are the meat.’

{11:4} Idcirco vaticinare de eis, vaticinare fili hominis.
{11:4} Therefore, prophesy against them, prophesy, O son of man.”

{11:5} Et irruit in me Spiritus Domini, et dixit ad me: Loquere: Hæc dicit Dominus: Sic locuti estis domus Israel, et cogitationes cordis vestri ego novi.
{11:5} And the Spirit of the Lord fell upon me, and he said to me: “Speak: Thus says the Lord: So have you spoken, O house of Israel. And I know the thoughts of your heart.

{11:6} Plurimos occidistis in urbe hac, et implestis vias eius interfectis.
{11:6} You have killed very many in this city, and you have filled its streets with the slain.

{11:7} Propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Interfecti vestri, quos posuistis in medio eius, hi sunt carnes, et hæc est lebes: et educam vos de medio eius.
{11:7} Because of this, thus says the Lord God: Your slain, whom you have placed in its midst, these are the meat, and this city is the cooking pot. And I will draw you out of its midst.

{11:8} Gladium metuistis, et gladium inducam super vos, ait Dominus Deus.
{11:8} You have dread the sword, and so I will lead the sword over you, says the Lord God.

{11:9} Et eiiciam vos de medio eius, daboque vos in manu hostium, et faciam in vobis iudicia.
{11:9} And I will cast you out of its midst, and I will give you over to the hand of the enemies, and I will execute judgments among you.

{11:10} Gladio cadetis: in finibus Israel iudicabo vos, et scietis quia ego Dominus.
{11:10} You will fall by the sword. I will judge you within the borders of Israel. And you shall know that I am the Lord.

{11:11} Hæc non erit vobis in lebetem, et vos non eritis in medio eius in carnes: in finibus Israel iudicabo vos.
{11:11} This city will not be a cooking pot for you, and you will not be like meat in its midst. I will judge you within the borders of Israel.

{11:12} Et scietis quia ego Dominus: quia in præceptis meis non ambulastis, et iudicia mea non fecistis, sed iuxta iudicia Gentium, quæ in circuitu vestro sunt, estis operati.
{11:12} And you shall know that I am the Lord. For you have not walked in my precepts, and you have not accomplished my judgments. Instead, you have acted in accord with the judgments of the Gentiles, who are all around you.”

{11:13} Et factum est, cum prophetarem, Pheltias filius Banaiæ mortuus est: et cecidi in faciem meam clamans voce magna, et dixi: Heu, heu, heu Domine Deus: consummationem tu facis reliquiarum Israel?
{11:13} And it happened that, when I prophesied, Pelatiah, the son of Benaiah, died. And I fell upon my face, and I cried out with a loud voice, and I said: “Alas, alas, alas, O Lord God! Will you cause the consummation of the remnant of Israel?”

{11:14} Et factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
{11:14} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{11:15} Fili hominis, fratres tui, fratres tui, viri propinqui tui, et omnis domus Israel, universi, quibus dixerunt habitatores Ierusalem: Longe recedite a Domino, nobis data est terra in possessionem.
{11:15} “Son of man, your brothers, the men among your close relatives, your brothers and the entire house of Israel, are all among those to whom the inhabitants of Jerusalem have said: ‘Withdraw far from the Lord; the earth has been given to us as a possession.’

{11:16} Propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus, quia longe feci eos in Gentibus, et quia dispersi eos in terris: ero eis in sanctificationem modicam in terris, ad quas venerunt.
{11:16} Because of this, thus says the Lord God: Since I have caused them to be far away, among the Gentiles, and since I have dispersed them among the lands, I will be a little sanctuary for them within the lands to which they have gone.

{11:17} Propterea loquere: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Congregabo vos de populis, et adunabo de terris, in quibus dispersi estis, daboque vobis humum Israel.
{11:17} Because of this, say to them: Thus says the Lord God: I will gather you from among the peoples, and I will unite you, from the lands into which you were dispersed, and I will give the soil of Israel to you.

{11:18} Et ingredientur illuc, et auferent omnes offensiones, cunctasque abominationes eius de illa.
{11:18} And they shall go to that place, and they shall remove all the offenses and all its abominations from that place.

{11:19} Et dabo eis cor unum, et spiritum novum tribuam in visceribus eorum: et auferam cor lapideum de carne eorum, et dabo eis cor carneum:
{11:19} And I will give them one heart. And I will distribute a new spirit to their interior. And I will take away the heart of stone from their body. And I will give them a heart of flesh.

{11:20} Ut in præceptis meis ambulent, et iudicia mea custodiant, faciantque ea: et sint mihi in populum, et ego sim eis in Deum.
{11:20} So may they may walk in my precepts, and observe my judgments, and accomplish them. And so may they be my people, and I will be their God.

{11:21} Quorum cor post offendicula et abominationes suas ambulat, horum viam in capite suo ponam, dicit Dominus Deus.
{11:21} But as for those whose heart walks after their offenses and abominations, I will set their own way upon their head, says the Lord God.”

{11:22} Et elevaverunt cherubim alas suas, et rotæ cum eis: et gloria Dei Israel erat super ea.
{11:22} And the cherubim lifted up their wings, and the wheels with them. And the glory of the God of Israel was above them.

{11:23} Et ascendit gloria Domini de medio civitatis, stetitque super montem, qui est ad Orientem urbis.
{11:23} And the glory of the Lord ascended from the midst of the city and stood above the mountain, which is to the east of the city.

{11:24} Et Spiritus levavit me, adduxitque in Chaldæam ad transmigrationem, in visione in Spiritu Dei: et sublata est a me visio, quam videram.
{11:24} And the Spirit lifted me up, and he brought me into Chaldea, to those of the transmigration, in a vision, in the Spirit of God. And the vision that I had seen was raised up, away from me.

{11:25} Et locutus sum ad transmigrationem omnia verba Domini, quæ ostenderat mihi.
{11:25} And I spoke, to those of the transmigration, all the words of the Lord that he had revealed to me.

[Ezechiel 12]
[Ezekiel 12]

{12:1} Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
{12:1} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{12:2} Fili hominis in medio domus exasperantis tu habitas: qui oculos habent ad videndum, et non vident: et aures ad audiendum, et non audiunt: quia domus exasperans est.
{12:2} “Son of man, you live in the midst of a provoking house. They have eyes to see, and they do not see; and ears to hear, and they do not hear. For they are a provoking house.

{12:3} Tu ergo fili hominis, fac tibi vasa transmigrationis, et transmigrabis per diem coram eis: transmigrabis autem de loco tuo ad locum alterum in conspectu eorum, si forte aspiciant: quia domus exasperans est.
{12:3} As for you, then, son of man, prepare for yourself the supplies for traveling far away, and travel away in the daytime in their sight. And you shall travel from your place to another place in their sight, so that perhaps they may consider it. For they are a provoking house.

{12:4} Et efferes foras vasa tua quasi vasa transmigrantis per diem in conspectu eorum: tu autem egredieris vespere coram eis, sicut egreditur migrans.
{12:4} And you shall carry your supplies outside, like the supplies of one who is traveling far away, in the daytime in their sight. Then you shall go forth in the evening in their presence, just as one goes forth who is moving far away.

{12:5} Ante oculos eorum perfode tibi parietem: et egredieris per eum.
{12:5} Dig for yourself through the wall, before their eyes. And you shall go out through it.

{12:6} In conspectu eorum in humeris portaberis, in caligine effereris: faciem tuam velabis, et non videbis terram. Quia portentum dedi te domui Israel.
{12:6} In their sight, you shall be carried on shoulders, you shall be carried in the dark. You shall cover your face, and you shall not see the ground. For I have appointed you as a portent for the house of Israel.”

~ When the next Pope flees from Vatican City during the war, he will be carried out through an opening in the wall, on shoulders, in the darkness. Other translations have Ezekiel carrying his baggage, but the Latin clearly and repeatedly says ‘shall be carried’ and ‘being carried’ in the passive tense. Also, if Ezekiel is covering his face so that he cannot see the land, then he could not carry his own baggage, as he would trip and fall. But if he is being carried, then his face can be covered.

{12:7} Feci ergo sicut præceperat mihi Dominus: vasa mea protuli quasi vasa transmigrantis per diem: et vespere perfodi mihi parietem manu: et in caligine egressus sum, in humeris portatus in conspectu eorum.
{12:7} Therefore, I did just as he had instructed me. I brought out my supplies in the daytime, like the supplies of one who is moving far away. And in the evening, I dug myself through the wall by hand. And I went out in the dark, and I was carried on shoulders, in their sight.

{12:8} Et factus est sermo Domini mane ad me, dicens:
{12:8} And the word of the Lord came to me, in the morning, saying:

{12:9} Fili hominis, numquid non dixerunt ad te domus Israel, domus exasperans: Quid tu facis?
{12:9} “Son of man, has not the house of Israel, the provoking house, said to you: ‘What are you doing?’

{12:10} Dic ad eos: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Super ducem onus istud, qui est in Ierusalem, et super omnem domum Israel, quæ est in medio eorum.
{12:10} Say to them: Thus says the Lord God: This is the burden concerning my leader who is in Jerusalem, and concerning the entire house of Israel, who are in their midst.

{12:11} Dic: Ego portentum vestrum: quomodo feci, sic fiet illis. In transmigrationem, et in captivitatem ibunt.
{12:11} Say: I am your portent. Just as I have done, so shall it be done to them. They will be taken captive and moved far away.

{12:12} Et dux, qui est in medio eorum, in humeris portabitur, in caligine egredietur: parietem perfodient ut educant eum: facies eius operietur ut non videat oculo terram.
{12:12} And the leader who is in their midst will be carried on shoulders; he will go forth in darkness. They will dig through the wall, so that they may lead him away. His face will be covered, so that he may not see the land with his eye.

{12:13} Et extendam rete meum super eum, et capietur in sagena mea: et adducam eum in Babylonem in terram Chaldæorum: et ipsam non videbit, ibique morietur.
{12:13} And I will extend my net over him, and he will be captured in my dragnet. And I will lead him to Babylon, into the land of the Chaldeans, but he himself will not see it. And there he shall die.

{12:14} Et omnes, qui circa eum sunt, præsidium eius, et agmina eius dispergam in omnem ventum: et gladium evaginabo post eos.
{12:14} And all who are around him, his guards and his companies, I will scatter into every wind. And I will unsheathe the sword after them.

~ The word agmina (agmen) can refer to a stream, or to a flock or herd, or to troops. What all these things have in common, at which the word is aiming, is that they all go forth in a procession or in an orderly column. The agmina of the Pope, then, would be his faithful flock, those who are following him, who are like his troops or his herd.

{12:15} Et scient quia ego Dominus, quando dispersero illos in Gentibus, et disseminavero eos in terris.
{12:15} And they shall know that I am the Lord, when I will have dispersed them among the Gentiles, and will have sowed them among the lands.

{12:16} Et relinquam ex eis viros paucos a gladio, et fame, et pestilentia: ut enarrent omnia scelera eorum in Gentibus, ad quas ingredientur: et scient quia ego Dominus.
{12:16} And I will leave behind a few men of them, apart from the sword, and the famine, and the pestilence, so that they may declare all their wicked deeds among the Gentiles, to whom they will go. And they shall know that I am the Lord.”

{12:17} Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
{12:17} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{12:18} Fili hominis, panem tuum in conturbatione comede: sed et aquam tuam in festinatione, et mœrore bibe.
{12:18} “Son of man, eat your bread in consternation. Moreover, drink your water hurriedly and in sorrow.

{12:19} Et dices ad populum terræ: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus ad eos, qui habitant in Ierusalem in terra Israel: Panem suum in solicitudine comedent, et aquam suam in desolatione bibent: ut desoletur terra a multitudine sua, propter iniquitatem omnium, qui habitant in ea.
{12:19} And say to the people of the land: Thus says the Lord God, to those who are living in Jerusalem, in the land of Israel: They shall eat their bread in anxiety, and drink their water in desolation, so that the land may be desolate before its multitude, because of the iniquity of all who are living in it.

{12:20} Et civitates, quæ nunc habitantur, desolatæ erunt, terraque deserta: et scietis quia ego Dominus.
{12:20} And cities that are now inhabited will become desolate, and the land will be forsaken. And you shall know that I am the Lord.”

{12:21} Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
{12:21} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{12:22} Fili hominis, quod est proverbium istud vobis in terra Israel? dicentium: In longum differentur dies, et peribit omnis visio.
{12:22} “Son of man, what is this proverb that you have in the land of Israel? saying: ‘The days shall be extended in length, and every vision shall perish.’

{12:23} Ideo dic ad eos: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Quiescere faciam proverbium istud, neque vulgo dicetur ultra in Israel: et loquere ad eos quod appropinquaverint dies, et sermo omnis visionis.
{12:23} Therefore, say to them: Thus says the Lord God: I will cause this proverb to cease, and it shall no longer be a common saying in Israel. And tell them that the days are approaching, and the word of every vision.

{12:24} Non enim erit ultra omnis visio cassa, neque divinatio ambigua in medio filiorum Israel.
{12:24} For there shall be no longer be any empty visions, nor any ambiguous divination in the midst of the sons of Israel.

{12:25} Quia ego Dominus loquar: et quodcumque locutus fuero verbum, fiet, et non prolongabitur amplius: sed in diebus vestris domus exasperans loquar verbum, et faciam illud, dicit Dominus Deus.
{12:25} For I, the Lord, will speak. And whatever word I will speak, it shall be done, and it shall not be delayed any more. Instead, in your days, O provoking house, I will speak a word and do it, says the Lord God.”

{12:26} Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
{12:26} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{12:27} Fili hominis, ecce domus Israel dicentium: Visio, quam hic videt, in dies multos: et in tempora longa iste prophetat.
{12:27} “Son of man, behold the house of Israel, those who are saying: ‘The visions that this one sees is many days away,’ and, ‘This man prophesies about times that are far away.’

{12:28} Propterea dic ad eos: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Non prolongabitur ultra omnis sermo meus: verbum, quod locutus fuero, complebitur, dicit Dominus Deus.
{12:28} Because of this, say to them: Thus says the Lord God: No word of mine will be delayed any longer. The word that I will speak will be fulfilled, says the Lord God.”

[Ezechiel 13]
[Ezekiel 13]

{13:1} Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
{13:1} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{13:2} Fili hominis, vaticinare ad prophetas Israel, qui prophetant: et dices prophetantibus de corde suo: Audite verbum Domini.
{13:2} “Son of man, prophesy to the prophets of Israel who are prophesying, and you shall say to those who prophesy from their own heart: Hear the word of the Lord:

{13:3} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Væ prophetis insipientibus, qui sequuntur spiritum suum, et nihil vident.
{13:3} Thus says the Lord God: Woe to the foolish prophets, who are following their own spirit, and who see nothing.

{13:4} Quasi vulpes in desertis, prophetæ tui Israel erant.
{13:4} Your prophets, O Israel, were like foxes in the deserts.

{13:5} Non ascendistis ex adverso, neque opposuistis murum pro domo Israel, ut staretis in prælio in die Domini.
{13:5} You have not gone up against the adversary, and you have not established a wall for the house of Israel, so as to stand in battle on the day of the Lord.

{13:6} Vident vana, et divinant mendacium, dicentes: Ait Dominus: cum Dominus non miserit eos: et perseveraverunt confirmare sermonem.
{13:6} They see emptiness, and they foretell falsehoods, saying, ‘The Lord says,’ though the Lord has not sent them. And they continued to affirm what they said.

{13:7} Numquid non visionem cassam vidistis, et divinationem mendacem locuti estis? et dicitis, ait Dominus: cum ego non sim locutus.
{13:7} Have you not seen a futile vision and spoken a lying divination? And yet you say, ‘The Lord says,’ though I have not spoken.

{13:8} Propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Quia locuti estis vana, et vidistis mendacium: ideo ecce ego ad vos, dicit Dominus Deus:
{13:8} Because of this, thus says the Lord God: Since you have spoken emptiness and have seen falsehoods, therefore: behold, I am against you, says the Lord God.

{13:9} Et erit manus mea super prophetas, qui vident vana, et divinant mendacium: in consilio populi mei non erunt, et in scriptura domus Israel non scribentur, nec in terram Israel ingredientur: et scietis quia ego Dominus Deus:
{13:9} And my hand will be over the prophets who are seeing emptiness and divining lies. They shall not be in the council of my people, and they shall not be written in the writing of the house of Israel. Neither shall they enter into the land of Israel. And you shall know that I am the Lord God.

{13:10} Eo quod deceperint populum meum, dicentes: Pax, et non est pax: et ipse ædificabat parietem, illi autem liniebant eum luto absque paleis.
{13:10} For they have deceived my people, saying, ‘Peace,’ and there is no peace. And they have built a wall, but they have covered it in clay without straw.

{13:11} Dic ad eos, qui liniunt absque temperatura, quod casurus sit: erit enim imber inundans, et dabo lapides prægrandes desuper irruentes, et ventum procellæ dissipantem.
{13:11} Say to those who spread mortar without mixing, that it will fall apart. For there will be an inundating rain, and I will cause full-grown hailstones to rush down from above, and a windstorm to dissipate it.

{13:12} Si quidem ecce cecidit paries: numquid non dicetur vobis: Ubi est litura, quam linistis?
{13:12} So then, behold: when the wall has fallen, will it not be said to you: ‘Where is the mortar with which you covered it?’

{13:13} Propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Et erumpere faciam spiritum tempestatum in indignatione mea, et imber inundans in furore meo erit: et lapides grandes in ira in consumptionem.
{13:13} Because of this, thus says the Lord God: And I will cause a violent wind to burst forth in my indignation, and there will be an inundating rain in my fury, and great hailstones in wrath, to consume.

{13:14} Et destruam parietem, quem linistis absque temperamento: et adæquabo eum terræ, et revelabitur fundamentum eius: et cadet, et consumetur in medio eius: et scietis quia ego sum Dominus.
{13:14} And I will destroy the wall that you have covered without tempering it. And I will level it to the ground, and its foundation will be revealed. And it will fall and be consumed in its midst. And you shall know that I am the Lord.

{13:15} Et complebo indignationem meam in pariete, et in his, qui liniunt eum absque temperamento, dicamque vobis: Non est paries, et non sunt qui liniunt eum.
{13:15} And I will fulfill my indignation against the wall, and against those who cover it without mixing the mortar, and I will say to you: The wall is no more, and those who covered it are no more:

{13:16} Prophetæ Israel, qui prophetant ad Ierusalem, et vident ei visionem pacis: et non est pax, ait Dominus Deus.
{13:16} the prophets of Israel, who prophesy to Jerusalem, and who see visions of peace for her when there is no peace, says the Lord God.

{13:17} Et tu fili hominis, pone faciem tuam contra filias populi tui, quæ prophetant de corde suo: et vaticinare super eas,
{13:17} And as for you, son of man, set your face against the daughters of your people, who prophesy from their own heart. And prophesy about them,

{13:18} et dic: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Væ quæ consuunt pulvillos sub omni cubito manus: et faciunt cervicalia sub capite universæ ætatis ad capiendas animas: et cum caperent animas populi mei, vivificabant animas eorum.
{13:18} and say: Thus says the Lord God: Woe to those who sew together little pillows under every forearm, and who make little cushions for the heads of every stage of life, in order to capture souls. And when they have seized the souls of my people, they became the life of their souls.

{13:19} Et violabant me ad populum meum propter pugillum hordei, et fragmen panis, ut interficerent animas, quæ non moriuntur, et vivificarent animas, quæ non vivunt, mentientes populo meo credenti mendaciis.
{13:19} And they violated me among my people, for the sake of a handful of barley and a fragment of bread, so that they would kill the souls that should not die, and enliven the souls that should not live, lying to my people who believe in falsehoods.

{13:20} Propter hoc hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego ad pulvillos vestros, quibus vos capitis animas volantes: et dirumpam eos de brachiis vestris: et dimittam animas, quas vos capitis, animas ad volandum.
{13:20} Because of this, thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am against your little pillows, with which you catch flying souls. And I will tear them away from your arms. And I will release the souls that you are capturing, the souls that should fly.

{13:21} Et dirumpam cervicalia vestra, et liberabo populum meum de manu vestra, neque erunt ultra in manibus vestris ad prædandum: et scietis quia ego Dominus.
{13:21} And I will tear away your little cushions. And I will free my people from your hand. And they shall no longer be a prey in your hands. And you shall know that I am the Lord.

{13:22} Pro eo quod mœrere fecistis cor iusti mendaciter, quem ego non contristavi: et confortastis manus impii, ut non reverteretur a via sua mala, et viveret:
{13:22} For by deception you have caused the heart of the just to grieve, whom I would not sadden. And I have strengthened the hands of the impious, so that he would not be turned back from his evil way and live.

{13:23} propterea vana non videbitis, et divinationes non divinabitis amplius, et eruam populum meum de manu vestra: et scietis quia ego Dominus.
{13:23} Therefore, you shall not see emptiness, and you shall not divine divinations, any more. And I will rescue my people from your hand. And you shall know that I am the Lord.”

[Ezechiel 14]
[Ezekiel 14]

{14:1} Et venerunt ad me viri seniorum Israel, et sederunt coram me.
{14:1} And men among the elders of Israel came to me, and they sat down before me.

{14:2} Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
{14:2} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{14:3} Fili hominis, viri isti posuerunt immunditias suas in cordibus suis, et scandalum iniquitatis suæ statuerunt contra faciem suam: numquid interrogatus respondebo eis?
{14:3} “Son of man, these men have placed their uncleanness in their hearts, and they have stationed the scandal of their iniquities before their face. So why should I respond when they inquire of me?

{14:4} Propter hoc loquere eis, et dices ad eos: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Homo, homo de domo Israel, qui posuerit immunditias suas in corde suo, et scandalum iniquitatis suæ statuerit contra faciem suam, et venerit ad prophetam interrogans per eum me: ego Dominus respondebo ei in multitudine immunditiarum suarum:
{14:4} Because of this, speak to them, and you shall say to them: Thus says the Lord God: The man, the man of the house of Israel, who places his uncleanness in his heart, and who stations the scandal of his iniquities before his face, and who approaches a prophet, so as to inquire of me through him: I, the Lord, will respond to him in accord with the multitude of his uncleannesses,

{14:5} ut capiatur domus Israel in corde suo, quo recesserunt a me in cunctis idolis suis.
{14:5} so that the house of Israel may be seized within their own heart, by which they have withdrawn from me to all their idols.

{14:6} Propterea dic ad domum Israel: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Convertimini, et recedite ab idolis vestris, et ab universis contaminationibus vestris avertite facies vestras.
{14:6} Because of this, say to the house of Israel: Thus says the Lord God: Be converted, and withdraw from your idols, and turn your faces away from all your abominations.

{14:7} Quia homo, homo de domo Israel, et de proselytis quicumque advena fuerit in Israel, si alienatus fuerit a me, et posuerit idola sua in corde suo, et scandalum iniquitatis suæ statuerit contra faciem suam, et venerit ad prophetam ut interroget per eum me: ego Dominus respondebo ei per me.
{14:7} For the man, the man of the house of Israel, and the new arrival among the converts who may be in Israel, if he is alienated from me, and he sets his idols in his heart, and he stations the scandal of his iniquity before his face, and he approaches the prophet, so that he may inquire of me through him: I, the Lord, will respond to him through myself.

{14:8} Et ponam faciem meam super hominem illum, et faciam eum in exemplum, et in proverbium, et disperdam eum de medio populi mei: et scietis quia ego Dominus.
{14:8} And I will set my face against that man, and I will make him an example and a proverb. And I will perish him from the midst of my people. And you shall know that I am the Lord.

{14:9} Et propheta cum erraverit, et locutus fuerit verbum: ego Dominus decepi prophetam illum: et extendam manum meam super illum, et delebo eum de medio populi mei Israel.
{14:9} And when a prophet has gone astray and has spoken a word: I, the Lord, have deceived that prophet. And I will extend my hand over him, and I will wipe him away from the midst of my people, Israel.

{14:10} Et portabunt iniquitatem suam: iuxta iniquitatem interrogantis, sic iniquitas prophetæ erit:
{14:10} And they shall bear their iniquity. In accord with the iniquity of the one who inquires, so shall the iniquity of the prophet be.

{14:11} ut non erret ultra domus Israel a me, neque polluatur in universis prævaricationibus suis: sed sint mihi in populum, et ego sim eis in Deum, ait Dominus exercituum.
{14:11} So may the house of Israel no longer go astray from me, nor be polluted by all their transgressions. Instead, may they be my people, and may I be their God, says the Lord of hosts.”

{14:12} Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
{14:12} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{14:13} Fili hominis, terra cum peccaverit mihi, ut prævaricetur prævaricans, extendam manum meam super eam, et conteram virgam panis eius: et immittam in eam famem, et interficiam de ea hominem, et iumentum.
{14:13} “Son of man, when a land will have sinned against me, so that it transgresses grievously, I will extend my hand over it, and I will crush the staff of its bread. And I will send a famine upon it, and I will destroy from it both man and beast.

{14:14} Et si fuerint tres viri isti in medio eius, Noe, Daniel, et Iob: ipsi iustitia sua liberabunt animas suas, ait Dominus exercituum.
{14:14} And if these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they would deliver their own souls by their justice, says the Lord of hosts.

{14:15} Quod si et bestias pessimas induxero super terram ut vastem eam; et fuerit invia, eo quod non sit pertransiens propter bestias:
{14:15} And if I also lead in very harmful beasts upon the land, so that I devastate it, and it becomes impassable, so that no one may cross through it because of the beasts,

{14:16} Tres viri isti si fuerint in ea, vivo ego, dicit Dominus Deus, quia nec filios, nec filias liberabunt: sed ipsi soli liberabuntur, terra autem desolabitur.
{14:16} if these three men were in it, as I live, says the Lord God, they will deliver neither sons, nor daughters. But only they themselves will be delivered, for the land shall be desolated.

{14:17} Vel si gladium induxero super terram illam, et dixero gladio: Transi per terram: et interfecero de ea hominem, et iumentum:
{14:17} Or if I lead in the sword upon that land, and if I say to the sword, ‘Pass through the land,’ and so I destroy from it both man and beast,

{14:18} et tres viri isti fuerint in medio eius: vivo ego, dicit Dominus Deus, non liberabunt filios, neque filias: sed ipsi soli liberabuntur.
{14:18} and if these three men were in its midst, as I live, says the Lord God, they will deliver neither sons, nor daughters, but only they themselves will be delivered.

{14:19} Si autem et pestilentiam immisero super terram illam, et effudero indignationem meam super eam in sanguine, ut auferam ex ea hominem, et iumentum:
{14:19} Then, if I also send the pestilence upon that land, and I pour out my indignation upon it with blood, so that I take away from it both man and beast,

{14:20} Et Noe, et Daniel, et Iob fuerint in medio eius: vivo ego, dicit Dominus Deus, quia filium, et filiam non liberabunt: sed ipsi iustitia sua liberabunt animas suas.
{14:20} and if Noah, and Daniel, and Job were in its midst, as I live, says the Lord God, they will deliver neither son, nor daughter, but they will deliver only their own souls by their justice.

{14:21} Quoniam hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Quod et si quattuor iudicia mea pessima, gladium, et famem, ac bestias malas, et pestilentiam immisero in Ierusalem ut interficiam de ea hominem, et pecus:
{14:21} For thus says the Lord God: Even though I will send upon Jerusalem my four most grievous judgments, sword and famine and harmful beasts and pestilence, so that I destroy from it both man and beast,

{14:22} tamen relinquetur in ea salvatio educentium filios, et filias: ecce ipsi ingredientur ad vos, et videbitis viam eorum, et adinventiones eorum, et consolabimini super malo, quod induxi in Ierusalem in omnibus, quæ importavi super eam.
{14:22} yet still there shall be left within it some who will be saved, who shall lead away their own sons and daughters. Behold, they will enter to you, and you will see their way and their accomplishments. And you shall be consoled concerning the evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem, concerning all the things that I have brought to bear upon it.

{14:23} Et consolabuntur vos, cum videritis viam eorum, et adinventiones eorum: et cognoscetis quod non frustra fecerim omnia, quæ feci in ea, ait Dominus Deus.
{14:23} And they shall console you, when you see their ways and their accomplishments. And you shall know that I have not acted to no purpose in all that I have done within it, says the Lord God.”

[Ezechiel 15]
[Ezekiel 15]

{15:1} Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
{15:1} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{15:2} Fili hominis, quid fiet de ligno vitis ex omnibus lignis nemorum, quæ sunt inter ligna silvarum?
{15:2} “Son of man, what can be made from the stalk of a vine, compared to all the plants of the woods that are among the trees of the forests?

{15:3} Numquid tolletur de ea lignum, ut fiat opus, aut fabricabitur de ea paxillus, ut dependeat in eo quodcumque vas?
{15:3} Can any wood be taken from it, so that it may be made into a work, or formed into a peg so as to hang some kind of vessel upon it?

{15:4} Ecce igni datum est in escam: utramque partem eius consumpsit ignis, et medietas eius redacta est in favillam: numquid utile erit ad opus?
{15:4} Behold, it is used in the fire as fuel. The fire consumes both its ends; and its middle is reduced to ashes. So how can it be useful for any work?

{15:5} Etiam cum esset integrum, non erat aptum ad opus: quanto magis cum illud ignis devoraverit, et combusserit, nihil ex eo fiet operis?
{15:5} Even when it was whole, it was unsuitable for a work. How much more so, when fire has devoured it and burned it up, will nothing of it be useful?

{15:6} Propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Quomodo lignum vitis inter ligna silvarum, quod dedi igni ad devorandum, sic tradam habitatores Ierusalem.
{15:6} Therefore, thus says the Lord God: Like the stalk of the vine among the trees of the forests, which I have given to be devoured by fire, so will I deliver the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

{15:7} Et ponam faciem meam in eos: de igne egredientur, et ignis consumet eos: et scietis quia ego Dominus, cum posuero faciem meam in eos,
{15:7} And I will set my face against them. They will go away from fire, and yet fire will consume them. And you shall know that I am the Lord, when I will have set my face against them,

{15:8} et dedero terram inviam, et desolatam: eo quod prævaricatores extiterint, dicit Dominus Deus.
{15:8} and when I will have made their land impassable and desolate. For they have stood forth as transgressors, says the Lord God.”

[Ezechiel 16]
[Ezekiel 16]

{16:1} Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
{16:1} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{16:2} Fili hominis notas fac Ierusalem abominationes suas:
{16:2} “Son of man, make known to Jerusalem her abominations.

{16:3} et dices: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus Ierusalem: Radix tua, et generatio tua de terra Chanaan: pater tuus Amorrhæus, et mater tua Cethæa.
{16:3} And you shall say: Thus says the Lord God to Jerusalem: Your root and your lineage is from the land of Canaan; your father was an Amorite, and your mother was a Cethite.

{16:4} Et quando nata es in die ortus tui non est præcisus umbilicus tuus, et aqua non es lota in salutem, nec sale salita, nec involuta pannis.
{16:4} And when you were born, on the day of your nativity, your umbilical cord was not cut, and you were not washed with water for health, nor salted with salt, nor wrapped with cloths.

{16:5} Non pepercit super te oculus ut faceret tibi unum de his, misertus tui: sed proiecta es super faciem terræ in abiectione animæ tuæ, in die qua nata es.
{16:5} No eye took pity on you, so as to do even one of these things to you, out of compassion for you. Instead, you were cast upon the face of the earth, in the abjection of your soul, on the day when you were born.

{16:6} Transiens autem per te, vidi te conculcari in sanguine tuo. Et dixi tibi cum esses in sanguine tuo: Vive: dixi, inquam, tibi in sanguine tuo: Vive.
{16:6} But, passing by you, I saw that you were wallowing in your own blood. And I said to you, when you were in your blood: ‘Live.’ I tell you that I said to you, in your blood: ‘Live.’

{16:7} Multiplicatam quasi germen agri dedi te: et multiplicata es, et grandis effecta, et ingressa es, et pervenisti ad mundum muliebrem: ubera tua intumuerunt, et pilus tuus germinavit: et eras nuda, et confusione plena.
{16:7} I multiplied you like the seedling of the field. And you were multiplied and became great, and you advanced and arrived at the ornament of a woman. Your breasts rose up, and your hair grew. And you were naked and full of shame.

{16:8} Et transivi per te, et vidi te: et ecce tempus tuum, tempus amantium: et expandi amictum meum super te, et operui ignominiam tuam. Et iuravi tibi, et ingressus sum pactum tecum: ait Dominus Deus: et facta es mihi.
{16:8} And I passed by you and saw you. And behold, your time was the time of lovers. And I spread my garment over you, and I covered your disgrace. And I swore to you, and I entered into a covenant with you, says the Lord God, and you became mine.

{16:9} Et lavi te aqua, et emundavi sanguinem tuum ex te: et unxi te oleo.
{16:9} And I washed you with water, and I cleansed you of your blood. And I anointed you with oil.

{16:10} Et vestivi te discoloribus, et calceavi te ianthino: et cinxi te bysso, et indui te subtilibus.
{16:10} And I covered you with embroidery, and I put violet shoes upon you, and I wrapped you in fine linen, and I clothed you with delicate garments.

{16:11} Et ornavi te ornamento, et dedi armillas in manibus tuis, et torquem circa collum tuum.
{16:11} I adorned you with ornaments, and I put bracelets upon your hands and a necklace around your neck.

{16:12} Et dedi inaurem super os tuum, et circulos auribus tuis, et coronam decoris in capite tuo.
{16:12} And I put gold upon your face, and earrings in your ears, and a beautiful crown upon your head.

{16:13} Et ornata es auro, et argento, et vestita es bysso, et polymito, et multicoloribus: similam, et mel, et oleum comedisti, et decora facta es vehementer nimis: et profecisti in regnum.
{16:13} And you were adorned with gold and silver, and you were clothed in fine linen, woven with many colors. You ate fine flour, and honey, and oil. And you became very beautiful. And you advanced to royal power.

{16:14} Et egressum est nomen tuum in Gentes propter speciem tuam: quia perfecta eras in decore meo, quem posueram super te, dicit Dominus Deus.
{16:14} And your renown went forth among the Gentiles, because of your beauty. For you were perfected by my beauty, which I had placed upon you, says the Lord God.

{16:15} Et habens fiduciam in pulchritudine tua fornicata es in nomine tuo: et exposuisti fornicationem tuam omni transeunti ut eius fieres.
{16:15} But, having confidence in your own beauty, you fornicated in your fame. And you presented your fornication to every passer-by, so as to become his.

{16:16} Et sumens de vestimentis tuis fecisti tibi excelsa hinc inde consuta: et fornicata es super eis, sicut non est factum, neque futurum est.
{16:16} And taking from your garments, you made for yourself exalted things, having sewed together disparate pieces. And you fornicated upon them, in a way that has not been done before, nor will be in the future.

~ The phrase ‘hinc inde’ translates roughly as ‘from this and from that.’ In other words, they put together disparate pieces of cloth upon which to fornicate. This figure represents disparate ideas being joined together as the basis for a heresy, or set of heresies, or even a false religion.

{16:17} Et tulisti vasa decoris tui de auro meo, atque argento meo, quæ dedi tibi: et fecisti tibi imagines masculinas, et fornicata es in eis.
{16:17} And you took your beautiful items, made of my gold and my silver, which I gave to you, and you made for yourself images of men, and you fornicated with them.

{16:18} Et sumpsisti vestimenta tua multicoloria, et operuisti illas: et oleum meum, et thymiama meum posuisti coram eis.
{16:18} And you used your multicolored vestments to cover these things. And you placed my oil and my incense before them.

{16:19} Et panem meum, quem dedi tibi, similam, et oleum, et mel, quibus enutrivi te, posuisti in conspectu eorum in odorem suavitatis, et factum est, ait Dominus Deus.
{16:19} And my bread, which I gave to you, the fine flour, and the oil, and the honey, by which I nourished you, you placed in their sight as a sweet fragrance. And so it was done, says the Lord God.

{16:20} Et tulisti filios tuos, et filias tuas, quas generasti mihi: et immolasti eis ad devorandum. Numquid parva est fornicatio tua?
{16:20} And you took your sons and your daughters, whom you bore for me, and you immolated them to be devoured. Is your fornication a small matter?

{16:21} Immolasti filios meos, et dedisti, illos consecrans, eis.
{16:21} You have immolated my sons, and you have consecrated and delivered my sons to them.

{16:22} Et post omnes abominationes tuas, et fornicationes, non es recordata dierum adolescentiæ tuæ, quando eras nuda, et confusione plena, conculcata in sanguine tuo.
{16:22} And after all your abominations and fornications, you have not remembered the days of your youth, when you were naked and full of shame, wallowing in your own blood.

{16:23} Et accidit post omnem malitiam tuam (væ, væ tibi, ait Dominus Deus)
{16:23} And it happened that, after all your wickedness, (woe, woe to you, says the Lord God)

{16:24} et ædificasti tibi lupanar, et fecisti tibi prostibulum in cunctis plateis.
{16:24} you built for yourself a brothel, and you made for yourself a place of prostitution in every street.

{16:25} Ad omne caput viæ ædificasti signum prostitutionis tuæ: et abominabilem fecisti decorem tuum: et divisisti pedes tuos omni transeunti, et multiplicasti fornicationes tuas.
{16:25} At the head of every way, you set up a banner of your prostitution. And you caused your beauty to become abominable. And you distributed your feet to every passer-by. And you multiplied your fornications.

{16:26} Et fornicata es cum filiis Ægypti vicinis tuis magnarum carnium: et multiplicasti fornicationem tuam ad irritandum me.
{16:26} And you fornicated with the sons of Egypt, your neighbors, who have large bodies. And you multiplied your fornications, so as to provoke me.

{16:27} Ecce ego extendam manum meam super te, et auferam iustificationem tuam: et dabo te in animas odientium te filiarum Palæstinarum, quæ erubescunt in via tua scelerata.
{16:27} Behold, I will extend my hand over you, and I will take away your justification. And I will give you to the souls of those who hate you, the daughters of the Philistines, who are ashamed of your wicked way.

{16:28} Et fornicata es in filiis Assyriorum, eo quod necdum fueris expleta: et postquam fornicata es, nec sic es satiata.
{16:28} You also fornicated with the sons of the Assyrians, for you were not yet done. And after you fornicated, even then, you were not satisfied.

{16:29} Et multiplicasti fornicationem tuam in Terra Chanaan cum Chaldæis: et nec sic satiata es.
{16:29} And you multiplied your fornications in the land of Canaan with the Chaldeans. And even then, you were not satisfied.

{16:30} In quo mundabo cor tuum, ait Dominus Deus; cum facias omnia hæc opera mulieris meretricis, et procacis?
{16:30} With what can I cleanse your heart, says the Lord God, since you do all these things, the works of a woman who is a shameless prostitute?

{16:31} Quia fabricasti lupanar tuum in capite omnis viæ, et excelsum tuum fecisti in omni platea: nec facta es quasi meretrix fastidio augens pretium,
{16:31} For you have built your brothel at the head of every way, and you have made your exalted place on every street. And you have not even been like a choosy prostitute, increasing her price,

{16:32} sed quasi mulier adultera, quæ super virum suum inducit alienos.
{16:32} but instead like a woman who is an adulteress, who prefers strangers to her own husband.

{16:33} Omnibus meretricibus dantur mercedes: tu autem dedisti mercedes cunctis amatoribus tuis, et dona donabas eis ut intrarent ad te undique ad fornicandum tecum.
{16:33} Wages are given to all prostitutes. But you have given wages to all your lovers, and you have given gifts to them, so that they would enter to you from every side, in order to fornicate with you.

{16:34} Factumque est in te contra consuetudinem mulierum in fornicationibus tuis, et post te non erit fornicatio: in eo enim quod dedisti mercedes, et mercedes non accepisti, factum est in te contrarium.
{16:34} And it is done with you, in your fornications, contrary to the custom of women, and even after you, there will be no such fornication. For in as much as you have given payment, and not taken payment, what has been done in you is the contrary.”

~ Israel is comparable to a prostitute. But even worse, Israel does not take payment for its spiritual prostitutions, but instead pays for the same.

{16:35} Propterea meretrix audi verbum Domini.
{16:35} Because of this, O harlot, listen to the word of the Lord.

{16:36} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Quia effusum est æs tuum, et revelata est ignominia tua in fornicationibus tuis super amatores tuos, et super idola abominationum tuarum in sanguine filiorum tuorum, quos dedisti eis:
{16:36} Thus says the Lord God: “Because your money has been poured out, and your disgrace has been uncovered, in your fornications with your lovers and with the idols of your abominations, in the blood of your sons, whom you gave to them:

{16:37} Ecce ego congregabo omnes amatores tuos, quibus commista es, et omnes, quos dilexisti cum universis, quos oderas: et congregabo eos super te undique, et nudabo ignominiam tuam coram eis, et videbunt omnem turpitudinem tuam.
{16:37} Behold, I will gather all your lovers, with whom you have united, and all those whom you have loved, together with all those whom you have hated. And I will gather them together against you on every side. And I will uncover your disgrace before them, and they will see all your indecency.

{16:38} Et iudicabo te iudiciis adulterarum, et effundentium sanguinem: et dabo te in sanguinem furoris et zeli.
{16:38} And I will judge you with the judgment of adulteresses and of those who shed blood. And I will give you over to blood, in fury and in zeal.

{16:39} Et dabo te in manus eorum, et destruent lupanar tuum: et demolientur prostibulum tuum: et denudabunt te vestimentis tuis, et auferent vasa decoris tui: et derelinquent te nudam, plenamque ignominia:
{16:39} And I will deliver you into their hands. And they will destroy your brothel and demolish your place of prostitution. And they will strip you of your vestments. And they will take away the ornaments of your beauty. And they will leave you behind, naked and full of disgrace.

{16:40} et adducent super te multitudinem, et lapidabunt te lapidibus, et trucidabunt te gladiis suis.
{16:40} And they will lead over you a multitude. And they will stone you with stones, and massacre you with their swords.

{16:41} Et comburent domos tuas igni, et facient in te iudicia in oculis mulierum plurimarum: et desines fornicari, et mercedes ultra non dabis.
{16:41} And they will burn up your houses with fire, and they will carry out judgments against you in the sight of many women. And you will cease from fornication, and no longer give payment.

{16:42} Et requiescet indignatio mea in te: et auferetur zelus meus a te, et quiescam, nec irascar amplius.
{16:42} And my indignation will be quieted in you. And my zeal will be taken from you. And I will rest, and no longer be angry.

{16:43} Eo quod non fueris recordata dierum adolescentiæ tuæ, et provocasti me in omnibus his: quapropter et ego vias tuas in capite tuo dedi, ait Dominus Deus, et non feci iuxta scelera tua in omnibus abominationibus tuis.
{16:43} For you have not remembered the days of your youth, and you have provoked me in all these things. Because of this, I also have delivered all your ways upon your head, says the Lord God, but I have not acted in accord with your wickedness in all your abominations.

{16:44} Ecce omnis, qui dicit vulgo proverbium, in te assumet illud, dicens: Sicut mater, ita et filia eius.
{16:44} Behold, all who speak a common proverb will take this up against you, saying: ‘Like the mother, so also is her daughter.’

{16:45} Filia matris tuæ es tu, quæ proiecit virum suum, et filios suos: et soror sororum tuarum es tu, quæ proiecerunt viros suos, et filios suos: mater vestra Cethæa, et pater vester Amorrhæus.
{16:45} You are your mother’s daughter, for she cast away her husband and her children. And you are the sister of your sisters, for they cast away their husbands and their children. Your mother was a Cethite, and your father was an Amorite.

{16:46} Et soror tua maior, Samaria, ipsa et filiæ eius, quæ habitant ad sinistram tuam: soror autem tua minor te, quæ habitat a dextris tuis, Sodoma, et filiæ eius.
{16:46} And your older sister is Samaria, she and her daughters are those who live to your left. But your younger sister, who lives to your right, is Sodom and her daughters.

{16:47} Sed nec in viis earum ambulasti, neque secundum scelera earum fecisti pauxillum minus: pene sceleratiora fecisti illis in omnibus viis tuis.
{16:47} But neither have you walked in their ways. For you have done only a little less compared to their wickedness. You have acted almost more wickedly, in all your ways, than they have acted.

~ In some ways, on some points of morality, the neighboring cities around Israel have been more wicked, and Israel a little less wicked. But as we learn in subsequent verses, in other ways, Israel has been much more wicked. The greater wickedness of Israel is perhaps due to their greater gifts; of those to whom more is given, more will be expected. Also, since Israel knows the one true God, when Israel commits idolatry, it is a much greater offense, even though the external acts might be a little less wicked.

{16:48} Vivo ego, dicit Dominus Deus, quia non fecit Sodoma soror tua ipsa, et filiæ eius, sicut fecisti tu, et filiæ tuæ.
{16:48} As I live, says the Lord God, your sister Sodom herself, and her daughters, have not done as you and your daughters have done.

{16:49} Ecce hæc fuit iniquitas Sodomæ sororis tuæ, superbia, saturitas panis et abundantia, et otium ipsius, et filiarum eius: et manum egeno, et pauperi non porrigebant.
{16:49} Behold, this was the iniquity of Sodom, your sister: arrogance, indulgence in bread and abundance, and the idleness of her and her daughters; and they did not reach out their hand to the needy and the poor.

{16:50} Et elevatæ sunt, et fecerunt abominationes coram me: et abstuli eas sicut vidisti.
{16:50} And they were exalted, and they committed abominations before me. And so I took them away, just as you have seen.

{16:51} Et Samaria dimidium peccatorum tuorum non peccavit: sed vicisti eas sceleribus tuis, et iustificasti sorores tuas in omnibus abominationibus tuis, quas operata es.
{16:51} But Samaria has not committed even half of your sins. For you have exceeded them in your wickedness, and you have justified your sisters by all your abominations, which you have wrought.

{16:52} Ergo et tu porta confusionem tuam, quæ vicisti sorores tuas peccatis tuis, scelerantius agens ab eis: iustificatæ sunt enim a te: ergo et tu confundere, et porta ignominiam tuam, quæ iustificasti sorores tuas.
{16:52} Therefore, you also bear your shame, for you have exceeded your sisters with your sins, acting more wickedly than they did. So they have been justified above you. By this also, you are confounded, and you bear your disgrace, for you have justified your sisters.

{16:53} Et convertam restituens eas conversione Sodomorum cum filiabus suis, et conversione Samariæ, et filiarum eius: et convertam reversionem tuam in medio earum,
{16:53} But I will convert and restore them, by converting Sodom with her daughters, and by converting Samaria and her daughters. And I will convert your return in their midst.

{16:54} ut portes ignominiam tuam, et confundaris in omnibus, quæ fecisti consolans eas.
{16:54} So may you bear your disgrace and be confounded over all that you have done, consoling them.

{16:55} Et soror tua Sodoma, et filiæ eius revertentur ad antiquitatem suam: et Samaria, et filiæ eius revertentur ad antiquitatem suam: et tu, et filiæ tuæ revertemini ad antiquitatem vestram.
{16:55} And your sister Sodom and her daughters will return to their ancient state. And Samaria and her daughters will return to their ancient state. And you and your daughters will be returned to your ancient state.

{16:56} Non fuit autem Sodoma soror tua audita in ore tuo, in die superbiæ tuæ,
{16:56} Your sister Sodom was not heard from your mouth, then, in the day of your pride,

{16:57} antequam revelaretur malitia tua: sicut hoc tempore in opprobrium filiarum Syriæ, et cunctarum in circuitu tuo filiarum Palæstinarum, quæ ambiunt te per gyrum.
{16:57} before your malice was revealed, as it is at this time, with the reproach of the daughters of Syria and of all the daughters of Palestine, who surround you, who encircle you on every side.

{16:58} Scelus tuum, et ignominiam tuam tu portasti, ait Dominus Deus.
{16:58} You have borne your wickedness and your disgrace, says the Lord God.”

{16:59} Quia hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Et faciam tibi sicut despexisti iuramentum, ut irritum faceres pactum:
{16:59} For thus says the Lord God: “I will act toward you, just as you have despised the oath, so that you would make void the covenant.

{16:60} et recordabor ego pacti mei tecum in diebus adolescentiæ tuæ: et suscitabo tibi pactum sempiternum.
{16:60} And I will remember my covenant with you in the days of your youth. And I will raise up for you an everlasting covenant.

{16:61} Et recordaberis viarum tuarum, et confunderis: cum receperis sorores tuas te maiores cum minoribus tuis: et dabo eas tibi in filias, sed non ex pacto tuo.
{16:61} And you shall remember your ways and be confounded, when you will have received your sisters, your elder with your younger. And I will give them to you as daughters, but not by your covenant.

{16:62} Et suscitabo ego pactum meum tecum: et scies quia ego Dominus,
{16:62} And I will raise up my covenant with you. And you shall know that I am the Lord.

{16:63} ut recorderis, et confundaris, et non sit tibi ultra aperire os præ confusione tua, cum placatus tibi fuero in omnibus, quæ fecisti, ait Dominus Deus.
{16:63} So may you remember and be confounded. And it will no longer be for you to open your mouth, because of your shame, when I will have been pacified toward you over all that you have done, says the Lord God.”

[Ezechiel 17]
[Ezekiel 17]

{17:1} Et factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
{17:1} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{17:2} Fili hominis propone ænigma, et narra parabolam ad domum Israel,
{17:2} “Son of man, propose an enigma and describe a parable to the house of Israel,

{17:3} et dices: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Aquila grandis magnarum alarum, longo membrorum ductu, plena plumis, et varietate, venit ad Libanum, et tulit medullam cedri.
{17:3} and you shall say: Thus says the Lord God: A large eagle, with great wings and elongated pinions, full of feathers with many colors, came to Lebanon. And he took the kernel of the cedar.

{17:4} Summitatem frondium eius avulsit: et transportavit eam in Terram Chanaan, in urbe negotiatorum posuit illam.
{17:4} He tore off the summit of its branches, and he transported it to the land of Canaan; he placed it in a city of merchants.

{17:5} Et tulit de semine terræ, et posuit illud in terra pro semine, ut firmaret radicem super aquas multas: in superficie posuit illud.
{17:5} And he took from the seed of the land and placed it in the ground for seed, so that it might take firm root above many waters; he placed it at the surface.

{17:6} Cumque germinasset, crevit in vineam latiorem, humili statura, respicientibus ramis eius ad eam: et radices eius sub illa erant. Facta est ergo vinea, et fructificavit in palmites, et emisit propagines.
{17:6} And when it had germinated, it increased into a more extensive vine, low in height, with its branches facing toward itself. And its roots were underneath it. And so, it became a vine, and sprouted branches, and produced shoots.

{17:7} Et facta est aquila altera grandis magnis alis, multisque plumis: et ecce vinea ista quasi mittens radices suas ad eam, palmites suos extendit ad illam, ut irrigaret eam de areolis germinis sui.
{17:7} And there was another large eagle, with great wings and many feathers. And behold, this vine seemed to bend its roots towards him, extending its branches toward him, so that he might irrigate it from the garden of its germination.

{17:8} In terra bona super aquas multas plantata est: ut faciat frondes, et portet fructum, ut sit in vineam grandem.
{17:8} It had been planted in a good land, above many waters, so that it would produce branches and bear fruit, so that it would become a large vine.

{17:9} Dic: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ergone prosperabitur? Nonne radices eius evellet, et fructus eius distringet, et siccabit omnes palmites germinis eius, et arescet? Et non in brachio grandi, neque in populo multo, ut evelleret eam radicitus?
{17:9} Speak: Thus says the Lord God: What if it does not prosper? Should he not pull up its roots, and strip off its fruit, and dry up all the branches that it has produced, and let it wither, though he is without a strong arm and without many people to pull it up by the root?

{17:10} Ecce plantata est: ergone prosperabitur? Nonne cum tetigerit eam ventus urens siccabitur, et in areis germinis sui arescet?
{17:10} Behold, it has been planted. What if it does not prosper? Should it not be dried up when the burning wind touches it, and should it not wither in the garden of its germination?”

{17:11} Et factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
{17:11} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{17:12} Dic ad domum exasperantem: Nescitis quid ista significent? Dic: Ecce venit rex Babylonis in Ierusalem: et assumet regem, et principes eius, et adducet eos ad semetipsum in Babylonem.
{17:12} “Say to the provoking house: Do you not know what these things signify? Say: Behold, the king of Babylon arrives in Jerusalem. And he will take away its king and princes, and he will lead them away to himself in Babylon.

{17:13} Et tollet de semine regni, ferietque cum eo fœdus: et ab eo accipiet iusiurandum. Sed et fortes terræ tollet,
{17:13} And he will take one from the offspring of the king, and he will strike a pact with him and receive an oath from him. Moreover, he will take away the strong ones of the land,

{17:14} ut sit regnum humile, et non elevetur, sed custodiat pactum eius, et servet illud.
{17:14} so that it may be a lowly kingdom, and may not lift itself up, and may instead keep his pact and serve it.

{17:15} Qui recedens ab eo misit nuncios ad Ægyptum ut daret sibi equos, et populum multum. Numquid prosperabitur, vel consequetur salutem qui fecit hæc? Et qui dissolvit pactum, numquid effugiet?
{17:15} But, withdrawing from him, he sent messengers to Egypt, so that it would give him horses and many people. Should he who has done these things prosper and obtain safety? And should he who has broken the pact go free?

{17:16} Vivo ego, dicit Dominus Deus: quoniam in loco regis, qui constituit eum regem, cuius fecit irritum iuramentum, et solvit pactum, quod habebat cum eo, in medio Babylonis morietur.
{17:16} As I live, says the Lord God, in the place of the king, who appointed him as king, whose oath he has made void, and whose pact he has broken, under which he was living with him, in the midst of Babylon, he shall die.

{17:17} Et non in exercitu grandi, neque in populo multo faciet contra eum Pharao prælium: in iactu aggeris, et in extructione vallorum ut interficiat animas multas.
{17:17} And not with a great army, nor with many people will Pharaoh undertake a battle against him, when he will cast up ramparts and build defenses, in order to put to death many souls.

{17:18} Spreverat enim iuramentum ut solveret fœdus, et ecce dedit manum suam: et cum omnia hæc fecerit, non effugiet.
{17:18} For he has despised an oath, in that he broke the pact. And behold, he had given his hand. And so, since he has done all these things, he shall not escape.

~ He gave his hand in the sense that he swore an oath. This is comparable to the practice today, of raising one’s right hand in order to swear to something.

{17:19} Propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Vivo ego, quoniam iuramentum, quod sprevit, et fœdus, quod prævaricatus est, ponam in caput eius.
{17:19} Because of this, thus says the Lord God: As I live, I will place upon his head the oath that he has spurned and the pact that he has betrayed.

{17:20} Et expandam super eum rete meum, et comprehendetur in sagena mea: et adducam eum in Babylonem, et iudicabo eum ibi in prævaricatione, qua despexit me.
{17:20} And I will spread my net over him, and he will be captured in my dragnet. And I will lead him into Babylon, and I will judge him there for the transgression by which he has despised me.

{17:21} Et omnes profugi eius cum universo agmine suo, gladio cadent: residui autem in omnem ventum dispergentur: et scietis quia ego Dominus locutus sum.
{17:21} And all his fugitives, with all his procession, will fall by the sword. Then the remainder will be scattered into every wind. And you shall know that I, the Lord, have spoken.”

{17:22} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Et sumam ego de medulla cedri sublimis, et ponam: de vertice ramorum eius tenerum distringam, et plantabo super montem excelsum et eminentem.
{17:22} Thus says the Lord God: “I myself will take from the kernel of the exalted cedar, and I will establish it. I will tear off a tender twig from the top of its branches, and I will plant it on a mountain, lofty and exalted.

{17:23} In monte sublimi Israel plantabo illud, et erumpet in germen, et faciet fructum, et erit in cedrum magnam: et habitabunt sub ea omnes volucres, et universum volatile sub umbra frondium eius nidificabit.
{17:23} On the sublime mountains of Israel, I will plant it. And it shall spring forth in buds and bear fruit, and it shall be a great cedar. And all the birds will live under it, and every bird will make its nest under the shadow of its branches.

{17:24} Et scient omnia ligna regionis, quia ego Dominus humiliavi lignum sublime, et exaltavi lignum humile: et siccavi lignum viride, et frondere feci lignum aridum. Ego Dominus locutus sum, et feci.
{17:24} And all the trees of the regions will know that I, the Lord, have brought low the sublime tree, and have exalted the lowly tree, and have dried up the green tree, and have caused the dry tree to flourish. I, the Lord, have spoken and acted.”

[Ezechiel 18]
[Ezekiel 18]

{18:1} Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
{18:1} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{18:2} Quid est quod inter vos parabolam vertitis in proverbium istud in terra Israel, dicentes: Patres comederunt uvam acerbam, et dentes filiorum obstupescunt?
{18:2} “Why is it that you circulate among yourselves this parable, as a proverb in the land of Israel, saying: ‘The fathers ate a bitter grape, and the teeth of the sons have been affected.’

{18:3} Vivo ego, dicit Dominus Deus, si erit ultra vobis parabola hæc in proverbium in Israel.
{18:3} As I live, says the Lord God, this parable shall no longer be a proverb for you in Israel.

{18:4} Ecce omnes animæ, meæ sunt: ut anima patris, ita et anima filii mea est: anima, quæ peccaverit, ipsa morietur.
{18:4} Behold, all souls are mine. Just as the soul of the father is mine, so also is the soul of the son. The soul that sins, the same shall die.

{18:5} Et vir si fuerit iustus, et fecerit iudicium, et iustitiam,
{18:5} And if a man is just, and he accomplishes judgment and justice,

{18:6} in montibus non comederit, et oculos suos non levaverit ad idola domus Israel: et uxorem proximi sui non violaverit, et ad mulierem menstruatam non accesserit:
{18:6} and if he does not eat upon the mountains, nor lifted up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, and if he has not violated the wife of his neighbor, nor approached a menstruating woman,

{18:7} et hominem non contristaverit: pignus debitori reddiderit, per vim nihil rapuerit: panem suum esurienti dederit, et nudum operuerit vestimento:
{18:7} and if he has not grieved any man, but has restored the collateral to the debtor, if he has seized nothing by violence, has given his bread to the hungry, and has covered the naked with a garment,

{18:8} ad usuram non commodaverit, et amplius non acceperit: ab iniquitate averterit manum suam, et iudicium verum fecerit inter virum et virum:
{18:8} if he has not lent upon usury, nor taken any increase, if he has averted his hand from iniquity, and has executed true judgment between man and man,

{18:9} in præceptis meis ambulaverit, et iudicia mea custodierit ut faciat veritatem: hic iustus est, vita vivet, ait Dominus Deus.
{18:9} if he has walked in my precepts and kept my judgments, so that he acts in accord with truth, then he is just; he shall certainly live, says the Lord God.

{18:10} Quod si genuerit filium latronem effundentem sanguinem, et fecerit unum de istis:
{18:10} But if he raises a son who is a robber, who sheds blood, and who does any of these things,

{18:11} et hæc quidem omnia non facientem, sed in montibus comedentem, et uxorem proximi sui polluentem:
{18:11} (even though he himself does not do any of these things,) and who eats upon the mountains, and who defiles the wife of his neighbor,

{18:12} egenum, et pauperem contristantem, rapientem rapinas, pignus non reddentem, et ad idola levantem oculos suos, abominationem facientem:
{18:12} who grieves the needy and the poor, who seizes with violence, who does not restore the collateral, and who lifts up his eyes to idols, committing abomination,

{18:13} ad usuram dantem, et amplius accipientem: numquid vivet? Non vivet. Cum universa hæc detestanda fecerit, morte morietur, sanguis eius in ipso erit.
{18:13} who lends upon usury, and who takes an increase, then shall he live? He shall not live. Since he has done all these detestable things, he shall certainly die. His blood shall be upon him.

{18:14} Quod si genuerit filium, qui videns omnia peccata patris sui, quæ fecit, timuerit, et non fecerit simile eis:
{18:14} But if he raises a son, who, seeing all his father’s sins that he has done, is afraid and so does not act in a way similar to him,

{18:15} super montes non comederit, et oculos suos non levaverit ad idola domus Israel, et uxorem proximi sui non violaverit:
{18:15} who does not eat upon the mountains, nor lift up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, and who does not violate the wife of his neighbor,

{18:16} et virum non contristaverit, pignus non retinuerit, et rapinam non rapuerit, panem suum esurienti dederit, et nudum operuerit vestimento:
{18:16} and who has not grieved any man, nor withheld the collateral, nor seized by violence, but instead has given his bread to the hungry, and has covered the naked with a garment,

{18:17} a pauperis iniuria averterit manum suam, usuram et superabundantiam non acceperit, iudicia mea fecerit, in præceptis meis ambulaverit: hic non morietur in iniquitate patris sui, sed vita vivet.
{18:17} who has averted his hand from injuring the poor, who has not taken usury and an overabundance, who has acted according to my judgments and walked in my precepts, then this one shall not die for the iniquity of his father; instead, he shall certainly live.

{18:18} Pater eius quia calumniatus est, et vim fecit fratri, et malum operatus est in medio populi sui, ecce mortuus est in iniquitate sua.
{18:18} As for his father, because he oppressed and did violence to his brother, and worked evil in the midst of his people, behold, he has died by his own iniquity.

{18:19} Et dicitis: Quare non portavit filius iniquitatem patris? Videlicet, quia filius iudicium, et iustitiam operatus est, omnia præcepta mea custodivit, et fecit illa, vivet vita.
{18:19} And you say, ‘Why has not the son borne the iniquity of the father?’ Clearly, since the son has worked judgment and justice, has observed all my precepts, and has done them, he shall certainly live.

{18:20} Anima quæ peccaverit, ipsa morietur: filius non portabit iniquitatem patris, et pater non portabit iniquitatem filii: iustitia iusti super eum erit, et impietas impii erit super eum.
{18:20} The soul that sins, the same shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, and the father shall not bear the iniquity of the son. The justice of the just man shall be upon himself, but the impiety of the impious man shall be upon himself.

{18:21} Si autem impius egerit pœnitentiam ab omnibus peccatis suis, quæ operatus est, et custodierit omnia præcepta mea, et fecerit iudicium, et iustitiam: vita vivet, et non morietur.
{18:21} But if the impious man does penance for all his sins which he has committed, and if he keeps all my precepts, and accomplishes judgment and justice, then he shall certainly live, and he shall not die.

{18:22} Omnium iniquitatum eius, quas operatus est, non recordabor: in iustitia sua, quam operatus est, vivet.
{18:22} I will not remember all his iniquities, which he has worked; by his justice, which he has worked, he shall live.

{18:23} Numquid voluntatis meæ est mors impii, dicit Dominus Deus, et non ut convertatur a viis suis, et vivat?
{18:23} How could it be my will that an impious man should die, says the Lord God, and not that he should be converted from his ways and live?

{18:24} Si autem averterit se iustus a iustitia sua, et fecerit iniquitatem secundum omnes abominationes, quas operari solet impius, numquid vivet? Omnes iustitiæ eius, quas fecerat, non recordabuntur: in prævaricatione, qua prævaricatus est, et in peccato suo, quod peccavit, in ipsis morietur.
{18:24} But if a just man turns himself away from his justice, and does iniquity in accord with all the abominations that the impious man so often does, why should he live? All his justices, which he has accomplished, shall not be remembered. By the transgression, in which he has transgressed, and by his sin, in which he has sinned, by these he shall die.

{18:25} Et dixistis: Non est æqua via Domini. Audite ergo domus Israel: Numquid via mea non est æqua, et non magis viæ vestræ pravæ sunt?
{18:25} And you have said, ‘The way of the Lord is not fair.’ Therefore, listen, O house of Israel. How could it be that my way is not fair? And is it not instead your ways that are perverse?

{18:26} Cum enim averterit se iustus a iustitia sua, et fecerit iniquitatem, morietur in eis: in iniustitia, quam operatus est, morietur.
{18:26} For when the just man turns himself away from his justice, and commits iniquity, he shall die by this; by the injustice that he has worked, he shall die.

{18:27} Et cum averterit se impius ab impietate sua, quam operatus est, et fecerit iudicium, et iustitiam: ipse animam suam vivificabit.
{18:27} And when the impious man turns himself away from his impiety, which he has done, and accomplishes judgment and justice, he shall cause his own soul to live.

{18:28} Considerans enim, et avertens se ab omnibus iniquitatibus suis, quas operatus est, vita vivet, et non morietur.
{18:28} For by considering and turning himself away from all his iniquities, which he has worked, he shall certainly live, and he shall not die.

{18:29} Et dicunt filii Israel: Non est æqua via Domini. Numquid viæ meæ non sunt æquæ, domus Israel, et non magis viæ vestræ pravæ?
{18:29} And yet the sons of Israel say, ‘The way of the Lord is not fair.’ How could it be that my ways are not fair, O house of Israel? And is it not instead your ways that are perverse?

{18:30} Idcirco unumquemque iuxta vias suas iudicabo domus Israel, ait Dominus Deus. Convertimini, et agite pœnitentiam ab omnibus iniquitatibus vestris: et non erit vobis in ruinam iniquitas.
{18:30} Therefore, O house of Israel, I will judge each one according to his ways, says the Lord God. Be converted, and do penance for all your iniquities, and then iniquity will not be your ruin.

{18:31} Proiicite a vobis omnes prævaricationes vestras, in quibus prævaricati estis, et facite vobis cor novum, et spiritum novum: et quare moriemini domus Israel?
{18:31} Cast all your transgressions, by which you have transgressed, away from you, and make for yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. And then why should you die, O house of Israel?

{18:32} Quia nolo mortem morientis, dicit Dominus Deus, revertimini, et vivite.
{18:32} For I do not desire the death of one who dies, says the Lord God. So return and live.”

[Ezechiel 19]
[Ezekiel 19]

{19:1} Et tu assume planctum super principes Israel,
{19:1} “And as for you, take up a lament over the leaders of Israel,

{19:2} et dices: Quare mater tua leæna inter leones cubavit, in medio leunculorum enutrivit catulos suos?
{19:2} and you shall say: Why did your mother, the lioness, recline among the male lions, and raise her little ones in the midst of young lions?

{19:3} Et eduxit unum de leunculis suis, et leo factus est: et didicit capere prædam, hominemque comedere.
{19:3} And she led away one of her little ones, and he became a lion. And he learned to seize prey and to consume men.

{19:4} Et audierunt de eo Gentes, et non absque vulneribus suis ceperunt eum: et adduxerunt eum in catenis in Terram Ægypti.
{19:4} And the Gentiles heard about him, and they seized him, but not without receiving wounds. And they led him away in chains to the land of Egypt.

{19:5} Quæ cum vidisset quoniam infirmata est, et periit expectatio eius: tulit unum de leunculis suis, leonem constituit eum.
{19:5} Then, when she had seen that she was weakened, and that her hope had perished, she took one of her little ones, and appointed him as a lion.

{19:6} Qui incedebat inter leones, et factus est leo: et didicit prædam capere, et homines devorare:
{19:6} And he advanced among the lions, and he became a lion. And he learned to seize prey and to devour men.

{19:7} Didicit viduas facere, et civitates earum in desertum adducere: et desolata est terra, et plenitudo eius a voce rugitus illius.
{19:7} He learned to make widows, and to lead their citizens into the desert. And the land, with its plenitude, was made desolate by the voice of his roaring.

{19:8} Et convenerunt adversus eum Gentes undique de provinciis, et expanderunt super eum rete suum, in vulneribus earum captus est.
{19:8} And the Gentiles came together against him, on every side, from the provinces, and they spread their net over him; by their wounds, he was captured.

{19:9} Et miserunt eum in caveam, in catenis adduxerunt eum ad regem Babylonis: miseruntque eum in carcerem, ne audiretur vox eius ultra super montes Israel.
{19:9} And they put him into a cage; they led him in chains to the king of Babylon. And they cast him into a prison, so that his voice would no longer be heard upon the mountains of Israel.

{19:10} Mater tua quasi vinea in sanguine tuo super aquam plantata est: fructus eius, et frondes eius creverunt ex aquis multis.
{19:10} Your mother is like a vine, in your blood, planted by the water; her fruit and her branches have increased because of many waters.

{19:11} Et factæ sunt ei virgæ solidæ in sceptra dominantium, et exaltata est statura eius inter frondes: et vidit altitudinem suam in multitudine palmitum suorum.
{19:11} And her strong branches were made into scepters for the rulers, and her stature was exalted among the branches. And she saw her own loftiness among the multitude of her branches.

{19:12} Et evulsa est in ira, in terramque proiecta, et ventus urens siccavit fructum eius: marcuerunt, et arefactæ sunt virgæ roboris eius: ignis comedit eam.
{19:12} But she was uprooted in wrath, and cast upon the ground. And the burning wind dried up her fruit. Her robust branches withered and were dried up. A fire consumed her.

{19:13} Et nunc transplantata est in desertum, in terra invia, et sitienti.
{19:13} And now she has been transplanted into the desert, into a land impassable and dry.

{19:14} Et egressus est ignis de virga ramorum eius, qui fructum eius comedit: et non fuit in ea virga fortis, sceptrum dominantium. Planctus est, et erit in planctum.
{19:14} And a fire has gone forth from a rod of her branches, which has consumed her fruit. And there is no strong branch in her to become a scepter for the rulers. This is a lamentation, and it shall be a lamentation.”

[Ezechiel 20]
[Ezekiel 20]

{20:1} Et factum est in anno septimo, in quinto, in decima mensis: venerunt viri de senioribus Israel ut interrogarent Dominum, et sederunt coram me.
{20:1} And it happened that, in the seventh year, in the fifth month, on the tenth of the month, men from the elders of Israel arrived, so that they might inquire of the Lord, and they sat before me.

{20:2} Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
{20:2} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{20:3} Fili hominis loquere senioribus Israel, et dices ad eos: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Numquid ad interrogandum me vos venistis? Vivo ego quia non respondebo vobis, ait Dominus Deus.
{20:3} “Son of man, speak to the elders of Israel, and you shall say to them: Thus says the Lord God: Have you arrived in order to inquire of me? As I live, I will not answer you, says the Lord God.

{20:4} Si iudicas eos, si iudicas fili hominis, abominationes patrum eorum ostende eis.
{20:4} If you judge them, if you judge, O son of man, reveal to them the abominations of their fathers.

{20:5} Et dices ad eos: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: In die, qua elegi Israel, et levavi manum meam pro stirpe domus Iacob, et apparui eis in Terra Ægypti, et levavi manum meam pro eis, dicens: Ego Dominus Deus vester:
{20:5} And you shall say to them: Thus says the Lord God: In the day when I chose Israel, and I lifted up my hand on behalf of the stock of the house of Jacob, and I appeared to them in the land of Egypt, and I lifted up my hand on their behalf, saying, ‘I am the Lord your God,’

{20:6} in die illa levavi manum meam pro eis, ut educerem eos de Terra Ægypti, in Terram, quam provideram eis, fluentem lacte, et melle: quæ est egregia inter omnes terras.
{20:6} in that day, I lifted up my hand for their sake, so that I would lead them away from the land of Egypt, into a land which I had provided for them, flowing with milk and honey, which was singular among all lands.

{20:7} Et dixi ad eos: Unusquisque offensiones oculorum suorum abiiciat, et in idolis Ægypti nolite pollui: ego Dominus Deus vester.
{20:7} And I said to them: ‘Let each one cast away the offenses of his eyes, and do not choose to defile yourselves with the idols of Egypt. I am the Lord your God.’

{20:8} Et irritaverunt me, nolueruntque me audire: unusquisque abominationes oculorum suorum non proiecit, nec idola Ægypti reliquerunt: et dixi ut effunderem indignationem meam super eos, et implerem iram meam in eis, in medio Terræ Ægypti.
{20:8} But they provoked me, and they were not willing to listen to me. Each one of them did not cast away the abominations of his eyes, nor did they leave behind the idols of Egypt. And so, I said that I would pour out my indignation upon them, and fulfill my wrath against them, in the midst of the land of Egypt.

{20:9} Et feci propter nomen meum, ut non violaretur coram Gentibus, in quarum medio erant, et inter quas apparui eis ut educerem eos de Terra Ægypti.
{20:9} But I acted for the sake of my name, so that it would not be violated in the sight of the Gentiles, in the midst of whom they were, and among whom I appeared to them, so that I might lead them away from the land of Egypt.

{20:10} Eieci ergo eos de Terra Ægypti, et eduxi eos in desertum.
{20:10} Therefore, I cast them out of the land of Egypt, and I led them away into the desert.

{20:11} Et dedi eis præcepta mea, et iudicia mea ostendi eis, quæ faciens homo, vivet in eis.
{20:11} And I gave them my precepts, and I revealed to them my judgments, which, if a man does them, he shall live by them.

{20:12} Insuper et Sabbata mea dedi eis, ut essent signum inter me et eos: et scirent quia ego Dominus sanctificans eos.
{20:12} Moreover, I also gave to them my Sabbaths, so that these would be a sign between me and them, and so that they would know that I am the Lord, who sanctifies them.

{20:13} Et irritaverunt me domus Israel in deserto, in præceptis meis non ambulaverunt, et iudicia mea proiecerunt, quæ faciens homo vivet in eis: et Sabbata mea violaverunt vehementer: dixi ergo ut effunderem furorem meum super eos in deserto, et consumerem eos.
{20:13} But the house of Israel provoked me in the desert. They did not walk in my precepts, and they cast aside my judgments, which, if a man does them, he shall live by them. And they grievously violated my Sabbaths. Therefore, I said that I would pour out my fury upon them in the desert, and that I would consume them.

{20:14} Et feci propter nomen meum, ne violaretur coram Gentibus de quibus eieci eos in conspectu earum.
{20:14} But I acted for the sake of my name, lest it be violated before the Gentiles, from whom I cast them out, in their sight.

{20:15} Ego igitur levavi manum meam super eos in deserto, ne inducerem eos in Terram, quam dedi eis fluentem lacte, et melle, præcipuam terrarum omnium:
{20:15} And so I lifted up my hand over them in the desert, so as not to lead them into the land that I had given to them, flowing with milk and honey, the foremost of all lands.

{20:16} Quia iudicia mea proiecerunt, et in præceptis meis non ambulaverunt, et Sabbata mea violaverunt: post idola enim cor eorum gradiebatur.
{20:16} For they cast aside my judgments, and they did not walk in my precepts, and they violated my Sabbaths. For their heart went after idols.

{20:17} Et pepercit oculus meus super eos ut non interficerem eos: nec consumpsi eos in deserto.
{20:17} Yet my eye was lenient concerning them, so that I did not utterly destroy them, nor did I consume them in the desert.

{20:18} Dixi autem ad filios eorum in solitudine: In præceptis patrum vestrorum nolite incedere, nec iudicia eorum custodiatis, nec in idolis eorum polluamini:
{20:18} Then I said to their sons in the wilderness: ‘Do not choose to advance by the precepts of your fathers, nor should you observe their judgments. And do not be defiled by their idols.

{20:19} Ego Dominus Deus vester: in præceptis meis ambulate, iudicia mea custodite, et facite ea:
{20:19} I am the Lord your God. Walk in my precepts, and observe my judgments, and accomplish them.

{20:20} Et Sabbata mea sanctificate ut sint signum inter me et vos, et sciatis quia ego sum Dominus Deus vester.
{20:20} And sanctify my Sabbaths, so that these may be a sign between me and you, and so that you may know that I am the Lord your God.’

{20:21} Et exacerbaverunt me filii, in præceptis meis non ambulaverunt: et iudicia mea non custodierunt ut facerent ea: quæ cum fecerit homo, vivet in eis: et Sabbata mea violaverunt: et comminatus sum ut effunderem furorem meum super eos, et implerem iram meam in eis in deserto.
{20:21} But their sons provoked me. They did not walk in my precepts. And they did not observe my judgments, so as to do them; for if a man does them, he shall live by them. And they violated my Sabbaths. And so, I threatened that I would pour out my fury upon them, and that I would fulfill my wrath among them in the desert.

{20:22} Averti autem manum meam, et feci propter nomen meum, ut non violaretur coram Gentibus, de quibus eieci eos in oculis earum.
{20:22} But I turned aside my hand, and I acted for the sake of my name, so that it would not be violated before the Gentiles, from whom I cast them out, before their eyes.

{20:23} Iterum levavi manum meam in eos in solitudine, ut dispergerem illos in nationes, et ventilarem in terras:
{20:23} Again, I lifted up my hand against them, in the wilderness, so that I would disperse them among the nations, and scatter them among the lands.

{20:24} eo quod iudicia mea non fecissent, et præcepta mea reprobassent, et Sabbata mea violassent, et post idola patrum suorum fuissent oculi eorum.
{20:24} For they had not accomplished my judgments, and they had rejected my precepts, and they had violated my Sabbaths. And their eyes had been after the idols of their fathers.

{20:25} Ergo et ego dedi eis præcepta non bona, et iudicia, in quibus non vivent:
{20:25} Therefore, I also gave them precepts that were not good, and judgments by which they shall not live.

{20:26} Et pollui eos in muneribus suis cum offerrent omne, quod aperit vulvam, propter delicta sua: et scient quia ego Dominus.
{20:26} And I defiled them by their own gifts, when they offered everything that opened the womb, because of their offenses. And they shall know that I am the Lord.

{20:27} Quam ob rem loquere ad domum Israel, fili hominis: et dices ad eos: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Adhuc et in hoc blasphemaverunt me patres vestri, cum sprevissent me contemnentes:
{20:27} For this reason, son of man, speak to the house of Israel, and you shall say to them: Thus says the Lord God. Yet also in this did your fathers blaspheme me, after they had spurned and despised me,

{20:28} et induxissem eos in Terram, super quam levavi manum meam ut darem eis: viderunt omnem collem excelsum, et omne lignum nemorosum, et immolaverunt ibi victimas suas: et dederunt ibi irritationem oblationis suæ, et posuerunt ibi odorem suavitatis suæ, et libaverunt libationes suas.
{20:28} though I had led them into the land, about which I lifted up my hand, so that I might give it to them: They saw every lofty hill and every leafy tree, and there they immolated their victims, and there they presented the provocation of their oblations, and there they stationed their sweet fragrances, and poured out their libations.

{20:29} Et dixi ad eos: Quid est excelsum, ad quod vos ingredimini? Et vocatum est nomen eius Excelsum usque ad hanc diem.
{20:29} And I said to them, ‘What is exalted about the place to which you go?’ And yet its name is called ‘Exalted,’ even to this day.

{20:30} Propterea dic ad domum Israel: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Certe in via patrum vestrorum vos polluimini, et post offendicula eorum vos fornicamini:
{20:30} Because of this, say to the house of Israel: Thus says the Lord God: Certainly, you are defiled by the way of your fathers, and you have fornicated after their stumbling blocks.

{20:31} et in oblatione donorum vestrorum, cum traducitis filios vestros per ignem, vos polluimini in omnibus idolis vestris usque hodie: et ego respondebo vobis domus Israel? Vivo ego, dicit Dominus Deus, quia non respondebo vobis.
{20:31} And you are being defiled by all of your idols, even to this day, by the oblation of your gifts, when you lead your sons through the fire. And should I respond to you, O house of Israel? As I live, says the Lord God, I will not answer you.

{20:32} Neque cogitatio mentis vestræ fiet, dicentium: Erimus sicut Gentes, et sicut cognationes terræ ut colamus ligna, et lapides.
{20:32} And the plan of your mind will not occur, saying: ‘We will be like the Gentiles, and like the families of the earth, so that we worship what is wood and stone.’

{20:33} Vivo ego, dicit Dominus Deus, quoniam in manu forti, et in brachio extento, et in furore effuso regnabo super vos.
{20:33} As I live, says the Lord God, I will reign over you with a strong hand, and with an outstretched arm, and with fury poured forth.

{20:34} Et educam vos de populis: et congregabo vos de terris, in quibus dispersi estis, in manu valida, et in brachio extento, et in furore effuso regnabo super vos.
{20:34} And I will lead you away from the peoples. And I will gather you from the lands into which you were dispersed. I will reign over you with a powerful hand, and with an outstretched arm, and with fury poured out.

{20:35} Et adducam vos in desertum populorum, et iudicabor vobiscum ibi facie ad faciem.
{20:35} And I will lead you into the desert of the peoples, and there I will enter into judgment with you, face to face.

{20:36} Sicut iudicio contendi adversum patres vestros in deserto Terræ Ægypti, sic iudicabo vos, dicit Dominus Deus.
{20:36} Just as I contended in judgment against your fathers in the desert of the land of Egypt, so also will I enter into judgment with you, says the Lord God.

{20:37} Et subiiciam vos sceptro meo, et inducam vos in vinculis fœderis.
{20:37} And I will subject you to my scepter, and I will lead you into the bonds of the covenant.

{20:38} Et eligam de vobis transgressores, et impios, et de terra incolatus eorum educam eos, et in terram Israel non ingredientur: et scietis quia ego Dominus.
{20:38} And I will select, from among you, the transgressors and the impious. And I will lead them away from the land of their sojourn, but they shall not enter into the land of Israel. And you shall know that I am the Lord.

{20:39} Et vos domus Israel, Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Singuli post idola vestra ambulate, et servite eis. Quod si et in hoc non audieritis me, et nomen meum sanctum pollueritis ultra in muneribus vestris, et in idolis vestris:
{20:39} And as for you, house of Israel: thus says the Lord God: Walk, each one of you, after your idols and serve them. But if in this also you will not listen to me, and you continue to defile my holy name with your gifts and with your idols,

{20:40} in monte sancto meo, in monte excelso Israel, ait Dominus Deus, ibi serviet mihi omnis domus Israel; omnes, inquam, in terra, in qua placebunt mihi, et ibi quæram primitias vestras, et initium decimarum vestrarum in omnibus sanctificationibus vestris.
{20:40} on my holy mountain, on the exalted mountain of Israel, says the Lord God, there all the house of Israel shall serve me; all of them, I say, in the land in which they shall please me, and there I will require your first-fruits, and the foremost of your tithes, with all your sanctifications.

{20:41} In odorem suavitatis suscipiam vos, cum eduxero vos de populis, et congregavero vos de terris, in quas dispersi estis, et sanctificabor in vobis in oculis nationum.
{20:41} I will receive from you a fragrance of sweetness, when I will have led you away from the peoples, and gathered you from the lands into which you were dispersed. And I will be sanctified in you before the eyes of the nations.

{20:42} Et scietis quia ego Dominus, cum induxero vos ad terram Israel, in Terram, pro qua levavi manum meam, ut darem eam patribus vestris.
{20:42} And you shall know that I am the Lord, when I will have led you into the land of Israel, into the land about which I lifted up my hand, so that I would give it to your fathers.

{20:43} Et recordabimini ibi viarum vestrarum, et omnium scelerum vestrorum, quibus polluti estis in eis: et displicebitis vobis in conspectu vestro in omnibus malitiis vestris, quas fecistis.
{20:43} And there you shall remember your ways and all your wickedness, by which you have been defiled. And you will be displeased with yourselves in your own sight, over all your evil deeds which you did.

{20:44} Et scietis quia ego Dominus, cum benefecero vobis propter nomen meum, et non secundum vias vestras malas, neque secundum scelera vestra pessima domus Israel, ait Dominus Deus.
{20:44} And you shall know that I am the Lord, when I will have acted well toward you for the sake of my name, and not according to your evil ways, nor according to your very great wickedness, O house of Israel, says the Lord God.”

{20:45} Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
{20:45} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{20:46} Fili hominis, pone faciem tuam contra viam Austri, et stilla ad Africum, et propheta ad saltum agri meridiani.
{20:46} “Son of man, set your face against the way of the south, and pour in drops toward Africa, and prophesy against the forest of the field of the meridian.

{20:47} Et dices saltui meridiano: Audi verbum Domini: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego succendam in te ignem, et comburam in te omne lignum viride, et omne lignum aridum: non extinguetur flamma succensionis: et comburetur in ea omnis facies ab Austro usque ad Aquilonem.
{20:47} And you shall say to the meridian forest: Listen to the word of the Lord. Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will kindle a fire in you, and I will burn up within you every green tree and every dry tree. The flame of the kindling will not be extinguished. And every face will be burned up within it, from the south, even to the north.

{20:48} Et videbit universa caro quia ego Dominus succendi eam, nec extinguetur.
{20:48} And all flesh will see that I, the Lord, have kindled it, and that it will not be extinguished.”

{20:49} Et dixi: A a a, Domine Deus: ipsi dicunt de me: Numquid non per parabolas loquitur iste?
{20:49} And I said: “Alas, alas, alas, O Lord God! They are saying about me: ‘Does this man not speak except through parables?’ ”

[Ezechiel 21]
[Ezekiel 21]

{21:1} Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
{21:1} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{21:2} Fili hominis pone faciem tuam ad Ierusalem, et stilla ad sanctuaria, et propheta contra humum Israel:
{21:2} “Son of man, set your face toward Jerusalem, and pour in drops toward the sanctuaries, and prophesy against the soil of Israel.

{21:3} Et dices terræ Israel: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego ad te, et eiiciam gladium meum de vagina sua, et occidam in te iustum, et impium.
{21:3} And you shall say to the land of Israel: Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am against you, and I will cast my sword from its sheath, and I will slay the just and the impious among you.

~ The word ‘occidam’ refers to killing, not merely to cutting.

{21:4} Pro eo autem quod occidi in te iustum, et impium, idcirco egredietur gladius meus de vagina sua ad omnem carnem ab Austro usque ad Aquilonem:
{21:4} But in as much as I have slain among you the just and the impious, for this reason my sword will go forth from its sheath against all flesh, from the south even to the north.

{21:5} Ut sciat omnis caro quia ego Dominus eduxi gladium meum de vagina sua irrevocabilem.
{21:5} So may all flesh know that I, the Lord, have led my sword out of its sheath irrevocably.

{21:6} Et tu fili hominis ingemisce in contritione lumborum, et in amaritudinibus ingemisce coram eis.
{21:6} And as for you, son of man, groan in the breaking of your back, and groan in bitterness before them.

{21:7} Cumque dixerint ad te: Quare tu gemis? dices: Pro auditu: quia venit, et tabescet omne cor, et dissolventur universæ manus, et infirmabitur omnis spiritus, et per cuncta genua fluent aquæ: ecce venit, et fiet, ait Dominus Deus.
{21:7} And when they will say to you, ‘Why are you groaning?’ you shall say: ‘On behalf of the report, For it is approaching. And every heart will waste away, and every hand will be broken, and every spirit will be weakened, and water will flow across every knee.’ Behold, it is approaching and it will happen, says the Lord God.”

{21:8} Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
{21:8} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{21:9} Fili hominis propheta, et dices: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Loquere: Gladius, gladius exacutus est, et limatus.
{21:9} “Son of man, prophesy, and you shall say: Thus says the Lord God: Speak: The sword! The sword has been sharpened and polished!

{21:10} Ut cædat victimas, exacutus est: ut splendeat, limatus est: qui moves sceptrum filii mei, succidisti omne lignum.
{21:10} It has been sharpened, so that it may cut down victims! It has been polished, so that it may shine! You are disturbing the scepter of my son. You have cut down every tree.

{21:11} Et dedi eum ad levigandum ut teneatur manu: iste exacutus est gladius, et iste limatus est ut sit in manu interficientis.
{21:11} And I have sent it to be made smooth, so that it may be handled. This sword has been sharpened, and it has been polished, so that it may be in the hand of the one who kills.

{21:12} Clama, et ulula fili hominis, quia hic factus est in populo meo, hic in cunctis ducibus Israel, qui fugerant: gladio traditi sunt cum populo meo, idcirco plaude super femur,
{21:12} Cry out and wail, O son of man! For this has been done among my people, this is among all the leaders of Israel, who have fled. They have been handed over to the sword, with my people. Therefore, slap your thigh,

{21:13} quia probatus est: et hoc, cum sceptrum subverterit, et non erit, dicit Dominus Deus.
{21:13} for it has been tested. And this one, when he will have overthrown the scepter, will not be, says the Lord God.

{21:14} Tu ergo fili hominis propheta, et percute manu ad manum, et duplicetur gladius, ac triplicetur gladius interfectorum: hic est gladius occisionis magnæ, qui obstupescere eos facit,
{21:14} You therefore, O son of man, prophesy, and strike hand against hand, and let the sword be doubled, and let the sword of the slain be tripled. This is the sword of the great slaughter, which causes them to be utterly stupefied,

{21:15} et corde tabescere, et multiplicat ruinas. In omnibus portis eorum dedi conturbationem gladii acuti, et limati ad fulgendum, amicti ad cædem.
{21:15} and to waste away in heart, and which multiplies ruin. At all their gates, I have presented the consternation of the sword, which has been sharpened and polished so as to shine, which has been dressed for the slaughter.

{21:16} Exacuere, vade ad dexteram, sive ad sinistram, quocumque faciei tuæ est appetitus.
{21:16} Be sharpened! Go to the right or to the left, whichever way is the desire of your face.

{21:17} Quin et ego plaudam manu ad manum, et implebo indignationem meam: ego Dominus locutus sum.
{21:17} And then I will clap hand against hand, and I will fulfill my indignation. I, the Lord, have spoken.”

{21:18} Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
{21:18} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{21:19} Et tu fili hominis pone tibi duas vias, ut veniat gladius regis Babylonis: de terra una egredientur ambæ: et manu capiet coniecturam, in capite viæ civitatis coniiciet.
{21:19} “And as for you, son of man, set for yourself two ways, so that the sword of the king of Babylon may approach. Both shall go forth from one land. And with a hand, he will grasp and cast lots; he will cast at the head of the way of the community.

{21:20} Viam pones ut veniat gladius ad Rabbath filiorum Ammon, et ad Iudam in Ierusalem munitissimam.
{21:20} You shall appoint a way, so that the sword may approach to Rabbah of the sons of Ammon, or to Judah, into Jerusalem, greatly fortified.

{21:21} Stetit enim rex Babylonis in bivio, in capite duarum viarum, divinationem quærens, commiscens sagittas: interrogavit idola, exta consuluit.
{21:21} For the king of Babylon stood at the fork, at the head of the two ways, seeking divination, shuffling arrows; he inquired of idols, and he consulted entrails.

{21:22} Ad dexteram eius facta est divinatio super Ierusalem ut ponat arietes, ut aperiat os in cæde, ut elevet vocem in ululatu, ut ponat arietes contra portas, ut comportet aggerem, ut ædificet munitiones.
{21:22} To his right was set the divination over Jerusalem, to place battering rams so as to open a mouth for the slaughter, to lift up the voice of wailing, to place battering rams opposite the gates, to cast up a rampart, to build fortifications.

{21:23} Eritque quasi consulens frustra oraculum in oculis eorum, et Sabbatorum otium imitans: ipse autem recordabitur iniquitatis ad capiendum.
{21:23} And he shall be, in their eyes, like someone consulting an oracle in vain, or imitating the leisure of Sabbaths. But he will call to mind iniquities, so that it will be captured.

{21:24} Idcirco hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Pro eo quod recordati estis iniquitatis vestræ, et revelastis prævaricationes vestras, et apparuerunt peccata vestra in omnibus cogitationibus vestris: pro eo, inquam, quod recordati estis, manu capiemini.
{21:24} Therefore, thus says the Lord God: Because you have been remembered in your iniquities, and you have revealed your betrayals, and your sins have appeared within all your plans, because, I say, you have been remembered, you will be captured by a hand.

{21:25} Tu autem profane, impie dux Israel, cuius venit dies in tempore iniquitatis præfinita:
{21:25} But as for you, O impious leader of Israel, whose day has arrived that was predetermined at the time of iniquity:

{21:26} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Aufer cidarim, tolle coronam: nonne hæc est, quæ humilem sublevavit, et sublimem humiliavit?
{21:26} Thus says the Lord God: Take away the diadem, remove the crown. Is this not what has exalted the lowly one, and brought low the sublime one?

{21:27} Iniquitatem, iniquitatem, iniquitatem ponam eam: et hoc non factum est donec veniret cuius est iudicium, et tradam ei.
{21:27} Iniquity, iniquity, iniquity I will make it. And this was not done until the one arrived to whom judgment belongs, and I will hand it over to him.

{21:28} Et tu fili hominis propheta, et dic: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus ad filios Ammon, et ad opprobrium eorum, et dices: Mucro, mucro evagina te ad occidendum, lima te ut interficias, et fulgeas,
{21:28} And as for you, son of man, prophesy, and say: Thus says the Lord God to the sons of Ammon, and to their disgrace, and you shall say: O sword, O sword, unsheathe yourself so as to slay; polish yourself so as to kill and to shine,

{21:29} cum tibi viderentur vana, et divinarentur mendacia: ut dareris super colla vulneratorum impiorum, quorum venit dies in tempore iniquitatis præfinita.
{21:29} while they look upon you in vain, and they divine lies, so that you may be given over to the necks of the wounded impious, whose day has arrived that was predetermined at the time of iniquity.

{21:30} Revertere ad vaginam tuam in loco, in quo creatus es, in terra nativitatis tuæ iudicabo te,
{21:30} Be returned to your sheath! I will judge you in the place where you were created, in the land of your nativity.

{21:31} et effundam super te indignationem meam: in igne furoris mei sufflabo in te, daboque te in manus hominum insipientium, et fabricantium interitum.
{21:31} And I will pour out upon you my indignation. In the fire of my fury, I will fan you, and I will give you over to the hands of cruel men, who have devised destruction.

{21:32} Igni eris cibus, sanguis tuus erit in medio terræ, oblivioni traderis: quia ego Dominus locutus sum.
{21:32} You will be food for the fire; your blood will be in the midst of the land; you will be delivered to oblivion. For I, the Lord, have spoken.”

[Ezechiel 22]
[Ezekiel 22]

{22:1} Et factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
{22:1} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{22:2} Et tu fili hominis nonne iudicas, nonne iudicas civitatem sanguinum?
{22:2} “And you, son of man, should you not judge, should you not judge the city of blood?

{22:3} Et ostendes ei omnes abominationes suas, et dices: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Civitas effundens sanguinem in medio sui ut veniat tempus eius: et quæ fecit idola contra semetipsam ut pollueretur.
{22:3} And you shall reveal to her all her abominations. And you shall say: Thus says the Lord God: This is the city which sheds blood in her midst, so that her time may come, and which has made idols against herself, so that she may be defiled.

{22:4} In sanguine tuo, qui a te effusus est, deliquisti: et in idolis tuis, quæ fecisti, polluta es: et appropinquare fecisti dies tuos, et adduxisti tempus annorum tuorum: propterea dedi te opprobrium Gentibus, et irrisionem universis terris.
{22:4} You have offended by your blood, which you shed from yourself. And you have been defiled by your idols which you yourself made. And you have caused your days to approach, and you have brought on the time of your years. Because of this, I have made you a disgrace to the Gentiles, and a derision to all the lands.

{22:5} Quæ iuxta sunt, et quæ procul a te, triumphabunt de te: sordida, nobilis, grandis interitu.
{22:5} Those that are near and those that are far from you will triumph over you. You are filthy, infamous, great in destruction.

{22:6} Ecce principes Israel singuli in brachio suo fuerunt in te ad effundendum sanguinem.
{22:6} Behold, the leaders of Israel have each used his arm to shed blood within you.

{22:7} Patrem, et matrem contumeliis affecerunt in te, advenam calumniati sunt in medio tui, pupillum et viduam contristaverunt apud te:
{22:7} They have abused father and mother within you. The new arrival has been oppressed in your midst. They have grieved the orphan and the widow among you.

{22:8} Sanctuaria mea sprevisti, et Sabbata mea polluisti.
{22:8} You have spurned my sanctuaries, and you have defiled my Sabbaths.

{22:9} Viri detractores fuerunt in te ad effundendum sanguinem, et super montes comederunt in te, scelus operati sunt in medio tui.
{22:9} Maligning men were within you, in order to shed blood, and they have eaten upon the mountains within you. They have worked wickedness in your midst.

{22:10} Verecundiora patris discooperuerunt in te, immunditiam menstruatæ humiliaverunt in te.
{22:10} They have uncovered the nakedness of their father within you. They have debased the uncleanness of the menstruous woman within you.

{22:11} Et unusquisque in uxorem proximi sui operatus est abominationem, et socer nurum suam polluit nefarie, frater sororem suam filiam patris sui oppressit in te.
{22:11} And each one has committed abomination with the wife of his neighbor. And the father-in-law has heinously defiled his daughter-in-law. The brother has oppressed his sister, the daughter of his father, within you.

{22:12} Munera acceperunt apud te ad effundendum sanguinem: usuram, et superabundantiam accepisti, et avare proximos tuos calumniabaris: meique oblita es, ait Dominus Deus.
{22:12} They have accepted bribes among you to shed blood. You have received usury and superabundance, and in avarice you have oppressed your neighbors. And you have forgotten me, says the Lord God.

{22:13} Ecce complosi manus meas super avaritiam tuam, quam fecisti, et super sanguinem, qui effusus est in medio tui.
{22:13} Behold, I have clapped my hands over your avarice, which you have worked, and over the blood that has been shed in your midst.

{22:14} Numquid sustinebit cor tuum, aut prævalebunt manus tuæ in diebus, quos ego faciam tibi? Ego Dominus locutus sum, et faciam.
{22:14} How can your heart endure, or your hands prevail, in the days that I will bring upon you? I, the Lord, have spoken, and I will act.

{22:15} Et dispergam te in nationes, et ventilabo te in terras, et deficere faciam immunditiam tuam a te.
{22:15} And I will disperse you among the nations, and I will scatter you among the lands, and I will cause your uncleanness to fade away from you.

{22:16} Et possidebo te in conspectu Gentium: et scies quia ego Dominus.
{22:16} And I will possess you in the sight of the Gentiles. And you shall know that I am the Lord.”

{22:17} Et factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
{22:17} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{22:18} Fili hominis, versa est mihi domus Israel in scoriam: omnes isti æs, et stannum, et ferrum, et plumbum in medio fornacis: scoria argenti facti sunt.
{22:18} “Son of man, the house of Israel has become like dross to me. All these are brass, and tin, and iron, and lead in the midst of the furnace; they have become like the dross of silver.

{22:19} Propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Eo quod versi estis omnes in scoriam, propterea ecce ego congregabo vos in medio Ierusalem,
{22:19} Because of this, thus says the Lord God: Since you have all turned into dross, therefore, behold, I will gather you together in the midst of Jerusalem,

{22:20} congregatione argenti, et æris, et stanni, et ferri, et plumbi in medio fornacis: ut succendam in ea ignem ad conflandum. Sic congregabo in furore meo, et in ira mea, et requiescam: et conflabo vos.
{22:20} just as they gather silver, and brass, and tin, and iron, and lead in the midst of the furnace, so that I may kindle in it a fire to melt it. So will I gather you together in my fury and in my wrath, and I will be quieted, and I will melt you down.

{22:21} Et congregabo vos, et succendam vos in igne furoris mei, et conflabimini in medio eius.
{22:21} And I will gather you together, and I will burn you in the fire of my fury, and you will be melted in its midst.

{22:22} Ut conflatur argentum in medio fornacis, sic eritis in medio eius: et scietis quia ego Dominus, cum effuderim indignationem meam super vos.
{22:22} Just as silver is melted in the midst of the furnace, so will you be in its midst. And you shall know that I am the Lord, when I will have poured out my indignation upon you.”

{22:23} Et factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
{22:23} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{22:24} Fili hominis, dic ei: Tu es terra immunda, et non compluta in die furoris.
{22:24} “Son of man, say to her: You are a land unclean and not rained upon, in the day of fury.

{22:25} Coniuratio prophetarum in medio eius, sicut leo rugiens, rapiensque prædam, animas devoraverunt, opes et pretium acceperunt, viduas eius multiplicaverunt in medio illius.
{22:25} There is a conspiracy of prophets in her midst. Like a lion, roaring and seizing the prey, they have devoured souls. They have taken riches and a price. They have multiplied widows in her midst.

{22:26} Sacerdotes eius contempserunt legem meam, et polluerunt sanctuaria mea: inter sanctum et profanum non habuerunt distantiam: et inter pollutum et mundum non intellexerunt: et a Sabbatis meis averterunt oculos suos, et coinquinabar in medio eorum.
{22:26} Her priests have despised my law, and they have defiled my sanctuaries. They have held no distinction between holy and profane. And they have not understood the difference between defiled and clean. And they have averted their eyes from my Sabbaths. And I was profaned in their midst.

{22:27} Principes eius in medio illius, quasi lupi rapientes prædam ad effundendum sanguinem, et ad perdendas animas, et avare ad sectanda lucra.
{22:27} Her leaders in her midst are like wolves seizing the prey: to shed blood, and to perish souls, and to continually pursue profit with avarice.

{22:28} Prophetæ autem eius liniebant eos absque temperamento, videntes vana, et divinantes eis mendacium, dicentes: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus, cum Dominus non sit locutus.
{22:28} And her prophets have covered them without tempering the mortar, seeing emptiness, and divining lies for them, saying, ‘Thus says the Lord God,’ when the Lord has not spoken.

{22:29} Populi terræ calumniabantur calumniam, et rapiebant violenter: egenum, et pauperem affligebant, et advenam opprimebant calumnia absque iudicio.
{22:29} The people of the land have oppressed with slander and have seized with violence. They have afflicted the needy and the poor, and they have oppressed the new arrival by accusations without judgment.

{22:30} Et quæsivi de eis virum, qui interponeret sepem, et staret oppositus contra me pro terra, ne dissiparem eam: et non inveni.
{22:30} And I sought among them for a man who might set up a hedge, and stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land, so that I might not destroy it; and I found no one.

{22:31} Et effudi super eos indignationem meam, in igne iræ meæ consumpsi eos: viam eorum in caput eorum reddidi, ait Dominus Deus.
{22:31} And so I poured out my indignation upon them; in the fire of my wrath I consumed them. I have rendered their own way upon their head, says the Lord God.”

[Ezechiel 23]
[Ezekiel 23]

{23:1} Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
{23:1} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{23:2} Fili hominis, duæ mulieres filiæ matris unius fuerunt,
{23:2} “Son of man, two women were daughters of one mother,

{23:3} et fornicatæ sunt in Ægypto, in adolescentia sua fornicatæ sunt: ibi subacta sunt ubera earum, et fractæ sunt mammæ pubertatis earum.
{23:3} and they fornicated in Egypt; they committed fornication in their youth. In that place, their breasts were conquered; the breasts of their adolescence were subdued.

~ This verse is about cities and nations and peoples, using a figure of two women who committed fornication; therefore, the translation uses conquered and subdued, putting the meaning of the verse above its figure. Notice that the verb in the Latin is in the passive tense; this speaks to the difference between men and women in sexuality.

{23:4} Nomina autem earum Oolla maior, et Ooliba soror eius minor: et habui eas, et pepererunt filios, et filias. Porro earum nomina Samaria Oolla, et Ierusalem Ooliba.
{23:4} Now their names were Oholah, the elder, and Oholibah, her younger sister. And I held them, and they bore sons and daughters. As for their names: Oholah is Samaria, and Oholibah is Jerusalem.

{23:5} Fornicata est igitur super me Oolla, et insanivit in amatores suos, in Assyrios propinquantes,
{23:5} And then, Oholah committed fornication against me, and she acted madly with her lovers, with the Assyrians who approached her,

{23:6} vestitos hyacintho, principes, et magistratus, iuvenes cupidinis, universos equites, ascensores equorum.
{23:6} who were clothed with hyacinth: rulers and magistrates, passionate youths and all of the horsemen, mounted on horses.

{23:7} Et dedit fornicationes suas super eos electos, filios Assyriorum universos: et in omnibus, in quos insanivit, in immunditiis eorum polluta est.
{23:7} And she distributed her fornications to those chosen men, all of them sons of the Assyrians. And she defiled herself with the uncleanness of all those whom she madly desired.

{23:8} Insuper et fornicationes suas, quas habuerat in Ægypto, non reliquit: nam et illi dormierunt cum ea in adolescentia eius, et illi confregerunt ubera pubertatis eius, et effuderunt fornicationem suam super eam.
{23:8} Moreover, she also did not abandon her fornications, which she had done in Egypt. For they also slept with her in her youth, and they bruised the breasts of her virginity, and they poured out their fornication upon her.

{23:9} Propterea tradidi eam in manus amatorum suorum, in manus filiorum Assur, super quorum insanivit libidine.
{23:9} Because of this, I have delivered her into the hands of her lovers, into the hands of the sons of the Assur, whom she has lustfully desired.

~ Assur was a false god of the Assyrians, and is also a figure of the Antichrist, a false god from the region of Assyria.

{23:10} Ipsi discooperuerunt ignominiam eius, filios, et filias eius tulerunt, et ipsam occiderunt gladio: et factæ sunt famosæ mulieres, et iudicia perpetraverunt in ea.
{23:10} They uncovered her shame; they took away her sons and daughters; and they slew her with the sword. And they became infamous women. And they carried out judgments in her.

{23:11} Quod cum vidisset soror eius Ooliba, plusquam illa insanivit libidine: et fornicationem suam super fornicationem sororis suæ
{23:11} And when her sister, Oholibah, had seen this, she was even more mad with lust than the other. And her fornication was beyond the fornication of her sister.

{23:12} ad filios Assyriorum præbuit impudenter, ducibus, et magistratibus ad se venientibus indutis veste varia, equitibus qui vectabantur equis, et adolescentibus forma cunctis egregia.
{23:12} She shamelessly offered herself to the sons of the Assyrians, to the rulers and magistrates who brought themselves to her clothed with colorful garments, to the horsemen who were carried by horses, and to the youths, all of them exceptional in appearance.

{23:13} Et vidi quod polluta esset via una ambarum.
{23:13} And I saw that she had been defiled, and that they both took the same path.

{23:14} Et auxit fornicationes suas: cumque vidisset viros depictos in pariete, imagines Chaldæorum expressas coloribus,
{23:14} And she increased her fornications. And when she had seen men depicted on the wall, the images of the Chaldeans, expressed in colors,

{23:15} et accinctos balteis renes, et tiaras tinctas in capitibus eorum, formam ducum omnium, similitudinem filiorum Babylonis, terræque Chaldæorum, in qua orti sunt,
{23:15} with belts wrapped around the waist, and with dyed headdresses on their heads, having seen the appearance of all the rulers, the likenesses of the sons of Babylon and of the land of the Chaldeans in which they were born,

{23:16} insanivit super eos concupiscentia oculorum suorum, et misit nuncios ad eos in Chaldæam.
{23:16} she became mad for them with the desire of her eyes, and she sent messengers to them in Chaldea.

{23:17} Cumque venissent ad eam filii Babylonis ad cubile mammarum, polluerunt eam stupris suis, et polluta est ab eis, et saturata est anima eius ab illis.
{23:17} And when the sons of Babylon had gone to her, to the bed of breasts, they defiled her with their fornications, and she was polluted by them, and her soul was gorged by them.

{23:18} Denudavit quoque fornicationes suas, et discooperuit ignominiam suam: et recessit anima mea ab ea, sicut recesserat anima mea a sorore eius.
{23:18} Also, her fornications were uncovered, and her shame was revealed. And my soul withdrew from her, as my soul had withdrawn from her sister.

{23:19} Multiplicavit enim fornicationes suas, recordans dies adolescentiæ suæ, quibus fornicata est in Terra Ægypti.
{23:19} For she multiplied her fornications, remembering the days of her youth, in which she fornicated in the land of Egypt.

{23:20} Et insanivit libidine super concubitum eorum, quorum carnes sunt ut carnes asinorum: et sicut fluxus equorum fluxus eorum.
{23:20} And she was mad with lust after lying with them, whose flesh is like the flesh of donkeys, and whose flow is like the flow of horses.

~ Notice the poetic elements in the Latin phrasing: ‘quorum carnes’ versus ‘carnes asinorum’ and also ‘fluxus equorum’ versus ‘fluxus eorum.’

{23:21} Et visitasti scelus adolescentiæ tuæ, quando subacta sunt in Ægypto ubera tua, et confractæ sunt mammæ pubertatis tuæ.
{23:21} And you have revisited the crimes of your youth, when your breasts were conquered in Egypt, and the breasts of your adolescence were subdued.

{23:22} Propterea Ooliba, hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego suscitabo omnes amatores tuos contra te, de quibus satiata est anima tua: et congregabo eos adversum te in circuitu,
{23:22} Because of this, Oholibah, thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will raise up against you all of your lovers, with whom your soul has been gorged. And I will gather them together against you all around:

{23:23} filios Babylonis, et universos Chaldæos, nobiles, tyrannosque et principes, omnes filios Assyriorum, iuvenes forma egregia, duces, et magistratus universos, principes principum, et nominatos ascensores equorum:
{23:23} the sons of Babylon, and all the Chaldeans, the nobles, the sovereigns and princes, all the sons of the Assyrians, youths of exceptional form, all the rulers and magistrates, the leaders among leaders, and the renowned riders of horses.

{23:24} et venient super te instructi curru, et rota, multitudo populorum: lorica, et clypeo, et galea armabuntur contra te undique: et dabo coram eis iudicium, et iudicabunt te iudiciis suis.
{23:24} And they will overwhelm you, well-equipped with chariot and wheel, a multitude of peoples. They will be armed against you on every side with armor and shield and helmet. And I will give judgment to their eyes, and they will judge you with their judgments.

{23:25} Et ponam zelum meum in te, quem exercent tecum in furore: nasum tuum, et aures tuas præcident: et quæ remanserint, gladio concident: ipsi filios tuos, et filias tuas capient, et novissimum tuum devorabitur igni.
{23:25} And against you, I will set my zeal, which they will execute upon you with fury. They will cut off your nose and your ears. And what remains will fall by the sword. They will seize your sons and your daughters, and your youngest will be devoured by fire.

{23:26} Et denudabunt te vestimentis tuis, et tollent vasa gloriæ tuæ.
{23:26} And they will strip you of your vestments, and take away the articles of your glory.

{23:27} Et requiescere faciam scelus tuum de te, et fornicationem tuam de Terra Ægypti: nec levabis oculos tuos ad eos, et Ægypti non recordaberis amplius.
{23:27} And I will cause your wickedness to cease from you, and your fornication to cease from the land of Egypt. Neither shall you lift up your eyes toward them, and you shall no longer remember Egypt.

{23:28} Quia hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego tradam te in manus eorum, quos odisti, in manus, de quibus satiata est anima tua.
{23:28} For thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will deliver you into the hands of those whom you have hated, into the hands by which your soul has been gorged.

{23:29} Et agent tecum in odio, et tollent omnes labores tuos, et dimittent te nudam, et ignominia plenam, et revelabitur ignominia fornicationum tuarum, scelus tuum, et fornicationes tuæ.
{23:29} And they will act toward you with hatred, and they will take away all your labors, and they will send you away naked and filled with disgrace. And the shame of your fornication will be revealed: your crimes and your fornications.

{23:30} Fecerunt hæc tibi quia fornicata es post Gentes, inter quas polluta es in idolis earum.
{23:30} They have done these things to you, because you have fornicated after the Gentiles, among whom you were defiled by their idols.

{23:31} In via sororis tuæ ambulasti, et dabo calicem eius in manu tua.
{23:31} You have walked in the way of your sister, and so I will give her chalice into your hand.

{23:32} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Calicem sororis tuæ bibes profundum, et latum: eris in derisum, et in subsannationem, quæ est capacissima.
{23:32} Thus says the Lord God: You will drink the chalice of your sister, deep and wide. You will be held in derision and in ridicule, to a very great extent.

{23:33} Ebrietate, et dolore repleberis: calice mœroris, et tristitiæ, calice sororis tuæ Samariæ.
{23:33} You will be filled with inebriation and sorrow, by the chalice of grief and sadness, by the chalice of your sister Samaria.

{23:34} Et bibes illum, et epotabis usque ad fæces, et fragmenta eius devorabis, et ubera tua lacerabis: quia ego locutus sum, ait Dominus Deus.
{23:34} And you will drink it, and you will empty it, even to the dregs. And you will consume even its particles. And you will wound your own breasts. For I have spoken, says the Lord God.

{23:35} Propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Quia oblita es mei, et proiecisti me post corpus tuum, tu quoque porta scelus tuum, et fornicationes tuas.
{23:35} Because of this, thus says the Lord God: Since you have forgotten me, and you have cast me behind your body, so also will you bear your wickedness and your fornications.”

{23:36} Et ait Dominus ad me, dicens: Fili hominis numquid iudicas Oollam, et Oolibam, et annuncias eis scelera earum?
{23:36} And the Lord spoke to me, saying: “Son of man, should you not judge Oholah and Oholibah, and announce to them their crimes?

{23:37} Quia adulteratæ sunt, et sanguis in manibus earum, et cum idolis suis fornicatæ sunt: insuper et filios suos, quos genuerunt mihi, obtulerunt eis ad devorandum.
{23:37} For they are adulteresses, and blood is in their hands, and they have fornicated with their idols. Moreover, they have offered even their children, whom they bore for me, to them to be devoured.

{23:38} Sed et hoc fecerunt mihi: Polluerunt sanctuarium meum in die illa, et Sabbata mea profanaverunt.
{23:38} But they have done even this to me: They have defiled my sanctuary on the same day, and they have profaned my Sabbaths.

{23:39} Cumque immolarent filios suos idolis suis, et ingrederentur sanctuarium meum in die illa ut polluerent illud: etiam hæc fecerunt in medio domus meæ.
{23:39} And when they immolated their children to their idols, they also entered my sanctuary on the same day, so that they defiled it. They have done these things, even in the midst of my house.

{23:40} Miserunt ad viros venientes de longe, ad quos nuncium miserant: itaque ecce venerunt: quibus te lavisti, et circumlinisti stibio oculos tuos, et ornata es mundo muliebri.
{23:40} They sent for men who were coming from far away, to whom they had sent a messenger. And so, behold, they arrived, those for whom you washed yourself, and smeared cosmetics around your eyes, and were adorned with feminine ornaments.

{23:41} Sedisti in lecto pulcherrimo, et mensa ornata est ante te: thymiama meum, et unguentum meum posuisti super eam.
{23:41} You sat upon a very beautiful bed, and a table was adorned before you, on which you placed my incense and my ointment.

{23:42} Et vox multitudinis exultantis erat in ea: et in viris, qui de multitudine hominum adducebantur, et veniebant de deserto, posuerunt armillas in manibus eorum, et coronas speciosas in capitibus eorum.
{23:42} And the voice of a multitude was exulting within her. And concerning certain men, who were being led out of a multitude of persons, and who were arriving from the desert, they placed bracelets on their hands and beautiful crowns on their heads.

{23:43} Et dixi ei, quæ attrita est in adulteriis: Nunc fornicabitur in fornicatione sua etiam hæc.
{23:43} And I said about her, as she was being worn away by her adulteries, ‘Even now, she continues in her fornication!’

{23:44} Et ingressi sunt ad eam quasi ad mulierem meretricem: sic ingrediebantur ad Oollam, et Oolibam mulieres nefarias.
{23:44} And they entered to her, as if to a kept woman. So did they enter to Oholah and Oholibah, nefarious women.

{23:45} Viri ergo iusti sunt: hi iudicabunt eas iudicio adulterarum, et iudicio effundentium sanguinem: quia adulteræ sunt, et sanguis in manibus earum.
{23:45} But there are just men; these shall judge them with the judgment of adulteresses and with the judgment of those who shed blood. For they are adulteresses, and blood is on their hands.

{23:46} Hæc enim dicit Dominus Deus: Adduc ad eas multitudinem, et trade eas in tumultum, et in rapinam:
{23:46} For thus says the Lord God: Lead upon them a multitude, and hand them over to tumult and to pillaging.

{23:47} Et lapidentur lapidibus populorum, et confodiantur gladiis eorum: filios, et filias earum interficient, et domos earum igne succendent.
{23:47} And may they be stoned with the stones of the peoples, and may they be pierced with their own swords. They will put to death their sons and daughters, and they will burn their houses with fire.

{23:48} Et auferam scelus de terra, et discent omnes mulieres ne faciant secundum scelus earum.
{23:48} And I will take away wickedness from the land. And all women shall learn not to act according to their wickedness.

{23:49} Et dabunt scelus vestrum super vos, et peccata idolorum vestrorum portabitis: et scietis quia ego Dominus Deus.
{23:49} And they will set your own crimes upon you, and you will bear the sins of your idols. And you shall know that I am the Lord God.”

[Ezechiel 24]
[Ezekiel 24]

{24:1} Et factum est verbum Domini ad me in anno nono, in mense decimo, decima die mensis, dicens:
{24:1} And the word of the Lord came to me, in the ninth year, in the tenth month, on the tenth day of the month, saying:

{24:2} Fili hominis scribe tibi nomen diei huius, in qua confirmatus est rex Babylonis adversum Ierusalem hodie.
{24:2} “Son of man, write for yourself the name of this day, on which the king of Babylon was confirmed against Jerusalem today.

{24:3} Et dices per proverbium ad domum irritatricem parabolam, et loqueris ad eos: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Pone ollam; pone, inquam, et mitte in eam aquam.
{24:3} And you shall speak, through a proverb, a parable to the inciting house. And you shall say to them: Thus says the Lord God: Set out a cooking pot; set it out, I say, and put water into it.

{24:4} Congere frusta eius in eam, omnem partem bonam, femur et armum, electa et ossibus plena.
{24:4} Pile together within it every morsel, every good piece, the thigh and the shoulder, the choice pieces and those full of bones.

{24:5} Pinguissimum pecus assume, compone quoque strues ossium sub ea: efferbuit coctio eius, et discocta sunt ossa illius in medio eius.
{24:5} Take the fattest from the flock, and arrange also a heap of bones under it. Its cooking has boiled over, and its bones in its midst have been thoroughly cooked.

{24:6} Propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Væ civitati sanguinum, ollæ, cuius rubigo in ea est, et rubigo eius non exivit de ea: per partes et per partes suas eiice eam, non cecidit super eam sors.
{24:6} Because of this, thus says the Lord God: Woe to the city of blood, to the cooking pot that has rust in it, and whose rust has not gone out of it! Cast it out piece by piece! No lot has fallen upon it.

{24:7} Sanguis enim eius in medio eius est, super limpidissimam petram effudit illum: non effudit illum super terram ut possit operiri pulvere.
{24:7} For her blood is in her midst; she has shed it upon the smoothest rock. She has not shed it upon the ground, so that it could be covered with dust.

{24:8} Ut superinducerem indignationem meam, et vindicta ulciscerer: dedi sanguinem eius super petram limpidissimam ne operiretur.
{24:8} So shall I bring my indignation over her, and take my vengeance. I have presented her blood upon the smoothest rock, so that it would not be covered.

{24:9} Propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Væ civitati sanguinum, cuius ego grandem faciam pyram.
{24:9} Because of this, thus says the Lord God: Woe to the city of blood, out of which I will make a great funeral pyre.

{24:10} Congere ossa, quæ igne succendam: consumentur carnes, et coquetur universa compositio, et ossa tabescent.
{24:10} Pile together the bones, which I will burn with fire. The flesh shall be consumed, and the entire composition shall be boiled, and the bones shall deteriorate.

{24:11} Pone quoque eam super prunas vacuam, ut incalescat, et liquefiat æs eius: et confletur in medio eius inquinamentum eius, et consumatur rubigo eius:
{24:11} Also, place it empty on burning coals, so that it may be heated, and its brass may melt. And let the filth of it be melted in its midst, and let its rust be consumed.

{24:12} multo labore sudatum est, et non exivit de ea nimia rubigo eius, neque per ignem.
{24:12} There has been much sweat and labor, and yet its extensive rust has not gone out of it, not even by fire.

{24:13} Immunditia tua execrabilis: quia mundare te volui, et non es mundata a sordibus tuis: sed nec mundaberis prius, donec quiescere faciam indignationem meam in te.
{24:13} Your uncleanness is execrable. For I wanted to cleanse you, and you have not been cleansed from your filth. So then, neither will you be cleansed before I cause my indignation over you to cease.

{24:14} Ego Dominus locutus sum: Veniet, et faciam: non transeam, nec parcam, nec placabor: iuxta vias tuas, et iuxta adinventiones tuas iudicabo te, dicit Dominus.
{24:14} I, the Lord, have spoken. It shall happen, and I will act. I will not pass over, nor be lenient, nor be placated. I will judge you according to your ways and according to your intentions, says the Lord.”

{24:15} Et factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
{24:15} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{24:16} Fili hominis, ecce ego tollo a te desiderabile oculorum tuorum in plaga: et non planges, neque plorabis, neque fluent lacrymæ tuæ.
{24:16} “Son of man, behold, I am taking away from you, with a stroke, the desire of your eyes. And you shall not lament, and you shall not weep. And your tears shall not flow down.

{24:17} Ingemisce tacens, mortuorum luctum non facies: corona tua circumligata sit tibi, et calceamenta tua erunt in pedibus tuis, nec amictu ora velabis, nec cibos lugentium comedes.
{24:17} Groan silently; you shall make no mourning for the dead. Let the band of your crown be on you, and let your shoes be on your feet. And you shall not cover your face, nor shall you eat the food of those who mourn.”

{24:18} Locutus sum ergo ad populum mane, et mortua est uxor mea vespere: fecique mane sicut præceperat mihi.
{24:18} Therefore, I spoke to the people in the morning. And my wife died in the evening. And in the morning, I did just as he had instructed me.

{24:19} Et dixit ad me populus: Quare non indicas nobis quid ista significent, quæ tu facis?
{24:19} And the people said to me: “Why won’t you explain to us what these things signify, which you are doing?”

{24:20} Et dixi ad eos: Sermo Domini factus est ad me, dicens:
{24:20} And I said to them: “The word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{24:21} Loquere domui Israel: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego polluam sanctuarium meum, superbiam imperii vestri, et desiderabile oculorum vestrorum, et super quo pavet anima vestra: filii vestri, et filiæ vestræ, quas reliquistis, gladio cadent.
{24:21} ‘Speak to the house of Israel: Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will defile my sanctuary, the pride of your realm, and the desire of your eyes, and the dread of your soul. Your sons and your daughters, whom you have forsaken, will fall by the sword.’

{24:22} Et facietis sicut feci: Ora amictu non velabitis, et cibos lugentium non comedetis.
{24:22} And so, you shall do just as I have done. You shall not cover your faces, and you shall not eat the food of those who mourn.

{24:23} Coronas habebitis in capitibus vestris, et calceamenta in pedibus: non plangetis neque flebitis, sed tabescetis in iniquitatibus vestris, et unusquisque gemet ad fratrem suum.
{24:23} You shall have crowns on your heads, and shoes on your feet. You shall not lament, and you shall not weep. Instead, you will waste away in your iniquities, and each one will groan to his brother.

{24:24} Eritque Ezechiel vobis in portentum: iuxta omnia, quæ fecit, facietis cum venerit istud: et scietis quia ego Dominus Deus.
{24:24} ‘And Ezekiel shall be a portent for you. In accord with all that he has done, so shall you do, when this will happen. And you shall know that I am the Lord God.’ ”

{24:25} Et tu fili hominis ecce in die, qua tollam ab eis fortitudinem eorum, et gaudium dignitatis, et desiderium oculorum eorum, super quo requiescunt animæ eorum, filios, et filias eorum:
{24:25} “And as for you, son of man, behold, in the day when I will take away from them their strength, and the joy of their dignity, and the desire of their eyes, in which their souls find rest: their sons and their daughters,

{24:26} In die illa cum venerit fugiens ad te, ut annunciet tibi:
{24:26} in that day, when one who is fleeing will come to you, so that he may report to you,

{24:27} In die, inquam, illa aperietur os tuum cum eo, qui fugit: et loqueris, et non silebis ultra: erisque eis in portentum, et scietis quia ego Dominus.
{24:27} in that day, I say, your mouth shall be opened to him who has fled. And you shall speak, and you shall no longer be silent. And you shall be for them a portent. And you shall know that I am the Lord.”

[Ezechiel 25]
[Ezekiel 25]

{25:1} Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
{25:1} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{25:2} Fili hominis pone faciem tuam contra filios Ammon, et prophetabis de eis.
{25:2} “Son of man, set your face against the sons of Ammon, and you shall prophesy about them.

{25:3} Et dices filiis Ammon: Audite verbum Domini Dei: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Pro eo quod dixisti: Euge, euge super sanctuarium meum, quia pollutum est: et super terram Israel, quoniam desolata est: et super domum Iuda, quoniam ducti sunt in captivitatem:
{25:3} And you shall say to the sons of Ammon: Listen to the word of the Lord God: Thus says the Lord God: Because you have said, ‘Well, well!’ over my sanctuary, when it was profaned, and over the land of Israel, when it was desolated, and over the house of Judah, when they were led into captivity,

{25:4} Idcirco ego tradam te filiis orientalibus in hereditatem, et collocabunt caulas suas in te, et ponent in te tentoria sua: ipsi comedent fruges tuas: et ipsi bibent lac tuum.
{25:4} therefore, I will deliver you to the sons of the East, as an inheritance. And they will arrange their fences within you, and they will place their tents within you. They will eat your crops, and they will drink your milk.

{25:5} Daboque Rabbath in habitaculum camelorum, et filios Ammon in cubile pecorum: et scietis quia ego Dominus.
{25:5} And I will make Rabbah into the habitation of camels, and the sons of Ammon into the resting place of cattle. And you shall know that I am the Lord.

{25:6} Quia hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Pro eo quod plausisti manu, et percussisti pede, et gavisa es ex toto affectu super terram Israel:
{25:6} For thus says the Lord God: Because you have clapped your hands and stomped your foot, and have rejoiced with all your heart against the land of Israel,

{25:7} idcirco ecce ego extendam manum meam super te, et tradam te in direptionem Gentium, et interficiam te de populis, et perdam de terris, et conteram: et scies quia ego Dominus.
{25:7} therefore, behold, I will extend my hand over you, and I will deliver you as a spoil of the Gentiles. And I will destroy you from the peoples, and I will perish you from the lands, and I will crush you. And you shall know that I am the Lord.

{25:8} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Pro eo quod dixerunt Moab, et Seir: Ecce sicut omnes Gentes, domus Iuda:
{25:8} Thus says the Lord God: Because Moab and Seir have said, ‘Behold, the house of Judah is like all the Gentiles!’

{25:9} idcirco ecce ego aperiam humerum Moab de civitatibus, de civitatibus, inquam, eius, et de finibus eius inclytas terræ Bethiesimoth, et Beelmeon, et Cariathaim,
{25:9} therefore, behold, I will open the shoulder of Moab from the cities, from his cities, I say, and from his borders, the famous cities of the land of Beth-Jesimoth, and Baal-meon, and Kiriathaim,

{25:10} filiis Orientis cum filiis Ammon, et dabo eam in hereditatem: ut non sit ultra memoria filiorum Ammon in Gentibus.
{25:10} with the sons of Ammon, to the sons of the East, and I will give it to them as an inheritance, so that there may no longer be a remembrance of the sons of Ammon among the Gentiles.

{25:11} Et in Moab faciam iudicia: et scient quia ego Dominus.
{25:11} And I will execute judgments in Moab. And they shall know that I am the Lord.

{25:12} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Pro eo quod fecit Idumæa ultionem ut se vindicaret de filiis Iuda, peccavitque delinquens, et vindictam expetivit de eis;
{25:12} Thus says the Lord God: Because Idumea has taken vengeance, so as to vindicate herself against the sons of Judah, and has sinned grievously, and has sought revenge against them,

{25:13} idcirco hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Extendam manum meam super Idumæam, et auferam de ea hominem, et iumentum, et faciam eam desertam ab Austro: et qui sunt in Dedan, gladio cadent.
{25:13} therefore, thus says the Lord God: I will extend my hand over Idumea, and I will take from it both man and beast, and I will make it desolate from the south. And those who are in Dedan will fall by the sword.

{25:14} Et dabo ultionem meam super Idumæam per manum populi mei Israel: et facient in Edom iuxta iram meam, et furorem meum: et scient vindictam meam, dicit Dominus Deus.
{25:14} And I will issue my vengeance upon Idumea, by the hand of my people, Israel. And they shall act in Idumea in accord with my wrath and my fury. And they shall know my vengeance, says the Lord God.

{25:15} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Pro eo quod fecerunt Palæstini vindictam, et ulti se sunt toto animo, interficientes, et implentes inimicitias veteres:
{25:15} Thus says the Lord God: Because the Philistines have taken vengeance, and have revenged themselves with all their soul, destroying, and fulfilling ancient hostilities,

{25:16} propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego extendam manum meam super Palæstinos, et interficiam interfectores, et perdam reliquias maritimæ regionis:
{25:16} because of this, thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will extend my hand over the Philistines, and I will destroy those who destroy, and I will perish the remnant of the maritime regions.

{25:17} faciamque in eis ultiones magnas arguens in furore: et scient quia ego Dominus, cum dedero vindictam meam super eos.
{25:17} And I will execute great vengeance against them, reproving them in fury. And they shall know that I am the Lord, when I will send my vengeance upon them.”

[Ezechiel 26]
[Ezekiel 26]

{26:1} Et factum est in undecimo anno, prima mensis, factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
{26:1} And it happened that, in the eleventh year, on the first of the month, the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{26:2} Fili hominis, pro eo quod dixit Tyrus de Ierusalem: Euge confractæ sunt portæ populorum, conversa est ad me: implebor, deserta est.
{26:2} “Son of man, because Tyre has said about Jerusalem: ‘It is Well! The gates of the peoples have been broken! She has been turned toward me. I will be filled. She will be deserted!’

{26:3} Propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego super te Tyre, et ascendere faciam ad te gentes multas, sicut ascendit mare fluctuans.
{26:3} because of this, thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am against you, O Tyre, and I will cause many nations to rise up against you, just as the waves of the sea rise up.

{26:4} Et dissipabunt muros Tyri, et destruent turres eius: et radam pulverem eius de ea, et dabo eam in limpidissimam petram.
{26:4} And they will break apart the walls of Tyre, and they will destroy its towers. And I will scrape her dust from her, and I will make her into the barest rock.

{26:5} Siccatio sagenarum erit in medio maris, quia ego locutus sum, ait Dominus Deus: et erit in direptionem Gentibus.
{26:5} She will be a drying place for nets from the midst of the sea. For I have spoken, says the Lord God. And she will be a spoil for the Gentiles.

{26:6} Filiæ quoque eius, quæ sunt in agro, gladio interficientur: et scient quia ego Dominus.
{26:6} Likewise, her daughters who are in the field will be slain by the sword. And they shall know that I am the Lord.

{26:7} Quia hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego adducam ad Tyrum Nabuchodonosor regem Babylonis ab Aquilone regem regum, cum equis, et curribus, et equitibus, et cœtu, populoque magno.
{26:7} For thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will lead into Tyre: Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, a king among kings, from the north, with horses, and chariots, and horsemen, and companies, and a great people.

{26:8} Filias tuas, quæ sunt in agro, gladio interficiet: et circumdabit te munitionibus, et comportabit aggerem in gyro: et elevabit contra te clypeum.
{26:8} Your daughters who are in the field, he will kill with the sword. And he will surround you with fortifications, and he will put together a rampart on all sides. And he will lift up a shield against you.

{26:9} Et vineas, et arietes temperabit in muros tuos, et turres tuas destruet in armatura sua.
{26:9} And he will combine moveable shelters and battering rams before your walls, and he will destroy your towers with his armaments.

~ The word ‘vineas’ refers to vines, to rows of vines in a vineyard, but also to a moveable shelter. The latter meaning is applicable to a siege, the former meanings are not. A moveable shelter would be used in a siege because the city can attack the besiegers from the wall, so they need a shelter that they can move in order to operate the siege engines.

{26:10} Inundatione equorum eius operiet te pulvis eorum: a sonitu equitum, et rotarum, et curruum movebuntur muri tui, cum ingressus fuerit portas tuas quasi per introitum urbis dissipatæ.
{26:10} He will cover you with the inundation of his horses and with their dust. Your walls will shake at the sound of horsemen and wheels and chariots, when they will have entered your gates, as if through the entrance of a city that has been broken open.

{26:11} Ungulis equorum suorum conculcabit omnes plateas tuas: populum tuum gladio cædet, et statuæ tuæ nobiles in terram corruent.
{26:11} With the hoofs of his horses, he will trample all your streets. He will cut down your people with the sword, and your noble statues will fall to the ground.

{26:12} Vastabunt opes tuas, diripient negotiationes tuas: et destruent muros tuos, et domos tuas præclaras subvertent: et lapides tuos, et ligna tua, et pulverem tuum in medio aquarum ponent.
{26:12} They will lay waste to your wealth. They will despoil your businesses. And they will tear down your walls and overturn your eminent houses. And they will put your stones and your timber and your dust into the midst of the waters.

{26:13} Et quiescere faciam multitudinem canticorum tuorum, et sonitus cithararum tuarum non audietur amplius.
{26:13} And I will cause the multitude of your songs to cease. And the sound of your stringed instruments will no longer be heard.

{26:14} Et dabo te in limpidissimam petram, siccatio sagenarum eris, nec ædificaberis ultra: quia ego locutus sum, ait Dominus Deus.
{26:14} And I will make you like the barest rock; you will be a drying place for nets. And you will no longer be built up. For I have spoken, says the Lord God.”

{26:15} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus Tyro: Numquid non a sonitu ruinæ tuæ, et gemitu interfectorum tuorum cum occisi fuerint, in medio tui commovebuntur insulæ?
{26:15} Thus says the Lord God to Tyre: “Will not the islands shake at the sound of your ruin and at the groans of your slain, when they will have been cut down in your midst?

{26:16} Et descendent de sedibus suis omnes principes maris: et auferent exuvias suas, et vestimenta sua varia abiicient, et induentur stupore: in terra sedebunt, et attoniti super repentino casu tuo admirabuntur.
{26:16} And all the leaders of the sea will descend from their thrones. And they will cast aside their outer garments and their colorful clothing, and they will be clothed in stupor. They will sit on the ground, and they will wonder with astonishment at your sudden downfall.

{26:17} Et assumentes super te lamentum, dicent tibi: Quomodo peristi, quæ habitas in mari, urbs inclyta, quæ fuisti fortis in mari cum habitatoribus tuis, quos formidabant universi?
{26:17} And taking up a lamentation over you, they will say to you: ‘How could you have perished, you who live in the sea, the famous city that was strong in the sea, with your inhabitants, of whom the whole world was in dread?’

{26:18} Nunc stupebunt naves in die pavoris tui: et turbabuntur insulæ in mari, eo quod nullus egrediatur ex te.
{26:18} Now the ships will be stupefied, in the day of your terror. And the islands of the sea will be disturbed, because no one goes out from you.

{26:19} Quia hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Cum dedero te urbem desolatam sicut civitates, quæ non habitantur: et adduxero super te abyssum, et operuerint te aquæ multæ:
{26:19} For thus says the Lord God: When I will have made you a desolate city, like the cities that are uninhabited, and when I will have led the abyss over you, and many waters will have covered you,

{26:20} Et detraxero te cum his, qui descendunt in lacum ad populum sempiternum et collocavero te in terra novissima sicut solitudines veteres cum his, qui deducuntur in lacum, ut non habiteris: porro cum dedero gloriam in terra viventium,
{26:20} and when I will have dragged you down with those who descend into the pit to the everlasting people, and when I will have assembled you in the lowest parts of the earth, like the desolate places of antiquity, with those who have been brought down into the pit, so that you will be uninhabited, and moreover, when I will have given glory to the land of the living:

{26:21} in nihilum redigam te, et non eris, et requisita non invenieris ultra in sempiternum, dicit Dominus Deus.
{26:21} I will reduce you to nothing, and you shall not be, and if you are sought, you will no longer be found, in perpetuity, says the Lord God.”

[Ezechiel 27]
[Ezekiel 27]

{27:1} Et factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
{27:1} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{27:2} Tu ergo fili hominis assume super Tyrum lamentum:
{27:2} “You, therefore, son of man, take up a lamentation over Tyre.

{27:3} Et dices Tyro, quæ habitat in introitu maris, negotiationi populorum ad insulas multas: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: O Tyre, tu dixisti: Perfecti decoris ego sum,
{27:3} And you shall say to Tyre, which lives at the entrance to the sea, which is the marketplace of the peoples for the many islands: Thus says the Lord God: O Tyre, you have said, ‘I am of perfect beauty,

{27:4} et in corde maris sita. Finitimi tui, qui te ædificaverunt, impleverunt decorem tuum:
{27:4} for I have been positioned at the heart of the sea!’ Your neighbors, who built you, have filled up your beauty.

{27:5} abietibus de Sanir extruxerunt te cum omnibus tabulatis maris: cedrum de Libano tulerunt ut facerent tibi malum.
{27:5} They constructed you with spruce from Senir, with all the planks of the sea. They have taken cedars from Lebanon, so that they might make a mast for you.

{27:6} Quercus de Basan dolaverunt in remos tuos: et transtra tua fecerunt tibi ex ebore Indico, et prætoriola de insulis Italiæ.
{27:6} They have formed your oars from the oaks of Bashan. And they have made your crossbeams from Indian ivory, and the pilothouse is from the islands of Italy.

{27:7} Byssus varia de Ægypto texta est tibi in velum ut poneretur in malo: hyacinthus, et purpura de insulis Elisa facta sunt operimentum tuum.
{27:7} Colorful fine linen from Egypt was woven for you as a sail to be placed upon the mast; hyacinth and purple from the islands of Elishah were made into your covering.

{27:8} Habitatores Sidonis, et Aradii fuerunt remiges tui: sapientes tui, Tyre, facti sunt gubernatores tui.
{27:8} The inhabitants of Sidon and of Arwad were your rowers. Your wise ones, O Tyre, were your navigators.

{27:9} Senes Giblii, et prudentes eius habuerunt nautas ad ministerium variæ supellectilis tuæ: omnes naves maris, et nautæ earum fuerunt in populo negotiationis tuæ.
{27:9} The elders of Gebal and its experts were considered as sailors making use of your diverse equipment. All the ships of the sea and their sailors were your merchants among the people.

{27:10} Persæ, et Lydii, et Libyes erant in exercitu tuo viri bellatores tui: clypeum, et galeam suspenderunt in te pro ornatu tuo.
{27:10} The Persians, and the Lydians, and the Libyans were your men of war in your army. They suspended shield and helmet within you for your adornment.

{27:11} Filii Aradii cum exercitu tuo erant super muros tuos in circuitu: sed et Pigmæi, qui erant in turribus tuis, pharetras suas suspenderunt in muris tuis per gyrum: ipsi compleverunt pulchritudinem tuam.
{27:11} The sons of Arwad were with your army upon your walls all around. And even the Gammadim, who were in your towers, suspended their quivers on your walls on all sides; they completed your beauty.

{27:12} Carthaginenses negotiatores tui, a multitudine cunctarum divitiarum, argento, ferro, stanno, plumboque repleverunt nundinas tuas.
{27:12} The Carthaginians, your merchants, supplied your festivals with a multitude of diverse riches, with silver, iron, tin, and lead.

{27:13} Græcia, Thubal, et Mosoch, ipsi institores tui: mancipia, et vasa ærea advexerunt populo tuo.
{27:13} Greece, Tubal, and Meshech, these were your peddlers; they traveled to your people with slaves and with brass vessels.

{27:14} De domo Thogorma, equos, et equites, et mulos adduxerunt ad forum tuum.
{27:14} From the house of Togarmah, they brought horses, and horsemen, and mules to your market.

{27:15} Filii Dedan negotiatores tui: insulæ multæ negotiatio manus tuæ: dentes eburneos, et hebeninos commutaverunt in pretio tuo.
{27:15} The sons of Dedan were your merchants. The many islands were the marketplace of your hand. They traded teeth of ivory and of ebony for your price.

{27:16} Syrus negotiator tuus propter multitudinem operum tuorum, gemmam, et purpuram, et scutulata, et byssum, et sericum, et chodchod proposuerunt in mercatu tuo.
{27:16} The Syrian was your merchant. Because of the multitude of your works, they offered jewels, and purple, and patterned cloth, and fine linen, and silk, and other valuables in your market.

~ The meaning of ‘chodchod’ is not clear. Some say it refers to some types of gem stone, but the first item in this list of valuable goods is a general word referring to precious stones, so it would not make sense to end the list with a very similar word. Since it is the last item in the list and is vague in meaning (by all accounts), it likely means ‘other valuables’.

{27:17} Iuda et terra Israel ipsi institores tui in frumento primo, balsamum, et mel, et oleum, et resinam proposuerunt in nundinis tuis.
{27:17} Judah and the land of Israel, these were your peddlers of the best grain; they offered balsam, and honey, and oil, and resins at your festivals.

{27:18} Damascenus negotiator tuus in multitudine operum tuorum, in multitudine diversarum opum, in vino pingui, in lanis coloris optimi.
{27:18} The Damascene was your trader in the multitude of your works, in greatly diverse wealth, in rich wine, in wool with the finest coloring.

{27:19} Dan, et Græcia, et Mosel in nundinis tuis proposuerunt ferrum fabrefactum: stacte, et calamus in negotiatione tua.
{27:19} Dan, and Greece, and Mosel have offered works made of iron at your festivals. Storax ointment and sweet flag were in your marketplace.

~ Storax and sweet flag both have medicinal uses; sweet flag was once thought to be an aphrodisiac, and in large doses it is an hallucinogen. The meaning is that their market place has both good and bad drugs: medicines, but also recreational drugs.

{27:20} Dedan institores tui in tapetibus ad sedendum.
{27:20} The men of Dedan were your peddlers of tapestries used as seats.

{27:21} Arabia, et universi principes Cedar, ipsi negotiatores manus tuæ: cum agnis, et arietibus, et hœdis venerunt ad te negotiatores tui.
{27:21} Arabia and all the leaders of Kedar, these were the merchants at your hand. Your merchants came to you with lambs, and rams, and young goats.

{27:22} Venditores Saba, et Reema, ipsi negotiatores tui: cum universis primis aromatibus, et lapide pretioso, et auro, quod proposuerunt in mercatu tuo.
{27:22} The vendors of Sheba and Raamah, these were your merchants, with all the finest aromatics, and precious stones, and gold, which they offered in your marketplace.

{27:23} Haran, et Chene, et Eden negotiatores tui: Saba, Assur, et Chelmad venditores tui.
{27:23} Haran, and Canneh, and Eden were your merchants. Sheba, Assur, and Chilmad were your sellers.

{27:24} Ipsi negotiatores tui multifariam involucris hyacinthi, et polymitorum, gazarumque pretiosarum, quæ obvolutæ, et astrictæ erant funibus: cedros quoque habebant in negotiationibus tuis.
{27:24} These were your merchants in many places, with windings of hyacinth and of colorful weavings, and with precious treasures, which were wrapped and bound with cords. Also, they had works of cedar among your merchandise.

{27:25} Naves maris, principes tui in negotiatione tua: et repleta es, et glorificata nimis in corde maris.
{27:25} The ships of the sea were important to your business dealings. For you were replenished and exceedingly glorified in the heart of the sea.

{27:26} In aquis multis adduxerunt te remiges tui: ventus auster contrivit te in corde maris.
{27:26} Your rowers have brought you into many waters. The south wind has worn you down in the heart of the sea.

{27:27} Divitiæ tuæ, et thesauri tui, et multiplex instrumentum tuum, nautæ tui et gubernatores tui, qui tenebant supellectilem tuam, et populo tuo præerant: viri quoque bellatores tui, qui erant in te cum universa multitudine tua, quæ est in medio tui: cadent in corde maris in die ruinæ tuæ.
{27:27} Your riches, and your treasures, and your versatile equipment, your sailors and your navigators, who handle your goods and who were first among your people, likewise your men of war, who were among you, and your entire multitude that is in your midst: they will fall in the heart of the sea on the day of your ruin.

{27:28} A sonitu clamoris gubernatorum tuorum conturbabuntur classes:
{27:28} Your fleets will be disturbed by the sound of an outcry from your navigators.

{27:29} Et descendent de navibus suis omnes, qui tenebant remum: nautæ, et universi gubernatores maris in terra stabunt:
{27:29} And all who were handling the oar will descend from their ships; the sailors and all the navigators of the sea will stand upon the land.

{27:30} et eiulabunt super te voce magna, et clamabunt amare: et superiacient pulverem capitibus suis, et cinere conspergentur.
{27:30} And they will howl over you with a great voice, and they will cry out with bitterness. And they will cast dust upon their heads, and they will be sprinkled with ashes.

{27:31} Et radent super te calvitium, et accingentur ciliciis: et plorabunt te in amaritudine animæ ploratu amarissimo.
{27:31} And they will shave their heads because of you, and they will be wrapped in haircloth. And they will weep for you with bitterness of soul, with a very bitter weeping.

{27:32} Et assument super te carmen lugubre, et plangent te: Quæ est ut Tyrus, quæ obmutuit in medio maris?
{27:32} And they will take up a mournful verse over you, and they will lament you: ‘What city is like Tyre, which has become mute in the midst of the sea?’

{27:33} Quæ in exitu negotiationum tuarum de mari implesti populos multos: in multitudine divitiarum tuarum, et populorum tuorum ditasti reges terræ.
{27:33} For by the going forth of your merchandise by sea, you supplied many peoples; by the multitude of your riches and of your people, you enriched the kings of the earth.

{27:34} Nunc contrita es a mari, in profundis aquarum opes tuæ, et omnis multitudo tua, quæ erat in medio tui, ceciderunt.
{27:34} Now you have been worn away by the sea, your opulence is in the depths of the waters, and your entire multitude that was in your midst has fallen.

{27:35} Universi habitatores insularum obstupuerunt super te: et reges earum omnes tempestate perculsi mutaverunt vultus.
{27:35} All the inhabitants of the islands have been stupefied over you; and all their kings, having been struck by the tempest, have changed their expression.

{27:36} Negotiatores populorum sibilaverunt super te: ad nihilum deducta es, et non eris usque in perpetuum.
{27:36} The merchants of the peoples have hissed over you. You have been reduced to nothing, and you shall not be again, even forever.”

[Ezechiel 28]
[Ezekiel 28]

{28:1} Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
{28:1} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{28:2} Fili hominis, dic principi Tyri: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Eo quod elevatum est cor tuum, et dixisti: Deus ego sum, et in cathedra Dei sedi in corde maris: cum sis homo, et non Deus, et dedisti cor tuum quasi cor Dei.
{28:2} “Son of man, say to the leader of Tyre: Thus says the Lord God: Because your heart has been exalted, and you have said, ‘I am God, and I sit in the chair of God, in the heart of the sea,’ though you are a man, and not God, and because you have presented your heart as if it were the heart of God:

{28:3} Ecce sapientior es tu Daniele: omne secretum non est absconditum a te.
{28:3} Behold, you are wiser than Daniel; no secret is concealed from you.

{28:4} In sapientia et prudentia tua fecisti tibi fortitudinem: et acquisisti aurum, et argentum in thesauris tuis.
{28:4} By your wisdom and prudence, you have made yourself strong, and you have acquired gold and silver for your storehouses.

{28:5} In multitudine sapientiæ tuæ, et in negotiatione tua multiplicasti tibi fortitudinem: et elevatum est cor tuum in robore tuo.
{28:5} By the multitude of your wisdom, and by your business dealings, you have multiplied strength for yourself. And your heart has been exalted by your strength.

{28:6} Propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Eo quod elevatum est cor tuum quasi cor Dei:
{28:6} Therefore, thus says the Lord God: Because your heart has been exalted as if it were the heart of God,

{28:7} idcirco ecce ego adducam super te alienos robustissimos Gentium: et nudabunt gladios suos super pulchritudinem sapientiæ tuæ, et polluent decorem tuum.
{28:7} for this reason, behold, I will lead over you foreigners, the most robust among the Gentiles. And they will bare their swords over the beauty of your wisdom, and they will defile your beauty.

{28:8} Interficient, et detrahent te: et morieris in interitu occisorum in corde maris.
{28:8} They will destroy you and pull you down. And you will die the death of those slain in the heart of the sea.

{28:9} Numquid dicens loqueris: Deus ego sum, coram interficientibus te: cum sis homo, et non Deus, in manu occidentium te?
{28:9} So then, will you speak, in the presence of those who are destroying you, before the hand of those who are killing you, saying, ‘I am God,’ though you are a man, and not God?

{28:10} Morte incircumcisorum morieris in manu alienorum: quia ego locutus sum, ait Dominus Deus.
{28:10} You will die the death of the uncircumcised at the hand of foreigners. For I have spoken, says the Lord God.”

{28:11} Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens: Fili hominis leva planctum super regem Tyri:
{28:11} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying: “Son of man, take up a lamentation over the king of Tyre,

{28:12} et dices ei: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Tu signaculum similitudinis, plenus sapientia, et perfectus decore,
{28:12} and you shall say to him: Thus says the Lord God: You were the seal of similitudes, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.

{28:13} in deliciis Paradisi Dei fuisti: omnis lapis pretiosus operimentum tuum: sardius, topazius, et iaspis, chrysolithus, et onyx, et beryllus, sapphirus, et carbunculus, et smaragdus: aurum opus decoris tui: et foramina tua in die, qua conditus es, præparata sunt.
{28:13} You were with the delights of the Paradise of God. Every precious stone was your covering: sardius, topaz, and jasper, chrysolite, and onyx, and beryl, sapphire, and garnet, and emerald. The work of your beauty was of gold, and your fissures were ready in the day when you were formed.

~ The term ‘foramina’ refers to openings or to fissures. In this context, it refers to the veins of gold and of precious stones found in the earth, referred to earlier in the same verse. So, during the time when you were being formed in the womb, these precious stones and also gold, was waiting for you in the fissures of the earth.

{28:14} Tu cherub extentus, et protegens, et posui te in monte sancto Dei, in medio lapidum ignitorum ambulasti.
{28:14} You were a cherub, stretched out and protecting, and I stationed you on the holy mountain of God. You have walked in the midst of stones containing fire.

{28:15} Perfectus in viis tuis a die conditionis tuæ, donec inventa est iniquitas in te.
{28:15} You were perfect in your ways, from the day of your formation, until iniquity was found in you.

{28:16} In multitudine negotiationis tuæ repleta sunt interiora tua iniquitate, et peccasti: et eieci te de monte Dei, et perdidi te, o cherub protegens, de medio lapidum ignitorum.
{28:16} By the multitude of your business dealings, your interior was filled with iniquity, and you sinned. And I cast you away from the mountain of God, and I perished you, O protecting cherub, from the midst of the stones containing fire.

{28:17} Et elevatum est cor tuum in decore tuo: perdidisti sapientiam tuam in decore tuo, in terram proieci te: ante faciem regum dedi te ut cernerent te.
{28:17} And your heart was exalted by your beauty; you have destroyed your own wisdom by your beauty. I have cast you to the ground. I have presented you before the face of kings, so that they may examine you.

{28:18} In multitudine iniquitatum tuarum, et iniquitate negotiationis tuæ polluisti sanctificationem tuam: producam ergo ignem de medio tui, qui comedat te, et dabo te in cinerem super terram in conspectu omnium videntium te.
{28:18} You have defiled your sanctuaries, by the multitude of your iniquities and by the iniquity of your business dealings. Therefore, I will produce a fire from your midst, which will consume you, and I will make you into ashes upon the earth, in the sight of all who are watching you.

{28:19} Omnes, qui viderint te in Gentibus, obstupescent super te: nihili factus es, et non eris in perpetuum.
{28:19} All who gaze upon you among the Gentiles will be stupefied over you. You were made out of nothing, and you shall not be, forever.”

{28:20} Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
{28:20} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{28:21} Fili hominis pone faciem tuam contra Sidonem: et prophetabis de ea,
{28:21} “Son of man, set your face against Sidon, and you shall prophesy about it.

{28:22} et dices: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego ad te Sidon, et glorificabor in medio tui: et scient quia ego Dominus, cum fecero in ea iudicia, et sanctificatus fuero in ea.
{28:22} And you shall say: Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am against you, Sidon, and I will be glorified in your midst. And they shall know that I am the Lord, when I will have executed judgments in her, and when I will have been sanctified in her.

{28:23} Et immittam ei pestilentiam, et sanguinem in plateis eius: et corruent interfecti in medio eius gladio per circuitum: et scient quia ego Dominus.
{28:23} And I will send a pestilence upon her, and there will be blood in her streets. And they will fall, slain by the sword, on every side in her midst. And they shall know that I am the Lord.

{28:24} Et non erit ultra domui Israel offendiculum amaritudinis, et spina dolorem inferens undique per circuitum eorum, qui adversantur eis: et scient quia ego Dominus Deus.
{28:24} And the house of Israel will no longer be a stumbling block of bitterness, nor a thorn bringing pain everywhere around them, to those who turn against them. And they shall know that I am the Lord God.”

{28:25} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Quando congregavero domum Israel de populis, in quibus dispersi sunt, sanctificabor in eis coram Gentibus: et habitabunt in terra sua, quam dedi servo meo Iacob.
{28:25} Thus says the Lord God: “When I will have gathered together the house of Israel, from the peoples among whom they have been dispersed, I shall be sanctified in them in the sight of the Gentiles. And they shall live in their own land, which I gave to my servant Jacob.

{28:26} Et habitabunt in ea securi: et ædificabunt domos, et plantabunt vineas, et habitabunt confidenter, cum fecero iudicia in omnibus, qui adversantur eis per circuitum: et scient quia ego Dominus Deus eorum.
{28:26} And they shall live within it securely. And they shall build houses and plant vineyards. And they shall live in confidence, when I will have executed judgments upon all those who turn against them on every side. And they shall know that I am the Lord their God.”

[Ezechiel 29]
[Ezekiel 29]

{29:1} In anno decimo, decimo mense, undecima die mensis, factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
{29:1} In the tenth year, in the tenth month, on the eleventh day of the month, the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{29:2} Fili hominis pone faciem tuam contra Pharaonem regem Ægypti, et prophetabis de eo, et de Ægypto universa:
{29:2} “Son of man, set your face against Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, and you shall prophesy about him and about all of Egypt.

{29:3} Loquere, et dices: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego ad te Pharao rex Ægypti, draco magne, qui cubas in medio fluminum tuorum, et dicis: Meus est fluvius, et ego feci memetipsum.
{29:3} Speak, and you shall say: Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am against you, Pharaoh, king of Egypt, you great dragon, who rests in the midst of your rivers. And you say: ‘Mine is the river, and I have made myself.’

{29:4} Et ponam frenum in maxillis tuis: et agglutinabo pisces fluminum tuorum squamis tuis: et extraham te de medio fluminum tuorum, et universi pisces tui squamis tuis adhærebunt.
{29:4} But I will place a bridle in your jaws. And I will adhere the fish of your rivers to your scales. And I will draw you out of the midst of your rivers, and all your fish will adhere to your scales.

{29:5} Et proiiciam te in desertum, et omnes pisces fluminis tui: super faciem terræ cades, non colligeris, neque congregaberis: bestiis terræ, et volatilibus cæli dedi te ad devorandum.
{29:5} And I will cast you into the desert, with all the fish of your river. You will fall upon the surface of the earth; you will not be taken up, nor gathered together. I have given you to the beasts of the earth and to the birds of the air, to be devoured.

{29:6} Et scient omnes habitatores Ægypti quia ego Dominus: pro eo quod fuisti baculus arundineus domui Israel.
{29:6} And all the inhabitants of Egypt shall know that I am the Lord. For you have been a staff made of reed to the house of Israel.

~ A good staff is sturdy and useful for many purposes, including to support one’s weight when walking, if one is tired or ill. But a staff made of reed is useless; it is too weak to support the one who wields it.

{29:7} Quando apprehenderunt te manu, et confractus es, et lacerasti omnem humerum eorum: et innitentibus eis super te, comminutus es, et dissolvisti omnes renes eorum.
{29:7} When they took hold of you with the hand, you broke, and so you wounded all of their shoulders. And when they leaned on you, you shattered, and so you injured all of their lower backs.

{29:8} Propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego adducam super te gladium: et interficiam de te hominem, et iumentum.
{29:8} Because of this, thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will lead the sword over you, and I will destroy both man and beast from among you.

{29:9} Et erit Terra Ægypti in desertum, et in solitudinem: et scient quia ego Dominus: pro eo quod dixeris: Fluvius meus est, et ego feci eum.
{29:9} And the land of Egypt will be a desert and a wilderness. And they shall know that I am the Lord. For you have said, ‘The river is mine, and I have made it.’

{29:10} Idcirco ecce ego ad te, et ad flumina tua: daboque Terram Ægypti in solitudines, gladio dissipatam, a turre Syenes, usque ad terminos Æthiopiæ.
{29:10} Therefore, behold, I am against you and against your rivers. And I will make the land of Egypt into a wilderness, destroyed by the sword from the tower of Syene all the way to the borders of Ethiopia.

{29:11} Non pertransibit eam pes hominis, neque pes iumenti gradietur in ea: et non habitabitur quadraginta annis.
{29:11} The foot of man will not pass through it, and the foot of cattle will not walk in it. And it will be uninhabited for forty years.

{29:12} Daboque Terram Ægypti desertam in medio terrarum desertarum, et civitates eius in medio urbium subversarum, et erunt desolatæ quadraginta annis: et dispergam Ægyptios in nationes, et ventilabo eos in terras.
{29:12} And I will set the land of Egypt in desolation, in the midst of desolate lands, and its cities in the midst of overturned cites. And they will be desolate for forty years. And I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations, and I will disperse them among the lands.

{29:13} Quia hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Post finem quadraginta annorum congregabo Ægyptum de populis, in quibus dispersi fuerant.
{29:13} For thus says the Lord God: After the end of forty years, I will gather the Egyptians from the peoples among whom they had been scattered.

{29:14} Et reducam captivitatem Ægypti, et collocabo eos in terra Phathures, in terra nativitatis suæ: et erunt ibi in regnum humile:
{29:14} And I will lead back the captivity of Egypt, and I will collect them in the land of Pathros, in the land of their nativity. And in that place, they will be a lowly kingdom.

{29:15} inter cetera regna erit humillima, et non elevabitur ultra super nationes, et imminuam eos ne imperent Gentibus.
{29:15} It will be the lowest among the other kingdoms, and it will no longer be exalted above the nations. And I will diminish them, lest they rule over the Gentiles.

{29:16} Neque erunt ultra domui Israel in confidentia, docentes iniquitatem, ut fugiant, et sequantur eos: et scient quia ego Dominus Deus.
{29:16} And they will no longer be the confidence of the house of Israel, teaching iniquity, so that they may flee and follow them. And they shall know that I am the Lord God.”

{29:17} Et factum est in vigesimo et septimo anno, in primo, in una mensis: factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
{29:17} And it happened that, in the twenty-seventh year, in the first month, on the first of the month, the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{29:18} Fili hominis Nabuchodonosor rex Babylonis servire fecit exercitum suum servitute magna adversum Tyrum: omne caput decalvatum, et omnis humerus depilatus est: et merces non est reddita ei, neque exercitui eius de Tyro pro servitute, qua servivit mihi adversus eam.
{29:18} “Son of man, Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, has caused his army to serve with great servility against Tyre. Every head was shaven, and every shoulder was stripped of hair. And wages have not been paid to him, nor to his army, for Tyre, for the service by which he served for me against it.

{29:19} Propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego dabo Nabuchodonosor regem Babylonis in Terra Ægypti: et accipiet multitudinem eius, et deprædabitur manubias eius, et diripiet spolia eius: et erit merces exercitui illius,
{29:19} Because of this, thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will station Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, in the land of Egypt. And he will take its multitude, and he will prey upon its profits, and he will plunder its spoils. And this shall be the wages for his army

~ The ‘manubias’ is the general’s share of the plunder.

{29:20} et operi, quo servivit adversus eam: dedi ei Terram Ægypti, pro eo quod laboraverit mihi, ait Dominus Deus.
{29:20} and for the work by which he has served against it. I have given to him the land of Egypt, because he has labored for me, says the Lord God.

{29:21} In die illo pullulabit cornu domui Israel, et tibi dabo apertum os in medio eorum: et scient quia ego Dominus.
{29:21} In that day, a horn will spring forth for the house of Israel, and I will give to you an open mouth in their midst. And they shall know that I am the Lord.”

[Ezechiel 30]
[Ezekiel 30]

{30:1} Et factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
{30:1} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{30:2} Fili hominis propheta, et dic: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ululate, væ, væ diei:
{30:2} “Son of man, prophesy and say: Thus says the Lord God: Wail: ‘Woe, woe to the day!’

{30:3} quia iuxta est dies, et appropinquat dies Domini: dies nubis, tempus Gentium erit.
{30:3} For the day is near, and the day of the Lord is approaching! It is a day of gloom; it will be the time of the Gentiles.

~ In the Catholic understanding of the Old Testament, the term Gentiles can be a figure comparing Christians to non-believers, rather than comparing Jews to non-Jews.

{30:4} Et veniet gladius in Ægyptum: et erit pavor in Æthiopia, cum ceciderint vulnerati in Ægypto, et ablata fuerit multitudo illius, et destructa fundamenta eius.
{30:4} And the sword will come to Egypt. And there will be dread in Ethiopia, when the wounded will have fallen in Egypt, and its multitude will have been taken away, and its foundations will have been destroyed.

{30:5} Æthiopia, et Libya, et Lydi, et omne reliquum vulgus, et Chub, et filii terræ fœderis, cum eis gladio cadent.
{30:5} Ethiopia, and Libya, and Lydia, and all the rest of the common people, and Chub, and the sons of the land of the covenant, will fall with them by the sword.

~ The sons of the land of the covenant (or pact) could refer to the Israelites, or to their descendents living abroad, or to some other land that made a pact with Egypt.

{30:6} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Et corruent fulcientes Ægyptum, et destruetur superbia imperii eius: a turre Syenes gladio cadent in ea, ait Dominus Deus exercituum.
{30:6} Thus says the Lord God: And those who prop up Egypt will fall, and the arrogance of its reign will be brought down. They will fall in it by the sword, before the tower of Syene, says the Lord, the God of hosts.

{30:7} Et dissipabuntur in medio terrarum desolatarum, et urbes eius in medio civitatum desertarum erunt.
{30:7} And they will be scattered into the midst of desolate lands, and its cities will be in the midst of cities that have been deserted.

{30:8} Et scient quia ego Dominus: cum dedero ignem in Ægypto, et attriti fuerint omnes auxiliatores eius.
{30:8} And they shall know that I am the Lord, when I will have brought a fire into Egypt, and when all its helpers will have been worn away.

{30:9} In die illa egredientur nuncii a facie mea in trieribus ad conterendam Æthiopiæ confidentiam, et erit pavor in eis in die Ægypti, quia absque dubio veniet.
{30:9} In that day, messengers will go forth from my face in Greek warships, in order to crush the confidence of Ethiopia. And there will be dread among them in the day of Egypt; for without doubt, it will happen.

{30:10} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: cessare faciam multitudinem Ægypti in manu Nabuchodonosor regis Babylonis.
{30:10} Thus says the Lord God: By the hand of Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, I will cause the multitude of Egypt to cease.

{30:11} Ipse et populus eius cum eo fortissimi Gentium adducentur ad disperdendam terram: et evaginabunt gladios suos super Ægyptum: et implebunt terram interfectis.
{30:11} He, and his people with him, the strongest of the Gentiles, will be brought forth in order to destroy the land. And they will draw their swords over Egypt. And they will fill the land with the slain.

{30:12} Et faciam alveos fluminum aridos, et tradam terram in manus pessimorum: et dissipabo terram, et plenitudinem eius manu alienorum, ego Dominus locutus sum.
{30:12} And I will cause the channels of the rivers to dry up. And I will deliver the land into the hand of the most wicked. And by the hands of foreigners, I will utterly destroy the land and its plenitude. I, the Lord, have spoken.

{30:13} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Et disperdam simulachra, et cessare faciam idola de Memphis: et dux de Terra Ægypti non erit amplius: et dabo terrorem in Terra Ægypti.
{30:13} Thus says the Lord God: And I will destroy the graven images, and I will cause the idols of Memphis to cease. And there will no longer be a commander of the land of Egypt. And I will send terror upon the land of Egypt.

{30:14} Et disperdam terram Phathures, et dabo ignem in Taphnis, et faciam iudicia in Alexandria.
{30:14} And I will destroy the land of Pathros, and I will send a fire upon Tahpanhes, and I will execute judgments in Alexandria.

{30:15} Et effundam indignationem meam super Pelusium robur Ægypti, et interficiam multitudinem Alexandriæ,
{30:15} And I will pour out my indignation upon Pelusium, the strength of Egypt, and I will kill the multitude of Alexandria.

{30:16} et dabo ignem in Ægypto: quasi parturiens dolebit Pelusium, et Alexandria erit dissipata, et in Memphis angustiæ quotidianæ.
{30:16} And I will send a fire upon Egypt. Pelusium will be in pain, like a woman giving birth. And Alexandria will be utterly destroyed. And in Memphis, there will be anguish every day.

{30:17} Iuvenes Heliopoleos, et Bubasti gladio cadent, et ipsæ captivæ ducentur.
{30:17} The young men of Heliopolis and Pibeseth will fall by the sword, and the young women will be led into captivity.

{30:18} Et in Taphnis nigrescet dies, cum contrivero ibi sceptra Ægypti, et defecerit in ea superbia potentiæ eius: ipsam nubes operiet, filiæ autem eius in captivitatem ducentur.
{30:18} And in Tahpanhes, the day will grow black, when, in that place, I will break the scepters of Egypt. And the arrogance of her authority will fail within her; a gloom will cover her. Then her daughters will be led into captivity.

{30:19} Et iudicia faciam in Ægypto: et scient quia ego Dominus.
{30:19} And I will execute judgments in Egypt. And they shall know that I am the Lord.”

{30:20} Et factum est in undecimo anno, in primo mense, in septima mensis, factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
{30:20} And it happened that, in the eleventh year, in the first month, on the seventh of the month, the word of the Lord came, me, saying:

{30:21} Fili hominis brachium Pharaonis regis Ægypti confregi: et ecce non est obvolutum ut restitueretur ei sanitas, ut ligaretur pannis, et fasciaretur linteolis, ut recepto robore posset tenere gladium.
{30:21} “Son of man, I have broken the arm of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. And behold, it has not been wrapped, so that it might be restored to health; it has not been bound with cloths, or bandaged with linen, so that, having recovered strength, it would be able to hold the sword.

{30:22} Propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego ad Pharaonem regem Ægypti, et comminuam brachium eius forte, sed confractum: et deiiciam gladium de manu eius:
{30:22} Because of this, thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am against Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, and I will shatter his strong arm, which has already been broken. And I will cast the sword away from his hand.

{30:23} et dispergam Ægyptum in gentibus, et ventilabo eos in terris.
{30:23} And I will disperse Egypt among the nations, and I will scatter them among the lands.

{30:24} Et confortabo brachia regis Babylonis, daboque gladium meum in manu eius: et confringam brachia Pharaonis, et gement gemitibus interfecti coram facie eius.
{30:24} And I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon. And I will put my sword into his hand. And I will break the arms of Pharaoh. And they will groan acutely, when they are slain before his face.

{30:25} Et confortabo brachia regis Babylonis, et brachia Pharaonis concident: et scient quia ego Dominus, cum dedero gladium meum in manu regis Babylonis, et extenderit eum super Terram Ægypti.
{30:25} And I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon. And the arms of Pharaoh will fall. And they shall know that I am the Lord, when I will have given my sword into the hand of the king of Babylon, and when he will have extended it over the land of Egypt.

{30:26} Et dispergam Ægyptum in nationes, et ventilabo eos in terras, et scient quia ego Dominus.
{30:26} And I will disperse Egypt among the nations, and I will scatter them among the lands. And they shall know that I am the Lord.”

[Ezechiel 31]
[Ezekiel 31]

{31:1} Et factum est in anno undecimo, tertio mense, una mensis, factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
{31:1} And it happened that, in the eleventh year, in the third month, on the first of the month, the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{31:2} Fili hominis dic Pharaoni regi Ægypti, et populo eius: Cui similis factus es in magnitudine tua?
{31:2} “Son of man, speak to Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, and to his people: To whom can you be compared in your greatness?

{31:3} Ecce Assur quasi cedrus in Libano, pulcher ramis, et frondibus nemorosus, excelsusque altitudine, et inter condensas frondes elevatum est cacumen eius.
{31:3} Behold, Assur is like the cedar of Lebanon, with fair branches, and full of leaves, and of high stature, and his summit has been elevated above the thick branches.

{31:4} Aquæ nutrierunt illum, abyssus exaltavit illum: flumina eius manabant in circuitu radicum eius, et rivos suos emisit ad universa ligna regionis.
{31:4} The waters have nourished him. The abyss has exalted him. Its rivers have flowed around his roots, and it has sent forth its streams to all the trees of the regions.

{31:5} Propterea elevata est altitudo eius super omnia ligna regionis: et multiplicata sunt arbusta eius, et elevati sunt rami eius præ aquis multis.
{31:5} Because of this, his height was exalted above all the trees of the regions, and his groves were multiplied, and his own branches were elevated, because of the many waters.

{31:6} Cumque extendisset umbram suam, in ramis eius fecerunt nidos omnia volatilia cæli, et sub frondibus eius genuerunt omnes bestiæ saltuum, et sub umbraculo illius habitabat cœtus gentium plurimarum.
{31:6} And when he had extended his shadow, all the birds of the air made their nests in his branches, and all the beasts of the forest conceived their young under his foliage, and an assembly of the many peoples lived under his shadow.

{31:7} Eratque pulcherrimus in magnitudine sua, et in dilatatione arbustorum suorum: erat enim radix illius iuxta aquas multas.
{31:7} And he was most beautiful in his greatness and in the expansion of his groves. For his root was near many waters.

{31:8} Cedri non fuerunt altiores illo in Paradiso Dei, abietes non adæquaverunt summitatem eius, et platani non fuerunt æquæ frondibus illius: omne lignum Paradisi Dei non est assimilatum illi, et pulchritudini eius.
{31:8} The cedars in the Paradise of God were not higher than he was. The spruce trees were not equal to his summit, and the plane trees were not equal to his fullness. No tree in the Paradise of God was similar to him or to his beauty.

{31:9} Quoniam speciosum feci eum, et multis, condensisque frondibus: et æmulata sunt eum omnia ligna voluptatis, quæ erant in Paradiso Dei.
{31:9} For I made him beautiful, and dense with many branches. And all the trees of delight, which were in the Paradise of God, were jealous of him.

{31:10} Propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Pro eo quod sublimatus est in altitudine, et dedit summitatem suam virentem atque condensam, et elevatum est cor eius in altitudine sua:
{31:10} Because of this, thus says the Lord God: Since he was sublime in height, and he made his summit green and dense, and his heart was exalted because of his height,

{31:11} Tradidi eum in manu fortissimi Gentium, faciens faciet ei: iuxta impietatem eius eieci eum.
{31:11} I have delivered him into the hands of the most powerful one among the Gentiles, so that he will deal with him. I have cast him out, in accord with his impiety.

{31:12} Et succident eum alieni, et crudelissimi nationum, et proiicient eum super montes, et in cunctis convallibus corruent rami eius, et confringentur arbusta eius in universis rupibus terræ: et recedent de umbraculo eius omnes populi terræ, et relinquent eum.
{31:12} And foreigners, and the most cruel among the nations, will cut him down. And they will cast him on the mountains. And his branches will fall in every steep valley, and his grove will be broken apart on every cliff of the earth. And all the peoples of the earth will withdraw from his shadow, and abandon him.

{31:13} In ruina eius habitaverunt omnia volatilia cæli, et in ramis eius fuerunt universæ bestiæ regionis.
{31:13} All the birds of the air lived upon his ruins, and all the beasts of the countryside were among his branches.

{31:14} Quam ob rem non elevabuntur in altitudine sua omnia ligna aquarum, nec ponent sublimitatem suam inter nemorosa atque frondosa, nec stabunt in sublimitate sua omnia, quæ irrigantur aquis: quia omnes traditi sunt in mortem ad terram ultimam in medio filiorum hominum ad eos, qui descendunt in lacum.
{31:14} For this reason, none of the trees among the waters will exalt themselves because of their height, nor will they place their summits above the thick branches and foliage, nor will any of those that are irrigated stand out because of their height. For they have all been delivered unto death, to the lowest part of the earth, into the midst of the sons of men, those who descend into the pit.

{31:15} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: In die quando descendit ad inferos, induxi luctum, operui eum abysso: et prohibui flumina eius, et coercui aquas multas: contristatus est super eum Libanus, et omnia ligna agri concussa sunt.
{31:15} Thus says the Lord God: In the day when he descended into hell, I led in grieving. I covered him with the abyss. And I held back its rivers, and I restrained the many waters. Lebanon was saddened over him, and all the trees of the field were struck together.

{31:16} A sonitu ruinæ eius commovi Gentes, cum deducerem eum ad infernum cum his, qui descendebant in lacum: et consolata sunt in terra infima omnia ligna voluptatis egregia, atque præclara in Libano, universa quæ irrigabantur aquis.
{31:16} I shook the Gentiles with the sound of his ruin, when I led him down to hell, with those who were descending into the pit. And all the trees of delights, the finest and best in Lebanon, all that were irrigated with waters, were consoled in the deepest parts of the earth.

{31:17} Nam et ipsi cum eo descendent in infernum ad interfectos gladio: et brachium uniuscuiusque sedebit sub umbraculo eius in medio nationum.
{31:17} For they, too, will descend with him into hell, to those who have been slain by the sword. And the arm of each one will reside under his shadow, in the midst of the nations.

{31:18} Cui assimilatus es o inclyte atque sublimis inter ligna voluptatis? Ecce deductus es cum lignis voluptatis ad terram ultimam: in medio incircumcisorum dormies, cum eis, qui interfecti sunt gladio, ipse est Pharao, et omnis multitudo eius, dicit Dominus Deus.
{31:18} To whom can you be compared, O famous and sublime one, among the trees of pleasure? Behold, you have been brought down, with the trees of pleasure, to the lowest part of the earth. You will sleep in the midst of the uncircumcised, with those who have been slain by the sword. This is Pharaoh, and all his multitude, says the Lord God.”

~ The uncircumcised, in the Christian understanding of the text, are not non-Jews, but the unbaptized, that is, those who die without obtaining either a formal or non-formal Baptism, who therefore die in a culpable state of original sin.

[Ezechiel 32]
[Ezekiel 32]

{32:1} Et factum est, duodecimo anno, in mense duodecimo, in una mensis, factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
{32:1} And it happened that, in the twelfth year, in the twelfth month, on the first of the month, the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{32:2} Fili hominis assume lamentum super Pharaonem regem Ægypti, et dices ad eum: Leoni Gentium assimilatus es, et draconi, qui est in mari: et ventilabas cornu in fluminibus tuis, et conturbabas aquas pedibus tuis, et conculcabas flumina earum.
{32:2} “Son of man, take up a lamentation over Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, and you shall say to him: You are like the lion of the Gentiles, and like the dragon that is in the sea. And you brandished a horn among your rivers, and you disturbed the waters with your feet, and you trampled upon their rivers.

{32:3} Propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Expandam super te rete meum in multitudine populorum multorum, et extraham te in sagena mea.
{32:3} Because of this, thus says the Lord God: I will spread my net over you, with the multitude of many peoples, and I will draw you into my dragnet.

{32:4} Et proiiciam te in terram, super faciem agri abiiciam te: et habitare faciam super te omnia volatilia cæli, et saturabo de te bestias universæ terræ.
{32:4} And I will throw you upon the land. I will cast you upon the surface of the field. And I will cause all the birds of the air to live upon you. And I will satiate the beasts of the entire earth with you.

{32:5} Et dabo carnes tuas super montes, et implebo colles tuos sanie tua.
{32:5} And I will place your flesh upon the mountains. And I will fill up your hills with your decaying flesh.

{32:6} Et irrigabo terram fœtore sanguinis tui super montes, et valles implebuntur ex te.
{32:6} And I will irrigate the earth with your rotting blood upon the mountains. And the valleys will be filled with you.

{32:7} Et operiam, cum extinctus fueris, cælum, et nigrescere faciam stellas eius: solem nube tegam, et luna non dabit lumen suum.
{32:7} And I will cover heaven, when you will have been extinguished. And I will cause its stars to grow dark. I will shroud the sun with gloom, and the moon will not give her light.

{32:8} Omnia luminaria cæli mœrere faciam super te: et dabo tenebras super terram tuam, dicit Dominus Deus, cum ceciderint vulnerati tui in medio terræ, ait Dominus Deus.
{32:8} I will cause all the lights of heaven to grieve over you. And I will bring darkness upon your land, says the Lord God, when your wounded will have fallen in the midst of the land, says the Lord God.

{32:9} Et irritabo cor populorum multorum cum induxero contritionem tuam in Gentibus super terras, quas nescis.
{32:9} And I will provoke the heart of many peoples to anger, when I will have led in your destruction among the Gentiles, over the lands that you have not known.

{32:10} Et stupescere faciam super te populos multos: et reges eorum horrore nimio formidabunt super te, cum volare cœperit gladius meus super facies eorum: et obstupescent repente singuli pro anima sua in die ruinæ tuæ.
{32:10} And I will cause many peoples to be stupefied over you. And their kings will be afraid, with great horror, over you, when my sword will begin to fly above their faces. And suddenly, they will be struck with astonishment, each one concerning his own life, on the day of their ruination.

{32:11} Quia hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Gladius regis Babylonis veniet tibi,
{32:11} For thus says the Lord God: The sword of the king of Babylon will come to you.

{32:12} in gladiis fortium deiiciam multitudinem tuam: inexpugnabiles omnes gentes hæ: et vastabunt superbiam Ægypti, et dissipabitur multitudo eius.
{32:12} By the swords of the strong, I will cast down your multitude. All these nations are invincible, and they will lay waste to the arrogance of Egypt, and so its multitude will be destroyed.

{32:13} Et perdam omnia iumenta eius, quæ erant super aquas plurimas: et non conturbabit eas pes hominis ultra, neque ungula iumentorum turbabit eas.
{32:13} And I will perish all its cattle, which were above the many waters. And the foot of man will no longer disturb them, and the hoof of cattle will no longer trouble them.

{32:14} Tunc purissimas reddam aquas eorum, et flumina eorum quasi oleum adducam, ait Dominus Deus:
{32:14} Then I will cause their waters to be very pure, and their rivers to be like oil, says the Lord God,

{32:15} Cum dedero Terram Ægypti desolatam: deseretur autem terra a plenitudine sua, quando percussero omnes habitatores eius: et scient quia ego Dominus.
{32:15} when I will have set the land of Egypt in desolation. And the land will be deprived of her plenitude, when I will have struck all its inhabitants. And they shall know that I am the Lord.

{32:16} Planctus est, et plangent eum: filiæ Gentium plangent eum: super Ægyptum, et super multitudinem eius plangent eum, ait Dominus Deus.
{32:16} This is the lamentation. And they shall lament it. The daughters of the Gentiles shall lament it. They shall lament it over Egypt and over its multitude, says the Lord God.”

{32:17} Et factum est in duodecimo anno, in quintadecima mensis, factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
{32:17} And it happened that, in the twelfth year, on the fifteenth of the month, the word of the Lord came to me saying:

{32:18} Fili hominis cane lugubre super multitudinem Ægypti: et detrahe eam ipsam, et filias gentium robustarum ad terram ultimam cum his, qui descendunt in lacum.
{32:18} “Son of man, sing mournfully over the multitude of Egypt. And cast her down, both her and the daughters of the robust nations, to the lowest part of the earth, with those who descend into the pit.

{32:19} Quo pulchrior es? Descende, et dormi cum incircumcisis.
{32:19} Whom do you exceed in beauty? Descend and sleep with the uncircumcised!

{32:20} In medio interfectorum gladio cadent: gladius datus est, attraxerunt eam, et omnes populos eius.
{32:20} They will fall by the sword in the midst of the slain. The sword has been given. They have dragged her down, with all her people.

{32:21} Loquentur ei potentissimi robustorum de medio inferni, qui cum auxiliatoribus eius descenderunt, et dormierunt incircumcisi, interfecti gladio.
{32:21} The most powerful among the strong will speak to him from the midst of hell, those who descended with his helpers and who went to sleep uncircumcised, slain by the sword.

~ Figuratively, going to sleep uncircumcised means dying without sanctifying grace.

{32:22} Ibi Assur, et omnis multitudo eius: in circuitu illius sepulchra eius: omnes interfecti, et qui ceciderunt gladio.
{32:22} Assur is in that place, with all his multitude. Their graves are all around him: all of the slain and those who fell by the sword.

{32:23} Quorum data sunt sepulchra in novissimis laci: et facta est multitudo eius per gyrum sepulchri eius: universi interfecti, cadentesque gladio, qui dederant quondam formidinem in terra viventium.
{32:23} Their graves have been placed in the lowest parts of the pit. And his multitude was stationed on all sides of his grave: all of the slain, and those who fell by the sword, who formerly spread terror in the land of the living.

{32:24} Ibi Ælam, et omnis multitudo eius per gyrum sepulchri sui, omnes hi interfecti, ruentesque gladio: qui descenderunt incircumcisi ad terram ultimam: qui posuerunt terrorem suum in terra viventium, et portaverunt ignominiam suam cum his, qui descendunt in lacum.
{32:24} Elam is in that place, with all his multitude, on all sides of his grave, all those who were slain or who fell by the sword, who descended uncircumcised to the lowest part of the earth, who caused their terror in the land of the living. And they have borne their disgrace, with those who descend into the pit.

{32:25} In medio interfectorum posuerunt cubile eius in universis populis eius: in circuitu eius sepulchrum illius: omnes hi incircumcisi, interfectique gladio. Dederunt enim terrorem suum in terra viventium, et portaverunt ignominiam suam cum his, qui descendunt in lacum: in medio interfectorum positi sunt.
{32:25} They have appointed him a place to lie among all his people, in the midst of the slain. Their graves are all around him. All these are uncircumcised and were slain by the sword. For they spread their terror in the land of the living, and they have borne their disgrace, with those who descend into the pit. They have been stationed in the midst of the slain.

{32:26} Ibi Mosoch, et Thubal, et omnis multitudo eius: in circuitu eius sepulchra illius, omnes hi incircumcisi, interfectique et cadentes gladio: quia dederunt formidinem suam in terra viventium.
{32:26} Meshech and Tubal are in that place, with all their multitude. Their graves are all around him: all these are uncircumcised, and they were slain and fell by the sword. For they spread their terror in the land of the living.

{32:27} Et non dormient cum fortibus, cadentibusque et incircumcisis, qui descenderunt ad infernum cum armis suis, et posuerunt gladios suos sub capitibus suis, et fuerunt iniquitates eorum in ossibus eorum: quia terror fortium facti sunt in terra viventium.
{32:27} But they shall not sleep with the strong, and with those who also fell uncircumcised, who descended to hell with their weapons, and who placed their swords under their heads, while their iniquities were in their bones. For they were the terror of the strong in the land of the living.

~ These ones have been given a different place in Hell, not with the strong who also are in Hell.

{32:28} Et tu ergo in medio incircumcisorum contereris, et dormies cum interfectis gladio.
{32:28} Therefore, you also will be broken in the midst of the uncircumcised, and you will sleep with those who were slain by the sword.

{32:29} Ibi Idumæa, et reges eius, et omnes duces eius, qui dati sunt cum exercitu suo cum interfectis gladio: et qui cum incircumcisis dormierunt, et cum his, qui descendunt in lacum.
{32:29} Idumea is in that place, with her kings and all her commanders, who with their army have been given to those who were slain by the sword. And they have slept with the uncircumcised and with those who descend into the pit.

{32:30} Ibi principes Aquilonis omnes, et universi venatores: qui deducti sunt cum interfectis, paventes, et in sua fortitudine confusi: qui dormierunt incircumcisi cum interfectis gladio, et portaverunt confusionem suam cum his, qui descendunt in lacum.
{32:30} All the leaders of the north are in that place, with all the hunters, who were brought down with the slain, fearful and confounded in their strength, who have gone to sleep uncircumcised, with those who were slain by the sword. And they have borne their disgrace, with those who descend into the pit.

~ These hunters did not hunt game, but hunted down human persons who opposed the sinful reign of the leader of the north.

{32:31} Vidit eos Pharao, et consolatus est super universa multitudine sua, quæ interfecta est gladio, Pharao, et omnis exercitus eius, ait Dominus Deus:
{32:31} Pharaoh saw them, and he was consoled over all his multitude, which was slain by the sword, even Pharaoh and all his army, says the Lord God.

~ Even in the midst of Hell, there is a certain consolation given to the wicked, for in God justice and mercy are the same.

{32:32} quia dedi terrorem meum in terra viventium, et dormivit in medio incircumcisorum cum interfectis gladio: Pharao et omnis multitudo eius: ait Dominus Deus.
{32:32} For I have spread my terror in the land of the living, and he has gone to sleep in the midst of the uncircumcised, with those who were slain by the sword, even Pharaoh and all his multitude, says the Lord God.”

[Ezechiel 33]
[Ezekiel 33]

{33:1} Et factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
{33:1} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{33:2} Fili hominis loquere ad filios populi tui, et dices ad eos: Terra cum induxero super eam gladium, et tulerit populus terræ virum unum de novissimis suis, et constituerit eum super se speculatorem:
{33:2} “Son of man, speak to the sons of your people, and you shall say to them: Concerning the land, when I will have led the sword over it: if the people of the land take a man, one of their least, and appoint him over themselves as a watchman,

{33:3} et ille viderit gladium venientem super terram, et cecinerit buccina, et annunciaverit populo:
{33:3} and if he sees the sword approaching over the land, and he sounds the trumpet, and he announces to the people,

{33:4} Audiens autem, quisquis ille est, sonitum buccinæ, et non se observaverit, veneritque gladius, et tulerit eum: sanguis ipsius super caput eius erit.
{33:4} then, having heard the sound of the trumpet, whoever he is, if he also does not take care of himself, and the sword arrives and takes him: his blood will be upon his own head.

{33:5} Sonum buccinæ audivit, et non se observavit, sanguis eius in ipso erit: si autem se custodierit, animam suam salvabit.
{33:5} He heard the sound of the trumpet, and he did not take care of himself, so his blood will be upon him. But if he guards himself, he will save his own life.

{33:6} Quod si speculator viderit gladium venientem, et non insonuerit buccina: et populus se non custodierit, veneritque gladius, et tulerit de eis animam: ille quidem in iniquitate sua captus est, sanguinem autem eius de manu speculatoris requiram.
{33:6} And if the watchman sees the sword approaching, and he does not sound the trumpet, and so the people do not guard themselves, and the sword arrives and takes some of their lives, certainly these have been taken due to their own iniquity. But I will attribute their blood to the hand of the watchman.

{33:7} Et tu fili hominis, speculatorem dedi te domui Israel: audiens ergo ex ore meo sermonem, annunciabis eis ex me.
{33:7} And as for you, son of man, I have made you a watchman to the house of Israel. Therefore, having heard the word from my mouth, you shall announce it to them from me.

{33:8} Si me dicente ad impium: Impie, morte morieris: non fueris locutus ut se custodiat impius a via sua: ipse impius in iniquitate sua morietur, sanguinem autem eius de manu tua requiram.
{33:8} When I say to the impious, ‘O impious man, you will die a death,’ if you have not spoken so that the impious man will keep himself from his way, then that impious man will die in his iniquity. But I will attribute his blood to your hand.

{33:9} Si autem annunciante te ad impium ut a viis suis convertatur, non fuerit conversus a via sua: ipse in iniquitate sua morietur: porro tu animam tuam liberasti.
{33:9} But if you have announced to the impious man, so that he may be converted from his ways, and he has not converted from his way, then he will die in his iniquity. Yet you will have freed your own soul.

{33:10} Tu ergo fili hominis dic ad domum Israel: Sic locuti estis, dicentes: Iniquitates nostræ, et peccata nostra super nos sunt, et in ipsis nos tabescimus: quomodo ergo vivere poterimus?
{33:10} You, therefore, O son of man, say to the house of Israel: You have spoken in this way, saying: ‘Our iniquities and our sins are upon us, and we waste away in them. So then, how would we be able to live?’

{33:11} Dic ad eos: Vivo ego, dicit Dominus Deus: nolo mortem impii, sed ut convertatur impius a via sua, et vivat. Convertimini, convertimini a viis vestris pessimis: et quare moriemini domus Israel?
{33:11} Say to them: As I live, says the Lord God, I do not desire the death of the impious, but that the impious should convert from his way and live. Be converted, be converted from your evil ways! For why should you die, O house of Israel?

{33:12} Tu itaque fili hominis dic ad filios populi tui: Iustitia iusti non liberabit eum in quacumque die peccaverit: et impietas impii non nocebit ei, in quacumque die conversus fuerit ab impietate sua: et iustus non poterit vivere in iustitia sua, in quacumque die peccaverit.
{33:12} And as for you then, son of man, say to the sons of your people: The justice of the just man will not deliver him, on whatever day he will have sinned. And the impiety of the impius man will not harm him, on whatever day he will have been converted from his impiety. And the just man will not be able to live by his justice, on whatever day he will have sinned.

{33:13} Etiam si dixero iusto quod vita vivat, et confisus in iustitia sua fecerit iniquitatem: omnes iustitiæ eius oblivioni tradentur, et in iniquitate sua, quam operatus est, in ipsa morietur.
{33:13} Even now, if I say to the just man that he shall certainly live, and so, with confidence in his justice, he commits iniquity, all his justices will be delivered into oblivion, and by his iniquity, which he has done, by this he shall die.

{33:14} Si autem dixero impio: Morte morieris: et egerit pœnitentiam a peccato suo, feceritque iudicium et iustitiam,
{33:14} And if I say to the impious man, ‘You shall certainly die,’ and yet he repents from his sin, and he does judgment and justice,

{33:15} et pignus restituerit ille impius, rapinamque reddiderit, in mandatis vitæ ambulaverit, nec fecerit quidquam iniustum: vita vivet, et non morietur.
{33:15} and if that impious man returns the collateral, and repays what he has taken by force, and if he walks in the commandments of life, and does not do anything unjust, then he shall certainly live, and he shall not die.

{33:16} Omnia peccata eius, quæ peccavit, non imputabuntur ei: iudicium, et iustitiam fecit, vita vivet.
{33:16} None of his sins, which he has committed, will be imputed to him. He has done judgment and justice, so he shall certainly live.

{33:17} Et dixerunt filii populi tui: Non est æqui ponderis via Domini, et ipsorum via iniusta est.
{33:17} And the sons of your people have said, ‘The way of the Lord is not a fair balance,’ even while their own way is unjust.

{33:18} Cum enim recesserit iustus a iustitia sua, feceritque iniquitates, morietur in eis.
{33:18} For when the just man will have withdraw from his justice, and committed iniquities, he shall die by these.

{33:19} Et cum recesserit impius ab impietate sua, feceritque iudicium, et iustitiam, vivet in eis.
{33:19} And when the impious man will have withdrawn from his impiety, and have done judgment and justice, he shall live by these.

{33:20} Et dicitis: Non est recta via Domini. Unumquemque iuxta vias suas iudicabo de vobis, domus Israel.
{33:20} And yet you say, ‘The way of the Lord is not right.’ But I shall judge each one of you according to his own ways, O house of Israel.”

{33:21} Et factum est in duodecimo anno, in decimo mense, in quinta mensis transmigrationis nostræ, venit ad me qui fugerat de Ierusalem, dicens: Vastata est civitas.
{33:21} And it happened that, in the twelfth year of our transmigration, in the tenth month, on the fifth of the month, one who had fled from Jerusalem arrived saying, “The city has been laid waste.”

{33:22} Manus autem Domini facta fuerat ad me vespere, antequam veniret qui fugerat: aperuitque os meum donec veniret ad me mane, et aperto ore meo non silui amplius.
{33:22} But the hand of the Lord had been upon me in the evening, before the one who had fled arrived. And he opened my mouth, until he came to me in the morning. And since my mouth had been opened, I was no longer silent.

{33:23} Et factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
{33:23} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{33:24} Fili hominis, qui habitant in ruinosis his super humum Israel, loquentes aiunt: Unus erat Abraham, et hereditate possedit terram: nos autem multi sumus, nobis data est terra in possessionem.
{33:24} “Son of man, as for those who live in these ruinous ways on the soil of Israel, when speaking, they say: ‘Abraham was one man, and he possessed the land as an inheritance. But we are many; the land has been given to us as a possession.’

{33:25} Idcirco dices ad eos: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Qui in sanguine comeditis, et oculos vestros levatis ad immunditias vestras, et sanguinem funditis: numquid terram hereditate possidebitis?
{33:25} Therefore, you shall say to them: Thus says the Lord God: You who eat even the blood, and who lift up your eyes to your uncleannesses, and who shed blood: will you possess the land as an inheritance?

{33:26} Stetistis in gladiis vestris, fecistis abominationes, et unusquisque uxorem proximi sui polluit: et terram hereditate possidebitis?
{33:26} You stood by your swords, you committed abominations, and each one has defiled his neighbor’s wife. And will you possess the land as an inheritance?

{33:27} Hæc dices ad eos: Sic dicit Dominus Deus: Vivo ego, quia qui in ruinosis habitant, gladio cadent: et qui in agro est, bestiis tradetur ad devorandum: qui autem in præsidiis, et speluncis sunt, peste morientur.
{33:27} You shall say these things to them: So says the Lord God: As I live, those who live in ruinous ways will fall by the sword. And whoever is in the field will be delivered over to wild beasts to be devoured. But those who are in fortresses and in caves will die of the pestilence.

{33:28} Et dabo terram in solitudinem, et in desertum, et deficiet superba fortitudo eius: et desolabuntur montes Israel, eo quod nullus sit qui per eos transeat.
{33:28} And I will make the land into a wilderness and a desert. And its arrogant strength will fail. And the mountains of Israel will be desolate; for there will be no one who crosses through them.

{33:29} Et scient quia ego Dominus, cum dedero terram eorum desolatam, et desertam propter universas abominationes suas, quas operati sunt.
{33:29} And they shall know that I am the Lord, when I will have make their land desolate and deserted, because of all their abominations, which they have worked.

{33:30} Et tu fili hominis: filii populi tui, qui loquuntur de te iuxta muros, et in ostiis domorum, et dicunt unus ad alterum, vir ad proximum suum loquentes: Venite, et audiamus quis sit sermo egrediens a Domino.
{33:30} And as for you, O son of man: the sons of your people speak about you beside the walls and in the doorways of houses. And they speak to one another, each man to his neighbor, saying: ‘Come, and let us hear what may be the word going forth from the Lord.’

{33:31} Et veniunt ad te, quasi si ingrediatur populus, et sedent coram te populus meus: et audiunt sermones tuos, et non faciunt eos: quia in canticum oris sui vertunt illos, et avaritiam suam sequitur cor eorum.
{33:31} And they come to you, as if the people were entering, and my people sit before you. And they listen to your words, but they do not do them. For they turn them into a song for their mouth, but their heart pursues their own avarice.

{33:32} Et es eis quasi carmen musicum, quod suavi, dulcique sono canitur: et audiunt verba tua, et non faciunt ea.
{33:32} And you are to them like a verse set to music, which is sung with a sweet and pleasing voice. And they hear your words, but they do not do them.

{33:33} Et cum venerit quod prædictum est (ecce enim venit) tunc scient quod prophetes fuerit inter eos.
{33:33} And when what has been predicted occurs, for behold it is approaching, then they shall know that a prophet was among them.”

[Ezechiel 34]
[Ezekiel 34]

{34:1} Et factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
{34:1} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{34:2} Fili hominis propheta de pastoribus Israel: propheta, et dices pastoribus: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Væ pastoribus Israel, qui pascebant semetipsos: nonne greges a pastoribus pascuntur?
{34:2} “Son of man, prophesy about the shepherds of Israel. Prophesy, and you shall say to the shepherds: Thus says the Lord God: Woe to the shepherds of Israel who feed themselves! Should not the flocks be fed by the shepherds?

{34:3} Lac comedebatis, et lanis operiebamini, et quod crassum erat occidebatis: gregem autem meum non pascebatis.
{34:3} You consumed the milk, and you covered yourselves with the wool, and you killed what was fattened. But my flock you did not feed.

{34:4} Quod infirmum fuit non consolidastis, et quod ægrotum non sanastis, quod confractum est non alligastis, et quod abiectum est non reduxistis, et quod perierat non quæsistis: sed cum austeritate imperabatis eis, et cum potentia.
{34:4} What was weak, you have not strengthened, and what was sick, you have not healed. What was broken, you have not bound, and what was cast aside, you have not led back again, and what was lost, you have not sought. Instead, you ruled over them with severity and with power.

{34:5} Et dispersæ sunt oves meæ, eo quod non esset pastor: et factæ sunt in devorationem omnium bestiarum agri, et dispersæ sunt.
{34:5} And my sheep were scattered, because there was no shepherd. And they became devoured by all the wild beasts of the field, and they were dispersed.

{34:6} Erraverunt greges mei in cunctis montibus, et in universo colle excelso: et super omnem faciem terræ dispersi sunt greges mei, et non erat qui requireret, non erat, inquam, qui requireret.
{34:6} My sheep have wandered to every mountain and to every exalted hill. And my flocks have been scattered across the face of the earth. And there was no one who sought them; there was no one, I say, who sought them.

{34:7} Propterea pastores audite verbum Domini:
{34:7} Because of this, O shepherds, listen to the word of the Lord:

{34:8} Vivo ego, dicit Dominus Deus: quia pro eo quod facti sunt greges mei in rapinam, et oves meæ in devorationem omnium bestiarum agri, eo quod non esset pastor (neque enim quæsierunt pastores mei gregem meum) sed pascebant pastores semetipsos, et greges meos non pascebant:
{34:8} As I live, says the Lord God, since my flocks have become a prey, and my sheep have been devoured by all the wild beasts of the field, since there was no shepherd, for my shepherds did not seek my flock, but instead the shepherds fed themselves, and they did not feed my flocks:

{34:9} propterea pastores audite verbum Domini:
{34:9} because of this, O shepherds, listen to the word of the Lord:

{34:10} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego ipse super pastores requiram gregem meum de manu eorum, et cessare faciam eos ut ultra non pascant gregem, nec pascant amplius pastores semetipsos: et liberabo gregem meum de ore eorum: et non erit ultra eis in escam.
{34:10} Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I myself will be over the shepherds. I will require my flock at their hand, and I will cause them to cease, so that they no longer refrain from feeding the flock. Neither will the shepherds feed themselves any more. And I will deliver my flock from their mouth; and it will no longer be food for them.

{34:11} Quia hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego ipse requiram oves meas, et visitabo eas.
{34:11} For thus says the Lord God: Behold, I myself will seek my sheep, and I myself will visit them.

{34:12} Sicut visitat pastor gregem suum in die, quando fuerit in medio ovium suarum dissipatarum: sic visitabo oves meas, et liberabo eas de omnibus locis, in quibus dispersæ fuerant in die nubis, et caliginis.
{34:12} Just as a shepherd visits his flock, in the day when he will be in the midst of his sheep that were scattered, so will I visit my sheep. And I will deliver them from all the places to which they had been scattered in the day of gloom and darkness.

{34:13} Et educam eas de populis, et congregabo eas de terris, et inducam eas in terram suam: et pascam eas in montibus Israel, in rivis, et in cunctis sedibus terræ.
{34:13} And I will lead them away from the peoples, and I will gather them from the lands, and I will bring them into their own land. And I will pasture them on the mountains of Israel, by the rivers, and in all the settlements of the land.

{34:14} In pascuis uberrimis pascam eas, et in montibus excelsis Israel erunt pascua earum: ibi requiescent in herbis virentibus, et in pascuis pinguibus pascentur super montes Israel.
{34:14} I will feed them in very fertile pastures, and their pastures will be on the lofty mountains of Israel. There they will rest on the green grass, and they will be fed in the fat pastures, on the mountains of Israel.

{34:15} Ego pascam oves meas: et ego eas accubare faciam, dicit Dominus Deus.
{34:15} I will feed my sheep, and I will cause them to lie down, says the Lord God.

{34:16} Quod perierat requiram, et quod abiectum erat reducam, et quod confractum fuerat alligabo, et quod infirmum fuerat consolidabo, et quod pingue et forte custodiam: et pascam illas in iudicio.
{34:16} I will seek what had been lost. And I will lead back again what had been cast aside. And I will bind up what had been broken. And I will strengthen what had been infirm. And I will preserve what was fat and strong. And I will feed them on judgment.

{34:17} Vos autem greges mei, hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego iudico inter pecus et pecus, arietum, et hircorum.
{34:17} But as for you, O my flocks, thus says the Lord God: Behold, I judge between cattle and cattle, among rams and among he-goats.

{34:18} Nonne satis vobis erat pascua bona depasci? Insuper et reliquias pascuarum vestrarum conculcastis pedibus vestris: et cum purissimam aquam biberetis, reliquam pedibus vestris turbabatis.
{34:18} Was it not enough for you to feed upon good pastures? For you even trample with your feet upon the remainder of your pastures. And when you drank the purist water, you disturbed the remainder with your feet.

{34:19} Et oves meæ his, quæ conculcata pedibus vestris fuerant, pascebantur: et quæ pedes vestri turbaverant, hæc bibebant.
{34:19} And my sheep were pastured from what you had trampled with your feet, and they drank from what your feet had disturbed.

{34:20} Propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus ad vos: Ecce ego ipse iudico inter pecus pingue, et macilentum:
{34:20} Because of this, thus says the Lord God to you: Behold, I myself am judging between the fat cattle and the lean.

{34:21} pro eo quod lateribus, et humeris impingebatis, et cornibus vestris ventilabatis omnia infirma pecora, donec dispergerentur foras:
{34:21} For you have pushed with your sides and shoulders, and you have threatened all the weak cattle with your horns, until they were scattered abroad.

{34:22} salvabo gregem meum, et non erit ultra in rapinam, et iudicabo inter pecus et pecus.
{34:22} I will save my flock, and it will be no longer be a prey, and I will judge between cattle and cattle.

{34:23} ET SUSCITABO SUPER EAS PASTOREM UNUM, qui pascat eas, servum meum David: ipse pascet eas, et ipse erit eis in pastorem.
{34:23} And I will raise up over them ONE SHEPHERD, who will feed them, my servant David. He himself will feed them, and he will be their shepherd.

~ Jesus Christ is here spoken of under the figure of David, since he was a king and faithful to God.

{34:24} Ego autem Dominus ero eis in Deum: et servus meus David princeps in medio eorum: ego Dominus locutus sum.
{34:24} And I, the Lord, will be their God. And my servant David will be the leader in their midst. I, the Lord, have spoken.

{34:25} Et faciam cum eis pactum pacis, et cessare faciam bestias pessimas de terra: et qui habitant in deserto, securi dormient in saltibus.
{34:25} And I will make a covenant of peace with them. And I will cause the very harmful beasts to cease from the land. And those who are living in the desert will sleep securely in the forests.

{34:26} Et ponam eos in circuitu collis mei benedictionem: et deducam imbrem in tempore suo: pluviæ benedictionis erunt.
{34:26} And I will make them a blessing all around my hill. And I will send the rain in due time; there will be showers of blessing.

{34:27} Et dabit lignum agri fructum suum, et terra dabit germen suum, et erunt in terra sua absque timore: et scient quia ego Dominus, cum contrivero catenas iugi eorum, et eruero eos de manu imperantium sibi.
{34:27} And the tree of the field will yield its fruit, and the land will yield its crop. And they will be in their own land without fear. And they shall know that I am the Lord, when I will have crushed the chains of their yoke, and when I will have rescued them from the hand of those who rule over them.

{34:28} Et non erunt ultra in rapinam in Gentibus, neque bestiæ terræ devorabunt eos: sed habitabunt confidenter absque ullo terrore.
{34:28} And they will no longer be a prey to the Gentiles, nor will the wild beasts of the earth devour them. Instead, they will live in confidence without any terror.

{34:29} Et suscitabo eis germen nominatum: et non erunt ultra imminuti fame in terra, neque portabunt ultra opprobrium Gentium.
{34:29} And I will raise up for them a renown branch. And they will be no longer be diminished by famine in the land, nor will they carry any longer the reproach of the Gentiles.

{34:30} Et scient quia ego Dominus Deus eorum cum eis, et ipsi populus meus domus Israel: ait Dominus Deus.
{34:30} And they shall know that I, the Lord their God, am with them, and that they are my people, the house of Israel, says the Lord God.

{34:31} Vos autem greges mei, greges pascuæ meæ homines estis: et ego Dominus Deus vester, dicit Dominus Deus.
{34:31} For you are my flocks; the flocks of my pasture are men. And I am the Lord your God, says the Lord God.”

[Ezechiel 35]
[Ezekiel 35]

{35:1} Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
{35:1} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{35:2} Fili hominis pone faciem tuam adversum montem Seir, et prophetabis de eo, et dices illi:
{35:2} “Son of man, set your face against mount Seir, and you shall prophesy about it, and you shall say to it:

{35:3} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego ad te mons Seir, et extendam manum meam super te, et dabo te desolatum atque desertum.
{35:3} Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am against you, mount Seir, and I will extend my hand over you, and I will make you desolate and deserted.

{35:4} Urbes tuas demoliar, et tu desertus eris: et scies quia ego Dominus.
{35:4} I will tear down your cities, and you will be deserted. And you shall know that I am the Lord.

{35:5} Eo quod fueris inimicus sempiternus, et concluseris filios Israel in manus gladii in tempore afflictionis eorum, in tempore iniquitatis extremæ:
{35:5} For you have been a continual adversary, and you have enclosed the sons of Israel, by the hands of the sword, in the time of their affliction, in the time of extreme iniquity.

{35:6} Propterea vivo ego, dicit Dominus Deus: quoniam sanguini tradam te, et sanguis te persequetur: et cum sanguinem oderis, sanguis persequetur te.
{35:6} Because of this, as I live, says the Lord God, I will hand you over to blood, and blood will pursue you. Even though you have hated blood, blood will pursue you.

{35:7} Et dabo montem Seir desolatum atque desertum: et auferam de eo euntem, et redeuntem.
{35:7} And I will make mount Seir desolate and deserted. And I will take away from it the one who departs and the one who returns.

{35:8} Et implebo montes eius occisorum suorum: in collibus tuis, et in vallibus tuis, atque in torrentibus interfecti gladio cadent.
{35:8} And I will fill up its mountains with its slain. In your hills, and in your valleys, as well as in your torrents, the slain will fall by the sword.

{35:9} In solitudines sempiternas tradam te, et civitates tuæ non habitabuntur: et scietis quia ego Dominus Deus.
{35:9} I will hand you over to everlasting desolations, and your cities will not be inhabited. And you shall know that I am the Lord God.

{35:10} Eo quod dixeris: Duæ gentes, et duæ terræ meæ erunt, et hereditate possidebo eas: cum Dominus esset ibi:
{35:10} For you have said, ‘Two nations and two lands will be mine, and I will possess them as an inheritance,’ though the Lord was in that place.

~ The Lord was in one land, amid one nation, but they wanted to be a part of the land and nation (and culture and society) of the unbelievers, as well as to have what the Lord had given.

{35:11} Propterea vivo ego, dicit Dominus Deus, quia faciam iuxta iram tuam, et secundum zelum tuum, quem fecisti odio habens eos: et notus efficiar per eos cum te iudicavero.
{35:11} Because of this, as I live, says the Lord God, I will act in accord with your own wrath, and in accord with your own zeal, by which you have acted with hatred toward them. And I will be made known by them, when I will have judged you.

{35:12} Et scies quia ego Dominus audivi universa opprobria tua, quæ locutus es de montibus Israel, dicens: Deserti, nobis ad devorandum dati sunt.
{35:12} And you shall know that I, the Lord, have heard all your disgraces, which you have spoken about the mountains of Israel, saying: ‘They are deserted. They have been given to us to devour.’

{35:13} Et insurrexistis super me ore vestro, et derogastis adversum me verba vestra: ego audivi.
{35:13} And you rose up against me with your mouth, and you disparaged against me with your words. I have heard.

{35:14} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Lætante universa terra, in solitudinem te redigam.
{35:14} Thus says the Lord God: When the whole earth will rejoice, I will reduce you to solitude.

{35:15} Sicuti gavisus es super hereditatem domus Israel, eo quod fuerit dissipata, sic faciam tibi: dissipatus eris mons Seir, et Idumæa omnis: et scient quia ego Dominus.
{35:15} Just as you have rejoiced over the inheritance of the house of Israel, when it was laid waste, so will I act toward you. You will be laid waste, O mount Seir, with all of Idumea. And they shall know that I am the Lord.”

[Ezechiel 36]
[Ezekiel 36]

{36:1} Tu autem fili hominis propheta super montes Israel, et dices: Montes Israel, audite verbum Domini:
{36:1} “But as for you, son of man, prophesy over the mountains of Israel, and you shall say: O mountains of Israel, listen to the word of the Lord.

{36:2} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Eo quod dixerit inimicus de vobis: Euge, altitudines sempiternæ in hereditatem datæ sunt nobis:
{36:2} Thus says the Lord God: Because the enemy has said about you: ‘It is well! The everlasting heights have been given to us as an inheritance!’

{36:3} propterea vaticinare, et dic: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Pro eo quod desolati estis, et conculcati per circuitum, et facti in hereditatem reliquis gentibus, et ascendistis super labium linguæ, et opprobrium populi:
{36:3} because of this, prophesy and say: Thus says the Lord God: Because you have been made desolate, and you have been trampled on every side, and you have been made into an inheritance for the remainder of the nations, and because you rose up, over the tip of the tongue and over the shame of the people,

{36:4} propterea montes Israel audite verbum Domini Dei: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus montibus, et collibus, torrentibus, vallibusque et desertis, parietinis, et urbibus derelictis, quæ depopulatæ sunt, et subsannatæ a reliquis gentibus per circuitum.
{36:4} because of this, O mountains of Israel, listen to the word of the Lord God. Thus says the Lord God to the mountains, and to the hills, to the torrents, and to the valleys, and to the deserts, and to the ruins, and to the forsaken cities, which have been depopulated and ridiculed by the remainder of the nations all around:

{36:5} Propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Quoniam in igne zeli mei locutus sum de reliquis Gentibus, et de Idumæa universa, quæ dederunt terram meam sibi in hereditatem cum gaudio, et toto corde, et ex animo: et eiecerunt eam ut vastarent:
{36:5} Because of this, thus says the Lord God: In the fire of my zeal, I have spoken about the remainder of the nations, and about all of Idumea, who have given my land to themselves, joyfully, as an inheritance, and with all the heart and mind, and who have cast it out, so that they may lay waste to it.

{36:6} idcirco vaticinare super humum Israel, et dices montibus, et collibus, iugis, et vallibus: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego in zelo meo, et in furore meo locutus sum, eo quod confusionem Gentium sustinueritis.
{36:6} Therefore, prophesy over the soil of Israel, and you shall say to the mountains, and to the hills, to the ridges, and to the valleys: Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I have spoken in my zeal and in my fury, because you have endured the shame of the Gentiles.

{36:7} Idcirco hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ego levavi manum meam ut Gentes, quæ in circuitu vestro sunt, ipsæ confusionem suam portent.
{36:7} Therefore, thus says the Lord God: I have lifted up my hand, so that the Gentiles, who are all around you, will themselves bear their shame.

{36:8} Vos autem montes Israel ramos vestros germinetis, et fructum vestrum afferatis populo meo Israel: prope enim est ut veniat:
{36:8} But as for you, O mountains of Israel, spring forth your branches, and bear your fruit, to my people Israel. For they are close to their advent.

{36:9} Quia ecce ego ad vos, et convertar ad vos, et arabimini, et accipietis sementem.
{36:9} For behold, I am for you, and I will turn to you, and you will be plowed, and you will receive seed.

{36:10} Et multiplicabo in vobis homines, omnemque domum Israel: et habitabuntur civitates, et ruinosa instaurabuntur.
{36:10} And I will multiply men among you and among all the house of Israel. And the cities shall be inhabited, and the ruinous places shall be restored.

{36:11} Et replebo vos hominibus, et iumentis: et multiplicabuntur, et crescent: et habitare vos faciam sicut a principio, bonisque donabo maioribus, quam habuistis ab initio: et scietis quia ego Dominus.
{36:11} And I will fill you again with men and with cattle. And they will be multiplied, and they will increase. And I will cause you to live as from the beginning, and I will give you even greater gifts than those you had from the start. And you shall know that I am the Lord.

{36:12} Et adducam super vos homines populum meum Israel, et hereditate possidebunt te: et eris eis in hereditatem, et non addes ultra ut absque eis sis.
{36:12} And I will lead men over you, over my people Israel, and they will possess you as an inheritance. And you shall be to them as an inheritance. And you shall no longer be permitted to be without them.

{36:13} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Pro eo quod dicunt de vobis: Devoratrix hominum es, et suffocans gentem tuam:
{36:13} Thus says the Lord God: Because they are saying about you, ‘You are a woman who devours men, and you are strangling your own nation,’

{36:14} Propterea homines non comedes amplius, et gentem tuam non necabis ultra, ait Dominus Deus:
{36:14} because of this, you shall no longer consume men, and you shall no longer harm your own nation, says the Lord God.

{36:15} Nec auditam faciam in te amplius confusionem Gentium, et opprobrium populorum nequaquam portabis, et gentem tuam non amittes amplius, ait Dominus Deus.
{36:15} Neither will I permit men to discover in you the shame of the Gentiles any more. And you shall never again bear the reproach of the peoples. And you shall not send your people away any more, says the Lord God.”

{36:16} Et factum est verbum Domini ad me, dicens:
{36:16} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{36:17} Fili hominis domus Israel habitaverunt in humo sua, et polluerunt eam in viis suis, et in studiis suis iuxta immunditiam menstruatæ facta est via eorum coram me.
{36:17} “Son of man, the house of Israel lived on their own soil, and they defiled it with their ways and with their intentions. Their way, in my sight, became like the uncleanness of a menstruous woman.

{36:18} Et effudi indignationem meam super eos pro sanguine, quem fuderunt super terram, et in idolis suis polluerunt eam.
{36:18} And so I poured out my indignation upon them, because of the blood which they shed upon the land, and because they defiled it with their idols.

{36:19} Et dispersi eos in Gentes, et ventilati sunt in terras: iuxta vias eorum, et adinventiones eorum iudicavi eos.
{36:19} And I dispersed them among the Gentiles, and they have been scattered among the lands. I have judged them according to their ways and their plans.

{36:20} Et ingressi sunt ad Gentes, ad quas introierunt, et polluerunt nomen sanctum meum, cum diceretur de eis: Populus Domini iste est, et de terra eius egressi sunt.
{36:20} And when they walked among the Gentiles, to whom they had entered, they defiled my holy name, though it was being said about them: ‘This is the people of the Lord,’ and ‘They went forth from his land.’

{36:21} Et peperci nomini sancto meo, quod polluerat domus Israel in Gentibus, ad quas ingressi sunt.
{36:21} But I have spared my holy name, which the house of Israel has defiled among the Gentiles, to whom they entered.

{36:22} Idcirco dices domui Israel: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Non propter vos ego faciam, domus Israel, sed propter nomen sanctum meum, quod polluistis in Gentibus, ad quas intrastis.
{36:22} For this reason, you shall say to the house of Israel: Thus says the Lord God: I will act, not for your sake, O house of Israel, but for the sake of my holy name, which you have defiled among the Gentiles, to whom you entered.

{36:23} Et sanctificabo nomen meum magnum, quod pollutum est inter Gentes, quod polluistis in medio earum: ut sciant Gentes quia ego Dominus, ait Dominus exercituum, cum sanctificatus fuero in vobis coram eis:
{36:23} And I will sanctify my great name, which was defiled among the Gentiles, which you have defiled in their midst. So may the Gentiles know that I am the Lord, says the Lord of hosts, when I will have been sanctified in you, before their eyes.

{36:24} Tollam quippe vos de Gentibus, et congregabo vos de universis terris, et adducam vos in terram vestram.
{36:24} Certainly, I will take you away from the Gentiles, and I will gather you together from all the lands, and I will lead you into your own land.

{36:25} Et effundam super vos aquam mundam, et mundabimini ab omnibus inquinamentis vestris, et ab universis idolis vestris mundabo vos.
{36:25} And I will pour clean water over you, and you shall be cleansed from all your filth, and I will cleanse you from all your idols.

{36:26} Et dabo vobis cor novum, et spiritum novum ponam in medio vestri: et auferam cor lapideum de carne vestra, et dabo vobis cor carneum.
{36:26} And I will give to you a new heart, and I will place in you a new spirit. And I will take away the heart of stone from your body, and I will give to you a heart of flesh.

{36:27} Et Spiritum meum ponam in medio vestri: et faciam ut in præceptis meis ambuletis, et iudicia mea custodiatis, et operemini.
{36:27} And I will place my Spirit in your midst. And I will act so that you may walk in my precepts and keep my judgments, and so that you may fulfill them.

{36:28} Et habitabitis in terra, quam dedi patribus vestris: et eritis mihi in populum, et ego ero vobis in Deum.
{36:28} And you shall live in the land that I gave to your fathers. And you shall be my people, and I will be your God.

{36:29} Et salvabo vos ex universis inquinamentis vestris: et vocabo frumentum, et multiplicabo illud, et non imponam vobis famem.
{36:29} And I will save you from all your filth. And I will call for grain, and I will multiply it, and I will not impose a famine upon you.

{36:30} Et multiplicabo fructum ligni, et genimina agri, ut non portetis ultra opprobrium famis in gentibus.
{36:30} And I will multiply the fruit of the tree and the produce of the field, so that you may no longer bear the disgrace of famine among the nations.

{36:31} Et recordabimini viarum vestrarum pessimarum, studiorumque non bonorum: et displicebunt vobis iniquitates vestræ, et scelera vestra.
{36:31} And you shall remember your very wicked ways and your intentions, which were not good. And you will be displeased by your own iniquities and your own crimes.

{36:32} Non propter vos ego faciam, ait Dominus Deus, notum sit vobis: confundimini, et erubescite super viis vestris, domus Israel.
{36:32} It is not for your sakes that I will act, says the Lord God; let this be known to you. Be confounded and ashamed over your own ways, O house of Israel.

{36:33} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: In die, qua mundavero vos ex omnibus iniquitatibus vestris, et inhabitari fecero urbes, et instauravero ruinosa,
{36:33} Thus says the Lord God: In the day when I will have cleansed you from all your iniquities, and when I will have caused the cities to be inhabited, and when I will have restored the ruinous places,

{36:34} et terra deserta fuerit exculta, quæ quondam erat desolata in oculis omnis viatoris,
{36:34} and when the deserted land will have been cultivated, which previously was desolate to the eyes of all who passed by,

{36:35} dicent: Terra illa inculta, facta est ut hortus voluptatis: et civitates desertæ, et destitutæ atque suffossæ, munitæ sederunt.
{36:35} then they shall say: ‘This uncultivated land has become a garden of delight, and the cities, which were deserted and destitute and overturned, have been settled and fortified.’

{36:36} Et scient Gentes quæcumque derelictæ fuerint in circuitu vestro, quia ego Dominus ædificavi dissipata, plantavique inculta, ego Dominus locutus sim, et fecerim.
{36:36} And the Gentiles, those who remain around you, shall know that I, the Lord, have built up what was destroyed, and have planted what was uncultivated. I, the Lord, have spoken and acted.

{36:37} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Adhuc in hoc invenient me domus Israel, ut faciam eis: Multiplicabo eos sicut gregem hominum,
{36:37} Thus says the Lord God: Even in this time, the house of Israel shall find me, so that I may act for them. I will multiply them like a flock of men,

{36:38} ut gregem sanctum, ut gregem Ierusalem in sollemnitatibus eius: Sic erunt civitates desertæ, plenæ gregibus hominum: et scient quia ego Dominus.
{36:38} like a holy flock, like the flock of Jerusalem in her solemnities. So shall the deserted cities be filled with flocks of men. And they shall know that I am the Lord.”

[Ezechiel 37]
[Ezekiel 37]

{37:1} Facta est super me manus Domini, et eduxit me in Spiritu Domini: et dimisit me in medio campi, qui erat plenus ossibus:
{37:1} The hand of the Lord was set upon me, and he led me away in the Spirit of the Lord, and he released me in the midst of a plain which was full of bones.

{37:2} Et circumduxit me per ea in gyro: erant autem multa valde super faciem campi, siccaque vehementer.
{37:2} And he led me around, through them, on every side. Now they were very many upon the face of the plain, and they were exceedingly dry.

{37:3} Et dixit ad me: Fili hominis putasne vivent ossa ista? Et dixi: Domine Deus, tu nosti.
{37:3} And he said to me, “Son of man, do you think that these bones will live?” And I said, “O Lord God, you know.”

{37:4} Et dixit ad me: Vaticinare de ossibus istis: et dices eis: Ossa arida audite verbum Domini.
{37:4} And he said to me, “Prophesy about these bones. And you shall say to them: Dry bones, listen to the word of the Lord!

{37:5} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus ossibus his: Ecce ego intromittam in vos spiritum, et vivetis.
{37:5} Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Behold, I will send spirit into you, and you shall live.

{37:6} Et dabo super vos nervos, et succrescere faciam super vos carnes, et superextendam in vobis cutem: et dabo vobis spiritum, et vivetis, et scietis quia ego Dominus.
{37:6} And I will set sinews upon you, and I will cause flesh to grow over you, and I will extend skin over you. And I will give you spirit, and you shall live. And you shall know that I am the Lord.”

{37:7} Et prophetavi sicut præceperat mihi: factus est autem sonitus, prophetante me, et ecce commotio: et accesserunt ossa ad ossa, unumquodque ad iuncturam suam.
{37:7} And I prophesied, just as he had instructed me. But a noise occurred, as I was prophesying, and behold: a commotion. And the bones joined together, each one at its joint.

{37:8} Et vidi, et ecce super ea nervi, et carnes ascenderunt: et extenta est in eis cutis desuper, et spiritum non habebant.
{37:8} And I saw, and behold: sinews and flesh rose up over them; and skin was extended over them. But they had no spirit within them.

{37:9} Et dixit ad me: Vaticinare ad spiritum, vaticinare fili hominis, et dices ad spiritum: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: A quattuor ventis veni spiritus, et insuffla super interfectos istos, et reviviscant.
{37:9} And he said to me: “Prophesy to the spirit! Prophesy, O son of man, and you shall say to the spirit: Thus says the Lord God: Approach, O spirit, from the four winds, and blow across these ones who were slain, and revive them.”

{37:10} Et prophetavi sicut præceperat mihi: et ingressus est in ea spiritus, et vixerunt: steteruntque super pedes suos exercitus grandis nimis valde.
{37:10} And I prophesied, just as he had instructed me. And spirit entered into them, and they lived. And they stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army.

{37:11} Et dixit ad me: Fili hominis, ossa hæc universa, domus Israel est: ipsi dicunt: Aruerunt ossa nostra, et periit spes nostra, et abscissi sumus.
{37:11} And he said to me: “Son of man: All these bones are the house of Israel. They say: ‘Our bones are dried out, and our hope has perished, and we have been cut off.’

{37:12} Propterea vaticinare, et dices ad eos: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego aperiam tumulos vestros, et educam vos de sepulchris vestris populus meus: et inducam vos in terram Israel.
{37:12} Because of this, prophesy, and you shall say to them: Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will open your tombs, and I will lead you away from your sepulchers, O my people. And I will lead you into the land of Israel.

{37:13} Et scietis quia ego Dominus, cum aparuero sepulchra vestra, et eduxero vos de tumulis vestris popule meus:
{37:13} And you shall know that I am the Lord, when I will have opened your sepulchers, and when I will have led you away from your tombs, O my people.

{37:14} Et dedero Spiritum meum in vobis, et vixeritis, et requiescere vos faciam super humum vestram: et scietis quia ego Dominus locutus sum, et feci, ait Dominus Deus.
{37:14} And I will place my Spirit within you, and you shall live. And I will cause you to rest upon your own soil. And you shall know that I, the Lord, have spoken and acted, says the Lord God.”

{37:15} Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
{37:15} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{37:16} Et tu fili hominis sume tibi lignum unum: et scribe super illud: Iudæ, et filiorum Israel sociorum eius: et tolle lignum alterum, et scribe super illud: Ioseph ligno Ephraim, et cunctæ domui Israel, sociorumque eius.
{37:16} “And as for you, son of man, take up a piece of wood for yourself, and write upon it: ‘For Judah, and for the sons of Israel, his companions.’ And take up another piece of wood, and write upon it: ‘For Joseph, the wood of Ephraim, and for the entire house of Israel, and for his companions.’

{37:17} Et adiunge illa, unum ad alterum tibi in lignum unum: et erunt in unionem in manu tua.
{37:17} And join these, one to the other, for yourself, as one piece of wood. And they will be united in your hand.

{37:18} Cum autem dixerint ad te filii populi tui loquentes: Nonne indicas nobis quid in his tibi velis?
{37:18} Then, when the sons of your people will speak to you, saying: ‘Will you not tell us what you intend by this?’

{37:19} loqueris ad eos: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego assumam lignum Ioseph, quod est in manu Ephraim, et tribus Israel, quæ sunt ei adiunctæ: et dabo eas pariter cum ligno Iuda, et faciam eas in lignum unum: et erunt unum in manu eius.
{37:19} you shall say to them: Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will take up the wood of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel, which are joined to him, and I will put them together with the wood of Judah, and I will make them one piece of wood. And they will be one in his hand.

{37:20} Erunt autem ligna, super quæ scripseris in manu tua, in oculis eorum.
{37:20} Then the pieces of wood, on which you have written, will be in your hand, before their eyes.

{37:21} Et dices ad eos: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego assumam filios Israel de medio nationum, ad quas abierunt: et congregabo eos undique, et adducam eos ad humum suam.
{37:21} And you shall say to them: Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will take up the sons of Israel, from the midst of the nations to which they have gone, and I will gather them together on every side, and I will lead them onto their own soil.

{37:22} Et faciam eos in gentem unam in terra in montibus Israel, et rex unus erit omnibus imperans: et non erunt ultra duæ gentes, nec dividentur amplius in duo regna.
{37:22} And I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel, and one king will be ruler over all. And they will no longer be two nations, nor will they be divided any more into two kingdoms.

{37:23} Neque polluentur ultra in idolis suis, et abominationibus suis, et cunctis iniquitatibus suis: et salvos eos faciam de universis sedibus, in quibus peccaverunt, et emundabo eos: et erunt mihi populus, et ego ero eis Deus.
{37:23} And they will no longer be defiled by their idols, and by their abominations, and by all their iniquities. And I will save them, out of all the settlements in which they have sinned, and I will cleanse them. And they will be my people, and I will be their God.

{37:24} Et servus meus David rex super eos, et pastor unus erit omnium eorum: in iudiciis meis ambulabunt, et mandata mea custodient, et facient ea.
{37:24} And my servant David shall be the king over them, and they shall have one shepherd. They shall walk in my judgments, and they shall keep my commandments, and they shall do them.

{37:25} Et habitabunt super terram, quam dedi servo meo Iacob, in qua habitaverunt patres vestri: et habitabunt super eam ipsi, et filii eorum, et filii filiorum eorum, usque in sempiternum: et David servus meus princeps eorum in perpetuum.
{37:25} And they shall live upon the land that I gave to my servant Jacob, in which your fathers lived. And they shall live upon it, they and their sons, and the sons of their sons, even for all time. And David, my servant, shall be their leader, in perpetuity.

{37:26} Et percutiam illis fœdus pacis, pactum sempiternum erit eis: et fundabo eos, et multiplicabo, et dabo sanctificationem meam in medio eorum in perpetuum.
{37:26} And I will strike a covenant of peace with them. This will be an everlasting covenant for them. And I will establish them, and multiply them. And I will set my sanctuary in their midst, unceasingly.

{37:27} Et erit tabernaculum meum in eis: et ero eis Deus, et ipsi erunt mihi populus.
{37:27} And my tabernacle shall be among them. And I will be their God, and they will be my people.

{37:28} Et scient Gentes quia ego Dominus Sanctificator Israel, cum fuerit sanctificatio mea in medio eorum in perpetuum.
{37:28} And the Gentiles shall know that I am the Lord, the Sanctifier of Israel, when my sanctuary will be in their midst, forever.”

[Ezechiel 38]
[Ezekiel 38]

{38:1} Et factus est sermo Domini ad me, dicens:
{38:1} And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

{38:2} Fili hominis pone faciem tuam contra Gog, terram Magog, principem capitis Mosoch, et Thubal: et vaticinare de eo,
{38:2} “Son of man, set your face against Gog, the land of Magog, the prince of the head of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy about him.

{38:3} et dices ad eum: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego ad te Gog principem capitis Mosoch et Thubal,
{38:3} And you shall say to him: Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am against you, O Gog, prince of the head of Meshech and Tubal.

{38:4} et circumagam te, et ponam frenum in maxillis tuis: et educam te, et omnem exercitum tuum, equos et equites vestitos loricis universos, multitudinem magnam, hastam et clypeum arripientium et gladium.
{38:4} And I will turn you around, and I will place a bit in your jaws. And I will lead you away, with all your army, the horses and the horsemen all clothed in armor, a great multitude, equipped with spears and light shields and swords,

{38:5} Persæ, Æthiopes, et Libyes cum eis, omnes scutati et galeati.
{38:5} the Persians, the Ethiopians, and the Libyans with them, all with heavy shields and helmets,

{38:6} Gomer, et universa agmina eius, domus Thogorma, latera Aquilonis, et totum robur eius, populique multi tecum.
{38:6} Gomer, and all his companies, the house of Togarmah, the northern parts, and all his strength, and the many peoples with you.

{38:7} Præpara, et instrue te, et omnem multitudinem tuam, quæ coacervata est ad te: et esto eis in præceptum.
{38:7} Prepare and equip yourself, with all your multitude which has been assembled to you. And you shall be like a commandment to them.

{38:8} Post dies multos visitaberis: in novissimo annorum venies ad terram, quæ reversa est a gladio, et congregata est de populis multis ad montes Israel, qui fuerunt deserti iugiter: hæc de populis educta est, et habitabunt in ea confidenter universi.
{38:8} After many days, you will be visited. At the end of the years, you will arrive at the land which was turned back by the sword, and which has been gathered from many peoples to the mountains of Israel that have been continually abandoned. These ones have been led away from the peoples, and all of them will be living confidently within it.

{38:9} Ascendens autem quasi tempestas venies, et quasi nubes, ut operias terram tu, et omnia agmina tua, et populi multi tecum.
{38:9} But you will ascend and arrive like a tempest and like a cloud, so that you may cover the land, you and all your companies, and the many peoples with you.

{38:10} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: In die illa ascendent sermones super cor tuum, et cogitabis cogitationem pessimam:
{38:10} Thus says the Lord God: In that day, words will climb into your heart, and you will invent a most wicked plan.

{38:11} et dices: Ascendam ad terram absque muro: veniam ad quiescentes, habitantesque secure: hi omnes habitant sine muro, vectes, et portæ non sunt eis:
{38:11} And you will say: ‘I will ascend to the land without a wall. I will go to those who are resting and dwelling securely. All these live without a wall; they have no bars or gates.’

{38:12} Ut diripias spolia, et invadas prædam, ut inferas manum tuam super eos, qui deserti fuerant, et postea restituti, et super populum, qui est congregatus ex Gentibus, qui possidere cœpit, et esse habitator umbilici terræ.
{38:12} Thus, you will plunder spoils, and you will take possession of prey, so that you may lay your hand upon those who had been abandoned, and afterwards were restored, and upon a people who were gathered away from the Gentiles, a people who have begun to possess, and to be the inhabitants of, the navel of the earth.

{38:13} Saba, et Dedan, et negotiatores Tharsis, et omnes leones eius dicent tibi: Numquid ad sumenda spolia tu venis? Ecce ad diripiendam prædam congregasti multitudinem tuam, ut tollas argentum, et aurum, et auferas supellectilem, atque substantiam, et diripias manubias infinitas.
{38:13} Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, and all its lions will say to you: ‘Could you have arrived in order to purchase from the spoils? Behold, you have gathered your multitude in order to plunder a prey, so that you may take silver and gold, and carry away equipment and substance, and plunder immeasurable wealth.’

~ The term ‘sumenda’ refers to taking something, but often in a limited manner, such as selecting some from many, or purchasing particular items. So the question is asked as to whether he has arrived to take select spoils. The answer is no, because his plundering is very extensive.

{38:14} Propterea vaticinare fili hominis, et dices ad Gog: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Numquid non in die illo, cum habitaverit populus meus Israel confidenter, scies?
{38:14} Because of this, son of man, prophesy, and you shall say to Gog: Thus says the Lord God: How is it that you do not know of that day, when my people, Israel, will be living in confidence?

{38:15} Et venies de loco tuo a lateribus Aquilonis tu et populi multi tecum ascensores equorum universi, cœtus magnus, et exercitus vehemens.
{38:15} And you will advance from your place, from the parts of the north, you and the many peoples with you, all of them riding on horses, a great assembly and an immense army.

{38:16} Et ascendes super populum meum Israel quasi nubes, ut operias terram. In novissimis diebus eris, et adducam te super terram meam: ut sciant Gentes me, cum sanctificatus fuero in te in oculis eorum, o Gog.
{38:16} And you will rise up over my people, Israel, like a cloud, so that you may cover the earth. In the latter days, you will be. And I will lead you over my own land, so that the Gentiles may know me, when I will have been sanctified in you, O Gog, before their eyes.

{38:17} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Tu ergo ille es, de quo locutus sum in diebus antiquis in manu servorum meorum prophetarum Israel, qui prophetaverunt in diebus illorum temporum, ut adducerem te super eos.
{38:17} Thus says the Lord God: Therefore, you are the one, about whom I spoke in the days of antiquity, by the hand of my servants the prophets of Israel, who prophesied in the days of those times that I would lead you over them.

{38:18} Et erit in die illa, in die adventus Gog super terram Israel, ait Dominus Deus, ascendet indignatio mea in furore meo.
{38:18} And this shall be in that day, in the day of the advent of Gog over the land of Israel, says the Lord God: my indignation will rise up in my fury.

{38:19} Et in zelo meo, in igne iræ meæ locutus sum. Quia in die illa erit commotio magna super terram Israel:
{38:19} And I have spoken, in my zeal and in the fire of my wrath, that there shall be a great commotion over the land of Israel, in that day.

{38:20} et commovebuntur a facie mea pisces maris, et volucres cæli, et bestiæ agri, et omne reptile, quod movetur super humum, cunctique homines, qui sunt super faciem terræ: et subvertentur montes, et cadent sepes, et omnis murus corruet in terram.
{38:20} And before my face there shall be stirred up: the fish of the sea, and the flying things of the air, and the beasts of the field, and every crawling thing that moves across the soil, and all the men who are upon the face of the earth. And the mountains will be overturned, and the hedges will fall, and every wall will fall in ruin to the ground.

{38:21} Et convocabo adversus eum in cunctis montibus meis gladium, ait Dominus Deus: gladius uniuscuiusque in fratrem suum dirigetur.
{38:21} And I will call for the sword against him on all my mountains, says the Lord God. Each one’s sword will be directed toward his brother.

{38:22} Et iudicabo eum peste, et sanguine, et imbre vehementi et lapidibus immensis: ignem, et sulphur pluam super eum, et super exercitum eius, et super populos multos, qui sunt cum eo.
{38:22} And I will judge him by pestilence, and blood, and violent rainstorms, and immense hailstones. I will rain fire and brimstone upon him, and upon his army, and upon the many peoples who are with him.

{38:23} Et magnificabor, et sanctificabor: et notus ero in oculis multarum gentium, et scient quia ego Dominus.
{38:23} And I will be magnified and sanctified. And I will be known in the eyes of the many nations. And they shall know that I am the Lord.”

[Ezechiel 39]
[Ezekiel 39]

{39:1} Tu autem fili hominis vaticinare adversum Gog, et dices: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Ecce ego super te Gog principem capitis Mosoch et Thubal:
{39:1} “But as for you, son of man, prophesy against Gog, and you shall say: Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am above you, O Gog, prince of the head of Meshech and Tubal.

{39:2} et circumagam te, et educam te, et ascendere te faciam de lateribus Aquilonis: et adducam te super montes Israel.
{39:2} And I will turn you around, and I will lead you away, and I will cause you to rise up from the parts of the north. And I will bring you over the mountains of Israel.

{39:3} Et percutiam arcum tuum in manu sinistra tua, et sagittas tuas de manu dextera tua deiiciam.
{39:3} And I will strike your bow in your left hand, and I will cast away your arrows from your right hand.

{39:4} Super montes Israel cades tu, et omnia agmina tua, et populi tui, qui sunt tecum: feris, avibus, omnique volatili, et bestiis terræ dedi te ad devorandum.
{39:4} You will fall upon the mountains of Israel, you and all your companies, and your peoples who are with you. I have given you over to the wild animals, to the birds, and to every flying thing, and to the beasts of the earth, in order to be devoured.

{39:5} Super faciem agri cades: quia ego locutus sum, ait Dominus Deus.
{39:5} You will fall upon the face of the field. For I have spoken, says the Lord God.

{39:6} Et immittam ignem in Magog, et in his, qui habitant in insulis confidenter: et scient quia ego Dominus.
{39:6} And I will send a fire upon Magog, and upon those who are living confidently in the islands. And they shall know that I am the Lord.

{39:7} Et nomen sanctum meum notum faciam in medio populi mei Israel, et non polluam nomen sanctum meum amplius: et scient Gentes quia ego Dominus, Sanctus Israel.
{39:7} And I will make known my holy name in the midst of my people, Israel, and my holy name will no longer be defiled. And the Gentiles shall know that I am the Lord, the Holy One of Israel.

{39:8} Ecce venit, et factum est, ait Dominus Deus: hæc est dies, de qua locutus sum.
{39:8} Behold, it approaches, and it is done, says the Lord God. This is the day, about which I have spoken.

{39:9} Et egredientur habitatores de civitatibus Israel, et succendent et comburent arma, clypeum, et hastas, arcum, et sagittas, et baculos manuum, et contos: et succendent ea igni septem annis.
{39:9} And the inhabitants from the cities of Israel will go forth, and they will kindle and burn the weapons, the shields and the spears, the bows and the arrows, and the staff and the lance. And they will kindle fires with them for seven years.

{39:10} Et non portabunt ligna de regionibus, neque succident de saltibus: quoniam arma succendent igni, et deprædabuntur eos, quibus prædæ fuerant, et diripient vastatores suos, ait Dominus Deus.
{39:10} And they will not carry wood from the countryside, and they will not cut from the forests. For they will kindle the weapons with fire. And they will prey upon those who had preyed upon them, and they will plunder those who had plundered them, says the Lord God.

{39:11} Et erit in die illa: dabo Gog locum nominatum sepulchrum in Israel: vallem viatorum ad Orientem maris, quæ obstupescere faciet prætereuntes: et sepelient ibi Gog, et omnem multitudinem eius, et vocabitur vallis multitudinis Gog.
{39:11} And this shall be in that day: I will give Gog a renown place as a sepulcher in Israel, the valley of the wayfarers to the east of the sea, which will cause astonishment in those who pass by. And in that place, they will bury Gog and all his multitude, and it will be called the valley of the multitude of Gog.

{39:12} Et sepelient eos domus Israel, ut mundent terram septem mensibus.
{39:12} And the house of Israel will bury them, so that they may cleanse the land, for seven months

{39:13} Sepeliet autem eum omnis populus terræ, et erit eis nominata dies, in qua glorificatus sum, ait Dominus Deus.
{39:13} Then all the people of the earth will bury them, and this shall be for them a renown day, on which I have been glorified, says the Lord God.

{39:14} Et viros iugiter constituent lustrantes terram, qui sepeliant, et requirant eos, qui remanserant super faciem terræ, ut emundent eam: post menses autem septem quærere incipient.
{39:14} And they shall appoint men to continually examine the earth, so that they may seek out and bury those who have remained on the surface of the earth, so that they may cleanse it. Then, after seven months, they will begin to seek.

{39:15} Et circuibunt peragrantes terram: cumque viderint os hominis, statuent iuxta illud titulum, donec sepeliant illud pollinctores in valle multitudinis Gog.
{39:15} And they will go around, traveling the earth. And when they will have seen the bone of a man, they will station a marker beside it, until the undertakers may bury it in the valley of the multitude of Gog.

{39:16} Nomen autem civitatis Amona, et mundabunt terram.
{39:16} And the name of the city will be: the Multitude. And they shall cleanse the earth.

{39:17} Tu ergo fili hominis, hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Dic omni volucri, et universis avibus, cunctisque bestiis agri: Convenite, properate, concurrite undique ad victimam meam, quam ego immolo vobis, victimam grandem super montes Israel: ut comedatis carnem, et bibatis sanguinem.
{39:17} As for you, then, son of man, thus says the Lord God: Say to every flying thing, and to all the birds, and to all the beasts of the field: Assemble! Hurry! Rush together from every side to my victim, which I have immolated for you, a great victim upon the mountains of Israel, so that you may consume flesh, and drink blood!

{39:18} Carnes fortium comedetis, et sanguinem principum terræ bibetis: arietum, et agnorum, et hircorum, taurorumque et altilium, et pinguium omnium.
{39:18} You shall eat the flesh of the powerful, and you shall drink the blood of the princes of the earth, of rams and lambs and he-goats and bulls, and of fattened birds and all that is fat.

{39:19} Et comedetis adipem in saturitatem, et bibetis sanguinem in ebrietatem, de victima, quam ego immolabo vobis:
{39:19} And you shall consume the fat unto satiation, and you shall drink the blood unto inebriation, from the victim that I will immolate for you.

{39:20} et saturabimini super mensam meam de equo, et equite forti, et de universis viris bellatoribus, ait Dominus Deus.
{39:20} And you shall be satiated, upon my table, from horses and powerful horsemen, and from all the men of war, says the Lord God.

{39:21} Et ponam gloriam meam in Gentibus: et videbunt omnes gentes iudicium meum, quod fecerim, et manum meam, quam posuerim super eos.
{39:21} And I will set my glory among the Gentiles. And all the nations shall see my judgment, which I have accomplished, and my hand, which I have laid upon them.

{39:22} Et scient domus Israel quia ego Dominus Deus eorum a die illa, et deinceps.
{39:22} And the house of Israel shall know that I am the Lord, their God, from that day and thereafter.

{39:23} Et scient Gentes quoniam in iniquitate sua capta sit domus Israel, eo quod dereliquerint me, et absconderim faciem meam ab eis: et tradiderim eos in manus hostium, et ceciderint in gladio universi.
{39:23} And the Gentiles shall know that the house of Israel was taken captive because of their own iniquity, because they abandoned me. And so I concealed my face from them, and I delivered them into the hands of their enemies, and they all fell by the sword.

{39:24} Iuxta immunditiam eorum, et scelus feci eis, et abscondi faciem meam ab illis.
{39:24} I have acted toward them in accord with their uncleanness and wickedness, and so I concealed my face from them.

{39:25} Propterea hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Nunc reducam captivitatem Iacob, et miserebor omnis domus Israel: et assumam zelum pro nomine sancto meo.
{39:25} Because of this, thus says the Lord God: Now I will lead back the captivity of Jacob, and I will take pity upon the entire house of Israel. And I will act with zeal on behalf of my holy name.

{39:26} Et portabunt confusionem suam, et omnem prævaricationem, qua prævaricati sunt in me, cum habitaverint in terra sua confidenter neminem formidantes:
{39:26} And they shall bear their shame and all their transgression, by which they betrayed me, though they were living in their own land confidently, dreading no one.

{39:27} et reduxero eos de populis, et congregavero de terris inimicorum suorum, et sanctificatus fuero in eis, in oculis gentium plurimarum.
{39:27} And I will lead them back from among the peoples, and I will gather them together from the lands of their enemies, and I will be sanctified in them, in the sight of the many nations.

{39:28} Et scient quia ego Dominus Deus eorum, eo quod transtulerim eos in nationes; et congregaverim eos super terram suam, et non dereliquerim quemquam ex eis ibi.
{39:28} And they shall know that I am the Lord, their God, because I carried them away to the nations, and I gathered them upon their own land, and I did not abandon any of them there.

{39:29} Et non abscondam ultra faciem meam ab eis, eo quod effuderim Spiritum meum super omnem domum Israel, ait Dominus Deus.
{39:29} And I will no longer conceal my face from them, for I have poured out my Spirit upon the entire house of Israel, says the Lord God.”

[Ezechiel 40]
[Ezekiel 40]

{40:1} In vigesimo quinto anno transmigrationis nostræ, in exordio anni, decima mensis, quartodecimo anno postquam percussa est civitas: in ipsa hac die facta est super me manus Domini, et adduxit me illuc.
{40:1} In the twenty-fifth year of our transmigration, at the beginning of the year, on the tenth of the month, in the fourteenth year after the city was struck, on this very day, the hand of the Lord was placed upon me, and he brought me to that place.

~ The beginning of the year would be either Tishri (in the autumn), for the civil calendar year, or Nisan (in the spring), for the sacred calendar year. The tenth of the month of Tishri is Yom Kippur, a significant event in the Jewish religious calendar.

{40:2} In visionibus Dei adduxit me in terram Israel, et dimisit me super montem excelsum nimis: super quem erat quasi ædificium civitatis vergentis ad Austrum.
{40:2} In the visions of God, he brought me into the land of Israel, and he released me on an exceedingly high mountain, on which there was something like the edifice of a city, verging toward the south.

{40:3} Et introduxit me illuc: et ecce vir, cuius erat species quasi species æris, et funiculus lineus in manu eius, et calamus mensuræ in manu eius: stabat autem in porta.
{40:3} And he led me into that place. And behold, there was a man, whose appearance was like the appearance of brass, with a linen rope in his hand, and a measuring reed in his hand. And he was standing at the gate.

{40:4} Et locutus est ad me idem vir: Fili hominis vide oculis tuis, et auribus tuis audi, et pone cor tuum in omnia, quæ ego ostendam tibi: quia ut ostendantur tibi adductus es huc: annuncia omnia, quæ tu vides, domui Israel.
{40:4} And the same man said to me: “Son of man, look with your eyes, and listen with your ears, and set your heart upon all that I will reveal to you. For you have been brought to this place, so that these things may be revealed to you. Announce all that you see to the house of Israel.”

{40:5} Et ecce murus forinsecus in circuitu domus undique, et in manu viri calamus mensuræ sex cubitorum, et palmo: et mensus est latitudinem ædificii calamo uno, altitudinem quoque calamo uno.
{40:5} And behold, there was a wall outside of the house, encircling it all around, and in the man’s hand was a measuring reed of six cubits and a palm. And he measured the width of the edifice with one reed; likewise, the height with one reed.

~ In other words, the length of each cubit was the usual cubit with one palm width added, also called the royal cubit.

{40:6} Et venit ad portam quæ respiciebat viam orientalem, et ascendit per gradus eius: et mensus est limen portæ calamo uno latitudinem, id est, limen unum calamo uno in latitudine:
{40:6} And he went to the gate which looked toward the east, and he ascended by its steps. And he measured the width of the threshold of the gate as one reed, that is, one threshold was one reed in width.

{40:7} et thalamum uno calamo in longum, et uno calamo in latum: et inter thalamos, quinque cubitos:
{40:7} And a chamber was one reed in length and one reed in width. And between the chambers, there were five cubits.

{40:8} et limen portæ iuxta vestibulum portæ intrinsecus, calamo uno.
{40:8} And the threshold of the gate, next to the inner vestibule of the gate, was one reed.

~ A reed is six cubits, and each cubit is the royal cubit, which is longer by one palm width than the usual cubit.

{40:9} Et mensus est vestibulum portæ octo cubitorum, et frontem eius duobus cubitis: vestibulum autem portæ erat intrinsecus.
{40:9} And he measured the vestibule of the gate as eight cubits, and its front as two cubits. But the vestibule of the gate was inside.

{40:10} Porro thalami portæ ad viam Orientalem, tres hinc et tres inde: mensura una trium, et mensura una frontium ex utraque parte.
{40:10} Moreover, the chambers of the gate, toward the way of the east, were three from one side to the other. The three were of one measure, and the fronts were of one measure, on both sides.

{40:11} Et mensus est latitudinem liminis portæ, decem cubitorum: et longitudinem portæ, tredecim cubitorum:
{40:11} And he measured the width of the threshold of the gate as ten cubits, and the length of the gate as thirteen cubits.

{40:12} Et marginem ante thalamos cubiti unius: et cubitus unus finis utrimque: thalami autem, sex cubitorum erant hinc et inde.
{40:12} And before the chambers, the border was one cubit. And on both sides, the border was one cubit. But the chambers were six cubits, from one side to the other.

{40:13} Et mensus est portam a tecto thalami, usque ad tectum eius, latitudinem vigintiquinque cubitorum: ostium contra ostium.
{40:13} And he measured the gate, from the roof of one chamber to the roof of another, twenty-five cubits in width, from door to door.

{40:14} Et fecit frontes per sexaginta cubitos: et ad frontem atrium portæ undique per circuitum.
{40:14} And he found the fronts to be sixty cubits. And at the front, there was a court for the gate on every side all around.

{40:15} Et ante faciem portæ, quæ pertingebat usque ad faciem vestibuli portæ interioris, quinquaginta cubitos.
{40:15} And before the face of the gate, which extended even to the face of the vestibule of the gate of the interior, there were fifty cubits.

{40:16} Et fenestras obliquas in thalamis, et in frontibus eorum, quæ erant intra portam undique per circuitum: similiter autem erant et in vestibulis fenestræ per gyrum intrinsecus, et ante frontes pictura palmarum.
{40:16} And there were slanting windows in the chambers and at their fronts, which were within the gate on every side all around. And similarly, there were also windows in the vestibules all around the interior, and there were images of palm trees before the fronts.

{40:17} Et eduxit me ad atrium exterius, et ecce gazophylacia, et pavimentum stratum lapide in atrio per circuitum: triginta gazophylacia in circuitu pavimenti.
{40:17} And he led me away to the outer court, and behold, there were storerooms and a layer of pavement stones throughout the court. Thirty storerooms encircled the pavement.

{40:18} Et pavimentum in fronte portarum secundum longitudinem portarum erat inferius.
{40:18} And the pavement in front of the gates, along the length of the gates, was lower.

{40:19} Et mensus est latitudinem a facie portæ inferioris usque ad frontem atrii interioris extrinsecus, centum cubitos ad Orientem, et ad Aquilonem.
{40:19} And he measured the width, from the face of the lower gate to the front of the outer part of the inner court, to be one hundred cubits, to the east and to the north.

{40:20} Portam quoque, quæ respiciebat viam Aquilonis atrii exterioris, mensus est tam in longitudine, quam in latitudine.
{40:20} Likewise, he measured the gate of the outer court, which looked to the way of the north, to be as much in length as in width.

{40:21} Et thalamos eius tres hinc, et tres inde: et frontem eius, et vestibulum eius secundum mensuram portæ prioris, quinquaginta cubitorum longitudinem eius, et latitudinem viginti quinque cubitorum.
{40:21} And its chambers were three from one side to the other. And its front and its vestibule, in accord with the measure of the former gate, were fifty cubits in its length and twenty-five cubits in width.

{40:22} Fenestræ autem eius, et vestibulum, et sculpturæ secundum mensuram portæ, quæ respiciebat ad Orientem: et septem graduum erat ascensus eius, et vestibulum ante eam.
{40:22} Now its windows, and the vestibule, and the engravings were in accord with the measure of the gate which looked to the east. And its ascent was by seven steps, and a vestibule was before it.

{40:23} Et porta atrii interioris contra portam Aquilonis, et Orientalem: et mensus est a porta usque ad portam centum cubitos.
{40:23} And the gate of the inner court was opposite the gate of the north, and that of the east. And he measured from gate to gate as one hundred cubits.

{40:24} Et eduxit me ad viam australem, et ecce porta, quæ respiciebat ad Austrum: et mensus est frontem eius, et vestibulum eius iuxta mensuras superiores.
{40:24} And he led me to the way of the south, and behold, there was a gate which looked toward the south. And he measured its front and its vestibule to be the same as the measures above.

{40:25} Et fenestras eius, et vestibula in circuitu, sicut fenestras ceteras: quinquaginta cubitorum longitudine, et latitudine vigintiquinque cubitorum.
{40:25} And its windows and the vestibule all around were like the other windows: fifty cubits in length and twenty-five cubits in width.

{40:26} Et in gradibus septem ascendebatur ad eam: et vestibulum ante fores eius: et cælatæ palmæ erant, una hinc, et altera inde in fronte eius.
{40:26} And there were seven steps to ascend to it, and a vestibule before its doors. And there were engraved palm trees, one on each side, at its front.

{40:27} Et porta atrii interioris in via australi: et mensus est a porta usque ad portam in via australi, centum cubitos.
{40:27} And there was a gate at the inner court, on the way to the south. And he measured from one gate to another, on the way to the south, to be one hundred cubits.

{40:28} Et introduxit me in atrium interius ad portam australem: et mensus est portam iuxta mensuras superiores.
{40:28} And he led me into the inner court, to the south gate. And he measured the gate to be in accord with the measures above.

{40:29} Thalamum eius, et frontem eius, et vestibulum eius eisdem mensuris: et fenestras eius, et vestibulum eius in circuitu quinquaginta cubitos longitudinis, et latitudinis vigintiquinque cubitos.
{40:29} Its chamber, and its front, and its vestibule had the same measures. And its windows and its vestibule all around were fifty cubits in length, and twenty-five cubits in width.

{40:30} Et vestibulum per gyrum longitudine vigintiquinque cubitorum, et latitudine quinque cubitorum.
{40:30} And the vestibule all around was twenty-five cubits in length, and five cubits in width.

{40:31} Et vestibulum eius ad atrium exterius, et palmas eius in fronte: et octo gradus erant, quibus ascendebatur per eam.
{40:31} And its vestibule was toward the outer court, and its palm trees were at the front. And there were eight steps to ascend to it.

{40:32} Et introduxit me in atrium interius per viam orientalem: et mensus est portam secundum mensuras superiores.
{40:32} And he led me into the inner court, along the way of the east. And he measured the gate to be in accord with the measures above.

{40:33} Thalamum eius, et frontem eius, et vestibulum eius sicut supra: et fenestras eius, et vestibula eius in circuitu, longitudine quinquaginta cubitorum, et latitudine vigintiquinque cubitorum.
{40:33} Its chamber, and its front, and its vestibule were as above. And its windows and its vestibules all around were fifty cubits in length, and twenty-five cubits in width.

{40:34} Et vestibulum eius, id est, atrii exterioris: et palmæ cælatæ in fronte eius hinc et inde: et in octo gradibus ascensus eius.
{40:34} And it had a vestibule, that is, at the outer court. And the engraved palm trees at its front were on one side and the other. And its ascent was by eight steps.

{40:35} Et introduxit me ad portam, quæ respiciebat ad Aquilonem: et mensus est secundum mensuras superiores.
{40:35} And he led me to the gate which looked toward the north. And he measured it to be in accord with the measures above.

{40:36} Thalamum eius, et frontem eius, et vestibulum eius, et fenestras eius per circuitum, longitudine quinquaginta cubitorum, et latitudine vigintiquinque cubitorum.
{40:36} Its chamber, and its front, and its vestibule, and its windows all around were fifty cubits in length, and twenty-five cubits in width.

{40:37} Et vestibulum eius respiciebat ad atrium exterius: et cælatura palmarum in fronte eius hinc et inde: et in octo gradibus ascensus eius.
{40:37} And its vestibule looked toward the outer court. And an engraving of palm trees at its front was on one side and the other. And its ascent was by eight steps.

{40:38} Et per singula gazophylacia ostium in frontibus portarum: ibi lavabant holocaustum.
{40:38} And at each one of the storerooms, there was a door at the front of the gates. There, they washed the holocaust.

{40:39} Et in vestibulo portæ, duæ mensæ hinc, et duæ mensæ inde: ut immoletur super eas holocaustum, et pro peccato, et pro delicto.
{40:39} And at the vestibule of the gate, there were two tables on one side, and two tables on the other side, so that the holocaust, and the offering for sin, and the offering for transgression could be immolated upon them.

{40:40} Et ad latus exterius, quod ascendit ad ostium portæ, quæ pergit ad Aquilonem, duæ mensæ: et ad latus alterum ante vestibulum portæ, duæ mensæ.
{40:40} And at the outer side, which ascends to the door of the gate that goes toward the north, there were two tables. And at the other side, before the vestibule of the gate, there were two tables.

{40:41} Quattuor mensæ hinc, et quattuor mensæ inde: per latera portæ octo mensæ erant, super quas immolabant.
{40:41} Four tables were on one side, and four tables were on the other side; along the sides of the gate, there were eight tables, upon which they immolated.

{40:42} Quattuor autem mensæ ad holocaustum, de lapidibus quadris extructæ: longitudine cubiti unius et dimidii: et latitudine cubiti unius et dimidii: et altitudine cubiti unius: super quas ponant vasa, in quibus immolatur holocaustum, et victima.
{40:42} Now the four tables for the holocausts were constructed of square stones: one and a half cubit in length, and one and a half cubits in width, and one cubit in height. Upon these, they placed the vessels, in which the holocaust and the victim were immolated.

{40:43} Et labia earum palmi unius, reflexa intrinsecus per circuitum: super mensas autem carnes oblationis.
{40:43} And their edges were one palm in width, turned inward all around. And the flesh of the oblation was on the tables.

{40:44} Et extra portam interiorem gazophylacia cantorum in atrio interiori, quod erat in latere portæ respicientis ad Aquilonem: et facies eorum contra viam Australem, una ex latere portæ Orientalis, quæ respiciebat ad viam Aquilonis.
{40:44} And outside the interior gate, there were storerooms for the cantors, in the inner court, which was beside the gate that looks toward the north. And their face was opposite the way to the south; one was beside the east gate, which looked toward the way of the north.

{40:45} Et dixit ad me: Hoc est gazophylacium, quod respicit viam Meridianam, sacerdotum erit, qui excubant in custodiis templi.
{40:45} And he said to me: “This is the storeroom that looks toward the south; it shall be for the priests who keep watch for the protection of the temple.

{40:46} Porro gazophylacium, quod respicit ad viam Aquilonis, sacerdotum erit, qui excubant ad ministerium altaris. Isti sunt filii Sadoc, qui accedunt de filiis Levi ad Dominum ut ministrent ei.
{40:46} Moreover, the storeroom that looks toward the north will be for the priests who keep watch over the ministry of the altar. These are the sons of Zadok, those among the sons of Levi who may draw near to the Lord, so that they may minister to him.”

{40:47} Et mensus est atrium longitudine centum cubitorum, et latitudine centum cubitorum per quadrum: et altare ante faciem templi.
{40:47} And he measured the court to be one hundred cubits in length, and one hundred cubits in width, with four equal sides. And the altar was before the face of the temple.

{40:48} Et introduxit me in vestibulum templi: et mensus est vestibulum quinque cubitis hinc, et quinque cubitis inde: et latitudinem portæ trium cubitorum hinc, et trium cubitorum inde.
{40:48} And he led me into the vestibule of the temple. And he measured the vestibule to be five cubits on one side, and five cubits on the other side. And the width of the gate was three cubits on one side, and three cubits on the other side.

{40:49} Longitudinem autem vestibuli viginti cubitorum, et latitudinem undecim cubitorum, et octo gradibus ascendebatur ad eam. Et columnæ erant in frontibus: una hinc, et altera inde.
{40:49} Now the length of the vestibule was twenty cubits, and the width was eleven cubits, and there were eight steps to ascend to it. And there were pillars at the front, one on this side and another on that side.

[Ezechiel 41]
[Ezekiel 41]

{41:1} Et introduxit me in templum, et mensus est frontes, sex cubitos latitudinis hinc, et sex cubitos latitudinis inde, latitudinem tabernaculi.
{41:1} And he led me into the temple, and he measured the front to be six cubits in width on one side, and six cubits in width on the other side, which is the width of the tabernacle.

{41:2} Et latitudo portæ, decem cubitorum erat: et latera portæ, quinque cubitis hinc, et quinque cubitis inde: et mensus est longitudinem eius quadraginta cubitorum, et latitudinem viginti cubitorum.
{41:2} And the width of the gate was ten cubits. And the sides of the gate were five cubits on one side, and five cubits on the other side. And he measured its length to be forty cubits, and the width to be twenty cubits.

{41:3} Et introgressus intrinsecus mensus est in fronte portæ duos cubitos: et portam, sex cubitorum: et latitudinem portæ, septem cubitorum.
{41:3} And proceeding inward, he measured the front of the gate to be two cubits. And the gate was six cubits, and the width of the gate was seven cubits.

{41:4} Et mensus est longitudinem eius viginti cubitorum, et latitudinem eius viginti cubitorum, ante faciem templi: et dixit ad me: Hoc est Sanctum Sanctorum.
{41:4} And he measured its length to be twenty cubits, and its width to be twenty cubits, before the face of the temple. And he said to me, “This is the Holy of Holies.”

{41:5} Et mensus est parietem domus sex cubitorum: et latitudinem lateris quattuor cubitorum undique per circuitum domus.
{41:5} And he measured the wall of the house to be six cubits, and the width of the sides to be four cubits, all around the house on every side.

{41:6} Latera autem, latus ad latus, bis triginta tria: et erant eminentia, quæ ingrederentur per parietem domus, in lateribus per circuitum, ut continerent, et non attingerent parietem templi.
{41:6} Now the side chambers were side by side, and twice thirty-three. And they projected outward, so that they might enter along the wall of the house, on the sides all around, in order to contain, but not touch, the wall of the temple.

{41:7} Et platea erat in rotundum, ascendens sursum per cochleam, et in cœnaculum templi deferebat per gyrum: idcirco latius erat templum in superioribus: et sic de inferioribus ascendebatur ad superiora in medium.
{41:7} And there was a broad circular path, rising upward by winding, and it led to the cenacle of the temple by a circular course. As a result, the temple was wider in the higher parts. And so, from the lower parts, they rose up to the higher parts, in the center.

{41:8} Et vidi in domo altitudinem per circuitum, fundata latera ad mensuram calami sex cubitorum spatio:
{41:8} And in the house, I saw the height all around the foundations of the side chambers, which were the measure of a reed, the space of six cubits.

{41:9} et latitudinem per parietem lateris forinsecus quinque cubitorum: et erat interior domus in lateribus domus.
{41:9} And the width of the exterior wall for the side chambers was five cubits. And the inner house was within the side chambers of the house.

{41:10} Et inter gazophylacia latitudinem viginti cubitorum in circuitu domus undique,
{41:10} And between the storerooms, there was the width of twenty cubits, all around the house on every side.

{41:11} et ostium lateris ad orationem: ostium unum ad viam Aquilonis, et ostium unum ad viam Australem: et latitudinem loci ad orationem, quinque cubitorum in circuitu.
{41:11} And the door of the side chambers was toward the place of prayer. One door was toward the way of the north, and one door was toward the way of the south. And the width of the place for prayer was five cubits all around.

{41:12} Et ædificium, quod erat separatum, versumque ad viam respicientem ad mare, latitudinis septuaginta cubitorum. Paries autem ædificii, quinque cubitorum latitudinis per circuitum: et longitudo eius nonaginta cubitorum.
{41:12} And the edifice, which was separate, and which verged toward the way looking toward the sea, was seventy cubits in width. But the wall of the edifice was five cubits in width on all sides, and its length was ninety cubits.

{41:13} Et mensus est domus longitudinem, centum cubitorum: et quod separatum erat ædificium, et parietes eius, longitudinis centum cubitorum.
{41:13} And he measured the length of the house to be one hundred cubits, and the edifice, which was separate, with its walls, to be one hundred cubits in length.

{41:14} Latitudo autem ante faciem domus et eius, quod erat separatum contra Orientem, centum cubitorum.
{41:14} Now the width before the face of the house, and of that which was separate facing the east, was one hundred cubits.

{41:15} Et mensus est longitudinem ædificii contra faciem eius, quod erat separatum ad dorsum: ethecas ex utraque parte centum cubitorum: et templum interius, et vestibula atrii.
{41:15} And he measured the length of the edifice opposite its face, which was separated at the back, and the porticos on both sides, to be one hundred cubits, with the inner temple and the vestibules of the court.

{41:16} Limina, et fenestras obliquas, et ethecas in circuitu per tres partes, contra uniuscuiusque limen, stratumque ligno per gyrum in circuitu: terra autem usque ad fenestras, et fenestræ clausæ super ostia,
{41:16} The thresholds, and the oblique windows, and the porticoes, encircling it on three sides, were opposite the threshold of each one, and were floored with wood throughout the entire area. But the floor reached even to the windows, and the windows were closed above the doors;

{41:17} et usque ad domum interiorem, et forinsecus per omnem parietem in circuitu intrinsecus, et forinsecus, ad mensuram.
{41:17} and it reached even to the inner house, and to the exterior, throughout the entire wall, all around the interior and exterior, for the entire extent.

{41:18} Et fabrefacta cherubim et palmæ: et palma inter cherub et cherub, duasque facies habebat cherub.
{41:18} And there were cherubim and palm trees wrought, and each palm tree was between one cherub and another, and every cherub had two faces.

{41:19} Faciem hominis iuxta palmam ex hac parte, et faciem leonis iuxta palmam ex alia parte: expressam per omnem domum in circuitu.
{41:19} The face of a man was closest to the palm tree on one side, and the face of a lion was closest to the palm tree on the other side. This was depicted throughout the entire house all around.

{41:20} De terra usque ad superiora portæ, cherubim, et palmæ cælatæ erant in pariete templi.
{41:20} From the floor, even to the upper parts of the gate, there were cherubim and palm trees engraved in the wall of the temple.

{41:21} Limen quadrangulum, et facies sanctuarii, aspectus contra aspectum.
{41:21} The square threshold and the face of the sanctuary were one sight facing the other.

~ In other words, the front of the sanctuary was aligned with the threshold, so that the sanctuary could be seen through the threshold.

{41:22} Altaris lignei trium cubitorum altitudo: et longitudo eius duorum cubitorum: et anguli eius, et longitudo eius, et parietes eius lignei. Et locutus est ad me: Hæc est mensa coram Domino.
{41:22} The altar of wood was three cubits in height, and its length was two cubits. And its corners, and its length, and its walls were of wood. And he said to me, “This is the table in the sight of the Lord.”

{41:23} Et duo ostia erant in templo, et in sanctuario.
{41:23} And there were two doors in the temple and in the sanctuary.

{41:24} Et in duobus ostiis ex utraque parte bina erant ostiola, quæ in se invicem plicabantur: bina enim ostia erant ex utraque parte ostiorum.
{41:24} And in the two doors, on both sides, were two little doors, which were folded within each other. For two doors were on both sides of the doors.

{41:25} Et cælata erant in ipsis ostiis templi cherubim, et sculpturæ palmarum, sicut in parietibus quoque expressæ erant: quam ob rem et grossiora erant ligna in vestibuli fronte forinsecus.
{41:25} And cherubim were engraved in the same doors of the temple, with the figures of palm trees, as were depicted also on the walls. For this reason also, the boards were thicker in the front of the vestibule on the exterior.

{41:26} Super quæ fenestræ obliquæ, et similitudo palmarum hinc atque inde in humerulis vestibuli: secundum latera domus, latitudinemque parietum.
{41:26} Upon these were the oblique windows, with the representation of palm trees on one side as well as on the other, at the sides of the vestibule, in accord with the sides of the house, and the width of the walls.

[Ezechiel 42]
[Ezekiel 42]

{42:1} Et eduxit me in atrium exterius per viam ducentem ad Aquilonem, et introduxit me in gazophylacium, quod erat contra separatum ædificium, et contra ædem vergentem ad Aquilonem.
{42:1} And he led me into the outer court by the way that leads to the north, and he led me into the storeroom that was opposite the separate edifice, and opposite the shrine that verges toward the north.

{42:2} In facie longitudinis, centum cubitos ostii Aquilonis: et latitudinis quinquaginta cubitos,
{42:2} The length of the face of the north gate was one hundred cubits, and the width was fifty cubits.

{42:3} contra viginti cubitos atrii interioris, et contra pavimentum stratum lapide atrii exterioris, ubi erat porticus iuncta porticui triplici.
{42:3} Opposite the twenty cubits of the interior court, and opposite the layer of pavement stones in the outer court, in that place, there was a portico joined to a triple portico.

{42:4} Et ante gazophylacia deambulatio decem cubitorum latitudinis, ad interiora respiciens viæ cubiti unius. Et ostia eorum ad Aquilonem:
{42:4} And before the storerooms, there was a walkway of ten cubits in width, looking toward the interior along a way of one cubit. And their doors were toward the north.

{42:5} Ubi erant gazophylacia in superioribus humiliora: quia supportabant porticus, quæ ex illis eminebant de inferioribus, et de mediis ædificii.
{42:5} In that place, there were storerooms in the upper part of the lower level. For they supported the porticos, which projected from them out of the lower level, and out of the middle of the building.

{42:6} Tristega enim erant, et non habebant columnas, sicut erant columnæ atriorum: propterea eminebant de inferioribus, et de mediis a terra cubitis quinquaginta.
{42:6} For they were of three levels, and they did not have pillars, as they were like the pillars of the courts. Because of this, they projected from the lower levels and from the middle, fifty cubits from the ground.

{42:7} Et peribolus exterior secundum gazophylacia, quæ erant in via atrii exterioris ante gazophylacia: longitudo eius quinquaginta cubitorum.
{42:7} And the exterior enclosing wall, adjacent to the storerooms that were along the way of the exterior court in front of the storerooms, was fifty cubits long.

{42:8} Quia longitudo erat gazophylaciorum atrii exterioris quinquaginta cubitorum: et longitudo ante faciem templi, centum cubitorum.
{42:8} For the length of the storerooms of the exterior court was fifty cubits, and the length before the face of the temple was one hundred cubits.

{42:9} Et erat subter gazophylacia hæc introitus ab Oriente ingredientium in ea de atrio exteriori.
{42:9} And under these storerooms, there was an entrance from the east, for those who were entering into it from the outer court.

{42:10} In latitudine periboli atrii, quod erat contra viam Orientalem, in faciem ædificii separati, et erant ante ædificium gazophylacia.
{42:10} In the width of the enclosing wall of the court that was opposite the way of the east, at the face of the separate edifice, there were also storerooms, before the edifice.

{42:11} Et via ante faciem eorum iuxta similitudinem gazophylaciorum, quæ erant in via Aquilonis: secundum longitudinem eorum, sic et latitudo eorum: et omnis introitus eorum, et similitudines, et ostia eorum
{42:11} And the way before their face was in accord with the form of the storerooms which were along the way of the north. As was their length, so also was their width. And the entire entrance, and the likenesses, and their doors

{42:12} secundum ostia gazophylaciorum, quæ erant in via respiciente ad Notum: ostium in capite viæ: quæ via erat ante vestibulum separatum per viam Orientalem ingredientibus.
{42:12} were in accord with the doors of the storerooms that were on the way looking toward the Renown. There was a door at the head of the way, and the way was before a separate vestibule, along the way entering toward the east.

{42:13} Et dixit ad me: Gazophylacia Aquilonis, et gazophylacia Austri, quæ sunt ante ædificium separatum: hæc sunt gazophylacia sancta: in quibus vescuntur sacerdotes, qui appropinquant ad Dominum in Sancta Sanctorum: ibi ponent Sancta Sanctorum, et oblationem pro peccato, et pro delicto: locus enim sanctus est.
{42:13} And he said to me: “The storerooms of the north, and the storerooms of the south, which are before the separate edifice, these are holy storerooms, in which the priests, who draw near to the Lord in the Holy of Holies, shall eat. There they shall station the Holy of Holies, and the offering for sin, and for trespasses. For it is a holy place.

{42:14} Cum autem ingressi fuerint sacerdotes, non egredientur de sanctis in atrium exterius: et ibi reponent vestimenta sua, in quibus ministrant, quia sancta sunt: vestienturque vestimentis aliis, et sic procedent ad populum.
{42:14} And when the priests will have entered, they shall not depart from the holy places into the outer court. And in that place, they shall set their vestments, in which they minister, for they are holy. And they shall be clothed with other vestments, and in this manner they shall go forth to the people.”

{42:15} Cumque complesset mensuras domus interioris, eduxit me per viam portæ, quæ respiciebat ad viam Orientalem: et mensus est eam undique per circuitum.
{42:15} And when he had completed measuring the inner house, he led me out along the way of the gate that looked toward the way of the east. And he measured it on every side all around.

{42:16} Mensus est autem contra ventum Orientalem calamo mensuræ, quingentos calamos in calamo mensuræ per circuitum.
{42:16} Then he measured facing the east wind with the measuring reed: five hundred reeds with the measuring reed throughout the course.

{42:17} Et mensus est contra ventum Aquilonis quingentos calamos in calamo mensuræ per gyrum.
{42:17} And he measured facing the wind of the north: five hundred reeds with the measuring reed throughout the course.

{42:18} Et ad ventum Australem mensus est quingentos calamos in calamo mensuræ per circuitum.
{42:18} And toward the south wind, he measured five hundred reeds with the measuring reed throughout the course.

{42:19} Et ad ventum Occidentalem mensus est quingentos calamos in calamo mensuræ.
{42:19} And toward the west wind, he measured five hundred reeds with the measuring reed.

{42:20} Per quattuor ventos mensus est murum eius undique per circuitum, longitudinem quingentorum cubitorum, et latitudinem quingentorum cubitorum dividentem inter sanctuarium et vulgi locum.
{42:20} By the four winds, he measured its wall, on every side throughout the course: five hundred cubits in length and five hundred cubits in width, dividing between the sanctuary and the place of the common people.

[Ezechiel 43]
[Ezekiel 43]

{43:1} Et duxit me ad portam, quæ respiciebat ad viam Orientalem.
{43:1} And he led me to the gate which looked toward the way of the east.

{43:2} Et ecce gloria Dei Israel ingrediebatur per viam Orientalem: et vox erat ei quasi vox aquarum multarum, et terra splendebat a maiestate eius.
{43:2} And behold, the glory of the God of Israel entered along the way of the east. And his voice was like the voice of many waters. And the earth was resplendent before his majesty.

{43:3} Et vidi visionem secundum speciem, quam videram, quando venit ut disperderet civitatem: et species secundum aspectum, quem videram iuxta fluvium Chobar: et cecidi super faciem meam.
{43:3} And I saw a vision in accord with the form that I had seen when he arrived so that he might destroy the city. And the form was in accord with the sight that I had seen beside the river Chebar. And I fell upon my face.

{43:4} Et maiestas Domini ingressa est templum per viam portæ, quæ respiciebat ad Orientem.
{43:4} And the majesty of the Lord advanced into the temple, along the way of the gate which looked toward the east.

{43:5} Et elevavit me Spiritus, et introduxit me in atrium interius: et ecce repleta erat gloria Domini domus.
{43:5} And the Spirit lifted me up and brought me into the inner court. And behold, the house was filled with the glory of the Lord.

{43:6} Et audivi loquentem ad me de domo, et vir qui stabat iuxta me,
{43:6} And I heard someone speaking to me from the house, and the man who was standing beside me

{43:7} dixit ad me: Fili hominis, locus solii mei, et locus vestigiorum pedum meorum, ubi habito in medio filiorum Israel in æternum: et non polluent ultra domus Israel nomen sanctum meum, ipsi, et reges eorum in fornicationibus suis, et in ruinis regum suorum, et in excelsis.
{43:7} said to me: “Son of man, the place of my throne, and the place of the steps of my feet, is where I live: in the midst of the sons of Israel forever. And the house of Israel, they and their kings, shall no longer defile my holy name by their fornications, and by the ruinous ways of their kings, and by exalted places.

{43:8} Qui fabricati sunt limen suum iuxta limen meum, et postes suos iuxta postes meos: et murus erat inter me et eos: et polluerunt nomen sanctum meum in abominationibus, quas fecerunt: propter quod consumpsi eos in ira mea.
{43:8} They have fabricated their threshold beside my threshold, and their doorposts beside my doorposts. And there was a wall between me and them. And they defiled my holy name by the abominations which they committed. Because of this, I consumed them in my wrath.

{43:9} Nunc ergo repellant procul fornicationem suam, et ruinas regum suorum a me: et habitabo in medio eorum semper.
{43:9} Now therefore, let them drive away their fornications, and the ruinous ways of their kings, from before me. And I will live in their midst forever.

{43:10} Tu autem fili hominis ostende domui Israel templum, et confundantur ab iniquitatibus suis, et metiantur fabricam:
{43:10} But as for you, son of man, reveal the temple to the house of Israel, and let them be confounded by their iniquities, and let them measure the fabrication,

{43:11} et erubescant ex omnibus, quæ fecerunt: Figuram domus, et fabricæ eius exitus, et introitus, et omnem descriptionem eius, et universa præcepta eius, cunctumque ordinem eius, et omnes leges eius ostende eis, et scribes in oculis eorum: ut custodiant omnes descriptiones eius, et præcepta illius, et faciant ea.
{43:11} and let them be ashamed at all the things that they have done. Reveal to them the form and the fabrication of the house, its exits and entrances, and its entire description, and all of its precepts, and its entire order, and all of its laws. And you shall write in their sight, so that they may observe its entire description and its precepts, and so that they may accomplish them.”

{43:12} Ista est lex domus in summitate montis: Omnis finis eius in circuitu, Sanctum Sanctorum est: hæc est ergo lex domus.
{43:12} This is the law of the house at the summit of the mountain, with all its parts all around. It is the Holy of Holies. Therefore, this is the law of the house.

{43:13} Istæ autem mensuræ altaris in cubito verissimo, qui habebat cubitum, et palmum: in sinu eius erat cubitus et cubitus in latitudine, et definitio eius usque ad labium eius, et in circuitu, palmus unus. Hæc quoque erat fossa altaris.
{43:13} Now these are the measures of the altar by the most true cubit, which has a cubit and a palm. Its bend was a cubit, and it was a cubit in width. And its boundary, even to its edge and all around, was the width of one palm. The trough of the altar was like this also.

{43:14} Et de sinu terræ usque ad crepidinem novissimam duo cubiti, et latitudo cubiti unius: et a crepidine minore usque ad crepidinem maiorem quattuor cubiti, et latitudo cubiti unius.
{43:14} And from the bend at the floor even to the furthest rim was two cubits, and the width was one cubit. And from the lesser rim even to the greater rim was four cubits, and the width was one cubit.

{43:15} Ipse autem Ariel quattuor cubitorum: et ab Ariel usque ad sursum, cornua quattuor.
{43:15} Now the hearth itself was four cubits. And from the hearth going upward, there were four horns.

{43:16} Et Ariel duodecim cubitorum in longitudine per duodecim cubitos latitudinis: quadrangulatum æquis lateribus.
{43:16} And the hearth was twelve cubits in length by twelve cubits in width, foursquare, with equal sides.

{43:17} Et crepido quattuordecim cubitorum longitudinis per quattuordecim cubitos latitudinis in quattuor angulis eius: et corona in circuitu eius dimidii cubiti, et sinus eius unius cubiti per circuitum: gradus autem eius versi ad Orientem.
{43:17} And the rim was fourteen cubits in length, by fourteen cubits in width, at its four corners. And the crown all around it was one half cubit, and its bend was one cubit all around. And its steps turned toward the east.

{43:18} Et dixit ad me: Fili hominis, hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Hi sunt ritus altaris in quacumque die fuerit fabricatum: ut offeratur super illud holocaustum, et effundatur sanguis.
{43:18} And he said to me: “Son of man, thus says the Lord God: These are the rituals of the altar, in whatever day it will be made, so that holocausts may be offered upon it, and blood may be poured out.

{43:19} Et dabis sacerdotibus, et Levitis, qui sunt de semine Sadoc, qui accedunt ad me, ait Dominus Deus, ut offerant mihi vitulum de armento pro peccato.
{43:19} And you shall present these to the priests and to the Levites, who are of the offspring of Zadok, those who draw near to me, says the Lord God, so that they may offer to me a calf from the herd on behalf of sin.

{43:20} Et assumens de sanguine eius, pones super quattuor cornua eius, et super quattuor angulos crepidinis, et super coronam in circuitu: et mundabis illud, et expiabis.
{43:20} And you shall take from its blood, and you shall place it on its four horns, and on the four corners of the rim, and on the crown all around. And so shall you cleanse and expiate it.

{43:21} Et tolles vitulum, qui oblatus fuerit pro peccato: et combures eum in separato loco domus extra sanctuarium.
{43:21} And you shall take the calf, which will be offered for sin, and you shall burn it in a separate place in the house, outside of the sanctuary.

{43:22} Et in die secunda offeres hircum caprarum immaculatum pro peccato: et expiabunt altare, sicut expiaverunt in vitulo.
{43:22} And on the second day, you shall offer an immaculate he-goat from among the she-goats on behalf of sin. And they shall expiate the altar, just as they expiated it with the calf.

{43:23} Cumque compleveris expians illud, offeres vitulum de armento immaculatum, et arietem de grege immaculatum.
{43:23} And when you will have completed expiating it, you shall offer an immaculate calf from the herd and an immaculate ram from the flock.

{43:24} Et offeres eos in conspectu Domini: et mittent sacerdotes super eos sal, et offerent eos holocaustum Domino.
{43:24} And you shall offer them in the sight of the Lord. And the priests shall sprinkle salt over them, and they shall offer them as a holocaust to the Lord.

{43:25} Septem diebus facies hircum pro peccato quotidie: et vitulum de armento, et arietem de pecoribus immaculatos offerent.
{43:25} For seven days, you shall offer daily a he-goat on behalf of sin. Also, they shall offer a calf from the herd, and a ram from the flock, ones that are immaculate.

{43:26} Septem diebus expiabunt altare, et mundabunt illud: et implebunt manum eius.
{43:26} For seven days, they shall expiate the altar, and they shall cleanse it, and they shall fill its hand.

{43:27} Expletis autem diebus, in die octava et ultra, facient sacerdotes super altare holocausta vestra, et quæ pro pace offerunt: et placatus ero vobis, ait Dominus Deus.
{43:27} Then, when the days have been completed, on the eighth day and thereafter, the priests shall offer your holocausts upon the altar along with the peace offering. And I will be pleased with you, says the Lord God.”

[Ezechiel 44]
[Ezekiel 44]

{44:1} Et convertit me ad viam portæ sanctuarii exterioris, quæ respiciebat ad Orientem: et erat clausa.
{44:1} And he turned me back, toward the way of the gate of the outer sanctuary, which looked toward the east. And it was closed.

{44:2} Et dixit Dominus ad me: Porta hæc clausa erit: non aperietur, et vir non transibit per eam: quoniam Dominus Deus Israel ingressus est per eam, eritque clausa
{44:2} And the Lord said to me: “This gate will be closed; it will not be opened. And man shall not cross through it. For the Lord, the God of Israel, has entered through it, and it shall be closed

{44:3} principi. Princeps ipse sedebit in ea, ut comedat panem coram Domino: per viam portæ vestibuli ingredietur, et per viam eius egredietur.
{44:3} to the prince. The prince himself will sit at it, so that he may eat bread before the Lord; he will enter by the way of the vestibule of the gate, and he will depart by the same way.”

{44:4} Et adduxit me per viam portæ Aquilonis in conspectu domus: et vidi, et ecce implevit gloria Domini domum Domini: et cecidi in faciem meam.
{44:4} And he led me in, along the way of the north gate, in the sight of the house. And I saw, and behold, the glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord. And I fell upon my face.

{44:5} Et dixit ad me Dominus: Fili hominis pone cor tuum, et vide oculis tuis, et auribus tuis audi omnia, quæ ego loquor ad te de universis ceremoniis domus Domini, et de cunctis legibus eius: et pones cor tuum in viis templi per omnes exitus sanctuarii.
{44:5} And the Lord said to me: “Son of man, set within your heart, and see with your eyes, and hear with your ears all that I am speaking to you about all the ceremonies of the house of the Lord and about all its laws. And set your heart upon the ways of the temple, along all the exits of the sanctuary.

{44:6} Et dices ad exasperantem me domum Israel: Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Sufficiant vobis omnia scelera vestra domus Israel:
{44:6} And you shall say to the house of Israel, which provokes me: Thus says the Lord God: Let all your wicked deeds be sufficient for you, O house of Israel.

{44:7} eo quod inducitis filios alienos incircumcisos corde, et incircumcisos carne, ut sint in sanctuario meo, et polluant domum meam: et offertis panes meos, adipem, et sanguinem: et dissolvitis pactum meum in omnibus sceleribus vestris.
{44:7} For you bring in foreign sons, uncircumcised in heart and uncircumcised in flesh, so that they may be in my sanctuary and may defile my house. And you offer my bread, the fat, and the blood, yet you have broken my covenant by all your wicked deeds.

{44:8} Et non servastis præcepta sanctuarii mei: et posuistis custodes observationum mearum in sanctuario meo vobismetipsis.
{44:8} And you have not observed the precepts of my sanctuary, yet you have stationed observers of my vigil in my sanctuary for yourselves.

{44:9} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Omnis alienigena incircumcisus corde, et incircumcisus carne, non ingredietur sanctuarium meum, omnis filius alienus qui est in medio filiorum Israel.
{44:9} Thus says the Lord God: Any foreigner, any foreign son who is in the midst of the sons of Israel, who is uncircumcised in heart and uncircumcised in flesh, shall not enter into my sanctuary.

{44:10} Sed et Levitæ, qui longe recesserunt a me in errore filiorum Israel, et erraverunt a me post idola sua, et portaverunt iniquitatem suam:
{44:10} And as for the Levites, they have withdrawn far away from me, in the errors of the sons of Israel, and they have gone astray from me after their idols, and they have borne their iniquity.

{44:11} erunt in sanctuario meo æditui, et ianitores portarum domus, et ministri domus: ipsi mactabunt holocausta, et victimas populi: et ipsi stabunt in conspectu eorum, ut ministrent eis.
{44:11} They will be caretakers in my sanctuary, and doorkeepers at the gates of the house, and ministers to the house. They will slay the holocausts and the victims of the people. And they will stand before them, so that they may minister to them.

{44:12} Pro eo quod ministraverunt illis in conspectu idolorum suorum, et facti sunt domui Israel in offendiculum iniquitatis: idcirco levavi manum meam super eos, ait Dominus Deus, et portabunt iniquitatem suam:
{44:12} But because they ministered to them in the sight their idols, and they became a stumbling block of iniquity to the house of Israel, for this reason, I have lifted up my hand against them, says the Lord God, and they will bear their iniquity.

{44:13} et non appropinquabunt ad me ut sacerdotio fungantur mihi, neque accedent ad omne sanctuarium meum iuxta Sancta Sanctorum: sed portabunt confusionem suam, et scelera sua quæ fecerunt.
{44:13} And they shall not draw near to me, so as to exercise the priesthood for me, and they shall not approach to any of my holy things, which are near the Holy of Holies. Instead, they will bear their shame and their wicked deeds, which they committed.

{44:14} Et dabo eos ianitores domus in omni ministerio eius, et in universis, quæ fient in ea.
{44:14} And I will make them doorkeepers of the house, for all its ministries and for all that will be done within it.

{44:15} Sacerdotes autem et Levitæ filii Sadoc, qui custodierunt ceremonias sanctuarii mei, cum errarent filii Israel a me, ipsi accedent ad me ut ministrent mihi: et stabunt in conspectu meo ut offerant mihi adipem, et sanguinem, ait Dominus Deus.
{44:15} But the priests and the Levites who are the sons of Zadok, who observed the ceremonies of my sanctuary when the sons of Israel went astray from me, these shall draw near to me, so that they may minister for me. And they shall stand in my sight, so that they may offer to me the fat and the blood, says the Lord God.

{44:16} Ipsi ingredientur sanctuarium meum, et ipsi accedent ad mensam meam ut ministrent mihi, et custodiant ceremonias meas.
{44:16} They shall enter into my sanctuary, and they shall draw near to my table, so that they may minister for me, and so that they may observe my ceremonies.

{44:17} Cumque ingredientur portas atrii interioris, vestibus lineis induentur: nec ascendet super eos quidquam laneum, quando ministrant in portis atrii interioris et intrinsecus.
{44:17} And when they enter the gates of the inner court, they shall be clothed with linen garments. Neither shall anything woolen be placed over them, when they minister within the gates of the inner and the outer court.

{44:18} Vittæ lineæ erunt in capitibus eorum, et feminalia linea erunt in lumbis eorum, et non accingentur in sudore.
{44:18} They shall have linen bands on their heads, and linen undergarments over their loins, and they shall not be girded so as to sweat.

{44:19} Cumque egredientur atrium exterius ad populum, exuent se vestimentis suis, in quibus ministraverant, et reponent ea in gazophylacio sanctuarii, et vestient se vestimentis aliis: et non sanctificabunt populum in vestibus suis.
{44:19} And when they go forth to the outer court to the people, they shall strip off their vestments, in which they ministered, and they shall place them in the storeroom of the sanctuary, and they shall clothe themselves with other garments. And they shall not sanctify the people in their vestments.

{44:20} Caput autem suum non radent, neque comam nutrient: sed tondentes attondent capita sua.
{44:20} Now they shall not shave their heads, and they shall not grow long hair. Instead, they shall trim the hair of their heads.

{44:21} Et vinum non bibet omnis sacerdos quando ingressurus est atrium interius.
{44:21} And no priest shall drink wine, when he will be entering into the inner court.

{44:22} Et viduam, et repudiatam non accipient uxores, sed virgines de semine domus Israel: sed et viduam, quæ fuerit vidua a sacerdote, accipient.
{44:22} And they shall not take as wife a widow or one who has been divorced. Instead, they shall take virgins from the offspring of the house of Israel. But they may also take a widow, if she is the widow of a priest.

{44:23} Et populum meum docebunt quid sit inter sanctum et pollutum, et inter mundum et immundum ostendent eis.
{44:23} And they shall teach my people the difference between holy and defiled, and they shall distinguish for them between clean and unclean.

{44:24} Et cum fuerit controversia, stabunt in iudiciis meis, et iudicabunt: leges meas, et præcepta mea in omnibus sollemnitatibus meis custodient, et Sabbata mea sanctificabunt.
{44:24} And when there has been a controversy, they shall stand in my judgments, and they shall judge. They shall observe my laws and my precepts, in all my solemnities, and they shall sanctify my Sabbaths.

{44:25} Et ad mortuum hominem non ingredientur, ne polluantur, nisi ad patrem et matrem, et filium et filiam, et fratrem et sororem, quæ alterum virum non habuerit: in quibus contaminabuntur.
{44:25} And they shall not enter to a dead person, lest they be defiled, except to father or mother, or son or daughter, or brother, or to a sister who does not have another man. By these, they may become unclean.

{44:26} Et postquam fuerit emundatus, septem dies numerabuntur ei.
{44:26} And after he will have been cleansed, they shall number for him seven days.

{44:27} Et in die introitus sui in sanctuarium ad atrium interius ut ministret mihi in sanctuario, offeret pro peccato suo, ait Dominus Deus.
{44:27} And on the day when he enters into the sanctuary, to the inner court, so that he may minister to me in the sanctuary, he shall make an offering because of his offense, says the Lord God.

{44:28} Non erit autem eis hereditas, ego hereditas eorum: et possessionem non dabitis eis in Israel, ego enim possessio eorum.
{44:28} And there shall be no inheritance for them. I am their inheritance. And you shall not give them any possession in Israel. For I am their possession.

{44:29} Victimam et pro peccato et pro delicto ipsi comedent: et omne votum in Israel ipsorum erit.
{44:29} They shall eat the victim both for sin and for offenses. And every vowed offering in Israel shall be theirs.

{44:30} Et primitiva omnium primogenitorum, et omnia libamenta ex omnibus, quæ offeruntur, sacerdotum erunt: et primitiva ciborum vestrorum dabitis sacerdoti, ut reponat benedictionem domui tuæ.
{44:30} And the first-fruits of all the firstborn, and all the libations out of all that is offered, shall belong to the priests. And you shall give the first-fruits of your foods to the priest, so that he may return a blessing to your house.

{44:31} Omne morticinum, et captum a bestia de avibus et de pecoribus non comedent sacerdotes.
{44:31} The priests shall not consume anything which has died on its own, or which was seized by a beast, whether from the fowl or the cattle.”

[Ezechiel 45]
[Ezekiel 45]

{45:1} Cumque cœperitis terram dividere sortito, separate primitias Domino, sanctificatum de terra, longitudine vigintiquinque millia, et latitudine decem millia: sanctificatum erit in omni termino eius per circuitum.
{45:1} “And when you will begin to divide the land by lot, separate as first-fruits for the Lord a sanctified portion of the land, in length twenty-five thousand and in width ten thousand. It will be holy within all its borders all around.

{45:2} Et erit ex omni parte sanctificatum quingentos per quingentos, quadrifariam per circuitum: et quinquaginta cubitis in suburbana eius per gyrum.
{45:2} And there shall be, out of the entire region, a sanctified portion of five hundred by five hundred, foursquare all around, with fifty cubits for its suburbs on all sides.

{45:3} Et a mensura ista mensurabis longitudinem vigintiquinque millium, et latitudinem decem millium, et in ipso erit templum, Sanctumque Sanctorum.
{45:3} And with this measure, you shall measure a length of twenty-five thousand, and a width of ten thousand, and within it shall be the temple and the Holy of Holies.

{45:4} Sanctificatum de terra erit sacerdotibus ministris sanctuarii, qui accedunt ad ministerium Domini: et erit eis locus in domos, et in sanctuarium sanctitatis.
{45:4} The sanctified portion of the land shall be for the priests, the ministers of the sanctuary, who approach for the ministry of the Lord. And it shall be a place for their houses, and for the holy place of the sanctuary.

{45:5} Vigintiquinque autem millia longitudinis, et decem millia latitudinis erunt Levitis, qui ministrant domui: ipsi possidebunt viginti gazophylacia.
{45:5} Now twenty-five thousand in length, and ten thousand in width shall be for the Levites, who minister in the house. They shall possess twenty storerooms.

{45:6} Et possessionem civitatis dabitis quinque millia latitudinis, et longitudinis vigintiquinque millia secundum separationem sanctuarii, omni domui Israel.
{45:6} And you shall appoint a possession in the city of five thousand in width, and twenty-five thousand in length, in accord with the separation of the sanctuary, for the entire house of Israel.

{45:7} Principi quoque hinc et inde in separationem sanctuarii, et in possessionem civitatis, contra faciem separationis sanctuarii, et contra faciem possessionis urbis: a latere Maris usque ad Mare, et a latere Orientis usque ad Orientem: Longitudinis autem iuxta unamquamque partem a termino Occidentali usque ad terminum Orientalem.
{45:7} Appoint the same for the prince, on one side and on the other, in the separation of the sanctuary, and in the possession of the city, opposite the face of the separation of the sanctuary, and opposite the face of the possession of the city, from the side of the sea even to the sea, and from the side of the east even to the east. And the length shall be just as in each part, from the western border even to the eastern border.

{45:8} De terra erit ei possessio in Israel: et non depopulabuntur ultra principes populum meum: sed terram dabunt domui Israel secundum tribus eorum.
{45:8} A portion of the land in Israel shall be for him. And the princes shall no longer plunder my people. Instead, they shall give the land to the house of Israel according to their tribes.

{45:9} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Sufficiat vobis principes Israel: iniquitatem et rapinas intermittite, et iudicium et iustitiam facite, separate confinia vestra a populo meo, ait Dominus Deus.
{45:9} Thus says the Lord God: Let this be sufficient for you, O princes of Israel! Cease from iniquity and robberies, and execute judgment and justice. Separate your confines from my people, says the Lord God.

{45:10} Statera iusta, et ephi iustum, et batus iustus erit vobis.
{45:10} You shall have just scales, and a just unit of dry measure, and a just unit of liquid measure.

{45:11} Ephi, et batus æqualia, et unius mensuræ erunt: ut capiat decimam partem cori batus, et decimam partem cori ephi: iuxta mensuram cori erit æqua libratio eorum.
{45:11} The units of dry and liquid measure shall be one uniform measure, so that a bath contains one tenth part of a cor, and an ephah contains one tenth part of a cor; each shall be of equal volume in accord with the measure of a cor.

{45:12} Siclus autem viginti obolos habet. Porro viginti sicli, et vigintiquinque sicli, et quindecim sicli, mnam faciunt.
{45:12} Now the shekel consists of twenty obols. Furthermore, twenty shekels, and twenty-five shekels, and fifteen shekels makes one mina.

{45:13} Et hæ sunt primitiæ, quas tolletis: sextam partem ephi de coro frumenti, et sextam partem ephi de coro hordei.
{45:13} And these are the first-fruits that you shall take: a sixth part of an ephah from each cor of wheat, and a sixth part of an ephah from each cor of barley.

{45:14} Mensura quoque olei, batus olei, decima pars cori est: et decem bati corum faciunt: quia decem bati implent corum.
{45:14} Likewise, a measure of oil, a bath of oil, is one tenth part of a cor. And ten baths make one cor. For ten baths complete one cor.

{45:15} Et arietem unum de grege ducentorum de his, quæ nutriunt Israel in sacrificium, et in holocaustum, et in pacifica, ad expiandum pro eis, ait Dominus Deus.
{45:15} And take one ram from each flock of two hundred, out of those that Israel tends for sacrifice and holocausts and peace offerings, in order to make an expiation for them, says the Lord God.

{45:16} Omnis populus terræ tenebitur primitiis his principi in Israel.
{45:16} All the people of the land will take hold of these first-fruits for the prince in Israel.

{45:17} Et super principem erunt holocausta, et sacrificium, et libamina in sollemnitatibus, et in Calendis, et in Sabbatis, et in universis sollemnitatibus domus Israel: ipse faciet pro peccato sacrificium, et holocaustum, et pacifica ad expiandum pro domo Israel.
{45:17} And concerning the prince, there shall be holocausts and sacrifice and libations, on solemnities and new moons and Sabbaths, and on all the solemnities of the house of Israel. He himself shall offer the sacrifice for sin, and the holocaust, and the peace offerings, in order to make expiation for the house of Israel.

{45:18} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: In primo mense, una mensis sumes vitulum de armento immaculatum, et expiabis sanctuarium.
{45:18} Thus says the Lord God: In the first month, on the first of the month, you shall take an immaculate calf from the herd, and you shall expiate the sanctuary.

{45:19} Et tollet sacerdos de sanguine quod erit pro peccato: et ponet in postibus domus, et in quattuor angulis crepidinis altaris, et in postibus portæ atrii interioris.
{45:19} And the priest shall take from the blood that will be for the sin offering. And he shall place it on the doorposts of the house, and on the four corners of the rim of the altar, and on the posts of the gate of the inner court.

{45:20} Et sic facies in septima mensis pro unoquoque, qui ignoravit, et errore deceptus est, et expiabis pro domo.
{45:20} And so shall you do on the seventh day of the month, on behalf of each one who was ignorant or who was deceived by error. And you shall make expiation for the house.

~ If you commit an offense against God, without knowing that it was an offense, the act itself is still wrong. You may have some guilt due to culpable ignorance, or due to an error obtained by a less than entirely sincere search for truth. But even if your offense is one of invincible ignorance, the act itself was still a disorder, contrary to the will and plan of God. And so sacrifices are offered even for such offenses.

{45:21} In primo mense, quartadecima die mensis erit vobis Paschæ sollemnitas: septem diebus azyma comedentur.
{45:21} In the first month, the fourteenth day of the month shall be for you the solemnity of the Passover. For seven days, unleavened bread shall be eaten.

{45:22} Et faciet princeps in die illa pro se, et pro universo populo terræ, vitulum pro peccato.
{45:22} And on that day, the prince shall offer, on behalf of himself and on behalf of all the people of the land, a calf for sin.

{45:23} Et in septem dierum sollemnitate faciet holocaustum Domino septem vitulos, et septem arietes immaculatos quotidie septem diebus: et pro peccato hircum caprarum quotidie.
{45:23} And during the solemnity of the seven days, he shall offer a holocaust to the Lord of seven immaculate calves and seven immaculate rams, daily for seven days, and a he-goat from among the she-goats, daily for sin.

{45:24} Et sacrificium ephi per vitulum, et ephi per arietem faciet: et olei hin per singula ephi.
{45:24} And he shall offer the sacrifice of an ephah for each calf, and an ephah for each ram, and a hin of oil for every ephah.

{45:25} Septimo mense, quintadecima die mensis in sollemnitate faciet sicut supra dicta sunt per septem dies: tam pro peccato, quam pro holocausto, et in sacrificio, et in oleo.
{45:25} In the seventh month, on the fifteenth day of the month, during the solemnities, he shall do just as was said above for the seven days, as much for the sin offering, as for the holocaust and sacrifice and oil.”

[Ezechiel 46]
[Ezekiel 46]

{46:1} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Porta atrii interioris, quæ respicit ad Orientem, erit clausa sex diebus, in quibus opus fit: die autem Sabbati aperietur, sed et in die Calendarum aperietur.
{46:1} Thus says the Lord God: “The gate of the inner court which looks toward the east shall be closed for the six days on which work is done. Then, on the Sabbath day, it shall be opened. But also on the day of the new moon, it shall be opened.

{46:2} Et intrabit princeps per viam vestibuli portæ deforis, et stabit in limine portæ: et facient sacerdotes holocaustum eius, et pacifica eius: et adorabit super limen portæ, et egredietur: porta autem non claudetur usque ad vesperam.
{46:2} And the prince shall enter from outside, by the way of the vestibule of the gate, and he shall stand at the threshold of the gate. And the priests shall offer his holocaust and his peace offerings. And he shall adore upon the threshold of the gate, and then depart. But the gate shall not be closed until evening.

{46:3} Et adorabit populus terræ ad ostium portæ illius in Sabbatis, et in Calendis coram Domino.
{46:3} And the people of the land shall adore at the entrance of the same gate, on the Sabbaths and on the new moons, in the sight of the Lord.

{46:4} Holocaustum autem hoc offeret princeps Domino: in die Sabbati sex agnos immaculatos, et arietem immaculatum.
{46:4} Now this holocaust, which the prince shall offer to the Lord on the Sabbath day, shall be six immaculate lambs, and one immaculate ram.

{46:5} Et sacrificium ephi per arietem: in agnis autem sacrificium quod dederit manus eius: et olei hin per singula ephi.
{46:5} The sacrifice shall be one ephah for each ram. But for the lambs, the sacrifice shall be whatever his hand shall give. And there shall be one hin of oil for each ephah.

{46:6} In die autem Calendarum vitulum de armento immaculatum: et sex agni, et arietes immaculati erunt.
{46:6} Then, on the day of the new moon, he shall offer one immaculate calf from the herd. Both the six lambs and the rams shall be immaculate.

{46:7} Et ephi per vitulum, ephi quoque per arietem faciet sacrificium: de agnis autem, sicut invenerit manus eius: et olei hin per singula ephi.
{46:7} And he shall offer the sacrifice of one ephah for each calf, and also one ephah for each ram. But for the lambs, it shall be just as his hand will find. And there shall be one hin of oil for each ephah.

{46:8} Cumque ingressurus est princeps, per viam vestibuli portæ ingrediatur, et per eamdem viam exeat.
{46:8} And when the prince will enter, let him enter by the way of the vestibule of the gate, and let him go out by the same way.

{46:9} Et cum intrabit populus terræ in conspectu Domini in sollemnitatibus: qui ingreditur per portam Aquilonis, ut adoret, egrediatur per viam portæ Meridianæ: porro qui ingreditur per viam portæ Meridianæ, egrediatur per viam portæ Aquilonis: non revertetur per viam portæ, per quam ingressus est, sed e regione illius egredietur.
{46:9} And when the people of the land will enter in the sight of the Lord on the solemnities, whoever enters by the north gate so that he may adore, shall depart by the way of the south gate. And whoever enters by the way of the south gate shall depart by the way of the north gate. He shall not return by way of the gate through which he entered. Instead, he shall depart from the direction opposite to it.

{46:10} Princeps autem in medio eorum cum ingredientibus ingredietur, et cum egredientibus egredietur.
{46:10} But the prince in their midst shall enter when they enter, and he shall depart when they depart.

{46:11} Et in nundinis, et in sollemnitatibus erit sacrificium ephi per vitulum, et ephi per arietem: agnis autem erit sacrificium sicut invenerit manus eius: et olei hin per singula ephi.
{46:11} And during the feasts and the solemnities, there shall be the sacrifice of one ephah for each calf, and one ephah for each ram. But for the lambs, the sacrifice shall be just as his hand will find. And there shall be one hin of oil for each ephah.

{46:12} Cum autem fecerit princeps spontaneum holocaustum, aut pacifica voluntaria Domino: aperietur ei porta, quæ respicit ad Orientem, et faciet holocaustum suum, et pacifica sua, sicut fieri solet in die Sabbati: et egredietur, claudeturque porta postquam exierit.
{46:12} But when the prince will offer a voluntary holocaust or a voluntary peace offering to the Lord, the gate which looks toward the east shall be opened to him. And he shall offer his holocaust and his peace offerings, just as is usually done on the Sabbath day. And he shall depart, and the gate shall be closed after he has gone out.

{46:13} Et agnum eiusdem anni immaculatum faciet holocaustum quotidie Domino: semper mane faciet illud.
{46:13} And daily he shall offer, as a holocaust to the Lord, an immaculate lamb of the same age. He shall offer it always in the morning.

{46:14} Et faciet sacrificium super eo cata mane mane sextam partem ephi, et de oleo tertiam partem hin, ut misceatur similæ: sacrificium Domino legitimum, iuge atque perpetuum.
{46:14} And he shall offer as a sacrifice with it, morning after morning, one sixth part of an ephah, and one third part of a hin of oil, to be mixed with the fine flour, as a sacrifice to the Lord, by a continual and everlasting ordinance.

{46:15} Faciet agnum, et sacrificium, et oleum cata mane mane, holocaustum sempiternum.
{46:15} He shall offer the lamb and the sacrifice and the oil, morning after morning, as an everlasting holocaust.

{46:16} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Si dederit princeps donum alicui de filiis suis: hereditas eius, filiorum suorum erit, possidebunt eam hereditarie.
{46:16} Thus says the Lord God: If the prince grants a gift to any of his sons, the inheritance of it will go to his sons; they shall possess it as an inheritance.

{46:17} Si autem dederit legatum de hereditate sua uni servorum suorum, erit illius usque ad annum remissionis, et revertetur ad principem: hereditas autem eius, filiis eius erit.
{46:17} But if he grants a legacy from his inheritance to one of his servants, it shall be his only until the year of remission, and then it shall be returned to the prince. For his inheritance shall go to his sons.

{46:18} Et non accipiet princeps de hereditate populi per violentiam, et de possessione eorum: sed de possessione sua hereditatem dabit filiis suis: ut non dispergatur populus meus unusquisque a possessione sua.
{46:18} And the prince shall not take from the inheritance of the people by force, nor from their possession. Instead, from his own possession, he shall give an inheritance to his sons, so that my people will not be scattered, each one from his possession.”

{46:19} Et introduxit me per ingressum, qui erat ex latere portæ, in gazophylacia sanctuarii ad sacerdotes, quæ respiciebant ad Aquilonem: et erat ibi locus vergens ad Occidentem.
{46:19} And he led me in by the entrance which was at the side of the gate, into the storerooms of the sanctuary for the priests, which looked toward the north. And there was a place there which verged toward the west.

{46:20} Et dixit ad me: Iste est locus ubi coquent sacerdotes pro peccato, et pro delicto: ubi coquent sacrificium, ut non efferant in atrium exterius, et sanctificetur populus.
{46:20} And he said to me: “This is the place where the priests will cook the offering for sin and the offering for trespasses. Here, they shall cook the sacrifice, so that they need not carry it to the outer court, and so that the people may be sanctified.”

{46:21} Et eduxit me in atrium exterius, et circumduxit me per quattuor angulos atrii: et ecce atriolum erat in angulo atrii, atriola singula per angulos atrii.
{46:21} And he led me away to the outer court, and he led me around by the four corners of the court. And behold, there was a little atrium at the corner of the court; a little atrium was at each corner of the court.

{46:22} In quattuor angulis atrii atriola disposita, quadraginta cubitorum per longum, et triginta per latum: mensuræ unius quattuor erant.
{46:22} At the four corners of the court, little atriums were positioned, forty cubits in length, and thirty in width; each of the four were of the same measure.

{46:23} Et paries per circuitum ambiens quattuor atriola: et culinæ fabricatæ erant subter porticus per gyrum.
{46:23} And there was a wall all around, encircling the four little atriums. And kitchens had been constructed under the porticos on all sides.

{46:24} Et dixit ad me: Hæc est domus culinarum, in qua coquent ministri domus Domini victimas populi.
{46:24} And he said to me: “This is the house of the kitchens, in which the ministers of the house of the Lord will cook the victims of the people.”

[Ezechiel 47]
[Ezekiel 47]

{47:1} Et convertit me ad portam domus, et ecce aquæ egrediebantur subter limen domus ad Orientem: facies enim domus respiciebat ad Orientem: aquæ autem descendebant in latus templi dextrum ad Meridiem altaris.
{47:1} And he turned me back to the gate of the house. And behold, waters went out, from under the threshold of the house, toward the east. For the face of the house looked toward the east. But the waters descended on the right side of the temple, toward the south of the altar.

{47:2} Et eduxit me per viam portæ Aquilonis, et convertit me ad viam foras portam exteriorem, viam quæ respiciebat ad Orientem: et ecce aquæ redundantes a latere dextro.
{47:2} And he led me out, along the way of the north gate, and he turned me back toward the way outside the exterior gate, the way which looked toward the east. And behold, the waters overflowed on the right side.

{47:3} Cum egrederetur vir ad Orientem, qui habebat funiculum in manu sua, et mensus est mille cubitos: et traduxit me per aquam usque ad talos.
{47:3} Then the man who held the rope in his hand departed toward the east, and he measured one thousand cubits. And he led me forward, through the water, up to the ankles.

{47:4} Rursumque mensus est mille, et traduxit me per aquam usque ad genua:
{47:4} And again he measured one thousand, and he led me forward, through the water, up to the knees.

{47:5} et mensus est mille, et traduxit me per aquam usque ad renes. Et mensus est mille, torrentem, quem non potui pertransire: quoniam intumuerant aquæ profundi torrentis, qui non potest transvadari.
{47:5} And he measured one thousand, and he led me forward, through the water, up to the waist. And he measured one thousand, into a torrent, through which I was not able to pass. For the waters had risen to become a profound torrent, which was not able to be crossed.

{47:6} Et dixit ad me: Certe vidisti fili hominis. Et eduxit me, et convertit ad ripam torrentis.
{47:6} And he said to me: “Son of man, certainly you have seen.” And he led me out, and he turned me back to the bank of the torrent.

{47:7} Cumque me convertissem, ecce in ripa torrentis ligna multa nimis ex utraque parte.
{47:7} And when I had turned myself around, behold, on the bank of the torrent, there were very many trees on both sides.

{47:8} Et ait ad me: Aquæ istæ, quæ egrediuntur ad tumulos sabuli Orientalis, et descendunt ad plana deserti, intrabunt mare, et exibunt, et sanabuntur aquæ.
{47:8} And he said to me: “These waters, which go forth toward the hillocks of sand to the east, and which descend to the plains of the desert, will enter the sea, and will go out, and the waters will be healed.

{47:9} Et omnis anima vivens, quæ serpit, quocumque venerit torrens, vivet: et erunt pisces multi satis postquam venerint illuc aquæ istæ, et sanabuntur et vivent omnia, ad quæ venerit torrens.
{47:9} And every living soul that moves, wherever the torrent arrives, will live. And there will be more than enough fish, after these waters have arrived there, and they will be healed. And all things will live, where the torrent arrives.

{47:10} Et stabunt super illas piscatores, ab Engaddi usque ad Engallim siccatio sagenarum erit: plurimæ species erunt piscium eius, sicut pisces maris magni, multitudinis nimiæ:
{47:10} And fishermen will stand over these waters. There will be the drying of nets, from Engedi even to Eneglaim. There will be very many kinds of fish within it: a very great multitude, like the fish of the great sea.

{47:11} in littoribus autem eius, et in palustribus non sanabuntur, quia in salinas dabuntur.
{47:11} But on its shore and in the marshes, they will not be healed. For these will be made into salt pits.

{47:12} Et super torrentem orietur in ripis eius ex utraque parte omne lignum pomiferum: non defluet folium ex eo, et non deficiet fructus eius: per singulos menses afferet primitiva, quia aquæ eius de sanctuario egredientur: et erunt fructus eius in cibum, et folia eius ad medicinam.
{47:12} And above the torrent, on its banks on both sides, every kind of fruit tree will rise up. Their foliage will not fall away, and their fruit will not fail. Every single month they will bring forth first-fruits. For its waters will go forth from the sanctuary. And its fruits will be for food, and its leaves will be for medicine.”

{47:13} Hæc dicit Dominus Deus: Hic est terminus, in quo possidebitis terram in duodecim tribubus Israel: quia Ioseph duplicem funiculum habet.
{47:13} Thus says the Lord God: “This is the border, by which you shall possess the land, in accord with the twelve tribes of Israel. For Joseph shall have a double portion.

~ The phrase ‘duplicem funiculum’ literally refers to a double rope, i.e. the rope or line used to measure each portion.

{47:14} Possidebitis autem eam singuli æque ut frater suus: super quam levavi manum meam ut darem patribus vestris: et cadet terra hæc vobis in possessionem.
{47:14} And you shall possess it, each one in equal manner as his brother. I lifted up my hand over it, so that I might give it to your fathers. And this land shall fall to you as a possession.

{47:15} Hic est autem terminus terræ: ad plagam Septentrionalem a mari magno via Hethalon, venientibus Sedada,
{47:15} Now this is the border of the land toward the northern region, from the great sea, by the way of Hethlon, arriving at Zedad:

{47:16} Emath, Berotha, Sabarim, quæ est inter terminum Damasci et confinium Emath, domus Tichon, quæ est iuxta terminum Auran.
{47:16} Hamath, Berothah, Sibraim, which is between the border of Damascus and the confines of Hamath, the house of Ticon, which is beside the border of Hauran,

{47:17} Et erit terminus a Mari usque ad atrium Enon terminus Damasci, et ab Aquilone ad Aquilonem: terminus Emath plaga Septentrionalis.
{47:17} and the border will be from the sea, even to the entrance of Enon, at the border of Damascus, and from the north to the north, at the border of Hamath, on the northern side.

{47:18} Porro plaga Orientalis de medio Auran, et de medio Damasci, et de medio Galaad, et de medio terræ Israel, Iordanis disterminans ad mare Orientale, metiemini etiam plagam Orientalem.
{47:18} Moreover, the eastern region will be from the midst of Hauran, and from the midst of Damascus, and from the midst of Gilead, and from the midst of the land of Israel, to the Jordan, marking the boundary to the eastern sea. For so shall you measure the eastern region.

{47:19} Plaga autem australis meridiana a Thamar usque ad Aquas Contradictionis Cades: et torrens usque ad mare magnum: et hæc est plaga ad Meridiem australis.
{47:19} Now the southern region, toward the meridian, will be from Tamar, even to the Waters of Contradiction at Kadesh, and from the Torrent, even to the great sea. And this is the southern region, toward the meridian.

{47:20} Et plaga Maris, mare magnum a confinio per directum, donec venias Emath: hæc est plaga Maris.
{47:20} And the region toward the sea will have its confines from the great sea continuing directly until one arrives at Hamath. This is the region of the sea.

{47:21} Et dividetis terram istam vobis per tribus Israel:
{47:21} And you shall divide this land among yourselves according to the tribes of Israel.

{47:22} et mittetis eam in hereditatem vobis, et advenis, qui accesserint ad vos, qui genuerint filios in medio vestrum: et erunt vobis sicut indigenæ inter filios Israel: vobiscum divident possessionem in medio tribuum Israel.
{47:22} And you shall distribute it by lot as an inheritance, for yourselves and for the new arrival who will be added to you, who will conceive sons in your midst. And they shall be to you as the indigenous among the sons of Israel. They shall divide the possession with you, in the midst of the tribes of Israel.

{47:23} In tribu autem quacumque fuerit advena, ibi dabitis possessionem illi, ait Dominus Deus.
{47:23} And in whatever tribe the new arrival will be, there you shall give a possession to him, says the Lord God.”

[Ezechiel 48]
[Ezekiel 48]

{48:1} Et hæc nomina tribuum a finibus Aquilonis iuxta viam Hethalon pergentibus Emath, atrium Enan terminus Damasci ad Aquilonem iuxta viam Emath. Et erit ei plaga Orientalis Mare, Dan una.
{48:1} “And these are the names of the tribes, from the parts of the north, beside the way of Hethlon, continuing on to Hamath, at the entrance of Enon, to the border of Damascus toward the north, beside the way of Hamath. And from the region of the east to the sea, there will be one portion for Dan.

{48:2} Et super terminum Dan, a plaga Orientali usque ad plagam Maris, Aser una:
{48:2} And beyond the border of Dan, from the eastern region, even to the region of the sea, there shall be one portion for Asher.

{48:3} et super terminum Aser, a plaga Orientali usque ad plagam Maris, Nephthali una.
{48:3} And beyond the border of Asher, from the eastern region, even to the region of the sea, there shall be one portion for Naphtali.

{48:4} Et super terminum Nephthali, a plaga Orientali usque ad plagam Maris, Manasse una.
{48:4} And beyond the border of Naphtali, from the eastern region, even to the region of the sea, there shall be one portion for Manasseh.

{48:5} Et super terminum Manasse, a plaga Orientali usque ad plagam Maris, Ephraim una.
{48:5} And beyond the border of Manasseh, from the eastern region, even to the region of the sea, there shall be one portion for Ephraim.

{48:6} Et super terminum Ephraim a plaga Orientali usque ad plagam Maris, Ruben una.
{48:6} And beyond the border of Ephraim, from the eastern region, even to the region of the sea, there shall be one portion for Reuben.

{48:7} Et super terminum Ruben, a plaga Orientali usque ad plagam Maris, Iuda una.
{48:7} And beyond the border of Reuben, from the eastern region, even to the region of the sea, there shall be one portion for Judah.

{48:8} Et super terminum Iuda, a plaga Orientali usque ad plagam Maris, erunt primitiæ, quas separabitis, vigintiquinque millibus latitudinis et longitudinis, sicuti singulæ partes a plaga Orientali usque ad plagam Maris: et erit sanctuarium in medio eius.
{48:8} And beyond the border of Judah, from the eastern region, even to the region of the sea, there shall be the first-fruits, which you shall separate, twenty-five thousand in width, and in length, the same as each one of the portions from the eastern region, even to the region of the sea. And the sanctuary shall be in its midst.

{48:9} Primitiæ, quas separabitis Domino: longitudo vigintiquinque millibus, et latitudo decem millibus.
{48:9} The first-fruits, which you shall separate to the Lord, shall be, in length, twenty-five thousand, and in width, ten thousand.

{48:10} Hæ autem erunt primitiæ sanctuarii sacerdotum: ad Aquilonem longitudinis vigintiquinque millia, et ad Mare latitudinis decem millia, sed et ad Orientem latitudinis decem millia, et ad Meridiem longitudinis vigintiquinque millia: et erit sanctuarium Domini in medio eius.
{48:10} And these shall be the first-fruits for the sanctuary of the priests: toward the north, in length, twenty-five thousand, and toward the sea, in width, ten thousand, but also, toward the east, in width, ten thousand, and toward the south, in length, twenty-five thousand. And the sanctuary of the Lord shall be in its midst.

{48:11} Sacerdotibus sanctuarium erit de filiis Sadoc, qui custodierunt ceremonias meas, et non erraverunt cum errarent filii Israel, sicut erraverunt et Levitæ.
{48:11} The sanctuary shall be for the priests from the sons of Zadok, who observed my ceremonies and did not go astray, when the sons of Israel went astray, just as the Levites also went astray.

~ The sons of Zadok are not literally the descendents of Zadok, but rather all those priests and Levites who remained faithful to the ordinances of the Lord when so many others went astray. The name Zadok means ‘righteous.’ A number of different persons are called Zadok in Scripture. These individual were perhaps given the name ‘Zadok’ by Scripture because their behavior was righteous; they were not necessarily given the name Zadok from childhood.

{48:12} Et erunt eis primitiæ de primitiis terræ Sanctum Sanctorum, iuxta terminum Levitarum.
{48:12} And so the foremost of the first-fruits of the land, the Holy of Holies, beside the border of the Levites, shall be for them.

{48:13} Sed et Levitis similiter iuxta fines sacerdotum vigintiquinque millia longitudinis, et latitudinis decem millia. Omnis longitudo viginti et quinque millium, et latitudo decem millium.
{48:13} But also the Levites, similarly, shall have, beside the borders of the priests, twenty-five thousand in length, and ten thousand in width. The entire length shall be twenty-five thousand, and the width shall be ten thousand.

{48:14} Et non venundabunt ex eo, neque mutabunt, neque transferentur primitiæ terræ, quia sanctificatæ sunt Domino.
{48:14} And they shall not sell from it, nor exchange, and the first-fruits of the land shall not be transferred. For these have been sanctified to the Lord.

{48:15} Quinque millia autem quæ supersunt in latitudine per vigintiquinque millia, profana erunt urbis in habitaculum, et in suburbana: et erit civitas in medio eius.
{48:15} But the five thousand that is left over, out of the twenty-five thousand in width, will be a profane place of the city for dwelling and for the suburbs. And the city shall be in the center.

{48:16} Et hæ mensuræ eius: ad plagam Septentrionalem quingenta et quattuor millia: et ad plagam Meridianam, quingenta et quattuor millia: et ad plagam Orientalem, quingenta et quattuor millia: et ad plagam Occidentalem, quingenta et quattuor millia.
{48:16} And these shall be its measurements: on the northern side, four thousand and five hundred; and on the southern side, four thousand and five hundred; and on the eastern side, four thousand and five hundred; and on the western side, four thousand and five hundred.

{48:17} Erunt autem suburbana civitatis ad Aquilonem ducenta quinquaginta, et ad Meridiem ducenta quinquaginta, et ad Orientem ducenta quinquaginta, et ad Mare ducenta quinquaginta.
{48:17} But the suburbs of the city shall be: to the north, two hundred and fifty; and to the south, two hundred and fifty; and to the east, two hundred and fifty; and to the sea, two hundred and fifty.

{48:18} Quod autem reliquum fuerit in longitudine secundum primitias sanctuarii, decem millia in Orientem, et decem millia in Occidentem, erunt sicut primitiæ sanctuarii: et erunt fruges eius in panes his, qui serviunt civitati.
{48:18} Now what will remain of the length, in accord with the first-fruits of the sanctuary, ten thousand in the east, and ten thousand in the west, shall be as the first-fruits of the sanctuary. And its produce will be for the bread of those who serve the city.

{48:19} Servientes autem civitati, operabuntur ex omnibus tribubus Israel.
{48:19} And those who serve the city will be taken from all the tribes of Israel.

{48:20} Omnes primitiæ, vigintiquinque millium, per vigintiquinque millia in quadrum, separabuntur in primitias sanctuarii, et in possessionem civitatis.
{48:20} All the first-fruits, of the twenty-five thousand by twenty-five thousand square, shall be separated as the first-fruits of the sanctuary and as the possession of the city.

{48:21} Quod autem reliquum fuerit, principis erit ex omni parte primitiarum sanctuarii, et possessionis civitatis e regione vigintiquinque millium primitiarum usque ad terminum Orientalem: sed et ad Mare e regione vigintiquinque millium usque ad terminum maris, similiter in partibus principis erit: et erunt primitiæ sanctuarii, et sanctuarium templi in medio eius.
{48:21} And what will remain shall be for the prince out of every portion of the first-fruits of the sanctuary and of the possession of the city, from the region of the twenty-five thousand of the first-fruits, even to the eastern border. But also to the sea from the region of the twenty-five thousand, even to the border of the sea, similarly shall be the portion of the prince. And the first-fruits of the sanctuary, and the sanctuary of the temple, shall be in its center.

{48:22} De possessione autem Levitarum, et de possessione civitatis in medio partium principis: erit inter terminum Iuda et inter terminum Beniamin, et ad principem pertinebit.
{48:22} Now from the possession of the Levites, and from the possession of the city, which are in the midst of the prince’s portions, whatever is between the border of Judah and the border of Benjamin, shall also belong to the prince.

{48:23} Et reliquis tribubus: A plaga Orientali usque ad plagam Occidentalem, Beniamin una.
{48:23} And for the remainder of the tribes, from the eastern region, even to the western region, there shall be one portion for Benjamin.

{48:24} Et contra terminum Beniamin, a plaga Orientali usque ad plagam Occidentalem, Simeon una.
{48:24} And opposite the border of Benjamin, from the eastern region, even to the western region, there shall be one portion for Simeon.

{48:25} Et super terminum Simeonis, a plaga Orientali usque ad plagam Occidentalem, Issachar una.
{48:25} And beyond the border of Simeon, from the eastern region, even to the western region, there shall be one portion for Issachar.

{48:26} Et super terminum Issachar, a plaga Orientali usque ad plagam Occidentalem, Zabulon una.
{48:26} And beyond the border of Issachar, from the eastern region, even to the western region, there shall be one portion for Zebulun.

{48:27} Et super terminum Zabulon, a plaga Orientali usque ad plagam Maris, Gad una.
{48:27} And beyond the border of Zebulun, from the eastern region, even to the region of the sea, there shall be one portion for Gad.

{48:28} Et super terminum Gad, ad plagam Austri in Meridie: et erit finis de Thamar usque ad aquas contradictionis Cades, hereditas contra mare magnum.
{48:28} And beyond the border of Gad, toward the southern region, in the meridian, the last part shall be from Tamar, even to the Waters of Contradiction at Kadesh, as the inheritance opposite the great sea.

{48:29} Hæc est terra, quam mittetis in sortem tribubus Israel: et hæ partitiones earum, ait Dominus Deus.
{48:29} This is the land that you shall distribute by lot to the tribes of Israel, and these shall be their portions, says the Lord God.

{48:30} Et hi egressus civitatis: A plaga Septentrionali quingentos et quattuor millia mensurabis.
{48:30} And these shall be the exits of the city: from the northern region, you shall measure four thousand and five hundred.

{48:31} Et portæ civitatis ex nominibus tribuum Israel, portæ tres a Septentrione, porta Ruben una, porta Iuda una, porta Levi una.
{48:31} And the gates of the city shall be according to the names of the tribes of Israel. There shall be three gates from the north: the gate of Reuben one, the gate of Judah one, the gate of Levi one.

{48:32} Et ad plagam Orientalem, quingentos et quattuor millia: et portæ tres, porta Ioseph una, porta Beniamin una, porta Dan una.
{48:32} And to the eastern region, there shall be four thousand and five hundred. And there shall be three gates: the gate of Joseph one, the gate of Benjamin one, the gate of Dan one.

{48:33} Et ad plagam Meridianam, quingentos et quattuor millia metieris: et portæ tres, porta Simeonis una, porta Issachar una, porta Zabulon una.
{48:33} And to the southern region, you shall measure four thousand and five hundred. And there shall be three gates: the gate of Simeon one, the gate of Issachar one, the gate of Zebulun one.

{48:34} Et ad plagam Occidentalem, quingentos et quattuor millia, et portæ eorum tres, porta Gad una, porta Aser una, porta Nephthali una.
{48:34} And to the western region, there shall be four thousand and five hundred, and their three gates: the gate of Gad one, the gate of Asher one, the gate of Naphtali one.

{48:35} Per circuitum, decem et octo millia: et nomen civitatis ex illa die, Dominus ibidem.
{48:35} Along circumference, there shall be eighteen thousand. And the name of the city, from that day, shall be: ‘The Lord is in that very place.’ ”

The Sacred Bible: The Prophecy of Ezekiel

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