The Sacred Bible: The Third Letter of John
[III Ioannes 1]
[3 John 1]
{1:1} Senior Gaio charissimo, quem ego diligo in veritate.
{1:1} The Elder, to Gaius, most beloved, whom I love in the truth.
{1:2} Charissime, de omnibus orationem facio prospere te ingredi, et valere, sicut prospere agit anima tua.
{1:2} Most beloved, concerning everything, I make it my prayer that you may benefit by advancing and succeeding in whatever may be to the benefit of your soul.
{1:3} Gavisus sum valde venientibus fratribus, et testimonium perhibentibus veritati tuæ, sicut tu in veritate ambulas.
{1:3} I was very glad when the brothers arrived, and when they offered testimony to the truth in you, that you are walking in the truth.
{1:4} Maiorem horum non habeo gratiam, quam ut audiam filios meos in veritate ambulare.
{1:4} I have no greater grace than this, when I hear that my sons are walking in the truth.
{1:5} Charissime, fideliter facis quidquid operaris in fratres, et hoc in peregrinos,
{1:5} Most beloved, you should act faithfully in whatever you do for the brothers, and those who are sojourners;
{1:6} qui testimonium reddiderunt charitati tuæ in conspectu Ecclesiæ: quos, benefaciens, deduces digne Deo.
{1:6} they have given testimony to your charity in the sight of the Church. You would to well to lead these ones worthily to God.
{1:7} Pro nomine enim eius profecti sunt, nihil accipientes a Gentibus.
{1:7} For they set out, on behalf of his name, accepting nothing from the unbelievers.
~ The term ‘Gentiles’ in this context refers, not to Christians who were not formerly Jews, but to unbelievers.
{1:8} Nos ergo debemus suscipere huiusmodi, ut cooperatores simus veritatis.
{1:8} Therefore, we must accept such as these, in order that we may cooperate with the truth.
{1:9} Scripsissem forsitan Ecclesiæ: sed is, qui amat primatum genere in eis, Diotrephes, non recipit nos.
{1:9} As it happens, I had written to the church. But Diotrephes, who loves to bear the highest rank among them, would not accept us.
~ John addresses this letter to an individual, Gaius, because a troublemaker in the Church was making it ineffective for him to write directly to the Church in that city.
{1:10} propter hoc, si venero, commonebo eius opera, quæ facit: verbis malignis garriens in nos: et quasi non ei ista sufficient: neque ipse suscipit fratres: et eos, qui suscipiunt, prohibet, et de Ecclesia eiicit.
{1:10} Because of this, when I come, I will admonish his works which he does, babbling against us with malicious words. And as if this were not sufficient for him, he himself does not receive the brothers. And those who do receive them, he hinders, and he ejects them from the church.
{1:11} Charissime, noli imitari malum, sed quod bonum est. Qui benefacit, ex Deo est: qui malefacit, non vidit Deum.
{1:11} Most beloved, do not be willing to imitate what is evil; instead imitate what is good. Whoever does good is of God. Whoever does evil has not seen God.
{1:12} Demetrio testimonium redditur ab omnibus, et ab ipsa veritate, sed et nos testimonium perhibemus: et nosti quoniam testimonium nostrum verum est.
{1:12} Testimony is being given for Demetrius by everyone, and by the truth itself. And we also offer testimony. And you know that our testimony is true.
{1:13} Multa habui tibi scribere: sed nolui per atramentum et calamum scribere tibi.
{1:13} I had many things to write to you, but I am not willing, through ink and pen, to write to you.
~ It seems to me that John is not willing to trust everything to writing because there are troublemakers within the Church he is writing to, who might distort what he is saying, or who might not deliver it. Letters in past times were often hand delivered by some trusted person who was traveling to the same place. John seems to lack the ability to send someone who would be widely accepted to that Church.
{1:14} Spero autem protinus te videre, et os ad os loquemur. Pax tibi. Salutant te amici. Saluta amicos nominatim.
{1:14} Yet I hope to see you soon, and then we will speak face to face. Peace to you. The friends greet you. Greet the friends by name.
The Sacred Bible: The Third Letter of John
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