The Sacred Bible: The First Letter to the Thessalonians
1 2 3 4 5
[I Thessalonicenses 1]
[1 Thessalonians 1]
{1:1} Paulus, et Silvanus, et Timotheus Ecclesiæ Thessalonicensium in Deo Patre, et Domino Iesu Christo.
{1:1} Paul and Sylvanus and Timothy, to the church of the Thessalonians, in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
{1:2} Gratia vobis, et pax. Gratias agimus Deo semper pro omnibus vobis, memoriam vestri facientes in orationibus nostris sine intermissione,
{1:2} Grace and peace to you. We give thanks to God always for all of you, keeping the memory of you in our prayers without ceasing,
{1:3} memores operis fidei vestræ, et laboris, et charitatis, et sustinentiæ spei Domini nostri Iesu Christi, ante Deum et Patrem nostrum:
{1:3} remembering your work of faith, and hardship, and charity, and enduring hope, in our Lord Jesus Christ, before God our Father.
~ The word ‘laboris’ is often best translated as ‘hardship’ or ‘difficulties,’ as in the sufferings that accompany living according to Christ, rather than translating it as ‘labor,’ which seems in English to refer to work or employment in general.
{1:4} scientes fratres, dilecti a Deo, electionem vestram:
{1:4} For we know, brothers, beloved of God, of your election.
{1:5} quia Evangelium nostrum non fuit ad vos in sermone tantum, sed et in virtute, et in Spiritu Sancto, et in plenitudine multa, sicut scitis quales fuerimus in vobis propter vos.
{1:5} For our Gospel has not been among you in word alone, but also in virtue, and in the Holy Spirit, and with a great fullness, in the same manner as you know we have acted among you for your sake.
{1:6} Et vos imitatores nostri facti estis, et Domini, excipientes Verbum in tribulatione multa, cum gaudio Spiritus Sancti:
{1:6} And so, you became imitators of us and of the Lord, accepting the Word in the midst of great tribulation, but with the joy of the Holy Spirit.
{1:7} ita ut facti sitis forma omnibus credentibus in Macedonia, et in Achaia.
{1:7} So have you become a pattern for all who believe in Macedonia and in Achaia.
{1:8} A vobis enim diffamatus est sermo Domini, non solum in Macedonia, et in Achaia, sed et in omni loco fides vestra, quæ est ad Deum, profecta est, ita ut non sit nobis necesse quidquam loqui.
{1:8} For from you, the Word of the Lord was spread, not only in Macedonia and in Achaia, but also in every place. Your faith, which is toward God, has advanced so much so that we do not need to speak to you about anything.
{1:9} Ipsi enim de nobis annunciant qualem introitum habuerimus ad vos: et quomodo conversi estis ad Deum a simulacris, servire Deo vivo, et vero,
{1:9} For others are reporting among us of the kind of acceptance we had among you, and how you were converted from idols to God, to the service of the living and true God,
{1:10} et expectare Filium eius de cælis (quem suscitavit a mortuis) Iesum, qui eripuit nos ab ira ventura.
{1:10} and to the expectation of his Son from heaven (whom he raised up from the dead), Jesus, who has rescued us from the approaching wrath.
[I Thessalonicenses 2]
[1 Thessalonians 2]
{2:1} Nam ipsi scitis, fratres, introitum nostrum ad vos, quia non inanis fuit:
{2:1} For you yourselves know, brothers, that our acceptance among you was not empty.
{2:2} sed ante passi, et contumeliis affecti (sicut scitis) in Philippis, fiduciam habuimus in Deo nostro loqui ad vos Evangelium Dei in multa solicitudine.
{2:2} Instead, having previously suffered and been treated shamefully, as you know, at Philippi, we had confidence in our God, so as to speak the Gospel of God to you with much solicitude.
{2:3} Exhortatio enim nostra non de errore, neque de immunditia, neque in dolo,
{2:3} For our exhortation was not in error, nor from impurity, nor with deception.
{2:4} sed sicut probati sumus a Deo ut crederetur nobis Evangelium: ita loquimur non quasi hominibus placentes, sed Deo, qui probat corda nostra.
{2:4} But, just as we have been tested by God, so that the Gospel would be entrusted to us, so also did we speak, not so as to please men, but rather to please God, who tests our hearts.
{2:5} Neque enim aliquando fuimus in sermone adulationis, sicut scitis: neque in occasione avaritiæ: Deus testis est:
{2:5} And neither did we, at any time, become flattering in speech, as you know, nor did we seek an opportunity for avarice, as God is witness.
{2:6} nec quærentes ab hominibus gloriam, neque a vobis, neque ab aliis.
{2:6} Nor did we seek the glory of men, neither from you, nor from others.
{2:7} Cum possemus vobis oneri esse ut Christi Apostoli: sed facti sumus parvuli in medio vestrum, tamquam si nutrix foveat filios suos.
{2:7} And although we could have been a burden to you, as Apostles of Christ, instead we became like little ones in your midst, like a nurse cherishing her children.
{2:8} Ita desiderantes vos, cupide volebamus tradere vobis non solum Evangelium Dei, sed etiam animas nostras: quoniam charissimi nobis facti estis.
{2:8} So desirous were we for you that we were willing to hand over to you, not only the Gospel of God, but even our own souls. For you have become most beloved to us.
{2:9} Memores enim estis fratres laboris nostri, et fatigationis: nocte ac die operantes, ne quem vestrum gravaremus, prædicavimus in vobis Evangelium Dei.
{2:9} For you remember, brothers, our hardship and weariness. We preached the Gospel of God among you, working night and day, so that we would not be burdensome to any of you.
{2:10} Vos testes estis, et Deus, quam sancte, et iuste, et sine querela, vobis, qui credidistis, fuimus:
{2:10} You are witnesses, as is God, of how holy and just and blameless we were with you who have believed.
{2:11} sicut scitis, qualiter unumquemque vestrum (sicut pater filios suos)
{2:11} And you know the manner, with each one of you, like a father with his sons,
{2:12} deprecantes vos, et consolantes, testificati sumus, ut ambularetis digne Deo, qui vocavit vos in suum regnum, et gloriam.
{2:12} in which we were pleading with you and consoling you, bearing witness, so that you would walk in a manner worthy of God, who has called you into his kingdom and glory.
{2:13} Ideo et nos gratias agimus Deo sine intermissione: quoniam cum accepissetis a nobis Verbum auditus Dei, accepistis illud, non ut verbum hominum, sed (sicut est vere) Verbum Dei, qui operatur in vobis, qui credidistis.
{2:13} For this reason also, we give thanks to God without ceasing: because, when you had accepted from us the Word of the hearing of God, you accepted it not as the word of men, but (as it truly is) as the Word of God, who is working in you who have believed.
{2:14} Vos enim imitatores facti estis fratres Ecclesiarum Dei, quæ sunt in Iudæa in Christo Iesu: quia eadem passi estis et vos a contribulibus vestris, sicut et ipsi a Iudæis:
{2:14} For you, brothers, have become imitators of the churches of God which are at Judea, in Christ Jesus. For you, too, have suffered the same things from your fellow countrymen as they have suffered from the Jews,
{2:15} qui et Dominum occiderunt Iesum, et Prophetas, et nos persecuti sunt, et Deo non placent, et omnibus hominibus adversantur,
{2:15} who also killed both the Lord Jesus, and the Prophets, and who have persecuted us. But they do not please God, and so they are adversaries to all men.
{2:16} prohibentes nos Gentibus loqui ut salvæ fiant, ut impleant peccata sua semper: pervenit enim ira Dei super illos usque in finem.
{2:16} They prohibit us to speak to the Gentiles, so that they may be saved, and thus do they continually add to their own sins. But the wrath of God will overtake them in the very end.
{2:17} Nos autem fratres desolati a vobis ad tempus horæ, aspectu, non corde, abundantius festinavimus faciem vestram videre cum multo desiderio:
{2:17} And we, brothers, having been deprived of you for a short time, in sight, but not in heart, have hurried all the more to see your face, with a great desire.
{2:18} quoniam voluimus venire ad vos: ego quidem Paulus, et semel, et iterum, sed impedivit nos Satanas.
{2:18} For we wanted to come to you, (indeed, I, Paul, attempted to do so once, and then again,) but Satan impeded us.
{2:19} Quæ est enim nostra spes, aut gaudium, aut corona gloriæ? Nonne vos ante Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum estis in adventu eius?
{2:19} For what is our hope, and our joy, and our crown of glory? Is it not you, before our Lord Jesus Christ at his return?
{2:20} Vos enim estis gloria nostra et gaudium.
{2:20} For you are our glory and our joy.
[I Thessalonicenses 3]
[1 Thessalonians 3]
{3:1} Propter quod non sustinentes amplius, placuit nobis remanere Athenis, solis:
{3:1} Because of this, willing to wait no longer, it was pleasing to us to remain at Athens, alone.
{3:2} et misimus Timotheum fratrem nostrum, et ministrum Dei in Evangelio Christi ad confirmandos vos, et exhortandos pro fide vestra:
{3:2} And we sent Timothy, our brother and a minister of God in the Gospel of Christ, to confirm you and to exhort you, on behalf of your faith,
{3:3} ut nemo moveatur in tribulationibus istis: ipsi enim scitis quod in hoc positi sumus.
{3:3} so that no one would be disturbed during these tribulations. For you yourselves know that we have been appointed to this.
{3:4} Nam et cum apud vos essemus, prædicebamus vobis passuros nos tribulationes, sicut et factum est, et scitis.
{3:4} For even while we were with you, we predicted to you that we would suffer tribulations, even as it has happened, and as you know.
{3:5} Propterea et ego amplius non sustinens, misi ad cognoscendam fidem vestram: ne forte tentaverit vos is, qui tentat, et inanis fiat labor noster.
{3:5} For this reason also, I was not willing to wait any longer, and I sent to find out about your faith, lest perhaps he who tempts may have tempted you, and our labor might have been in vain.
{3:6} Nunc autem veniente Timotheo ad nos a vobis, et annunciante nobis fidem et charitatem vestram, et quia memoriam nostri habetis bonam semper, desiderantes nos videre, sicut et nos quoque vos:
{3:6} But then, when Timothy arrived to us from you, he reported to us your faith and charity, and that you keep a good remembrance of us always, desiring to see us, just as we likewise desire to see you.
{3:7} ideo consolati sumus fratres in vobis in omni necessitate, et tribulatione nostra per fidem vestram,
{3:7} As a result, we were consoled in you, brothers, in the midst of all our difficulties and tribulations, through your faith.
{3:8} quoniam nunc vivimus, si vos statis in Domino.
{3:8} For we now live so that you may stand firm in the Lord.
~ Paul, as he had previously said, would prefer to be dead and with Christ, but he lives now, only for the sake of those members of the early Church who had been entrusted to his care and guidance.
{3:9} Quam enim gratiarum actionem possumus Deo retribuere pro vobis in omni gaudio, quo gaudemus propter vos ante Deum nostrum,
{3:9} For what thanks would we be able to repay to God because of you, for all the joy with which we rejoice over you before our God?
{3:10} nocte ac die abundantius orantes, ut videamus faciem vestram, et compleamus ea, quæ desunt fidei vestræ?
{3:10} For night and day, ever more abundantly, we are praying that we may see your face, and that we may complete those things that are lacking in your faith.
{3:11} Ipse autem Deus, et Pater noster, et Dominus noster Iesus Christus dirigat viam nostram ad vos.
{3:11} But may God our Father himself, and our Lord Jesus Christ, direct our way to you.
{3:12} Vos autem Dominus multiplicet, et abundare faciat charitatem vestram in invicem, et in omnes, quemadmodum et nos in vobis:
{3:12} And may the Lord multiply you, and make you abound in your charity toward one another and toward all, just as we also do toward you,
{3:13} ad confirmanda corda vestra sine querela in sanctitate, ante Deum et Patrem nostrum, in adventu Domini nostri Iesu Christi cum omnibus sanctis eius. Amen.
{3:13} in order to confirm your hearts without blame, in sanctity, before God our Father, unto the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, with all his saints. Amen.
[I Thessalonicenses 4]
[1 Thessalonians 4]
{4:1} De cetero ergo, fratres, rogamus vos et obsecramus in Domino Iesu, ut quemadmodum accepistis a nobis quomodo oporteat vos ambulare, et placere Deo, sic et ambuletis ut abundetis magis.
{4:1} Therefore, concerning other things, brothers, we ask and beg you, in the Lord Jesus, that, just as you have received from us the way in which you ought to walk and to please God, so also may you walk, in order that you may abound all the more.
{4:2} Scitis enim quæ præcepta dederim vobis per Dominum Iesum.
{4:2} For you know what precepts I have given to you through the Lord Jesus.
{4:3} Hæc est enim voluntas Dei, sanctificatio vestra: ut abstineatis vos a fornicatione,
{4:3} For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from fornication,
{4:4} ut sciat unusquisque vestrum vas suum possidere in sanctificatione, et honore:
{4:4} that each one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor,
{4:5} non in passione desiderii, sicut et Gentes, quæ ignorant Deum:
{4:5} not in passions of lust, like the Gentiles who do not know God,
{4:6} et nequis supergrediatur, neque circumveniat in negotio fratrem suum: quoniam vindex est Dominus de his omnibus, sicut prædiximus vobis, et testificati sumus.
{4:6} and that no one should overwhelm or circumvent his brother in business. For the Lord is the vindicator of all these things, just as we have preached and testified to you.
{4:7} Non enim vocavit nos Deus in immunditiam, sed in sanctificationem.
{4:7} For God has not called us to impurity, but to sanctification.
{4:8} Itaque qui hæc spernit, non hominem spernit, sed Deum: qui etiam dedit Spiritum suum Sanctum in nobis.
{4:8} And so, whoever despises these teachings, does not despise man, but God, who has even provided his Holy Spirit within us.
{4:9} De charitate autem fraternitatis non necesse habemus scribere vobis: ipsi enim vos a Deo didicistis ut diligatis invicem.
{4:9} But concerning the charity of brotherhood, we have no need to write to you. For you yourselves have learned from God that you should love one another.
{4:10} Etenim illud facitis in omnes fratres in universa Macedonia. Rogamus autem vos fratres ut abundetis magis,
{4:10} For indeed, you act in this way with all the brothers in all of Macedonia. But we petition you, brothers, so that you may abound all the more,
{4:11} et opera detis ut quieti sitis, et ut vestrum negotium agatis, et operemini manibus vestris, sicut præcepimus vobis:
{4:11} to choose work that allows you to be tranquil, and to carry out your business and to do your work with your own hands, just as we have instructed you,
{4:12} et ut honeste ambuletis ad eos, qui foris sunt: et nullius aliquid desideretis.
{4:12} and to walk honestly with those who are outside, and to desire nothing belonging to another.
{4:13} Nolumus autem vos ignorare fratres de dormientibus, ut non contristemini sicut et ceteri, qui spem non habent.
{4:13} And we do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, concerning those who are sleeping, so as not to be sorrowful, like these others who do not have hope.
{4:14} Si enim credimus quod Iesus mortuus est, et resurrexit: ita et Deus eos, qui dormierunt per Iesum, adducet cum eo.
{4:14} For if we believe that Jesus has died and risen again, so also will God bring back with Jesus those who sleep in him.
{4:15} Hoc enim vobis dicimus in Verbo Domini, quia nos, qui vivimus, qui residui sumus in adventum Domini, non præveniemus eos, qui dormierunt.
{4:15} For we say this to you, in the Word of the Lord: that we who are alive, who remain until the return of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep.
{4:16} Quoniam ipse Dominus in iussu, et in voce Archangeli, et in tuba Dei descendet de cælo: et mortui, qui in Christo sunt, resurgent primi.
{4:16} For the Lord himself, with a command and with the voice of an Archangel and with a trumpet of God, shall descend from heaven. And the dead, who are in Christ, shall rise up first.
{4:17} Deinde nos, qui vivimus, qui relinquimur, simul rapiemur cum illis in nubibus obviam Christo in aera, et sic semper cum Domino erimus.
{4:17} Next, we who are alive, who are remaining, shall be taken up quickly together with them into the clouds to meet Christ in the air. And in this way, we shall be with the Lord always.
{4:18} Itaque consolamini invicem in verbis istis.
{4:18} Therefore, console one another with these words.
[I Thessalonicenses 5]
[1 Thessalonians 5]
{5:1} De temporibus autem, et momentis fratres non indigetis ut scribamus vobis.
{5:1} But concerning dates and times, brothers, you do not need us to write to you.
~ The word ‘momentis’ means movement, but often refers to time because the (apparent) movement of the sun, moon, and stars is used to track time. The word can also refer to important dates or events which change, alter, or ‘move’ the course of human events.
{5:2} Ipsi enim diligenter scitis quia dies Domini, sicut fur in nocte, ita veniet.
{5:2} For you yourselves thoroughly understand that the day of the Lord shall arrive much like a thief in the night.
{5:3} Cum enim dixerint: Pax, et securitas: tunc repentius eis superveniet interitus, sicut dolor in utero habenti, et non effugient.
{5:3} For when they will say, “Peace and security!” then destruction will suddenly overwhelm them, like the labor pains of a woman with child, and they will not escape.
~ Those who will proclaim ‘peace and security’ are not the faithful, but those outside of the faith. In other words, when sinful secular society proclaims that they finally have peace and security, because all true religion (which ever accused them of their sins) seems to them to have been defeated, then the sufferings of the second part of the tribulation will overwhelm them. (Something similar, but lesser, happens during the first part of the tribulation (not long from now); when the Warning occurs, many false prophets and foolish persons will claim that the time of peace has begun, but instead the first part of the tribulation will occur.
{5:4} Vos autem fratres non estis in tenebris, ut vos dies illa tamquam fur comprehendat:
{5:4} But you, brothers, are not in darkness, so that you would be overtaken by that day as by a thief.
~ Notice that the day of the Lord does not overtake believers like a thief in the night; therefore, the faithful can know, to some extent, the future times and dates.
{5:5} omnes enim vos filii lucis estis, et filii diei: non sumus noctis, neque tenebrarum.
{5:5} For all of you are sons of light and sons of daytime; we are not of nighttime, nor of darkness.
{5:6} Igitur non dormiamus sicut et ceteri, sed vigilemus, et sobrii simus.
{5:6} Therefore, let us not sleep, as the rest do. Instead, we should be vigilant and sober.
{5:7} Qui enim dormiunt, nocte dormiunt: et qui ebrii sunt, nocte ebrii sunt.
{5:7} For those who sleep, sleep in the night; and those who are inebriated, are inebriated in the night.
{5:8} Nos autem, qui diei sumus, sobrii simus, induti loricam fidei, et charitatis, et galeam spem salutis:
{5:8} But we, who are of the daylight, should be sober, being clothed with the breastplate of faith and of charity and having, as a helmet, the hope of salvation.
{5:9} quoniam non posuit nos Deus in iram, sed in acquisitionem salutis per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum,
{5:9} For God has not appointed us for wrath, but for the acquisition of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,
{5:10} qui mortuus est pro nobis: ut sive vigilemus, sive dormiamus, simul cum illo vivamus.
{5:10} who died for us, so that, whether we watch, or whether we sleep, we may live in union with him.
{5:11} Propter quod consolamini invicem: et ædificate alterutrum, sicut et facitis.
{5:11} Because of this, console one another and build up one another, just as you are doing.
{5:12} Rogamus autem vos fratres ut noveritis eos, qui laborant inter vos, et præsunt vobis in Domino, et monent vos,
{5:12} And we ask you, brothers, to recognize those who labor among you, and who preside over you in the Lord, and who admonish you,
{5:13} ut habeatis illos abundantius in charitate propter opus illorum: pacem habete cum eis.
{5:13} so that you may consider them with an abundance of charity, for the sake of their work. Be at peace with them.
{5:14} Rogamus autem vos fratres, corripite inquietos, consolamini pusillanimes, suscipite infirmos, patientes estote ad omnes.
{5:14} And we ask you, brothers: correct the disruptive, console the weak-minded, support the sick, be patient with everyone.
{5:15} Videte ne quis malum pro malo alicui reddat: sed semper quod bonum est sectamini in invicem, et in omnes.
{5:15} See to it that no one repays evil for evil to anyone. Instead, always pursue whatever is good, with one another and with all.
{5:16} Semper gaudete.
{5:16} Rejoice always.
{5:17} Sine intermissione orate.
{5:17} Pray without ceasing.
{5:18} In omnibus gratias agite: hæc est enim voluntas Dei in Christo Iesu in omnibus vobis.
{5:18} Give thanks in everything. For this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for all of you.
{5:19} Spiritum nolite extinguere.
{5:19} Do not choose to extinguish the Spirit.
{5:20} Prophetias nolite spernere.
{5:20} Do not spurn prophecies.
{5:21} Omnia autem probate: quod bonum est tenete.
{5:21} But test all things. Hold on to whatever is good.
{5:22} Ab omni specie mala abstinete vos:
{5:22} Abstain from every kind of evil.
{5:23} Ipse autem Deus pacis sanctificet vos per omnia: ut integer spiritus vester, et anima, et corpus sine querela in adventu Domini nostri Iesu Christi servetur.
{5:23} And may the God of peace himself sanctify you through all things, so that your whole spirit and soul and body may be preserved without blame unto the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
{5:24} Fidelis est, qui vocavit vos: qui etiam faciet.
{5:24} He who has called you is faithful. He shall act even now.
{5:25} Fratres orate pro nobis.
{5:25} Brothers, pray for us.
{5:26} Salutate fratres omnes in osculo sancto.
{5:26} Greet all the brothers with a holy kiss.
{5:27} Adiuro vos per Dominum ut legatur epistola hæc omnibus sanctis fratribus.
{5:27} I bind you, through the Lord, that this epistle is to be read to all the holy brothers.
{5:28} Gratia Domini nostri Iesu Christi vobiscum. Amen.
{5:28} May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.
The Sacred Bible: The First Letter to the Thessalonians
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