The Sacred Bible: The Second Letter to the Thessalonians
1 2 3
[II Thessalonicenses 1]
[2 Thessalonians 1]
{1:1} Paulus, et Sylvanus, et Timotheus, Ecclesiæ Thessalonicensium in Deo Patre nostro, et Domino Iesu Christo.
{1:1} Paul and Sylvanus and Timothy, to the church of the Thessalonians, in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
{1:2} Gratia vobis, et pax a Deo Patre nostro, et Domino Iesu Christo.
{1:2} Grace and peace to you, from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
{1:3} Gratias agere debemus semper Deo pro vobis, fratres, ita ut dignum est, quoniam supercrescit fides vestra, et abundat charitas uniuscuiusque vestrum in invicem:
{1:3} We ought to give thanks always to God for you, brothers, in a fitting manner, because your faith is increasing greatly, and because the charity of each of you toward one another is abundant,
{1:4} ita ut et nos ipsi in vobis gloriemur in Ecclesiis Dei, pro patientia vestra, et fide, et in omnibus persecutionibus vestris, et tribulationibus, quas sustinetis
{1:4} so much so that we ourselves even glory in you among the churches of God, because of your patience and faith in all of your persecutions and tribulations that you endure,
{1:5} in exemplum iusti iudicii Dei, ut digni habeamini in regno Dei, pro quo et patimini.
{1:5} which are a sign of the just judgment of God, so that you may be held worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you also suffer.
{1:6} Si tamen iustum est apud Deum retribuere tribulationem iis, qui vos tribulant:
{1:6} For certainly, it is just for God to repay trouble to those who trouble you,
{1:7} et vobis, qui tribulamini, requiem nobiscum in revelatione Domini Iesu de cælo cum Angelis virtutis eius,
{1:7} and to repay you, who are being troubled, with a repose with us, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with the Angels of his virtue,
{1:8} in flamma ignis dantis vindictam iis, qui non noverunt Deum, et qui non obediunt Evangelio Domini nostri Iesu Christi.
{1:8} granting vindication, by a flame of fire, against those who do not know God and who are not obedient to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
{1:9} Qui pœnas dabunt in interitu æternas a facie Domini, et a gloria virtutis eius:
{1:9} These shall be given the eternal punishment of destruction, apart from the face of the Lord and apart from the glory of his virtue,
{1:10} cum venerit glorificari in sanctis suis, et admirabilis fieri in omnibus, qui crediderunt, quia creditum est testimonium nostrum super vos in die illo.
{1:10} when he arrives to be glorified in his saints, and to become a wonder in all those who have believed, in that day, because our testimony has been believed by you.
{1:11} In quo etiam oramus semper pro vobis: ut dignetur vos vocatione sua Deus noster, et impleat omnem voluntatem bonitatis, et opus fidei in virtute,
{1:11} Because of this, too, we pray always for you, so that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may complete every act of his goodness, as well as his work of faith in virtue,
{1:12} ut clarificetur nomen Domini nostri Iesu Christi in vobis, et vos in illo secundum gratiam Dei nostri, et Domini Iesu Christi.
{1:12} in order that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, in accord with the grace of our God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[II Thessalonicenses 2]
[2 Thessalonians 2]
{2:1} Rogamus autem vos fratres per adventum Domini nostri Iesu Christi, et nostræ congregationis in ipsum:
{2:1} But we ask you, brothers, concerning the advent of our Lord Jesus Christ and of our gathering to him,
{2:2} ut non cito moveamini a vestro sensu, neque terreamini, neque per spiritum, neque per sermonem, neque per epistolam tamquam per nos missam, quasi instet dies Domini.
{2:2} that you not be readily disturbed or terrified in your minds, by any spirit, or word, or epistle, supposedly sent from us, claiming that the day of the Lord is close by.
{2:3} Nequis vos seducat ullo modo: quoniam nisi venerit discessio primum, et revelatus fuerit homo peccati, filius perditionis,
{2:3} Let no one deceive you in any way. For this cannot be, unless the apostasy will have arrived first, and the man of sin will have been revealed, the son of perdition,
~ The word ‘discessio’ in this verse has long been understood in the Catholic Church to refer to the great apostasy, which occurs during the tribulation. And in as much as the tribulation is divided into two parts, then so also will there be two great apostasies, one during the first part of the tribulation, which is but a dim reflection of that more extensive great apostasy during the second part of the tribulation. The Antichrist, as one particular human person, is of the second part of the tribulation; he is not present in the world today.
{2:4} qui adversatur, et extollitur supra omne, quod dicitur Deus, aut quod colitur, ita ut in templo Dei sedeat ostendens se tamquam sit Deus.
{2:4} who is an adversary to, and who is lifted up above, all that is called God or that is worshipped, so much so that he sits in the temple of God, presenting himself as if he were God.
{2:5} Non retinetis quod cum adhuc essem apud vos, hæc dicebam vobis?
{2:5} Do you not recall that, when I was still with you, I told you these things?
{2:6} Et nunc quid detineat scitis, ut reveletur in suo tempore.
{2:6} And now you know what it is that holds him back, so that he may be revealed in his own time.
~ What is it that holds back the Antichrist from being in the present time? It is the holy Eucharist. In the generations preceding the arrival of the Antichrist, the Eucharist and the true Mass will be diminished extensively throughout the world, Christians will become a hated minority, and the world will immerse itself in every kind of sin, and in hatred for all true religion. This decline in truth and holiness occurs in the 24th century A.D., during the time of the ten kings. The birth of the Antichrist occurs in the very late 24th century, and his rise to power occurs in the early 25th century. His reign will be from 2430/2431 to 2437 A.D.
{2:7} Nam mysterium iam operatur iniquitatis: tantum ut qui tenet nunc, teneat, donec de medio fiat.
{2:7} For the mystery of iniquity is already at work. And only one now holds back, and will continue to hold back, until he is taken from our midst.
~ The one who holds back the mystery of iniquity, so that it does not result in the actual arrival of the person of the Antichrist, is Christ present in the holy Eucharist. That is why the abomination of desolation, a false Eucharist is associated with the Antichrist. When the abomination replaces the Eucharist, then the Antichrist begins his reign of terror against the Church.
{2:8} Et tunc revelabitur ille iniquus, quem Dominus Iesus interficiet spiritu oris sui, et destruet illustratione adventus sui eum:
{2:8} And then that iniquitous one shall be revealed, the one whom the Lord Jesus shall bring to ruin with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy at the brightness of his return:
~ As we learn from the Book of Revelation, the Antichrist is never killed, but he is sent alive, body and soul, with the false prophetess, into the destruction of Hellfire: “These two were cast alive into the pool of fire burning with sulphur.” (Rev 19:20). The word ‘interficiet’ does not always refer to death per se.
{2:9} cuius est adventus secundum operationem Satanæ in omni virtute, et signis, et prodigiis mendacibus,
{2:9} him whose advent is accompanied by the works of Satan, with every kind of power and signs and false miracles,
{2:10} et in omni seductione iniquitatis iis, qui pereunt: eo quod charitatem veritatis non receperunt ut salvi fierent. Ideo mittet illis Deus operationem erroris ut credant mendacio,
{2:10} and with every seduction of iniquity, toward those who are perishing because they have not accepted the love of truth, so that they may be saved. For this reason, God will send to them works of deception, so that they may believe in lies,
{2:11} ut iudicentur omnes, qui non crediderunt veritati, sed consenserunt iniquitati.
{2:11} in order that all those who have not believed in the truth, but who have consented to iniquity, may be judged.
{2:12} Nos autem debemus gratias agere Deo semper pro vobis fratres dilecti a Deo, quod elegerit vos Deus primitias in salutem in sanctificatione Spiritus, et in fide veritatis:
{2:12} Yet we must always give thanks to God for you, brothers, beloved of God, because God has chosen you as first-fruits for salvation, by the sanctification of the Spirit and by faith in the truth.
{2:13} in qua et vocavit vos per Evangelium nostrum in acquisitionem gloriæ Domini nostri Iesu Christi.
{2:13} He has also called you into truth through our Gospel, unto the acquisition of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
{2:14} Itaque fratres state: et tenete traditiones, quas didicistis, sive per sermonem, sive per epistolam nostram.
{2:14} And so, brothers, stand firm, and hold to the traditions that you have learned, whether by word or by our epistle.
{2:15} Ipse autem Dominus noster Iesus Christus, et Deus et Pater noster, qui dilexit nos, et dedit consolationem æternam, et spem bonam in gratia,
{2:15} So may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who has loved us and who has given us an everlasting consolation and good hope in grace,
{2:16} exhortetur corda vestra, et confirmet in omni opere, et sermone bono.
{2:16} exhort your hearts and confirm you in every good word and deed.
[II Thessalonicenses 3]
[2 Thessalonians 3]
{3:1} De cetero fratres orate pro nobis ut sermo Dei currat, et clarificetur, sicut et apud vos:
{3:1} Concerning other things, brothers, pray for us, so that the Word of God may advance and be glorified, just as it is among you,
{3:2} et ut liberemur ab importunis, et malis hominibus: non enim omnium est fides.
{3:2} and so that we may be freed from pertinacious and evil men. For not everyone is faithful.
{3:3} Fidelis autem Deus est, qui confirmabit vos, et custodiet a malo.
{3:3} But God is faithful. He will strengthen you, and he will guard you from evil.
{3:4} Confidimus autem de vobis, in Domino, quoniam quæ præcepimus, et facitis, et facietis.
{3:4} And we have confidence about you in the Lord, that you are doing, and will continue to do, just as we have instructed.
{3:5} Dominus autem dirigat corda vestra in charitate Dei, et patientia Christi.
{3:5} And may the Lord direct your hearts, in the charity of God and with the patience of Christ.
{3:6} Denunciamus autem vobis fratres in nomine Domini nostri Iesu Christi, ut subtrahatis vos ab omni fratre ambulante inordinate, et non secundum traditionem, quam acceperunt a nobis.
{3:6} But we strongly caution you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to draw yourselves away from every brother who is walking in disorder and not according to the tradition that they received from us.
~ The prefix ‘de’ intensifies the meaning of the word.
{3:7} Ipsi enim scitis quemadmodum oporteat imitari nos: quoniam non inquieti fuimus inter vos:
{3:7} For you yourselves know the manner in which you ought to imitate us. For we were not disorderly among you.
{3:8} neque gratis panem manducavimus ab aliquo, sed in labore, et in fatigatione, nocte et die operantes, ne quem vestrum gravaremus.
{3:8} Nor did we eat bread from anyone for free, but rather, we worked night and day, in hardship and weariness, so as not to be burdensome to you.
{3:9} Non quasi non habuerimus potestatem, sed ut nosmetipsos formam daremus vobis ad imitandum nos.
{3:9} It was not as if we had no authority, but this was so that we might present ourselves as an example to you, in order to imitate us.
{3:10} Nam et cum essemus apud vos, hoc denunciabamus vobis: quoniam si quis non vult operari, nec manducet.
{3:10} Then, too, while we were with you, we insisted on this to you: that if anyone was not willing to work, neither should he eat.
{3:11} Audivimus enim inter vos quosdam ambulare inquiete, nihil operantes, sed curiose agentes.
{3:11} For we have heard that there are some among you who act disruptively, not working at all, but eagerly meddling.
{3:12} Iis autem, qui eiusmodi sunt, denunciemus, et obsecramus in Domino Iesu Christo, ut cum silentio operantes, suum panem manducent.
{3:12} Now we charge those who act in this way, and we beg them in the Lord Jesus Christ, that they work in silence and eat their own bread.
{3:13} Vos autem fratres nolite deficere benefacientes.
{3:13} And you, brothers, do not grow weak in doing good.
{3:14} Quod si quis non obedit verbo nostro per epistolam, hunc notate, et ne commisceamini cum illo ut confundatur:
{3:14} But if anyone does not obey our word by this epistle, take note of him and do not keep company with him, so that he may be ashamed.
{3:15} et nolite quasi inimicum existimare, sed corripite ut fratrem.
{3:15} But do not be willing to consider him as an enemy; instead, correct him as a brother.
{3:16} Ipse autem Dominus pacis det vobis pacem sempiternam in omni loco. Dominus sit cum omnibus vobis.
{3:16} Then may the Lord of peace himself give you an everlasting peace, in every place. May the Lord be with all of you.
{3:17} Salutatio, mea manu Pauli: quod est signum in omni epistola. Ita scribo.
{3:17} The greeting of Paul with my own hand, which is the seal in every epistle. So do I write.
{3:18} Gratia Domini nostri Iesu Christi cum omnibus vobis. Amen.
{3:18} May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
The Sacred Bible: The Second Letter to the Thessalonians
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